Acquisition Of Storable Foodstuffs To Prepare Meals For Convicts And Civil Servants From January To April 2025. Sugar, Processed Rice, Coffee, Table Sauce, Sour Cream, Seasoning, Seasoning, Non-Confectionery Jam, Non-Confectionery Jam, Non-Confectionery Jam, Non-Confectionery Jam, Preserved Vegetable, Ready Farofa, Breadcrumbs, Wheat Flour, Food Mix,Legumes,Legumes,Yeast,Corn Flour,Fat Vegetable,Noodles,Noodles,Noodles,Preserved Vegetable,Tomato Paste,Table Sauce,Edible Vegetable Oil,Juice,Juice,Juice,Salt,Kibe Flour,Vinegar,Processed Rice,Legumes