Supply And Delivery Of Different Type Of Electrical Maintenance Materials Of Different Building And Floor At Nabanna Under Nabanna Electrical Sub Division, P.W.D.- 1 Supply and delivery of 6A SP MCB 10kA,C curve (Make: Legrand ) 2 Supply and delivery of 10A SP MCB 10kA,C curve (Make: Legrand) 3 Supply and delivery of 16A SP MCB 10kA,C curve (Make: Legrand) 4 Supply and delivery of 25A SP MCB 10kA,C curve (Make:Legrand) 5 Supply and delivery of32A SP MCB 10kA,C curve (Make: Hager/Legrand/L&T as per approved by EIC) 6 Supply and delivery of 16 A TP MCB 10kA,C curve (Make: Hager/Legrand/L&T as per approved by EIC) 7 Supply and delivery of 20 A TP MCB 10kA,C curve(Make: Hager/Legrand/L&T as per approved by EIC) 8 Supply and delivery of 32 A TP MCB 10kA,C curve(Make: Hager/Legrand/L&T as per approved by EIC) 9 Supply and delivery of 63A TP MCB 10kA,C curve (Make: Hager/Legrand/L&T as per approved by EIC) 10 Supply and delivery of 40 A FP MCB 10kA,C curve (Make: Hager/Legrand/L&T as per approved by EIC) 11 Supply and delivery of 63A FP MCB 10kA,C curve (Make: Hager/Legrand/L&T as per approved by EIC) 12 Supply and delivery of 40A FP MCB isolator, MCB type (Make: Hager/Legrand/L&T as per approved by EIC) 13 Supply and delivery of 40A DP Isolator,MCB type(Make: Hager/Legrand/L&T as per approved by EIC) 14 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 40A DPMCB module base change over.(Make: Hager/Legrand/L&T as per approved by EIC) 15 Supply and delivery of 415V 63A FP, MCB module base.Change Over (Make: Hager/Legrand/L&T as per approved by EIC) 16 Supply and delivery of240V AC DIN mounting FM1/ 24 hrs Daily Digital Time switch (Make: L&T /GIC & model as per approved by EIC) 17 Supply and delivery of 25A,DP modular contactor, coil voltage-230V AC (make-Legrand & Model as perapproved by EIC) 18 Supply and delivery of Modular 12 M PVC box with top cover(Make - Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC ) 19 Supply and delivery of Modular 8 M PVC box with top cover (Make- Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC ) 20 Supply and delivery of Modular 6 M PVC box with top cover (Make- Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC ) 21 Supply and delivery of Modular 4 M PVC box with top cover(Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC ) 22 Supply and delivery of Modular 3 M PVC box with top cover(Make- Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC ) 23 Supply and delivery of Modular 2 M PVC Box with top cover(Make- Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC ) 24 Supply and delivery of Modular 12 M GI Box (Make -Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC )) 25 Supply and delivery of Modular 8 M GI Boxwith top cover (Make- Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC )) 26 Supply and delivery of Modular 6 M GI Box with top cover(Make- Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC )) 27 Supply and delivery of Modular 4 M GI Box with top cover (Make- Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC )) 28 Supply and delivery of Modular 3 M GI Boxwith top cover (Make-Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC ) 29 Supply and delivery of Modular 2 M GI Box with top cover (Make-Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC ) 30 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 6A/10 A modular, 1 way switch (Make-Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC ) 31 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 16 A modular, 1 way switch(Make-Havells Coral 70% Legrand 30% Myrious or brand /Colour/Qty as per approved by EIC ) 32 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 6A/ 10A, modular type Bell pushSwitch (Make- Havells coral 70%/Legrand myrius 30% , Brand /colour as per approved by EIC) 33 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 6 A ,1 way Piano type normal switch (make-Anchor , model/Colouras per approved by EIC) 34 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 16/20 A , 1 way Piano type normal switch(make-Anchor , model/Colour as per approved by EIC) 35 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 6A, Bell push switch (box type) (make-Anchor , model/Colour as per approved by EIC) 36 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 6A,1 way normalswitch (box type) (make-Anchor , model/Colour as per approved by EIC) 37 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 16 A ,3 pin modular Socket Brand/colour as per approved by EIC)(Havells 70% Legrand 30%) 38 Supply and delivery of240VAC, 6 A ,3/5 pin modular Socket Brand/colour as per approved by EIC)(Havells 70% Legrand 30%) 39 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 6A, 2 PIN Male- Female Set(make-Anchor , model/Colour as per approved by EIC) 40 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 6 A,3/ 5 pin socket (make-Anchor ,model/Colour as per approved by EIC)( normal socket) 41 Supply and delivery of240VAC, 16/20 A , 3 pin socket((make-Anchor , model/Colour as per approved by EIC)( normalSocket) 42 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 16A 3 pinPlug Top(make-Anchor , model/Colour as per approved by EIC) 43 Supply and delivery of 240VAC,16A kit kat fuse (make-Anchor , model/Colour as per approved by EIC) 44 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, NeonIndicator(make-Anchormodel/Colour as perapproved by EIC) 45 Supply and delivery of 240VAC,2 Modular Step type Fan Regulator(Make: Havells coral/Legrand myrius , Brand /colour as per approved by EIC)(Havells 70% Legrand 30%) 46 Supply and delivery of 240VAC,1 Modular Step type Fan Regulator (Make: Havells coral/Legrand myrius , Brand /colour as per approved by EIC)(Havells 70% Legrand 30%) 47 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, socket typestep regulator(make-Anchor, model/Colour as per approved by EIC) 48 Supply and delivery of 1.5 sqmm, Cu Pin socket (Make-Dowels) 49 Supply and delivery of 2.5 sqmm, Cu Pin socket (Make-Dowels) 50 Supply and delivery of 4.0 sqmm, Cu Pin socket (Make-Dowels) 51 Supply and delivery of 6.0 sqmm, Cu Pin socket (Make-Dowels) 52 Supply and delivery of 10.0 sqmm, Cu Pin socket (Make-Dowels) 53 Supply and delivery of 16.0 sqmm, Cu Pin socket (Make-Dowels) 54 Supply and delivery of2.5 sqmm Cu Ring socket(Make-Dowels) 55 Supply and delivery of4.0 sqmm Cu Ring socket(Make-Dowels) 56 Supply and delivery of6.0 sqmm Cu Ring socket(Make-Dowels) 57 Supply and delivery of10.0 sqmm Cu Ring socket(Make-Dowels) 58 Supply and delivery of16.0 sqmm Cu Ring socket(Make-Dowels) 59 Supply and delivery of 20mm Dia PVC Rigid conduit pipe, MMS (Make- Precision & colour approved by EIC) 60 Supply and delivery of 20mm,1 way,Circular box with cover & screw (Make- Precision & colour approved by EIC) 61 Supply and delivery of20mm,2 way,Circular box with cover & screw (Make- Precision & colour/model approved by EIC) 62 Supply and delivery of20mm,3 way,Circular box with cover & screw (Make- Precision & colour/model approved by EIC) 63 Supply and delivery of 1.5 'FR' stranded Copper Wire (Make-Finolex) Black 90 mtr coil-10 64 Supply and delivery of 2.5 'FR' stranded Copper Wire (Make-Finolex)( 90mtr/coil) Black 90 mtrcoil-10 65 Supply and delivery of 4 'FR' stranded Copper Wire (phase,neutral, earth colour combination)(Make-Finolex))( 90mtr/coil) Red 90 mtr-2, Black 90 mtr coil-5 66 Supply and delivery of 6 'FR' stranded Copper Wire (phase,neutral, earth colour combination)(Make-Finolex))( 90mtr/coil) Red 90 mtr coil -1, Yellow1, Blue 1, Black-3 67 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, 16A, single phasemotor starter(OLP3+) suitable for fixing on 4modular box with voltage ¤t digital display, under/over voltage protection, overload protecion, manual reset of fault condition data, 1min time delay before Restart.( Make-- Electron Special Program) 68 Supply and delivery of 440VAC,1.0 MFD,Box type condenser/ capacitor(Make-Tibcon) 69 Supply and delivery of440VAC,2.5 MFD. AL can, Oil filled condenser(Make-Tibcon) 70 Supply and delivery of 440VAC, 3.15 MFD. AL can, Oil filled condenser(Make-Tibcon) 71 Supply and delivery of240VAC, 900 mm sweep ceiling fan.(Make-Crompton HS model) 72 Supply and delivery of240VAC, 1200 mm sweep ceiling fan.(Make-Crompton HS model) 73 Supply of 900 mm sweep, BEE 5 star rated, ceiling fan with Brush Less Direct Current (BLDC) Motor, class of insulation: B, 3 nos. blades, 30 cm long down rod, 2 nos. canopies, shackle kit, safety rope, copper winding, Power Factor not less than 0.9, Service Value (CMM/W) minimum 6.85, Air delivery minimum 130 CMM, 350 RPM (tolerance as per IS : 374- 2019), THD less than 10%, remote or electronic regulator unit for speed control and all remaining accessories including safety pin, nut bolts, washers, temperature rise=75 degree C (max.), insulation resistance more than 2 mega ohm, suitable for 140- 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase AC Supply..(Make-Orient/Crompton/Usha ) 74 Supply of 1200 mm sweep, BEE 5 star rated, ceiling fan with Brush Less Direct Current (BLDC) Motor, class of insulation: B, 3 nos. blades, 30 cm long down rod, 2 nos. canopies, shackle kit, safety rope, copper winding, Power Factor not less than 0.9, Service Value (CMM/W) minimum 6.85, Air delivery minimum 215 CMM, 350 RPM (tolerance as per IS : 374- 2019), THD less than 10%, remote or electronic regulator unit for speed control and all remaining accessories including safety pin, nut bolts, washers, temperature rise=75 degree C (max.), insulation resistance more than 2 mega ohm, suitable for 140- 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase AC Supply..(Make-Orient/Crompton/Usha ) 75 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, bulb holder ( Batten & Pendant)r(make-Anchor & model/Colour approved by EIC) 76 Supply and delivery of Battery 1.5 V ''AA" type (Make-Duracell Ultra) Max.allowable manufacturing date within four months from the date of delivery. 77 Supply and delivery of Battery 1.5 V ''AAA" type (Make-Duracell Ultra)Max.allowable manufacturing date within four months from the date of delivery 78 Supply and delivery of 12 V G.P ultra BatteryMax.allowable manufacturing date within four months from the date of delivery 79 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, Multi tune Call Bellr(make-Anchor & model/Colour approved by EIC) 80 Supply and delivery of 240VAC, Ding DongCall Bell(ding dong type)(make-Anchor & Gold medel/Colour approved by EIC) 81 Supply and delivery of Wooden guthka/piece packet( 50 nos piece/ packet) ( approved make)(As per given sample) 82 Supply and delivery of Drywall SS screwsize 35/8 " flat head. ( approved make)(As per given sample) 83 Supply and delivery of Drywall SS screw25/7",flat head. ( approved make)(As per given sample) 84 Supply and delivery of Drywallscrew13/6". Pan head. ( approved make)(As per given sample) 85 Supply and delivery of L Clamp ,size-100mmx50mm made of 25 x 3 mm GI strip/flat for fixing light fittings incl suitable size 4 nos holes.( approved make) 86 S & D of Drywall fine thread servo25/6" black colour (As per given sample) 87 Supply and delivery of Split pin of ceiling fan ( approved make) 88 Supply and delivery ofwireless call Bell(Make-Anchor/Cona /Gold medel,Brand /model as per approved by EIC),) 89 Supply and delivery of 4 m spike guard 4 way socket with single switch specification max 250V,max 6A,max 1500W , shuttered universal socket,auto detect wire connection,fuse 6A ,4 nos socket and on/off switch (make-Anchor & model/Colour approved by EIC) 90 Supply and delivery of 2" fastner as per sample 91 S& D of nut bolts washers for ceiling fan 1200mm with split pin (As per sample) 92 Supply and delivery of Thinner 93 Supply and delivery of 2 " X 65 m long rollone side adhesive packing tape in transparent, blue, grey colour. 94 Supply and delivery ofPVC adhesive insulation tape (latest manufacturing date 6.5 mtr roll RED -60, Yellow-60 Blue-60,Black-120,Green-30) (all approve make convert to as per given sample). 95 Supply and delivery ofCu tube line connector dowells make 96 2.5 Sqmm 97 4/6 Sqmm 98 10 Sqmm 99 16Sqmm