Materials For The Formation Of Kits And Stools For The Science Laboratory In Service To The School Units Of The Municipal Department Of Education. Microscope,Microscope,Portable Monitor,Home Scale,Electronic Scale,Clock,Clock,Tuning Fork,Laboratory Equipment Piece,Beaker,Beaker,Beaker,Beaker,Beaker,Beaker,Beaker,Binoculars,Disposable Scalpel,Navigation Compass Capsule,Compass Navigation, Stopwatch, Dynamometer, Test Tube Stand, Ph Indicator, Pen - Indicator, Lugol, Lamp, Spyglass, Magnifying Glass, Miscellaneous Equipment For Professional Services, Maneuvering Rod, Clothes Peg, Tweezers, Pipette, Petri Dish, Dish Petri,Petri Dish,Identification Plate,Tube Rack Testing, Miscellaneous Equipment For Professional Services, Electric Ruler, Thermometer, Clinical Thermometer, Thermometer, Laboratory Tube, Laboratory Tube, Siphon, Vase, Vase, Suction Cup For Medical Use, Stethoscope, Protective Glasses, Erlenmeyer Flask, Butyl Alcohol, Isopropyl Alcohol, Cotton For Medical Use ,Galvanized Wire,Basin - Use Hospital, Tray, String, Fill Pump, Spray Bottle, Refreshment Straw, Spoon, Sieve, Knife, Flannel, Dropper Bottle, Bottle - Album Type, Bottle, Funnel, Graphite Mine, Magnet, Nylon Thread, Protective Glove, Rear Projector Marker ,Overhead Marker,Overhead Marker,Shovel Garbage Collector, Party Balloon, Wooden Toothpick, Aluminum, Disposable Coffee Strainer, Seedling Cultivation Tray, Syringe, Syringe, Lighting Candle, Blindfold, Applicator Gun, Suture Thread Without Needle, Reduced Size Model, Box, Wooden Stake, Replicas Various, Histological Slide Mounter, Replicas Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous Equipment For Professional Services, Calorimeter, Identification Label, Conductivity Meter