Tender For Special Repairs To Parade Ground At Ins Adyar Under Age(I) Navy Chennai 82639/E8. ; 1 SCHEDULE "A"(ROAD WORKS) 2 Demolition of Brickwork built in cement motar, stone/boulder masonry, build in lime mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars etc, but excluding ashlars facings, dressed stonework and precast concrete articles complete all as specified and directed. 3 Material and Labourfor Brickwork with flyash old size bricks, straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius, built in CM (1:6) complete all as specified anddirected. 4 M&L for Providingcement concrete 1:2:4 type B-0 (12.50mm graded aggregate) as in coping/ benching etc with plain fair faces, including extra for forming fair finished drain or channel, chamfers, weatherings, throat- ing etc. complete all as specified and directed. 5 Demolition of reinforced cement concrete of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided for(reinforcement cut as requried to facilitate) complete all as specified and directed 6 Material and Labour for Precast cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 (20mm graded aggregate) as in cover slabs (for man holes and buffle walls etc and covered for drains, type of drain covers asspecified by EIC) chullah hoods, chajjas, water trough, managers, shelves & similar articles with plain faces set in Cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed 7 Material and Labour forMild Steel TMT bars 10mm dia and over cut to length, bend to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified and directed 8 All as per item No. 7 abovebut for 8mm dia complete all as specified and directed 9 Material and Labourfor rendering 15 mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaes in CM (1:6) and finised the surface even and fair on external surface of manholes and drains etc complete all as specified and directed 10 Demolition ofcement concrete of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided for (un reinforcement ) complete all as specified and directed 11 Material and Labour for PCC 1:4:8 type D2 (using 40mm graded stone aggregate) as in foundation filling and mass concrete forchanels/drains etccomplete all as specified and directed. 12 Material and Labour for 75 mm thick PCC 1:4:8(40 mm graded stone aggregate ) type D-2 as in sub base of flooring/ paver block etccomplete all as specified and directed. 13 Material and Laboursand filling (sand cushioning) under column foundaion & for interlocking tiles.complete all as specified and directed. 14 Material and Labour for Machine pressed precast conctete interlocking glossy/ lacquer finish paver block any shape and size with grey cement and pigment confirming to IS 15658-2006 of 60 mm thicknessincluding 2mm thickrubber mould glossy/ lacquer finish paver block of GradeM-35 and over sand cushion complete all as specified and directed. ( Note- Sand will be measured and paid separately) 15 Material and labour forprecastcement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 (using 20mm graded aggregate) factory made as in kerb stones side of paver block etc with plain fair faces, including chamfers weatherings, throating etc. and setting in CM 1:4 complete with joints to match complete all as specified and directed. 16 S & F RCC pipe Class NP3 450 mm dia laid and jointed complete with collars complete all as specified and directed. 17 M&L concrete bed to drain pipes incl packing under and haunching against the sides of pipes using 1:3:6 type C2 using 40 mm graded aggregate of 450mm dia pipe complete all as specified. 18 Material and labour for Premix bituminous, macadamwith paving bituman any penetration, (consolidated thickness 75 mm or less)with 4% binder content by weight of total mix, laid with mechanical paver, rolled and compacted to required gradient and camber with 8 to 10 tonne vibrating power roller etc complete all as specified and directed. 19 M&L for preparing black top surfaces by brushing with wire brushes for removing caked mud, etc sweeping with brooms and finally fanning the cleaned surface with gunny bags to remove all loose dirt etc complete all as specified. 20 M&L for appying evenly a priming / tack coat at 5 Kg per 10 Sqm using pavingbitumen complete all as specified and directed. 21 M&L Bituminous premixsemi-dense asphaltic concrete (SDAC) 30mm consolidated thickness with 5.5% paving bitumen ( VG-30) or 60/70 as binder content by weight of filler materials mixed to SDAC and used with 6mm thick below seave aggregates with filler materials as per SSR Part-I , using hot mix plant and mechanical paveras approved by the GE, rolled and compacted using 8 to 10 Ton vibrator powerroller to requiredgradient of parade ground level with total station complete.Note : (i)Job mix formula for the semi dense asphaltic concrete shall be obtained from the IIT/Anna University specified in the particular specifications.(ii) In case, as per actual design mix, the binder content by weight of total mix is less than 5.5%, price adjustment shall be made as per average rate of all the purchase vouchers for bitumen pertaining to the work under this contract. If total binder conten as per design mix is more than 5.5%, no price adjustment shall be made for the same complete all as specified and directed. 22 M & L for preparing bituminous surfaces of road and marking 2.5mm thick centre lines, stop lines, dashes, arrows, speed breakers marking etc. and the like n. exc 10cm wide on roads pavements with hot applied thermo plastic road marking paint of approved colour confirming to BS 3262-1989 with special applicator machine all as per manufacturers instruction using fully automatic thermoplastic paint applicator machine fitted with profile shoe,glass bead dispenser,propane tank heater and profile shoe heater driven by experienced operator on road including all materials,labours,T&P and cleaning the road surfaces of dirt,seals,oils,grease and foreign materials etc includingpreparing the existing black top surface by brushing with wire brush for removing caked mud etc sweeping with brooms and finally fanning the cleaned surfaces with gunny bags to remove all loose dirt and existing loose road mark paint etc complete all as specified and directed. 23 M&L for Preparation new plastered surfaces plastered and applying three coat of white wash on walls complete all as specified and directed. 24 M&L Preparation of new kerb stone or plastered surfaces of any description not otherwise described over 10cm width or girth and applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of primer. 25 Extra for forming fair finished drain or channel not exc 30cm inner girth in cement concrete, using extra cement, including forms, moulds mitred/ stopped ends etc complete all as specified and directed. 26 M&L for Add or deduct for each 25 mm girth or part thereof over or under 30cm ditto all as item No-25 complete all as specified and directed. 27 S&Ffor Framed work such as grills, gratings, hand made non return valves with thread type etc.. with ends of bars shouldered and/or riveted, or forged into spikes; framed guard bars; barred iron doors; ladders; framed balusters; walk ways; railings; framework of water tanks and similar work conforming to Fe.290.Gde-E-165 complete all as specified and directed. 28 Material and Labourfor Preparation of new steel surfaces of any description over 10 cm width or girth not otherwise described and applying two coats of synthetic enamelpaint (epoxy type) over a coat of primer (epoxy type) complete all as specified and as directed. 29 Removal of demolished materials/debris to out side MD land a distancenot exc 5.00 KMetc complete all as specified and directed. 30 SCHEDULE "A" (E/M WORKS) 31 Taking down XLPE insulated L T cable heavy duty 1100 volt of any size and making good disturbed surface with the existingcomplete all as specifiedand as directed by engr in charge. 32 Taking down carefully submain wiring of any discription and makinggood disturbed surface to match the existingall as specifiedand as directed 33 Supply, laying and testing cable XLPE Insulated ,screened, PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) 1100 Volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 35 sq mm 3.5 core complete all as specifiedand as directed by engr in charge. 34 Supply, laying and testing cable XLPE Insulated ,screened, PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) 1100 Volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 6 sq mm 2 core complete all as specifiedand as directed by engr in charge. 35 Supply and installation LT Electric control feeder piller box, cubical type, for Out door use floor mounted made out of CRCA outer sheet of 3 mm thick and inner sheet of 2 mm thick and angle iron legs of size 50mmx50mmx5mm with front open able shutters for each MCCB with spreader with fully enclosed bus bar chamber, having insulated bas bar made but of aluminium strips of rating 200 amps for 3 phase, 415 volts, 50 C/S 4 wire system, with cable entry provision, with suitable lugs gland, voltmeter , Ammeter,CTs and phase indicator complete, duly painted with two coats of stove enameled powder coated paint over as coat of red oxide primer complete and nut,bolt,washers for connection of cable, including necessary PCC work of minimum height 45 cm from ground levelto the platform all as specified and equipped with the following items.INCOMER/Outgoing (i) MCCB, 4pole,63 Amps , rupturing capacity 16 KAmagnetic thermal release - 02 Nos.II. Digital Ammeter 0-200 Amps CT Operated- 01 NoIII. Digital Volt Meter 0-500 Volts - 01 NoIV. LED Indicator lamp in three colour RYB - 03 NosV. 3 Phase enery meter CT Operated LCD display - 01 No 36 M & L for Earthing complete with galvanised steel plate electrode, 600 x 600 x 6 mm thick, buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 mtrs deep below nominal ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than not less than 1.5 metres below nominal ground level connected to earthing lead of 4 mm dia galvanised iron or steel wire all as shown in plate No. 3 of SSR PART 1 of 2009 to the earthing test point all as specified and as directed.Note :- the cost of excavation and earth work PCC pit and RCC cover funnel & watering pipe, wiremesh, charcoal dust and common salt earth lead protection pipe upto 7.5 Rmt shall be deemed included in the unit rate for earthing all as specified and as directed. 37 M & L for Earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in ground or drawn in conduit/pipe or fixed to poles or any other indicated situation for loop earthing etc. as required 4 mm dia galvanised iron or steel wire all as specified and as directed. 38 Excavation in trenches in Soft/loose soil not exceeding 1.5 meter wide and not exceeding 1.5M in depth for laying of cables/pole and getting out of excavated material complete all as specified and directed. 39 Returning, filling in, including spreading, leveling, watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25cm thick each, excavated soil in trenches after the pipes have been laid and tested complete all as specified and directed. 40 Supply and fix LED mini mount bollard With excellent light output through its sleek PMMA windowensuring maximum ilumination aspect in surrounding complete all as specified and directed Make:- Havellsmodel no MINIMOUNTBL10WLED830PSYMTOPMMAS Or equivalent make as specified in list of make as approved by AGE(I) 41 Removing excavated soil to a distance not exceeding 50 meter and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.50 meter above the starting point complete all as specified and directed. 42 Supply and fixing High density poythelyne (HDPE) pipesPN 10 of pressure rating 6kgf/ sq/ m of size 50 mm for cable protection laid in trenches complete all as specified and directed 43 Supply and fix PVC junction box for bollard light with 200A rated bus bar for connecting to light includin MCB SP 6 Amp complete all as specified and directed 44 M and L for cement concreate 1:3:6 type C-1 (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate) as in foundationetc including necessary form work and finishing the surface with cement mortar 1:4, 5mm thick finished to the portion of PCC muffs above ground level complete all as specified and directed. 45 M & L for sub main wiring (concealed) complete with two single core 2.5 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheathed stranded copper conductor cable drawn through in and including 20 mm dia rigid non-metallic PVC conduit heavy grade and conduit accessories including 4 Sqmm FRLS PVC insulated unsheated stranded copper earth cable connected to common earth dolly complete and including cutting chasing in walls for concealed wiring using machine cutting and making good the disturbed surface all as specified and directed. Note: 3 run of 2.5 sqmm & one run of PVC conduit shall be measuredas single unit 46 Schedule of credit amount brought back from Ser Page No.28- Rs. 24,522.50 will be deducted from the above quoted amount to derive the contract sum. SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR