Tender For Running Work Contract For Aee / O And M / Walalabad; K2 Agreement Running Works Contract for Erection, Maintenance and Dismantling of Electrical Networks including Capital and Improvement, DCW worksand Maintenance of 110 KV, 33 KV Sub Stations ( OH lines and UG Cables includingSub-Station Maintenance ) AEE / O&M / Walajabad Sub-Division in South Kanchipuram Division in Kanchipuram EDC for a period of ONE YEAR Under E- Open Tender system.; 1 Excavation of Pole pit of size 2"x2"x1/6 of the height of thepole upto 8 mtr pole by using JCBor Manual 2 Excavation of Pole pit of size 2"x2"x1/6" of the height of the pole above 8mtr by using JCBor Manual 3 Excavation of pit in Hard soil (common to all size of poles) 4 Excavation of pit in Rocky area (common to all size of poles) by blasting /Manual 5 Excavation of Staypit2"x2"x5"depthby using JCB or manual 6 Excavation of Staypit2"x2"x5"depthin hard rock soil 7 Erection of RCCpoles/PSC poles/Metalpoles up to8.00 M (27" ) by using JCB or manual 8 Erection of RCCpoles/PSC poles/Metalpolesabove 8.00 M by using JCB or maual 9 Erection of metal supports above 9m/RSJ/Rail pole/Tubular poles 10 Erectionofstaysetcomplete with fixing up stay wire EYE, bow, Guy shackle, Binding etc., 11 Erectionofadditional stay in the same rod, excluding excavation of stay pit and burial of stay rod 12 Erectionofstay set complete in the rock area by blasting 13 Fixing of HT"V" crossarms(all types) / channelcrossarms/guardingCrossarms 14 Fixing of LT 3 phasecrossarms 15 Fixing of LT Single phase cross arms 16 Fixing of HT/LTTIFittings 17 FixingofHTpinInsulators 11 KV/ 22 KV/ 33 KV 18 FixingofHT11 KVstraindisc. 19 FixingofHT22 KV/33 KVstraindisc. 20 FixingofLTpinInsulator 21 FixingofLTshackle 22 FixingofAluminium Knob 23 Earthing of pole with pin including looping binding and burying 24 EarthingofadditionalCrossarm 25 Fixingoftopchannel 10" centre/15" centre 26 Fixing of bed channel 27 Fixing of centre support for bed channel 28 Fixing of belting angle 29 Erection of 11 KV AB Switch 30 Erection of 11 KV Vertical type AB Switch for single pole DT 31 Erection of 11 KV HG Fuse set 32 Erection of 11 KV Solid core HG Fuse set 33 Feeder arrangements with open type fuse units 34 Fixing of HT LAS 35 Fixing of LT LAS 36 HT Jumpering complete for Transformer DT Structure 37 HT Jumpering complete for DP Structure 38 Fixingofcrossbracing(4 nos angles) 10" Centre/15" centre 39 Fixing of danger board 40 Erection of Transformer centre set arrangments 41 FixingofDistributionTransformerName Board (Nameofthe22/11KV #, Name of theSS and Capacity) including Supply of board (1" x 1.5" x 3 mm thickness) including the cost of paint and labour charges 42 Fixing of LT Cable arrangements while erectingsingle pole DT 43 Fixing of Earth coller for earth pits 44 Erection of Aluminium bus bar pipe complete for HT bus bar arrangements for DP structure 45 Erection of Aluminium bus bar pipe complete for HT bus bar arrangements for Triple pole and four pole structure 46 Fixing of 2 Tapping cross arm per cut point upto 33 KV line including fixing of discs insulators and jumpering etc., 47 Fixing of support insulator angle and erection of 3 nos Pin insulator 48 Fixing of MCD box 49 Paving and stringing of conductors of sizes upto 7/2.59 mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor 50 Paving and stringing of conductors ofsizes upto 7/3.35mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor 51 Paving and stringing of conductors of7/4.09mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor 52 Paving and stringing of conductors of7/4.72 mm Dog Conductor or other equivalent conductor 53 Releasing and reerection (resagging) of one run of conductors of sizes upto 7/2.59 mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor 54 Releasing and reerection (resagging) of one run of conductors of sizes upto 7/3.35 mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor 55 Releasing and reerection (resagging) of one run of conductors of size7/4.09 mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor 56 Releasing and reerection (resagging) of one run of conductors of size7/4.72 mm ACSR DOG or other equivalent conductor 57 Numbering of pole by using Enamel paint including cost of paint and painting charges (Numbering in black letters with yellow base by using stencils/skilled painters. The height of lettering shall be 40 mm for numbers and 50 mm for alphabets) 58 Painting of Cement Poles by Distemper coating including cost of distemper 59 Painting of iron Poles upto 36 ft length with double coats including cost of paint 60 Painting of iron Poles upto 40 ft 200/100 length with double coats including cost of paint 61 Paintingoftopchannel 62 PaintingofABswitch 63 Paintingcross Bracing(4 Nos. Angles) both 10" & 15" centre 64 PaintingofDistribution Transformer of all capacities (paint supplied by the Board) including clening of DT 65 PaintingofHGfuse. 66 PaintingofHTmeteringsetand Box 67 Painting of structure materials distribution transformer with aluminium paint of structure poles and writing of transformer details (Items 1 to 6 brush to be owned by the contractor) (Paint to be supplied by Board) 68 Painting of poles and all other metal parts while erecting D.P. Structure 69 Painting of pole and all other metal parts while erecting new single pole distribution transformer Structure 70 Service connection details painting 71 Structure Concreting ,Concreting of poles with size (2"x2"x5") including cost of Cement ,20 mm jelly and Sandwith a mixture of 1:2:4and plastering of concrete with ratio 1:2 72 Sleeveconcreting with size (2"x2"x3") including cost of excavation Cement ,40 mm jelly and Sandwith a mixture of 1:3:6and plastering of concrete with ratio 1:2 including materials 73 Stay concreting of Stay with Size 1.5" X 1.5" X 3.0" including cost of Cement, 40mm Jelly and sand (with supply) with mixture 1:3:6 along sleeve concreting and plastering of concrete portion above the ground level with ratio 1:2. 74 Erection of DP structure with stay as per TNEB Standard including fixing of top channel, cross bracing concreting, painting, colour washing etc., With 11 KV/22 KV/33 KV AB switch using all types of poles of size 9.14m and above length 75 Erection ofDouble Pole Transformer Structure complete as per TNEB standard including painting, feeders arrangement, colour washing of RCC poles etc., Fixing of poles type to be unit HT/LT LAS and jumpering 3 nos earth pits with earth trough except erection of DT 76 (i) Erection of 11 KV Single pole Transformer Structure including erection of DT complete with centre support 77 (ii) Erection of 11 KV Single pole Transformer Structure including erection of DT complete without centre support 78 (iii) Erection of 11 KV Single pole DP structure with stay as per TNEB Standard including fixing of top channel, cross bracing concreting, painting, colour washing etc., with single earth 79 Erection of Distribution Transformer including loading of Distribution Transformer at stores and erection at structure or Upto 100 KVA Distribution transformer / Metering set. 80 Erection of Distribution Transformer including loading of Distribution Transformer at stores and erection at structure Above 100 KVA to 250 KVA 81 Erection of Distribution Transformer including loading of Distribution Transformer at stores and erection at structure 500 KVA and above 82 Failed DT replacement below 100 KVA & 100 KVA and above 83 LTsplitneutralguarding 84 Flatguardingincludingfixingof2 Nos. crossarms HTLT 85 D.O.T. Crossing 86 RailwayCrossing ( cradle guarding). 87 Earthing of poles with GI wires 4 or 6 SWG by coil earthing 88 Provision of spike including earthing arrangement 89 Pipe earthing including excavation of earth pit and fixing earth pipe 3m length 90 Replacing the corroded earth pipes of transformer structure and replacing the earth wire completely with aluminium lugs for termination 91 Replacement of corroded earth pipe 92 EarthingofD.P.complete 93 Earthing of new single pole distribution transformer structure complete 94 Loading or unloading of Distribution Transformer Upto 100 KVA 95 Loading or unloading of Distribution Transformer above 100 KVA and upto 500 KVA 96 Loading or unloading of Metering set of all ratios 97 Loading or unloading of various sizes of poles REC, RCC, PSC pole upto 8.00 m length 98 Loading or unloading of various sizes of poles All REC, RCC pole above 8.00 m length 99 Loading or unloading of various sizes of poles Metal poles all sizes 100 Loading of Conductor 101 Unloading of Conductor 102 Loading / Unloading of Iron & Steel 103 Loading / Unloading of Oil 104 Loading / Unloading of line materials 105 Loading / Unloading of 11 KV strain disc 106 Loading / Unloading of LT Pin insulator shackle, guy shackle, LT Pin, Metal parts, HT pin etc., 107 Loading / Unloading of single phase meters 108 Loading / Unloading of three phase meters 109 Loading and unloading of cementbagof50Kg. 110 Loading and Stacking of Materials 111 Transportation of all types and sizes of poles and other associated materials from Road side to pole pit and vice versa upto 0.50 KM 112 Transportation of all type of poles by bullock cart or other vehicle (for all sizes of poles including loading and unloading) For a lead upto 5 KM 113 Transportation of all type of poles by bullock cart or other vehicle (for all sizes of poles including loading and unloading) For a lead Above 5 KM of lead of every KM 114 Transport of Metal pole of all sizes by head loads in hill areas from road side to pole pit location Upto 1 KM 115 Transport of Metal pole of all sizes by head loads in hill areas from road side to pole pit location Above 1 KM per each KM 116 Transporting of conductors of all sizes from road side to pit locations upto one KM of Conductor 117 (i) Transporting of Distribution Transformer / Line materials from stores to office / site upto 10 KM distance by engaging 1 Ton capacity Minidor (Lorry) 118 (i) Transporting of Distribution Transformer / Line materials from stores to office / site ABOVE 10 KM distance by engaging 1 Ton capacity Minidor (Lorry) 119 Erectionofstreetlightservice including fixure fitting 120 Erectionofstreetlightservice 121 FixingofnewSV/MV/LEDlampfittings 122 AssistingforsurveyofHT/LT 123 Hutservicefixing 124 Agriculturalservicefixing / service 125 Breaking and ReleasingofgrillsfromRCCPSC poles 126 Releasingofsingle phaseservicewire and re-fixing. 127 Releasingof3 phaseservice wire and(upto 50 HP)re-fixing. 128 Releasingof3 phaseservice wireand(above 50 HP)re-fixing. 129 Labourchargesforalterationof Back clamps tosuitfortheworks 130 Labourchargesforalterationof Stay clamps tosuitfortheworks 131 ProvidingLTbusbararrangementin distn. Trs. Structurelocation 132 FixingofmeteronLVsideofDT 133 Erectionofconcreteearthtubto DistributionTransformerearthpipe 134 Dismantlingofdetoriatedcables/Replacementof varioussize(95,120,185 Sq.mm) from Distribution TransformerLTbushingtoLT opentypeclampandprovisionof suitable lugsatboththeends. 135 DismantlingandErectionofLTopen typefuseunitAluminium clamps 136 DismantlingofDistn. Transformerfrom structure TransportingtospecialMaintenance assistingthespecialmaintenance crewinoverhaulingandreerectionatthe structure up to 8Kms 137 DismantlingofDistn. Transformerfrom structure TransportingtospecialMaintenance assistingthespecialmaintenance crewinoverhaulingandreerectionatthe structure above 8 Kms per km 138 ReleasingofACSR/AAACconductors fromconductordrumandcoiling ACSR 7/3.35, 7/2.59, AAAC7/2.50, 7/3.15 MM (Per/Km.) 139 Tidingofserviceconnectionwitherection ofclampjumperinLow tensionsingle phase SC/line,Aerial Board, Fuse unit and looping. 140 Tidingofserviceconnectionwitherection ofclamp jumperinLowtension three phase line, Aerial Board, Fuse unit and looping. 141 Renewalofjumperfrom22/11 KVline toAB switchtoHG Fuse, HG Fuse to Distn. TransformerwithPG clamps. 142 Cutting of coconut leaves /tree branches 143 Drilling of hole in channel only 3/4" & 1" per hole 144 Cutting of flat 145 Cutting of channel 146 Cutting of Angle 147 Cutting of pipe 148 RSJ polecutting 149 RSJ polewelding 150 Providing of line spacers for single phase line 151 Providing of line spacers for three phase line 152 Hiring Charges for JCB 153 Clearing ofJungle 154 Clearing of scrup in Yard (DT/SS) 155 Set right of all sizes of leaning of poles 156 Erection of LT Shunt Capacitor 157 Ground patrolling of HT lines during Breakdown 158 Rectification of snapped HT line during Break down 159 Rectification of snapped LT line during Break down 160 Erection of Single phase meters 161 Erection of Three phase meters 162 Monthly Maintenance of Distribution TransformerMaintaining Transformer yard and earth pits neat and tidy, Cleaning the entire transformer including the bushings,Checking the earth connections and watering the earth pits,Checking the oil leaks and reporting if any noticed,Reconditioning the breather (by reactivating Silicagel or replacing it if necessary), Checking the LT fuses and renewing them if necessary. 163 Quarterly Maintenance - Renewing the HG fuses 164 Quarterly Maintenance - Measuring the insulation resistance and Load currents 165 Annual Maintenance of Distribution TransformerLubricating the AB switches and checking their operation, Checking the lines and earth connections of AB switch, Checking the lines and earth connections of HT and LT lightning arresters, Checking the HV and LV bushing connections 166 SS Maintenance - Complete maintenance of Power Transformer of all capacities 167 SS Maintenance - Complete maintenance ofBreaker,CT/PT for 110 KV and above 168 SS Maintenance - Complete maintenance of Breaker,CT/PT for capacity less than 110 KV 169 SS Maintenance - Complete maintenance of Centre Rotating Switch 110 KV and above 170 SS Maintenance - Complete maintenance of Centre Rotating Switch below 110 KV 171 SS Maintenance - Replacement of Clamps of all sizes 172 SS Maintenance - Complete maintenance of LAS 110 KV and above 173 SS Maintenance - Complete maintenance of LAS below 110 KV 174 SS Maintenance - Replacement of Jumpers less than 1 metre 175 SS Maintenance - Replacement of Jumpers more than 1 metre 176 SS Maintenance - Maintenance of earth pits and watering 177 SS Maintenance - Cleaning of control and relay panels (Front,Back and inside) 178 SS Maintenance - Mainenance of Capacitor Bank cell 179 SS Maintenance - Replacement of capacitor bank cell 180 SS Maintenance - Replacement of PT Insulator 181 SS Maintenance - Replacement of Female/Male contact for 110 KV 182 SS Maintenance - Replacement of Female/Male contact for less than 110 KV 183 SS Maintenance - Maintenance of Battery 184 Dismantling of RCC, REC, PSC & metal poles upto 8 mt including the closing of the pit 185 Dismantling of RCC, REC, PSC & metal pole above 8 mt including the closing of the pit 186 For breaking the mass concrete of all supports 187 Dismantling of stay set complete including stay rod 188 Dismantling of stay set complete Without stay rod 189 Dismantling of conductors of sizes upto 7/2.59 mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor 190 Dismantling of conductor ofupto 7/3.35 including transporting the conductors to the nearest road side and stocking in coils 191 Dismantling of conductors of7/4.09mm ACSR or other equivalent conductor 192 Dismantling of conductors of7/4.72 mm Dog Conductor or other equivalent conductor 193 Dismantling of Transformer structure materials complete set and transporting the same from the location to the road side 194 Dismantling of V-Cross arm / Channel Cross Arm / Guarding cross Arm 195 Dismantling of 3 Phase Cross arm 196 Dismantling of Single Phase Cross arm 197 Dismantling of HT/LT Fitting 198 Dismantling of 11KV / 22KV / 33KV Pin insulator & 11KVStrain Disc 199 Dismantling of 22KV / 33KV Strain disc 200 Dismantling of LT Pin insulator 201 Dismantling of LT Shackle with hardware 202 Dismantling of Aluminium Knob 203 Loading and unloading of HT Cable including coiling and recoiling 204 Transport of 11 KV HT cable from departmental stores to work spot by engaging private vehicle upto 5 km 205 Transport of 11 KV HT cable from departmental stores to work spot by engaging private vehicle above 5 km 206 Excavation of cable trench 0.6 meters width and 1.2 meters depth including cost of providing sign boards, danger lights indication arrangements wherever necessary all lead,lift, labour and tools and plants etc., complete. Normal Road (earth) 207 Excavation of cable trench 0.6 meters width and 1.2 meters depth including cost of providing sign boards, danger lights indication arrangements wherever necessary all lead,lift, labour and tools and plants etc., complete. Tar road 208 Excavation of cable trench 0.6 meters width and 1.2 meters depth including cost of providing sign boards, danger lights indication arrangements wherever necessary all lead,lift, labour and tools and plants etc., complete. Concrete road 209 Laying of 11 KV 3X300 sq mm XLPE cable 210 Laying of 11 KV 3X120 sq mm XLPE cable 211 Covering HT cable by cement "V" trough after covering the cable with good loose earth including loading, unloading and transport from stores to site and letter painting of feeding details & Cable size onthe trough 212 Refilling with excavated earth layers well consolidated as per std specification including all materials, lead, lift etc., complete. 213 Transport back any balance cable, empty drums and other materials if any by engaging private vehicle including recoiling, coiling and loading and unloading at both sides from workspot to departmental stores (minimum 2 drums) upto 5 km 214 Transport back any balance cable, empty drums and other materials if any by engaging private vehicle including recoiling, coiling and loading and unloading at both sides from workspot to departmental stores (minimum 2 drums) above 5 km 215 Loading and unloading of LT Cable including coiling and recoiling 216 Transport of LT cable from departmental stores to work spot by engaging private vehicle upto 5 km 217 Transport of LT cable from departmental stores to work spot by engaging private vehicle above 5 km 218 Excavation of cable trench 45 cm width and 75 cm depth including cost of providing sign boards, danger lights, indication arrangements wherever necessary, lead, lift, labour and tools and plants etc., complete.Normal Road (earth) 219 Excavation of cable trench 45 cm width and 75 cm depth including cost of providing sign boards, danger lights, indication arrangements wherever necessary, lead, lift, labour and tools and plants etc., complete.Tar road 220 Excavation of cable trench 45 cm width and 75 cm depth including cost of providing sign boards, danger lights, indication arrangements wherever necessary, lead, lift, labour and tools and plants etc., complete.Concrete road 221 Laying of 4 X 240 sq.mm cable 222 Laying of 4 X 120 sq.mm XPLE cable 223 Laying of 4 X 25 sq.mm cable 224 Laying of 2 X 16 sq.mm cable 225 Refilling with excavated earth layers well consolidated as per std specification including all materials, lead, lift etc., complete. 226 Laying of HT UG Cable using Trenchless technique without pipes 227 Erection of pillar box including excavation of foundation pits as per standard specification 2 Nos pillar concrete walls, coping and earthing the pillars below ground level 1 feet and above 2 feet/3 feetfrom ground level including cost of all materials, cost of labours including electrical works, transportion, lead, lift complete etc.,Mini pillar boxes for 3 feet 228 Erection of pillar box including excavation of foundation pits as per standard specification 2 Nos pillar concrete walls, coping and earthing the pillars below ground level 1 feet and above 2 feet/3 feetfrom ground level including cost of all materials, cost of labours including electrical works, transportion, lead, lift complete etc.,4/6/8 way pillar box 3 feet 229 Erection of pillar box including excavation of foundation pits as per standard specification 2 Nos pillar concrete walls, coping and earthing the pillars below ground level 1 feet and above 2 feet/3 feetfrom ground level including cost of all materials, cost of labours including electrical works, transportion, lead, lift complete etc., 4/6/8 way pillar box 4 feet 230 Cleaning, painting with Aluminium paint 2 coats & numbering pillar box with feeder details.(Estimate sanction, mandatory) including cost of all materials. 8 way pillar box 231 Cleaning, painting with Aluminium paint 2 coats & numbering pillar box with feeder details.(Estimate sanction, mandatory) including cost of all materials.6 way pillar box 232 Cleaning, painting with Aluminium paint 2 coats & numbering pillar box with feeder details.(Estimate sanction, mandatory) including cost of all materials.4 way pillar box 233 Cleaning, painting with Aluminium paint 2 coats & numbering pillar box with feeder details.(Estimate sanction, mandatory) including cost of all materials.Mini way pillar box 234 Cleaning, painting with Aluminium paint 2 coats & numbering pillar box with feeder details.(Estimate sanction, mandatory) without materials. 8 way pillar box 235 Cleaning, painting with Aluminium paint 2 coats & numbering pillar box with feeder details.(Estimate sanction, mandatory) without materials. 6 way pillar box 236 Cleaning, painting with Aluminium paint 2 coats & numbering pillar box with feeder details.(Estimate sanction, mandatory) without materials.4 way pillar box 237 Cleaning, painting with Aluminium paint 2 coats & numbering pillar box with feeder details.(Estimate sanction, mandatory) without materials. Mini way pillar box 238 Dismantling of old 5/6/8 way pillar box including associated accessories, loading on the vehicle, transporting, unloading at stores and stacking. 239 Dismantling of old mini pillar box including associated accessories, loading on the vehicle, transporting, unloading at stores and stacking. 240 Maintenance of pillars works such as replacement of damaged insulators worn out stembolts, lugs, termination of cables and dressing. 8 way pillar box 241 Maintenance of pillars works such as replacement of damaged insulators worn out stembolts, lugs, termination of cables and dressing. 6 way pillar box 242 Maintenance of pillars works such as replacement of damaged insulators worn out stembolts, lugs, termination of cables and dressing. 4 way pillar box 243 Maintenance of pillars works such as replacement of damaged insulators worn out stembolts, lugs, termination of cables and dressing. Mini pillar box 244 Earthing of Pillar boxes 8/6/4 and mini pillar boxes 245 Earth Work Exacavation to the (Cable Route) required depth, width Normal 246 Earth Work Exacavation to the (Cable Route) required depth, width Tar 247 Earth Work Exacavation to the (Cable Route) required depth, width Concrete 248 [LT Cable fault rectification works] Laying of 4 X 240 sq.mm cable 249 [LT Cable fault rectification works] Laying of 4 X 120 sq.mm XPLE cable 250 [LT Cable fault rectification works] Laying of 4 X 25 sq.mm cable 251 [LT Cable fault rectification works] Laying of 2 X 16 sq.mm cable 252 Refilling the trench cable 253 Transport of all materials to attending the fault from office to site and site to office vice versa 254 Provision of joint 240/120 Sq mm 255 Provision of joint 25/16 Sq mm 256 Earth work Excavation to the required depth, width(cable route)is 1.2m x 0.6m respectively(As per prevailingPWLC Rates)Normal 257 Earth work Excavation to the required depth, width(cable route)is 1.2m x 0.6m respectively(As per prevailingPWLC Rates)Tar 258 Earth work Excavation to the required depth, width(cable route)is 1.2m x 0.6m respectively(As per prevailingPWLC Rates)Concrete 259 Laying of HT Cable /M (As per prevailing PWLC Rate)11 KV 260 Laying of HT Cable /M (As per prevailing PWLC Rate)33 KV 1 X 630 sqmm 261 Laying of HT Cable /M (As per prevailing PWLC Rate) 33 KV 3 X 630 sqmm & 3X 400 sqmm 262 Installation of terminations by employing private jointer in the absence of company jointer (intimation to be given to company through mail/company phone Nos and record to be maintained)11 KV 120/300 sqmm Indoor/Outdoor terminations 263 Installation of terminations by employing private jointer in the absence of company jointer (intimation to be given to company through mail/company phone Nos and record to be maintained)33 KV 1x630 sqmm Indoor/Outdoor terminations 264 Installation of terminations by employing private jointer in the absence of company jointer (intimation to be given to company through mail/company phone Nos and record to be maintained) 33 KV 3x400/3x630 sqmm Indoor/Outdoor terminations 265 Installation of joint by employing private jointer in the absence of company jointer (intimation to be given to company through mail/company phone Nos and record to be maintained) LT 266 Installation of joint by employing private jointer in the absence of company jointer (intimation to be given to company through mail/company phone Nos and record to be maintained) 11 KV 267 Installation of joint by employing private jointer in the absence of company jointer (intimation to be given to company through mail/company phone Nos and record to be maintained) 33 KV(1X630Sqmm) 268 Installation of joint by employing private jointer in the absence of company jointer (intimation to be given to company through mail/company phone Nos and record to be maintained)33 KV(3x400Sqmm) 269 Refilling with M- sand over the cable and joints cost ofM- sand PWD Schedule of Rate) 11 KV 270 Refilling with M- sand over the cable and joints cost ofM- sand PWD Schedule of Rate) 33 KV 271 Refilling labour charges /mtr (As per PWLC Rate) 11 KV 272 Refilling labour charges /mtr (As per PWLC Rate) 33 KV 273 Transporting of cables and joint kits from stores to site (whichever is applicable)11 KV 274 Transporting of cables and joint kits from stores to site (whichever is applicable)33 KV 275 Transporting of cables and joint kits from office to site (whichever is applicable)11 KV 276 Transporting of cables and joint kits from office to site (whichever is applicable) 33 KV 277 Engaging JCB For Excavation of Earth and Back filling the earth after rectification of fault11 kv 278 Engaging JCB For Excavation of Earth and Back filling the earth after rectification of fault 33 kv 279 Engaging Hydraulic compressor (Tractor) for Breaking concrete/Tar Roads (Wherever Necessary) 11 kv 280 Engaging Hydraulic compressor (Tractor) for Breaking concrete/Tar Roads (Wherever Necessary) 33 kv 281 Rental for de-watering pump as per PWD schedule of Rate (Wherever necessary) 11 kv 282 Rental for de-watering pump as per PWD schedule of Rate (Wherever necessary) 33 kv 283 Engaging Labour for Manual excavation and cleaning the trench, joint pit excavation and identify the cable in addition to engaging JCB 11 kv (Rs.562/-x 2 person) 284 Engaging Labour for Manual excavation and cleaning the trench, joint pit excavation and identify the cable in addition to engaging JCB 33 kv (Rs.562/-x 3 person) 285 Concreting after rectification of fault by using PCC 1:3:6 ( If applicable, with necessary justification & certification by concern Executive Engineer For reqd length,width and depth as per site condition) 11 KV/33 KV 286 Releasing the service connection cable from OH line, cutting the service cable of required length for terminating in the newly erected pillar boxesand handing over of released cable in section storesduring OH line to UG cable conversion works / LTUG 2x16 sqmm cable 287 Releasing the service connection cable from OH line, cutting the service cable of required length for terminating in the newly erected pillar boxesand handing over of released cable in section storesduring OH line to UG cable conversion works/LTUG 4x25 sqmm cable 288 Releasing the service connection cable from OH line, cutting the service cable of required length for terminating in the newly erected pillar boxesand handing over of released cable in section storesduring OH line to UG cable conversion works/LTUG 4x120 sqmm cable