Acquisition Of Household Appliances, Electronics And Other Common Goods To Meet The Demand Of Icmbios Decentralized Units Linked To Regional Management 2 Northeast.. Washing Machine, Dehumidifier, Gas Stove, Industrial Stove, Industrial Blender, Sandwich Maker, Fryer, Electric Oven, Vacuum Cleaner / Water - Industrial, Domestic Mixer, Fruit Juicer, Electric Coffee Maker, Electric Coffee Maker, Microwave Oven, Bottled Water Drinking Fountain, Water Drinking Fountain ,Drinking Fountain Water,Freezer,Freezer,Fridge,Duplex Refrigerator,Duplex Refrigerator,Fan,Fan,Air Conditioner,Air Conditioner,Air Conditioner,Air Conditioner,Pillow,Bath Towel,Pan,Cup,Speaker,Microphone,Microphone Stand ,Radio Transceiver,Extinguisher Fire