Tender For 1) Computerized Speech Laboratory With Diagnostic Middle 21 Speech For Analyzer 3) Digital Strobo ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For 1) Computerized Speech Laboratory With Diagnostic Middle 21 Speech For Analyzer 3) Digital Stroboscope With Swallowing (Fee) Work Station 4) Nasometer 5) Books And Journals For Central Library Ggs Medical College 16) Purchase Of Implants Materi
Tender For 1) Computerized Speech Laboratory with Diagnostic Middle 21 Speech for Analyzer 3) Digital Stroboscope with Swallowing (Fee) Work Station 4) Nasometer 5) Books and Journals for Central Library GGS Medical College 16) Purchase of Implants Materials at GGSMCH, Faridkot 7) Providing Fire Fighting and Fire Detection Service for Super Speciality Block at GGS Medical College and Hospital Faridkot 8) Providing 11 KV Substation including DG set, Transformer and Electrical works for Super Speciality Block at GGS Medical College and Hospital, Faridkot 9) Construction of Sarai and Main Entrance Gate in front of Emergency Block of GGS Medical Hospital Faridkot 10) Supply of various Electrical Materials under contractual rate for its constituent colleges including BFUHS for day to day maintenance, 11) Procurement of 4 Nos. Lifts in Super Speciality Block at GGS Medical College, Faridkot 12) Providing and installation of automatic sprinkler system for fire protection in Mother Block of MCH Building, GGS Medical Hospital, Faridkot:- 1) Hysteroscopy (With Pre-bid meeting) 2 Automated Tissue Embedding Station (With Pre-bid meeting) 3) Radiate Heat Warmer (With Pre-bid meeting) 4) Modular OT (With Pre-bid meeting) 5) Fully Automated Online RO Plant with Hot Feet 1000 IP (With Pre-bid meeting
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