Tender For Chemicals And Materials; 1 Acetone 99% Extra Pure, 2.5ltr 5 2 Ammonia 30% Extra Pure, 2.5ltr 5 3 Boron trifluoride methanol solution, 50% In methanol, 50ml 2 4 Bradford reagent for 0.1 - 1.4 mg/ml protein, 500ml 3 5 PolyacrylonitrileAvg MW 150,000, 50gm 1 6 Xylan from Beechwood, 25gm 4 7 pH Buffer 4, 10/pk 10 8 pH Buffer 7, 10/pk 10 9 pH Buffer 9.2, 10/pk 10 10 Glycerol98% Extra Pure, 2.5ltr 4 11 Hiper PCR Teaching kit Contents: 10x Assay Buffer, control PCR Product, 2.5mMdNTP mix, 1kb DNA Ladder, Primers, Taq Polymerase, Template DNA, MB Grade water, MgCl2, agarose, 50x TAE, Gel Loading Buffer, Mineral oil, PCR tubes, 10pr 2 12 Hiper Plasmid DNA Extraction Teaching kit (column based Contents: Control DNA, E.coli cells with plasmid, solutions (Lysis, wash, elutions etc.), Agarose, LB Broth, agarpowder, tubes, 50X TAE, ampicilin, Gel Loading buffer, 10pr 2 13 Hiper Western Blotting Teaching kit Contents: Acrylamide solutions, Tris solutions (pH 6.8 and 8.8), Protein marker, electrophoresis Buffer, Sample loading buffer, protein samples, transfer buffer, blocking reagent, diluent buffer, wash buffer, assay buffer, primary antibody, HRP conjugate antibody, TMB/H2O2, Staining and destaining solution, nitrocellulose membrane with filter paper 3 14 2,4 Dinitrophenyl hydrazine 97% for synthesis, 500gm 1 15 4-Nitrobenzaldehyde 99% AR, 100gm 1 16 Sodium Metaperiodate 98% Extra Pure, 100gm 1 17 Single use plastic Petri dishes, 500/pk 1