Tender For Linking Of Babur Bagan Khal To Main Chorial Khal- 1 Bamboo pile walling made of 65 mm to 75 mm dia. Bamboo (in single line) driven about half length into the ground at very close spacing side by side including necessary bamboo stays, ties, runners etc and lining the exposed portion with sheets made form cut-drums fitted and fixed complete as per direction. (Payment to be made on length of wall(c) With bamboos of length above 2.40 m. and up to 3.00 m. each 2 Supplying Eucalyptus-bullah piles at work site,including dressing and maiking one end pointed iii)150mm dia meter 3 Supplying Eucalyptus-bullah piles at work site,including dressing and maiking one end pointed i)100mm diameter 4 Cool tarring on wooden surfaces including cost of materials a)Double Coat 5 Labour for diving Sal_bullah/Eucalyptus bullah piles by monkey in sorts of soil including hoisting and placing piles in position ,protecting the pile head with iron ring and cutting and shapping heads before and after driving and including hire and labour for necessary driving appiances and all tackles. (iii)150 mm diameter 6 Labour for fitting and fixing 10 cm. to 13 cm. diameter Sal-bullah/Eucalyptus-bullah as ties and runners including necessary nails,bolts and nuts. 7 EARTHWORK IN RE-EXCAVATION / SILT CLEARANCE IN DRAINAGE CHANNEL IN ALL KINDS OF SOIL INCLUDING SLUDGE, SLUSH MIXED WITH ALL SORTS OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES AND MUNICIPAL GARBAGES, POLYPACKS, CARCASSES, SMALL KHATAL EFFLUENTS, NIGHT SOIL ETC. BY MATHOR LABOUR AS MAY BE NECESSARY AND DEPOSITING THE SAME IN PLACES AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE , IN SUCH A MANNER, WITHOUT CAUSING MUCH HINDRANCE TO TRAFFIC AND POSING HEALTH HAZARD AND MAKING ARRANGEMENT TO MAINTAIN THE SITE IN WORKABLE CONDITION AND ROUGH DRESSING WHEN DRY INCLUDING MAKING ARRANGEMENT OF BAILING OUT OF ANY SEEPAGE WATER AND REMOVAL OF SAND OR SOIL BLOWN FROM UNDERNEATH, REMOVAL OF KHATAL, TEMPORARY LATRINES, CLEARING AND REMOVING ALL KINDS OF SEMI COMPACT MASSES FORMED BY WATER HYACINTH, JUNGLES UP TO 30 CM GIRTH, AND BURNING THEM TO ASHES OR REMOVING OUTSIDE GOVERNMENT LAND IN CONFORMITY WITH THE MUNICIPAL RULES, INCLUDING SHORING SHUTTERING AS REQUIRED, NICKING OUT LINES ETC. (MEASUREMENT : PRE-WORK AND POST-WORK LEVEL SECTION. PRE- WORK SECTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER REMOVAL OF WATER HYACINTH AND ALL OTHER FLOATING MATERIALS ETC.) (B) BY MECHANICAL MEANS USING HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS WITHIN AN INITIAL LEAD OF 30 M AND AN INITIAL LIFT OF 3.0 M 8 EARTHWORK FOR RIVERS, CHANNELS, CANALS, EMBANKMENTS ETC.1.12.Earthwork in re-excavation / silt clearance in drainage channel in all kinds of soil including sludge, slush mixed with all sorts of industrial wastes and municipal garbages, polypacks, carcasses, small khatal effluents, night soil etc. by mathor labour as may be necessary and depositing the same in places as directed by the Engineer-in-charge , in such a manner, without causing much hindrance to traffic and posing health hazard and making arrangement to maintain the site in workable condition and rough dressing when dry including making arrangement of bailing out of any seepage water and removal of sand or soil blown from underneath, removal of khatal, temporary latrines, clearing and removing all kinds of semi compact masses formed by water hyacinth, jungles up to 30 cm girth, and burning them to ashes or removing outside Government land in conformity with the Municipal rules, including shoring shuttering as required, nicking out lines etc.(Measurement : Pre-work and Post-work level section. Pre- work section to be taken after removal of water hyacinth and all other floating materials etc.) (a) By manual means within an initial lead of 30 M and an initial lift of 1.50 M 9 EARTHWORK FOR RIVERS, CHANNELS, CANALS, EMBANKMENTS ETC.1.13.Extra rate for additional lead of earthwork in item Nos. 1.11 & 1.12 above. (a) Each additional lead of 15 M or part thereof beyond 30 M up to 90 M 10 EARTHWORK FOR RIVERS, CHANNELS, CANALS, EMBANKMENTS ETC.1.13. Extra rate for additional lead of earthwork in item Nos. 1.11 & 1.12 above. (b) Each additional lead of15 M or part thereof beyond 90 M up to 210 M 11 EARTHWORK FOR RIVERS, CHANNELS, CANALS, EMBANKMENTS ETC.1.13. Extra rate for additional lead of earthwork in item Nos. 1.11 & 1.12 above. (c) Each additional lead of 15 M or part thereof beyond 210 M up to 510 M 12 EARTHWORK FOR RIVERS, CHANNELS, CANALS, EMBANKMENTS ETC.1.09.Disposal / carriage of excavated earth / materials outside Government land by truck or by any otherconveyance over kancha / pucca road including making access for plying the truck or any other conveyance beyond 300 m from the excavated point including cost of stacking,loading, unloading, transporting, arrangement of land, if required by agency, spreading and levelling as necessary etc. complete.Measurement : By stacks at loading point after deducting voids as per rule. (This item can only be used after obtaining permission from the concerned Superintending Engineer). 13 CHAPTER - VII MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Dewatering by pumps including all leads, lifts and making all arrangements of disposal. where continuous flow of water from a source other than natural or ground water is encountered in case of emergency maintenance works related to leakage. breakage and making wet connections. [Note ;- In case of any other situation demanding such emergency dewatering. use of this item is to be approved by the Superintending Engineer/Tender Accepting Authority. This item shall be executed on the specific direction duly supported by proper clarification of the E.I.C. who will be satisfied in absolute discretion that such work has not been necessitated due to any natural source of water or any fault of the Contractor] 14 BUILDING WORKS. (T)MISCELLANEOUS WORKS: A. SPECIAL WORKS. I. HORTICULTURE: 7.Planting of trees ( Avenue plants) in 0.60m dia holea, 1m deep dug in the ground, mixing the soil with decayed farm yard/sludge manure. This includes supply of labour, tools & plants including materials but excluding cost of tree. 15 BUILDING WORKS. (T)MISCELLANEOUS WORKS: A. SPECIAL WORKS. I. HORTICULTURE: 8.Maintanance of trees for one year (Avenue Plants) including watering, trimming, manuring, spraying insecticide and guarding as required. This includes supply of labour, tools & plants including materials. 16 MATERIALS AND LABOUR 1. Building (A) Materials delivered and stacked at site: 6)d)Silver Sand. Note: 1. The above rates are inclusive of all charges such as Royalty, Supervision Charges, etc. and also include allowance for sinkage, as applicable, and/or shrinkage and 10% Contractor?s Profit but exclusive of GST 2. Rates for Sand and Brick/ Jhama/ Bats items are complete rates at site and no other costs need to be considered. For other items, necessary loading-unloading & carriage charges are admissible. 3. Laterrite Boulder &Moorum are available in the districts as mentioned in Sl. No. ? 23 & 24 respectively, remaining districts may add necessary carriage cost as applicable. (6th Corrigenda & addenda dated 29.07.2019) 17 PROTECTIVE AND LINING WORKS IN CANALS & CHANNELS AND OTHER FLOOD PROTECTIVE MEASURES 2.24.Supplying to site empty cement polythene bags (capacity 50kg) in good condition including stacking, incedental charges etc. all complete (capacity 50 kg). 18 PROTECTIVE AND LINING WORKS IN CANALS & CHANNELS AND OTHER FLOOD PROTECTIVE MEASURES 2.27.Labour charges for filling empty cement gunny bag / polythene bag (capacity 50 kg) with all kinds of earth (wet or dry), sand or agreegates(stone / brick) and sewing as done in case of cement bags ,( tying with a knot after filling will not be accepted ) , and stacking within a lead of 30 metre as per direction of Engr-in-charge (cost is excluding the cost of any types of filling materials). NB:- Volume of earth/ sand filled bags should not be less than 0.028 cum/bag 19 PROTECTIVE AND LINING WORKS IN CANALS & CHANNELS AND OTHER FLOOD PROTECTIVE MEASURES 2.29.Dumping in position earth / sand filled gunny / poly bags (capacity 50kg) within a lead of 30 metre inclusive of all lifts. 20 PROTECTIVE AND LINING WORKS IN CANALS & CHANNELS AND OTHER FLOOD PROTECTIVE MEASURES 2.32.Removing earth/sand filled poly bags/gunny bags from the channel bed/slope and initially depositing the same near channel bank at a place as directed by the Engineer-in Charge for measurement of Bag. & then disposing off the same at a distance not less than 150 metre from the channel site. 21 CLEARING JUNGLE INCLUDING UPROOTING OF TRUNK, VEGITATION,GRASS, BRUSH, WOOD, TREES, WATER HYAINTH, AQUATIC WEEDS FROM WATER BODY AND SAPLINGS OF GIRTH UPTO 30 CM BELOW THE LEVEL OF WATER AND HEIGHT OF 1M ABOVE THE SURFACE OF WATER AND SUITABLY DISPOSED UPTO A DISTANCE OF 50M FROM THE OUTSIDE OF PERIPHERY OF THE WATER BODY 22 BUILDING WORKS (B) DISMANTLING, CUTTING CHASE, HOLES ETC. 1. Dismantling all types of masonry excepting cement concrete plain or reinforced, stacking serviceable materials at site and removing rubbish as directed within a lead of 75 m. (a) In ground floor including roof. 23 BUILDING WORKS (B) DISMANTLING, CUTTING CHASE, HOLES ETC 2. Dismantling all types of plain cement concrete works, stacking serviceable materials at site and removing rubbish as directed within a lead of 75 m In ground floor including roof. (a) upto 150 mm. thick 24 BUILDING WORKS (B) DISMANTLING, CUTTING CHASE, HOLES ETC 13. Removal of rubbish,earth etc. from the working site and disposal of the same beyond the compound, in conformity with the Municipal / Corporation Rules for such disposal, loading into truck and cleaning the site in all respect as per direction of Engineer in charge 25 BUILDING WORKS (A) EARTH WORK,ANTITERMITE TREATMENT 4. (A) Filling in foundation or plinth by silver sand in layers not exceeding 150 mm as directed and consolidating the same by thorough saturation with water, ramming complete including the cost of supply of sand. (payment to be made on measurement of finished quantity) 26 BUILDING WORKS ( C ) BRICKWORKS, CONCRETE WORKS Etc. A. BRICK WORKS 1. Single Brick Flat Soling of picked jhama bricks including ramming and dressing bed to proper level and filling joints with local sand. ( 3rd Corrigenda & addenda dated 04.06.2018) 27 BUILDING WORKS ( C ) Brickworks,Concrete Works etc B. CONCRETE WORKS 1. Cement concrete with graded jhama khoa (30 mm size) excluding shuttering In ground floor and foundation (a) 1:3:6 proportion. ( 3rd Corrigenda & addenda dated 04.06.2018) 28 COST OF SPIGOT / SOCKET TYPE OF PIPE WITH RUBBER GASKET bore dia in mm 2000 thickness in mm 170 standard length in m. 2.5 29 Laying of R.C.C. pipe with spigot ... socket/Roll on jointed pipe, lowering the same into the trench laying on the bed in trenches in prescribed gradient, depth and alignment, filling the end grooves with necessary bitumastic compound, filling caulking space with tarred gasket or with rubber gasket of appropriate size & covering with cement mortar (1:2) & testing the joints etc. complete as per drawing, specification including carriage of pipes from site stacks to the place of laying etc. & as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.(Payment to be made on the basis of actual finished length of the pipe line). A) Class NP-3 Pipe a) 2000 mm dia 30 BUILDING WORKS ( C ) Brickworks,Concrete Works etc A. BRICK WORKS 7. Brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4) (b) In superstructure, ground floor. ( 3rd Corrigenda & addenda dated 04.06.2018) 31 BUILDING WORKS ( C ) Brickworks,Concrete Works etc?36...Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary staging upto 4 m using approved stout props and thick hard wood planks of approved thickness with required bracing for concrete slabs, beams and columns, lintels curved or straight including fitting, fixing and striking out after completion of works (upto roof of ground floor).(When the height of a particular floor is more than 4 m the equivalent floor height shall be taken as 4 m and extra for works beyond the initial 4 m ht. shall be allowed under 12 (e) for every 4 m or part thereof).(a) 25 mm to 30 mm thick wooden shuttering as per decision & direction of Engineer-In-Charge.Notes:- For shuttering in shell roof, grid roof with vertical faces folded plate, arched roof the rate in 36 (a), 36 (b) & 37 (c ) of subhead B above to be increased by 100 % . For grid roof with splayed faces, rate is to be increased by 150%. 32 BUILDING WORKS ( C ) Brickworks,Concrete Works etc.24..Providing Bored Cast-in-situ____________ grade R.C.C. pile in position as per specifications in all kinds of soil including cost of boring using drilling mud to stabilize the bore and flushing the bore of excess mud with freshly prepared drilling fluid by using pumps prior to placing concrete by tremie pipe in one continuous operation and including the cost of all materials and labour for placing of concrete and also including the cost of mobilization and hire charges of all equipment necessary for boring, welding of reinforcement cage as necessary and lowering of reinforcement cage, preparation and placing of concrete, including the cost of concrete but excluding the cost of reinforcement and labour for bending binding etc. complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications and removal of excavated earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m. Work to be executed as per IS: 2911 (Part II Sec 2).(b) Using tripod, winches.i) Pile diameter - 450 mm.Note: 1. The rate provided is exclusive of cost of concrete. Construction wing is to add cost of concrete of desired grade for volume corresponding to 1.0m length of pile length, to arrive at the complete rate. Also the desired crushing strength is to be mentioned in the space provided in the description of item. The Rate of providing the temporary steel casing upto 3m depth is included. 2.To obtain the complete rate the construction wing have to add cost of concrete volume for 1m length of pile, multiplied by a factor:[1+ { dummy length of pile( max=1.5m) / Individual pile length}] 3. The cost of dismantling the length of the pile above cut off level is to be paid separately. 33 BUILDING WORKS ( C ) Brickworks,Concrete Works etc.40..Reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in all sorts of structures including distribution bars, stirrups, binders etc initial straightening and removal of loose rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire at every intersection, complete as per drawing and direction.(a) For works in foundation and upto roof of ground floor/upto 4 m.(i) Tor steel/Mild Steel.I. SAIL/ TATA/RINL. (10th Corrigenda & addenda dated 22.01.2020) 34 ORDINARY CEMENT CONCRETE ( MIX 1:1.5:3 ) WITH GRADED STONE CHIPS ( 20 MM NOMINAL SIZE) EXCLUDING SHUTTERING AND REINFORCEMENT, IF ANY, IN GROUND FLOOR AS PER RELEVANT IS CODES (BASED ON PWD SCHEDULE OF RATES, W.E.F. 01.11.2017 WITH CORRIGENDA DT.04.06.2018) 35 PRECAST CEMENT CONCRETE BLOCKS OR LINING UNITS AS PER DESIGNED SIZE AND SPECIFICATION, WITH WELL GRADED STONE METAL AGGREGATE, INCLUDING DRESSING RAMMING, SHUTTERING, FINISHING THE TOP SURFACE WITH 1:3 CEMENT AND SAND MORTAR, CURING, TRANSPORTING AND LAYING THE BLOCKS OR LINING UNITS AT WORKSITE IN POSITION, OVER FILTER, LAYER, KEEPING A GAP OF 6MM BETWEEN THE ADJACENT UNITS, BY SUE OF REMOVABLE PLYBOARDS OR NON REMOVABLE THERMOCOL BOARDS, WITH ALL LEADS AND LIFTS, INCLUDING SUPPLY AND CARRIAGE OF ALL MATERIALS COMPLETE. (THE RATE IS EXCLUSIVE OF THE COST OF STONE AGGREGATE AND ITS CARRIAGE UPTO SITE. CONSTRUCTION WING HAS TO ADD THE COST OF SAME FROM THE SOR OF PW (ROADS) TO DERIVE THE CONSOLIDATED RATE. CONSUMPTION CHART OF THE USOR MAY BE USED FOR ASSESSING THE QUANTITY OF COARSE AGGREGATES PER CUM OF CONCRETE). WITH STONE AGGREGATE (PAKUR, NORTH BENGAL OR RAJMAHAL VARIETIES) B) NOMINAL MIX. 1:1.5:3 WITH 20 MM DOWN COARSE AGGREGATE 36 PROTECTIVE AND LINING WORKS IN CANALS & CHANNELS AND OTHER FLOOD PROTECTIVE MEASURES 2.58.Making filter with well graded 40 mm down ballasts and laying uniformly behind weep holes, below pitching on bed, side slopes including supply and carriage of all materials to site including preparing bed with earthwork up to 30 cm depth, where necessary and compacting with wooden malllet after laying to achieve designed section as per direction of the Engineer- in - Charge (measurements will be on finished work / in stack after deducting necessary void).)(a) Jhama ballast 37 CHAPTER - VIII SUPPLYING OF MATERIALS HIRE CHARGES OF MACHINERIES 8.29Hire charges for engaging Air Compressor machine with minimum pressure capacity of 5.0 Kg/sq.cm arrangement including all necessary equipments and operating staff, carriage, fuel, Tools and plants all complete for cutting Road / hard crust cutting with pneumatic hammer at desired point in water supply works as per direction of EIC . a) With Pneumatic hammers For minimum engagement of 8 hrs. In a day 38 SUPPLYING PLANTS, SHRUBS INCLUDING TRANSPORTATION, PLANTATION AT SITE WITHIN K.M.C. AREA INCLUDING ALL LABOURS, TOOLS AND PLANTS, MANURING, EXCLUDING TAXES ETC. ALL COMPLETE FOXTAIL PALM (HEIGHT NOT LESS THAN TEN FEET.) 39 SUPPLYING PLANTS, SHRUBS INCLUDING TRANSPORTATION, PLANTATION AT SITE WITHIN KMC AREA INCLUDING ALL LABOURS, TOOLS AND PLANTS, ONE SPLIT BAMBOO STICK FOR RIGIDLY FIX UP THE PLANT, MANURING, EXCLUDING TAXES AS APPLICABLE ETC. ALL COMPLETE. LARGE LEAF MEHAGONY (HEIGHT NOT LESS THAN FOUR FEET) 40 SUPPLYING PLANTS, SHRUBS INCLUDING TRANSPORTATION, PLANTATION AT SITE WITHIN KMC AREA INCLUDING ALL LABOURS, TOOLS AND PLANTS, ONE SPLIT BAMBOO STICK FOR RIGIDLY FIX UP THE PLANT, MANURING, EXCLUDING TAXES AS APPLICABLE ETC. ALL COMPLETE.GANGABARDHAN COCONUT (HEIGHT NOT LESS THAN FOUR FEET) 41 SUPPLYING PLANTS, SHRUBS INCLUDING TRANSPORTATION, PLANTATION AT SITE WITHIN KMC AREA INCLUDING ALL LABOURS, TOOLS AND PLANTS, ONE SPLIT BAMBOO STICK FOR RIGIDLY FIX UP THE PLANT, MANURING, EXCLUDING TAXES AS APPLICABLE ETC. ALL COMPLETE. DWARF NEEM (HEIGHT NOT LESS THAN FOUR FEET) 42 SUPPLYING PLANTS, SHRUBS INCLUDING TRANSPORTATION, PLANTATION AT SITE WITHIN KMC AREA INCLUDING ALL LABOURS, TOOLS AND PLANTS, ONE SPLIT BAMBOO STICK FOR RIGIDLY FIX UP THE PLANT, MANURING, EXCLUDING TAXES AS APPLICABLE ETC. ALL COMPLETE.WEEPING DEODAR (HEIGHT NOT LESS THAN FOUR FEET) 43 Sub Total 44 GST 18% 45 CESS 1%