Tender For Repair To Certain Road And Road Side Furniture Under Age Br-I At Ge (West) Bareilly. ; 1 M & L forrepairs to pot holes any depth, not exceeding 1 sqm each including sweeping free from dust and mud or water scoring, sundken surfaces in roads, paths, etc cutting around edges to at least 25mm in depth, making good by filling in screened & graded road metal, watering and well ramming (including supply of road metal) and making good by applying tack coat @ 5kg/10Sqm putting in Bituminous macdam, well rammed and sealed with binder 9.8kg per 10sqm blinded with0.09 cu m of stone chipping and again well rammed depth of pot holes exc 30mm complete all as specified anddirected. 2 Scarifying or picking existing gravelled,macadam or bituminous macadam surfaces in arean exc 400 sqm exc 50 mm and n exc 100 mm deep complete all as specified anddirected . 3 Supplying, Laying, spreading upto 75 mm or less consolidated thickness of premix bituminous macadam carpet filling in depression (using 20 mm graded stone aggegate) in single layer with using mechnical paver using bituminous binder (VG-30) at the rate 4% by weight of total mix, laid/ rolled and compacted/ consolidated to required camber and gradient with 8 to 10 tonne power roller to a uniform smooth surface etc complete all as specified and directed.(Note : Based on job mix formula, in case the binder content (i.e. Bitumen) is less than the content specified under these items then a minus adjustment @ Rs 40/- per kg of bitumen (less consumed) shall be made on the quoted rate of contractor against these items, hence the quoted rate of contractor shall be reduced based on less content of bitumen required as per job mix formula. However, no price adjustment on plus side shall be made for increase of quantity of bitumen in case of required as per job mix ) 4 M&L for preparing old black top surface with wire brushes for removing caked mud, etc., swee-ping with brooms and finally fanning cleaned surface with gunny bag to remove all loose dirt, etc., priming tack coat with bituminous primer at 5kg/10 sqm using paving bitumen grade VG-10 complete all as specified and as directed. 5 M&L for Bituminous premixsemi dense asphaltic concrete 30mm consolidated thickness with 5.5% binder of paving bitumin VG-30 grade content by weight of total mix, including cement filler on surfaces rolled and compacted with using 8 to 10 tonne powerroller to achive the compactness, camber and gradient. The mix shall be done using hot mix plant as per design mix and shall be laid by machanical paver complete all as specified and directed( Note: (i) The actual binder content shall be as per optimum content based on approved job mix formula with minimum content of 5.5% by weight of total mix. (ii) Based on job mix formula, in case the binder content (i.e. Bitumen) is less than the content specified under these items then a minus adjustment @ Rs 40/- per kg of bitumen (less consumed) shall be made on the quoted rate of contractor against these items, hence the quoted rate of contractor shall be reduced based on less content of bitumen required as per job mix formula. However, no price adjustment on plus side shall be made for increase of quantity of bitumen in case of required as per job mix ) 6 M&Lfor painting lines, dashes, arrows letter, marking etc of 2mm thick film on new surface or previously treated road surface with hot applied retro-reflective thermoplastic road marking paint (white/golden/yellow) conforming to MORTH (Clause 803.4) all as specified with 8% glass beads using special applicator machine with heating arrangement upto 160°C including cleaning and drying the existing road surfaces to ensure dust, oil, grease and moisture free surfaces before applying the paint complete all as specified and directed. 7 S & F in replacement cat eye solar reflective type of metal body alloy of size 100mm x 100mm x 20mm with PAMA striplens reflector of model No. DA 972.0 fixed with and incl MS stud of suitable size as per manufactures instructions 8 S & F in replacement Supply and fix solar cat eye aluminum alloy shall (100% water proofing design according to 65) of size 125mm x 125mm x 25mm (shank 65mm) of high efficiency Mono rystafie solar panel 2.4V/ 0.3 watt one NI-ed rechargeable battery (1.2V/ 1600MA) consisting of super bright LED with 10,000 to 18,000 mcd completed as per manufactures instructions etc. all as specified and directed, 9 S & F in repalcement metal rectangular delineator post made out of 2 mm thick MS sheet rectangular OD size 75x100mm of length 1200mm. Bottom plate 2 mm thick of size 150 x 150 mm for firm grip welded to base. Top end closed with 2mm steet sheet. All coated with heat process & baked to 120 degree centigrade or powder coated to make all waether resistant. At top and bottom sides diamond grade cube corner micro white reflector of size 75x125mm laminated in 2mm deep cavity to make it scratch resistant. Post to have two bands all around of white reflective sheet of width 225mm by keeping black coat as bands for greater night visibility and including embedding in PCC 1:2:4 (150x150x300mm) type B1 (using 20mm graded stone aggegate) complete all as specified and directed. 10 S&F of unit/directional/road sign board made of stainless steel(304 grade) sheet 3 mm thick fixed on both side properly revited/welded to inner frame of stainless steelsqure pipe (304 grade) of size 30mmx30mmx3mmfixed with welding to outer frame of board of size 50mmx50mmx3mmsquare pipe of stainless steel (304 grade).Outer frame is welded to 02 Nos stainless steel(304 grade) Pipe of 50mm dia steel poles of 2600mm height. Retro reflective regulatory board of over all size min 1500 mm x 900mm, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated lens type retro -reflective sheeting as approved . Letter, symbols, logo, borders etc. will be as per IRC - 67 withrequired colour scheme on the boards and with the high intensity grade A.Staiinless steel pipes should be min14 gauge (SS 304 Gde)welded to the frame with adequate anti-theft arrangement . Board to be fixed on ground including excavation & earth workand grouting in PCC 1:2:4type B1(20mm graded stone aggrigatge)of size 300mmx300mmx400mm deep complete all specified and directed. 11 S&F of cautionary/warning /speed limit sign board made of stainless steel (304 grade) sheet 3 mm thick fixed on both side properly revited/welded to inner frame of stainless steelsqure pipe (304 grade ) of size 30mmx30mmx3mmfixed with welding to outer frame of board of size 50mmx50mmx3mmsquare pipe of stainless steel (304 grade). Outer frame is welded to 02 Nos stainless steel(304 grade) Pipe of 50mm dia steel poles of 2600mm height. Retro reflective regulatory board of over all size min 1000 mm x 600mm, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated lens type retro -reflective sheeting as approved. Letter, symbols, logo, borders etc. will be as per IRC - 67 withrequired colour scheme on the boards and with the high intensity grade A.Staiinless steel pipes should be min14 gauge (SS 304 Gde)welded to the frame with adequate anti-theft arrangement . Board to be fixed on ground incl excavation and grouting in PCC 1:2:4type B1, (using 20mm graded stone aggrigatge)of size 300mmx300mmx400mm deep complete all specified and direted. 12 S&Fin replacement rubber speed breaker made from heavy duty rubber and polythylene with high resistance wear and tear property, height3" for speed restriction, colours black and yellow combination, High reflective mark showing arrows in white marked on both side of yellow and black pieces, each side havingend cap of size 250x500x75mm and middle size of the speed breaker as 500x500mm with four holes fixed with epoxy and heardner and bolts with epoxy and hardener as per manufacturers instructions complete all as specified & as directed. 13 S & F in repalcementfor Convex mirror of dia 1000mm made of PC meterial provided with suitable SS Pipe post (min 2100mm lenghth , 75mm dia) and fixing arrangement as per site requirement it should have clear and deficate mirror image valving 130 degree of viewing angle and unbreakable and stronger than glass complete all as speicified and directed 14 Demolition of brick work or stone/boulder masonry built in cement mortar or cement limemortar including all quoins, aches, pillars etc but excluding ashlar facing dressed stone work and precast concrete articles all as spd and directed 15 M&L brick work with fly ash bricks conforming to IS 12894 -2002 specification straight or curved on plan exc 6 m mean radius built in CM (1:6) complete all as specified and directed 16 M&L 15mm thick cement plaster on brick surfaces or concrete surfaces in cm (1:6)on brick surface even and fair without using extra cement and necessary scaffolding all as spd and directed . 17 M&L for applying two coat of exterior weather proof 100% anti fungal acrylic smooth emulsion with silicon additives that offer anti algae high performance exterior wall finishapplied as per manufecture instruction including prepration of surfaces and prime coatcomplete all as specified and directed. 18 Demolition, Cement concreteof any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided for complete all as specified and as directed . 19 M&L for 75mm thick PCC 1:4:8 type D-2 (using 40mm thick stone aggregate) as in sub base of floor and finishing the surface fair and even complete all specified and directed. 20 M&L for Machine pressed precast conctete interlocking paver block with gray cement and pigment any shape and size confirming to IS 15658-2006 of 80 mm thickness M-40 Gradeover and including 25mm thicksand cushioning including watering and consolidation complete all specified and directed. 21 M& Lfor Chequered cement concrete with grey cement and pigment tiles 30cm x 30cm x 20mm thick, set, jointed and pointed in neat cement slurry in floors over 20mm thick screed bed in cement mortar 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 22 M&L for rough excavation not execeeding 1.50m deep and getting out in soft and loose soil complete all specified and directed. 23 M&L for removingexcavated material exc 250m but n exc 500m and deposited where directed complete all specified and directed. 24 M&L for forming embankments including raising (or lowering) solid earth, spreading in layers n exc. 30 cm thick; watering, ramming/rolling and finishing to required size, shape, etc., n exc. 1.5m high from base complete all specified and directed. 25 M/L PCC (1:2:4) type B1 (using 20mm graded stone aggrigate) asin plinth courses, string courses, parapets, kerbs, bed plates and the like including weathering slightly rounded or chamfered angles and throating, as directed