Tenders are invited for Market Relating to the Hydro-Agricultural Development Works of 2,168 Ha of Agricultural Areas for a Completion Period of Five (05) Months. 1. The Guinean Government has obtained financing from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) under the Family Farming, Resilience and Markets Project (AgriFARM-HMG), and the Project Coordination Unit intends to use part of these funds to make payments under the Contract relating to the Hydro-Agricultural Development Works of 2,168 ha of agricultural areas for a completion period of five (05) months for each of the lots in favor of the AgriFARM Project in Upper and Middle Guinea in the Prefectures of Dabola Kankan, Kouroussa, Dinguiraye and Siguiri. These works are made up of five (05) lots for a completion period of five (05) months for each of the lots: Lot 1: Development works on 156 ha of Bowolenna and Toumania plains, Dabola prefecture; Lot 2: Development works on 837 ha of the Selenmoussayah plain, Kankan prefecture; Lot 3: Development works on 421 ha of the Norassoba plain, Siguiri prefecture; Lot 4 Development works on 265ha of the Komola Faraba plain, Kouroussa prefecture and Lot 5 Development works on 490 ha of the Sokoma Farani plain, Dinguiraye prefecture Deadline: 19/02/2025 [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.jaoguinee.com/post.php?t=Avis-d-appel-d-offres-pour-le-Marche-relatif-aux-Travaux-d-Amenagement-hydroagricole-de-2-168-ha-de-perimetres-agricoles-pour-un-delais-d-execution-de-cinq--05--mois&id=5484
Contact Information
Sise au quartier Almamya - Kaloum, Conakry Republique de Guinee - BP: 576 ?el: (+224) 624 26 30 47
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