Renovation And Repairs, Balance Work, Electrification And Water Supply And Sanitary Items To Diet Building At Nizamabad (M) In Nizamabad District-118.00 Earth work excavation and depositing on bank (manual means) with initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 3m in Loamy & Clayey Soils like BC Soils, Red Earth & Ordinary Gravelly Soils ( SS 20-B) including all operational incidental labour charges such as shoring, strutting, sheeting, planking and dewatering including cost of hire charges of T & P, labour charges etc., complete for finished item of work excluding seignerage charges and dewatering charges etc., complete for Foundation of Building.(APSS No. 308) 14.50 Plain Cement Concrete corresponding to M5 grade as per IS 456 equivalent to (1:5:10) proportion nominal mix (cement: fine aggregate: Coarse aggregate) using natural river sand,40mm size Hard Blasted Granite (IS383, 1970) metal from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water etc. to site, including sales & other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental, and labour charges such as mixing, laying and ramming concrete in layers in position not exceeding 15cm, finishing top surface, curing concrete, etc., complete but excluding seigniorage chargesfor finished item of work for Foundations and Flooring Bed (APSS No. 402) 9.00 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M 20 Design Mix ( by weigh batching ) using natural river sand, 20mm size (SS5) hard blasted Trap machine crushed graded metal (Coarse aggregate) from approved quarry, using a minimum quantity of 350 kgs. of cement per 1 cum of concreteincluding cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc., to site and cost of all materials including centering using Steel scaffolding pipes, jack Props, wallers, Foot plates, brackets, steel Centering Plates,etc., shuttering , machine mixing, laying concrete, vibrating,lift charges, curing etc complete but excluding cost of steel and it’s fabrication charges for finished item of work but excluding seigniorage charges (APSS No. 402 & 403) For Footings 8.50 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M 20 Design Mix ( by weigh batching ) using natural river sand, 20mm size (SS5) hard blasted Trap machine crushed graded metal (Coarse aggregate) from approved quarry, using a minimum quantity of 350 kgs. of cement per 1 cum of concreteincluding cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc., to site and cost of all materials including centering using Steel scaffolding pipes, jack Props, wallers, Foot plates, brackets, steel Centering Plates,etc., shuttering , machine mixing, laying concrete, vibrating,lift charges, curing etc complete but excluding cost of steel and it’s fabrication charges for finished item of work but excluding seigniorage charges (APSS No. 402 & 403) For Columns 7.00 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M 20 Design Mix ( by weigh batching ) using natural river sand, 20mm size (SS5) hard blasted Trap machine crushed graded metal (Coarse aggregate) from approved quarry, using a minimum quantity of 350 kgs. of cement per 1 cum of concreteincluding cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc., to site and cost of all materials including centering using Steel scaffolding pipes, jack Props, wallers, Foot plates, brackets, steel Centering Plates,etc., shuttering , machine mixing, laying concrete, vibrating,lift charges, curing etc complete but excluding cost of steel and it’s fabrication charges for finished item of work but excluding seigniorage charges (APSS No. 402 & 403) For Plinth Beams 102.50 Brick Masonry in superstructure with CM (1:8) prop: using Fly ASH Bricks of size 290x225x140mm with compressive of 50 Kgs / Sqcm from approved source including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, fly ash bricks, water etc., to site, including sales & other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as mixing cement mortar, constructing masonry, scaffolding charges, lift charges, curing, etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work. (APSS No. 501 & 504) In Ground Floor. 25.00 Brick Masonry in superstructure with CM (1:8) prop: using Fly ASH Bricks of size 290x225x140mm with compressive of 50 Kgs / Sqcm from approved source including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, fly ash bricks, water etc., to site, including sales & other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as mixing cement mortar, constructing masonry, scaffolding charges, lift charges, curing, etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work. (APSS No. 501 & 504) In First Floor. 72.00 DISMANTLING clearing away and carefully stacking materials useful for reuse in Kadapa slabs or Shahabad stone slabs flooring on sand bed including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, all labour charges, sales and other taxes on all materials etc., complete for finished item of work 12.50 Plain Cement Concrete corresponding to M15 grade as per IS 456 equivalent to (1:2:4) proportion nominal mix (cement: fine aggregate: Coarse aggregate) using natural river sand, 20mm size Hard Blasted Granite (IS383, 1970) Machine Crushed graded metal from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water etc. to site, including sales & other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as mixing, laying, curing concrete, etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 402) 95.50 Providing plinth protection with a bed of 100mm thick PCC (1:5:10) using 40mm size HBG metal and on top of PCC, 20 mm thick granolithic concrete flooring with CC (1:1:2) prop; machine crushed metal of size 6mm to 12 mm laid monolithically already laid in alternate panels and finishing the top surface to required smoothness and slopes inculing grooves, thread lining as cost and coveyance of all materials to site including seignorage charges, sales & other taxes and all materials and operatinal & incidental and labour charges like mixing of cement concrete, laying ,curing lift charges etc., complete including of CC bedfor finished item of work (APSS No.701 & 710) 0.50 Plain Cement Concrete corresponding to M10 grade as per IS 456 equivalent to (1:3:6) proportion nominal mix (cement: fine aggregate: Coarse aggregate) using natural river sand, 20mm size Hard Blasted Trap (IS383, 1970) Machine Crushed graded metal from from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water etc. to site, including sales & other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as mixing, laying, curing concrete, etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work for Bed Blocks and Hold Fasts (APSS No. 402) 12.50 Reinforced cement concrete with M 20 grade Design mix ( by weigh batching ) using natural river sand, 20mm size (SS 5) machine crushed hard blasted Trap graded metal (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry using a minimum quantity of 350 Kg of cement per 1 Cum of concrete including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) ,coarse aggregate, water etc. to site and cost of all materials including centering using Steel scaffolding pipes, jack Props, wallers, Foot plates, brackets, steel Centering Plates,etc., shuttering, machine mixing, laying concrete, for sunshade of 7.5cm thick at fixed end and 5cm thick at free end with an average thickness of 6.25cm including labour charges for mixing, laying, curing etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work. For 50mm Platform in First floor 44.00 Providing and Fixing of 24 guage alluminium sheet over expansion joint groove of width 15cm fixed to walls / columns at one edge and resting over the other blcok walls / columns concealing expansion joint with slotted holes for free edge of aluminium sheet to faciliate free movement of aluminium sheet over the finished surface of expansion joint and wall face using sheet metal screws with nylon receiver complete including cost and convenyance of all materials to site, all incidental , operational labour charges etc.,, complete for finsihed item of work as per approved drawing ( for all floors for vertical joints and bottom of slab). 122.00 Providing impervious coat with required slopes in CM (1:3) prop. 20mm thick (average) mixed with water proofing compound manufactured by reputed manufacturers as approved by Engineer-in-charge at 1Kg/bag of cement, laid over roof slab when it is green, finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement and thread lining at regular intervals of 45cmx45cm including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water proofing compound, water etc., to site, sales & other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as mixing mortar, laying, rounding off at junctions of wall and slab, rendering smooth with thread lining, curing, lift charges, etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 901 & 903) In Ground floor. 164.50 Providing impervious coat with required slopes in CM (1:3) prop. 20mm thick (average) mixed with water proofing compound manufactured by reputed manufacturers as approved by Engineer-in-charge at 1Kg/bag of cement, laid over roof slab when it is green, finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement and thread lining at regular intervals of 45cmx45cm including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water proofing compound, water etc., to site, sales & other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as mixing mortar, laying, rounding off at junctions of wall and slab, rendering smooth with thread lining, curing, lift charges, etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 901 & 903) In First floor. 19.50 Reinforced cement mortar Facia 5 cm thick in CM (1:3) for drop walls, Fins & staircase railing with rabbit wire mesh & nominal reinforcement as directed by Engineer-in-charge with dubara spong finishing including cost & conveyence of all materials to site, including sales and other taxes on all materials and all operational, incidental charges such as labour charges, like mixing cement mortar, scaffolding charges, lift charges, curing, for making 50 mm thick RCM Paradah walls (RCM Drop walls) including tying Rabbit (chicken) wire mesh to the existing mild steel / HYSD Steel reinforcement applying mortar lumps, finishing, plastering to both faces, sponge finishing etc complete for finished item of work but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges and seigniorage charges in All Floors 1097.00 Plastering 12mm thick in two coats with base coat of 8mm thick in CM (1:6) and top coat of 4mm thick in CM (1:4) dubara sponge finish including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water etc., to site, sales & other taxes on all materials,all operational, incidental and labour charges such as mixing mortar, scaffolding charges, lift charges, including cutting of Grooves wherever necessary as directed by Engineer - in - charge, finishing, curing, etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for Even Surfaces of Wall for finished item of work. (APSS 901,903 & 904) In Ground floor. 52.50 Flooring with Ceramic Tiles of 7.3mm thick 1st. quality of Non-skid red or white full body Ceramic floor tiles of size not less than 300 x 300 mm and thickness between 7-8 size as approved by Engineer - in - charge set over a base coat of CM (1:8), 12mm thick laid over flooring bed / V.R.C.C. slab, with neat cement slurry of honey like consistency spread at the rate of 3.3 Kgs of cement per Sq.m and jointed with neat white cement paste to full depth mixed with pigment of matching shade including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water, ceramic tiles etc. to site, sales and other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as mixing of cement mortar, laying, curing, lift charges etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work.(APSS No.701 & 707) In Ground floor. 153.50 Dadooing to walls with any color glazed tiles 1st. quality of any size of brand as approved by Engineer - in - charge and set over a base coat of CM (1:5), 12mm thick and neat cement paste at the rate of 3.3 Kg/Sqmt. and jointed with white cement paste mixed with pigment of matching shade including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water, tiles, etc. to site, sales and other taxes on all materials, C921 such as mixing of cement mortar, laying in position, curing, lift charges etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work (APSS No.701 & 707) In Ground floor. 212.00 Flooring with Double charged / multi charged stain free full body porcelain vitrified tiles with double layer pigment of size 600 x 600 mm and thickness between 8-10 mm 1st quality conforming to IS:15622 - 2017, IS:13630 (Parts 1 to 15) of any colour and finish in all shades and designs with borders and design as per the approved flooring pattern as directed by the Engineer-In -Charge, laying tiles using spacers of 2mm thick, set over a base coat of CM (1:8) prop. 12mm thick using screened sand over CC bed already laid or RCC roof slab , including neat cement slurry of honey like consistancy spread @ 3.3 kgs per Sqm. and jointed neately with white cement paste to full depth mixed with pigment of matching shade including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water, tiles, white cement etc., to site (excluding cost of C.C. bed) including cost of base coat and all labour charges for mixing of cement mortar, laying tiles to required slope as directed by the Engineer- in-charge etc.,and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS No.701 & 707) In Ground floor. 21.00 Providing skirting to internal walls to 10 cm height with Double charged/ multi charged stain free full body porcelain Vitrified tiles with double pigment of size 600 x 600mm and thickness between 8-10 mm, of any colour and finish, length equal to flooring tiles, set over base coat of CM(1:5) 12 mm thick using screened sand with cement slurry of honey like consistency spread at the rate of 3.30 kgs per sqm and jointing with white cement paste mixed with pigment of matching shade to full depth, including cost of all materials like tiles, cement, sand and water etc.,and overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work.(APSS No.701 &707) In Ground floor. 1.00 Reinforced Cement Concrete M 20 Design Mix ( by weigh batching ) using natural river sand, 20mm size (SS5) hard blasted Trap machine crushed graded metal (Coarse aggregate) from approved quarry, using a minimum quantity of 350 kgs. of cement per 1 cum of concrete including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (Sand), coarse aggregate, water etc., to site and cost of all materials including centering using Steel scaffolding pipes, jack Props, wallers, Foot plates, brackets, steel Centering Plates,etc., shuttering , machine mixing, laying concrete, lift charges, curing etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and it’s fabrication charges but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 402 & 403) For Lintels in First floor 3.50 Reinforced cement concrete with M 20 grade Design mix ( by weigh batching ) using natural river sand, 20mm size (SS 5) machine crushed hard blasted Trap graded metal (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry using a minimum quantity of 350 Kg of cement per 1 Cum of concrete including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) ,coarse aggregate, water etc. to site and cost of all materials including centering using Steel scaffolding pipes, jack Props, wallers, Foot plates, brackets, steel Centering Plates,etc., shuttering, machine mixing, laying concrete, for sunshade of 7.5cm thick at fixed end and 5cm thick at free end with an average thickness of 6.25cm including labour charges for mixing, laying, curing etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work. For Sunshades in First Floor. 2000.00 Fabricating, supplying and fixing of MS gate for compound wall by using MS tubes, angles and square rods as per approved designs and drawings including fixing in position, cost conveyance of all materials and labour charges for finished item of work 0.50 Plain Cement Concrete corresponding to M10 grade as per IS 456 equivalent to (1:3:6) proportion nominal mix (cement: fine aggregate: Coarse aggregate) using natural river sand, 20mm size Hard Blasted Trap (IS383, 1970) Machine Crushed graded metal from from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water etc. to site, including sales & other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as mixing, laying, curing concrete, etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work for Bed Blocks and Hold Fasts (APSS No. 402) In First floor. 89.50 Ornamental Plastering 12mm thick in two coats with base coat of 8mm thick in CM (1:5) and top coat of 4mm thick in CM (1:3) dubara sponge finish including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water etc., to site, sales & other taxes on all materials,all operational, incidental and labour charges such as mixing mortar, scaffolding charges, lift charges, including cutting of Grooves wherever necessary as directed by Engineer - in - charge, finishing, curing, etc., complete for Even Surfaces of Wall but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work. (APSS 901,903 & 904) In First floor. 386.50 Plastering 12mm thick in two coats with base coat of 8mm thick in CM (1:6) and top coat of 4mm thick in CM (1:4) dubara sponge finish including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water etc., to site, sales & other taxes on all materials,all operational, incidental and labour charges such as mixing mortar, scaffolding charges, lift charges, including cutting of Grooves wherever necessary as directed by Engineer - in - charge, finishing, curing, etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for Even Surfaces of Wall for finished item of work. (APSS 901,903 & 904) In First floor. 117.00 Flooring with Polished Shabad/Tandur blue Slabas 15 to 18 mm thick set over a base coat of CM (1:8), 12mm thick (joints of stone must be flushed) over C.C. bed already laid or R.C.C. roof slab only after it is properly cured, cleaned, moistered and where necessary treated with neat grey cement slurry of honey like consistency spred at3.3 kgs of cement for 1 sqm. and jointed with neat cement paste to full depth, including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water, flooring stones etc. to site, sales and other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as dressing of flooring stones to the required sizes, mixing of cement mortar, laying, jointing, curing, lift charges etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work.(APSS No.703 & 701) In First floor. 5.50 Providing skirting to internal walls 12.5 Cm high with 16 to 18mm thick high polished granite stone slabs of other than black colour and regular colours approved by the engineer-incharge with length equal to flooring stones set over a base coat of CM (1:3), 12mm thick with cement slurry of honey like consistency spread @ 3.3 Kgs per sqm and jointed with neat cement paste mixed with pigment of matching shade to full depth (joints of stone should be flushed), including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water, flooring stones etc. to site, sales and other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as dressing of flooring stones to the required sizes, mixing of cement mortar, laying, jointing, curing, lift charges etc., complete but excluding seigniorage charges for finished item of work.(APSS No.701 & 707) In First floor. 33.50 Roofing with 0.5mm thick galvanized / pre painted G.I. profiled sheets fixed to the purlins with 14 size self drilling screws with neoprene washer. Side laps are stitched with self tapping / drilling screws. End laps are to be sealed with 25x3 mm Butyl tape. The sheets are provided with anti capillary grove 30.00 Providing and fixing factory made solid Wood Polymer Composite (WPC) single extruded Door Frame section of 100*65 MM with encapsulation of 6 MM rigid layer on all external surfaces. The door frame will have a rebate of 32MM/ 37 MM. The two Vertical members are to be joined together with the horizontal member using 8x75 MM long MS Star full thread screws to be used with reverse forward speed control hand drilling machine. The ready/assembled door frame is fixed to wall using Z Hand fast 300 MM long hold fast. As per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge for finished item of work 9.00 Supplying and fixing of 28/30 mm thick Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) Door shutter, comprising of 70% virgin polymer, 15% wood powder (fiber), and the remaining 15% additives, comprising of virgin PVC polymer of K value 58-60 (Suspension grade), Calcium carbonate and natural fibers (wood powder) and non toxic additives (maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100 gms) having minimum door density of 650 kg/cum, screw withdrawal strength 1800N (Face) & 900N (Edge), Modulus of Elasticity 900N/mm2 and resistance to spread of flame of Class A category with property of being termite/borer proof, water/moisture proof and fire retardant and fixed in position with stainless steel butt hinges of required size with necessary full body threaded star headed counter sunk SS screws all as per direction of Engineer - in- Charge 99.00 Providing and applying Wall putty of White Cement or Polymer or Cement based of average 1 to 2 mm thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials, applying emery paper, Sand the surface, clean & wipe off loose dust, applying knifing paste filler by putty knife / muslin pad, air dry for 2 - 3 hrs, sand with 180 and 320 No., emery paper for the surface preparation including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges, over heads and contractors profit etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors for Internal walls. In Ground floor at Principal chamber. 284.50 Painting to New walls with two coats of Acrylic Emulsion paint of superior quality of approved brand and shade over base coat of cement primer interior grade -I making three coats in all to give an even shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all loose powdered materials, including cost and conveyance of all materials, including cost and conveyance of all materials, cost of brushes, water to site, etc., sales & other taxes, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as scaffolding charges, lift charges, curing etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors for internal Walls.(APSS No. 912) in All Floors 2299.00 Painting to New walls with two coats of Acrylic Emulsion paint of superior quality of approved brand and shade over base coat of cement primer exterior grade -II making three coats in all to give an even shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all loose powdered materials, including cost and conveyance of all materials, including cost and conveyance of all materials, cost of brushes, water to site, etc., sales & other taxes, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as scaffolding charges, lift charges, curing etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors for external Walls.(APSS No. 912) In Ground floor. 330.00 Painting to New walls with two coats of Acrylic Emulsion paint of superior quality of approved brand and shade over base coat of cement primer exterior grade -II making three coats in all to give an even shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all loose powdered materials, including cost and conveyance of all materials, including cost and conveyance of all materials, cost of brushes, water to site, etc., sales & other taxes, all operational, incidental and labour charges such as scaffolding charges, lift charges, curing etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors for external Walls.(APSS No. 912) In First floor. 3.00 Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD) steel bars (Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-1985) of 8mm to 40mm diameters, (AF star TMT/MS Life TMT, Radha TMT, SUGNA TMT) cutting, bending, to required sizes and shapes placing in position with cover blocks of approved size and binding wire of 20SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings including cost and conveyance of bars from approved sources to site of work, including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks, chairs, overlaps, spacers, dowels, wastage etc., and all operational, incidental, and labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying etc., and sales & other taxes,on cost of all materials complete for finished item of work (APSS No.126) In Ground floor. 1.50 Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD) steel bars (Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-1985) of 8mm to 40mm diameters, (AF star TMT/MS Life TMT, Radha TMT, SUGNA TMT) cutting, bending, to required sizes and shapes placing in position with cover blocks of approved size and binding wire of 20SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings including cost and conveyance of bars from approved sources to site of work, including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks, chairs, overlaps, spacers, dowels, wastage etc., and all operational, incidental, and labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying etc., and sales & other taxes,on cost of all materials complete for finished item of work (APSS No.126) In First floor. 30.00 Supply and fixing of 110mm dia ISI mark PVC rain water spouts of 4 Kg/cm2 pressure including Cost of necessary pvc bends, shoes and M.S.clamps and all other accessories and fixing in position including cost and conveyance of all materials to site , seigniorage charges sales and other taxes on all materials, all operational, incidental and labour cahrges such as fixing in alignment etc., complete for finished item of work.(APSS NO1328) in All Floors 6.00 Supplying and fixing 580 mm x 440 mm long Orissa pan white glazed Water Closet 1st qualityISI marked confirming to IS:2556-Part-3-1981 with "P" or "S" trap Hindware / Parryware / Neycer with brick masonry seat, CC squatting plate and fixing 12.70mm dia NP Push cock 1st quality , P trap or S trap of Indian W.C. shall be encased on CC (1:2:4) 150mm alround well above the joint to stop leakage at the joint etc., complete including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, cost of CC bed, labour charges and seigniorage charges etc., complete for finished item of work. 5.00 Constructing 904.0 mm (3’0”) dia brick masonry inspection chamber as per IS - 4111: Part-1:1986 with cement mortar (1:6) prop using 2nd Class Clay Bricks of 225 mm thick from approved source having a minimum crushing strength of 5 N/ including plastering with cement mortar 1:3 prop; ½” thick both inside and outside fitted with 20” dia RCC manhole covers and frames including excavating pits up to a depth of 904 mm (3'-0") in all sorts of soils (exculding rock) and laying cement conrete (1:4:8) 150 mm thick using 40 mm HBG Metal and P.C.C. 1:2:4 benching and channel 100 mm thick as per Standard specification and including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, bricks, water etc., to site, cost of seigniorage charges on all materials and all incidental and operational, labour charges like mixing cement mortar, constructing masonry, lift charges, curing etc., complete for finished item of work as per Standard specification. 50.00 Supplying and fixing of SWR/ PVC pipes (as per ISI standards) 4 Kg/ Prince/sudhakar or any ISI brand and fixing all special such as plain bends, off sets, door bends, single junctions, double junctions as per site requirement, fixing with PVC clamps if necessary with required number of Bombay nails including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, labour charges etc.complete for finished item of work at all floor levels. (APSS No. 1302 1319 & 1326) For 90mm dia 3 Mts single socket 100.00 Supplying and fixing of SWR/ PVC pipes (as per ISI standards) 4 Kg/ Prince/sudhakar or any ISI brand and fixing all special such as plain bends, off sets, door bends, single junctions, double junctions as per site requirement, fixing with PVC clamps if necessary with required number of Bombay nails including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, labour charges etc.complete for finished item of work at all floor levels. (APSS No. 1302 1319 & 1326) For 110mm dia 3 Mts single socket 50.00 Supplying and fixing of SWR/ PVC pipes (as per ISI standards) 4 Kg/ Prince/sudhakar or any ISI brand and fixing all special such as plain bends, off sets, door bends, single junctions, double junctions as per site requirement, fixing with PVC clamps if necessary with required number of Bombay nails including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, labour charges etc.complete for finished item of work at all floor levels. (APSS No. 1302 1319 & 1326) For 160mm dia pipe double Socket 150.00 Supply and fixing of Ashirvad/Ajay/Astral Flowgaurd or equivalent CPVC pipes and fittings to meet the requirement of ASTM-D 2846 and are produced in CTS( copper tube sizes 1/4" to 2" ) ashirwad flowgaurd SDR11 and SDR 13.5 pipes are made from identical CPVC components having the same physical properties for Hot and cold Water confirming to (IS 15778-2007) For 28.60mm dia pipe 100.00 Supply and fixing of Ashirvad/Ajay/Astral Flowgaurd or equivalent CPVC pipes and fittings to meet the requirement of ASTM-D 2846 and are produced in CTS( copper tube sizes 1/4" to 2" ) ashirwad flowgaurd SDR11 and SDR 13.5 pipes are made from identical CPVC components having the same physical properties for Hot and cold Water confirming to (IS 15778-2007) For 34.90mm dia pipe 20.00 Supplying and fixing of 15 mm brass body CP finish bib tap of not less than 300 grams weight screw type (full turn) with internal /external threaded conenction conforming to IS 8931 including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors. 200.00 "ELECTRIFICATION: Supply and Fixing of ISI 25mm outer dia mediumgrade, FRLS with IS:9537 part 3 regid PVC pipe. concealed in wall with all required accessories including masonary work for light, fan and separate plug point with 8 or 9 Module Hot dip galvanized Metal Box including all labour charges etc., complete. Makes : Sudhakar / Goldmedal / Modi / AKG / VIP / MillionPlast / Precision " 130.00 "Wiring with 2 runs of 22/0.3mm (1.5 Fire Retardant Low Smoke (FRLS) / HFFR P.V.C. insulated 1100 V Grade as per IS: 694 / 1990 specification for flexible copper cable (ISI MARK) in existing pipe with 6A 1 way modular switch, Ceiling rose including all labour charges etc., complete for light, bell, fan and exhaust fan points in Non-Residential Buildings Makes of Wires : Finolex / RR kabel / Havells / Polycab / KEI (HFFR) /DEC (HFFR)/ V-Guard (HFFR). Makes of Switches : Legrand Myrius / Havells Fabio / Million mway/ Gold Medal Curve / Anchor Roma viola / CPL Vysma/ Vimal / GM Four-Five / Salzar / Infinity" 20.00 Supply and fixing of 6A 3/2 pin Modular wall plug socket with shutter and 6A 1 way modular switch control on a common switch board with earth continuity including wire leads, earth connections along with all labour charges etc., complete. Makes of Switches : Legrand myreus/Crabtree verona / Gold Madel curve / Million / LogusAnchor Roma viola / Great White /CPL/Vimal/ GM four-five/HPL/L&T/Salzar / Stanjo 10.00 Supply and Fixing of 16A/6A 3pin plug socket with shutter and 16A modular switch control duly recessed in wall with Galvanised hot deep box of with common switch board including earth connections and all labour charges etc., complete. Makes of Switches : Legrand myreus/Crabtree verona / Gold Madel curve / Million / LogusAnchor Roma viola / Great White /CPL/Vimal/ GM four-five/HPL/L&T 300.00 Supply and run of 3 of 2.5 Sq mm PVC F.R L.S. / HFFR P.V.C. insulated flexible copper cable 1100 V grade as per IS: 694 / 1990 specifications in the existing conduit pipe for run of mains from main panel board to TPN DB'S with pin type lugs and connection. Makes of Wires : Finolex / RR kabel / Havells / Polycab / KEI (HFFR) /DEC (HFFR)/ V-Guard (HFFR). 40.00 Supply and transportation of 20W +/- 10%, >/ 2000 lumens, 1200mm length LED retro tube light, housing made with aluminum anodised body, wide operating voltage with double side connection, PF≥0.9, Surge protection: > 2KV, THD<15%, with inbuilt driver and frosted cover CCT: 3000K - 6500K as desired by the department and as per ISspecifications, minimum CRI≥80,.etc complete with 50,000 burning hours with BIs Certification. LUMINAIRE MAKE: Phillips / OSRAM / Wipro / Crompton / Bajaj / Havells / Jaquar / IB LED / Panasonic / Halonix / HPL / Syska / Eveready / Surya / Keselec. LED MAKE : PHILIPS LUMILEDS / CREE / NICHIA / OSRAM / SAMSUNG / LG LEDs. 10.00 "Supply, transportation and fixing ISI mark batten holder / slanting holder Makes : Anchor / Gold Medal Olive / Million Zoom in lieu of ceiling rose of light point complete with all connections and all labour charges with 0.5W LED Lamp MAKES: Phillips / OSRAM / GE Venture / Wipro / Crompton / Bajaj / Havells " 10.00 Supply, Transportation of energy efficient fan, 1200 mm sweep, aluminium body, consuming 28 W, BEE 5 star rated, ceiling fan with Brush Less Direct Current(BLDC)motor, class of insulation: B, 3 no's blades, 30 cm long down rod, 2 no's canopies, shackle'kit, safety rope, copper winding, Power Factor greater than 0.90, Service Value (CMMAV) greater than 8.5, Air delivery minimum 235 CMM, 350 RPM( tolerance as per IS:374-2019), THD less than 10%. with remote or compatible to electronic step type regulator unit for speed control and all remaining accessories including safety pin, nut bolts, washers, temperature rise=75 degree C(max), insulation resistance more than 2 mega ohm, suitable for 230V, 50 HZ, single phase AC supply, earthing etc., including all standard accessories etc., complete. Makes : Atomberg (Efficio ) / Havells / Orient 10.00 Supply and fixing of modular Electronic stept type fan regulator hum free step type socket size with MS box, front plate in the existing switch board ( Modular Type ) Makes :Makes : Legrand Arteor / Schneider Zen celo / Honeywell Blenge Plus / Cabtree Amare / Logus Platina. 10.00 "Labour charges for Fixing of Ceiling fan and regulator including transportation and giving connections with twin core wire etc., complete. Makes : Finolex / RR Kabel / Havells / Polycab / GM / Million / V-Guard / Gold Medal / Kundancab / HPL / RPG /Nandicab / Nakoda / Payal / Finecab / Gemini / Vimal /Suncab" 1.00 Providing independent earthing for Important equipment with 40mm dia 'B' class 2.5m long G.I pipe and 19mm dia 'B' class G.I pipe of 0.3mtr. long connected with reducer providing G.I funnel with mesh enclosed in C.C/ brick massonry chamber of 450m x 450m x 400mm with R.C.C. Slab cover duly providing staggered holes filling with 20Kg Salt and 40Kg Charcoal or 40Kg bentonite powder from the bottom of the pipe giving earth connection from electrode through G.I strip of 40 x 6mm x 200mm length with all accessories and labour charges complete, as per IS specifications 732/1982 (Part II)