Repair And Maintenance Of Unserviceable Units Of Dg Sets,Amf Panel And Allied Items At 2 Wing At Afs Pune And Maintenance,Repair And Replacement Of Def Items Of Earthing, Lightning Protection System At 2Wing Afs Pune Under Ge Af Lohegaon--1.00 M&L for servicing of DG set 6.25 KVA to 40 KVA by taking out U/S spares, Cleaning by brushing to remove dust including replacing of diesel filters,lub oil filters,checking of all nuts, bolts tightening wherever necessary,draining out old engine oil and coolant and filling new engine oil and coolant as required at site, adjustment and replacement of belt,tuning of engine, adjustment of speed, alternator voltage, frequency etc greasing oiling and checking for smooth functioning of DG Set ( Note :- 1.Any spares,Engine oil,coolant,unserviceable spares required to be replaced shall be measured separately under respective items 2. Spares like nuts,bolts etc shall be included in the rate quoted above) 2.00 M&L for servicing of DG set 62.5 KVA to 125 KVA by taking out U/S spares, Cleaning by brushing to remove dust including replacing of diesel filters,lub oil filters,checking of all nuts, bolts tightening wherever necessary,draining out old engine oil and coolant and filling new engine oil and coolant as required at site, adjustment and replacement of belt,tuning of engine, adjustment of speed, alternator voltage, frequency etc greasing oiling and checking for smooth functioning of DG Set ( Note :- 1.Any spares,Engine oil,coolant,unserviceable spares required to be replaced shall be measured separately under respective items .2. Spares like nuts,bolts etc shall be included in the rate quoted above) 3.00 M&L for servicing of DG set 160 KVA to 250 KVA by taking out U/S spares, Cleaning by brushing to remove dust including replacing of diesel filters,lub oil filters,checking of all nuts, bolts tightening wherever necessary,draining out old engine oil and coolant and filling new engine oil and coolant as required at site, adjustment and replacement of belt,tuning of engine, adjustment of speed, alternator voltage, frequency etc greasing oiling and checking for smooth functioning of DG Set ( Note :- 1.Any spares,Engine oil,coolant,unserviceable spares required to be replaced shall be measured separately under respective items 2.Spares like nuts,bolts etc shall be included in the rate quoted above) 4.00 M&L for servicing of DG set 320 KVA to 400 KVA by taking out U/S spares, Cleaning by brushing to remove dust including replacing of diesel filters,lub oil filters,checking of all nuts, bolts tightening wherever necessary,draining out old engine oil and coolant and filling new engine oil and coolant as required at site, adjustment and replacement of belt,tuning of engine, adjustment of speed, alternator voltage, frequency etc greasing oiling and checking for smooth functioning of DG Set ( Note :- 1.Any spares,Engine oil,coolant,unserviceable spares required to be replaced shall be measured separately under respective items 2. Spares like nuts,bolts etc shall be included in the rate quoted above) 5.00 M&L for servicing of DG set 500 KVA to 750 KVA by taking out U/S spares, Cleaning by brushing to remove dust including replacing of diesel filters,lub oil filters,checking of all nuts, bolts tightening wherever necessary,draining out old engine oil and coolant and filling new engine oil and coolant as required at site, adjustment and replacement of belt,tuning of engine, adjustment of speed, alternator voltage, frequency etc greasing oiling and checking for smooth functioning of DG Set ( Note :- 1.Any spares,Engine oil,coolant,unserviceable spares required to be replaced shall be measured separately under respective items .2. Spares like nuts,bolts etc shall be included in the rate quoted above) 6.00 Material only for the following item of DG set 6.25 KVA to 40 KVA to be incorporated in repairs. 7.00 (a) Fuel Filter 8.00 (b)Oil Filter element with O ring 9.00 (c) Fan belt 10.00 (d) Alternator belt 11.00 (e) Radiator hose pipe inlet/outlet 12.00 (f) Solenoid switch 12 volts,DC 13.00 (g) Oil Pressure Pipe 14.00 (h) Fuel Pressure Pipe 15.00 Material only for the following item of DG set 62.5 KVA to 125 KVA DG set be incorporated in repairs for item No 2 16.00 (a) Fuel Filter 17.00 (b)Oil Filter element with O ring 18.00 (c) Fan belt 19.00 (d) Alternator belt 20.00 (e) Radiator hose pipe inlet/outlet 21.00 (f) Solenoid switch 12 volts,DC 22.00 (g) Oil Pressure Pipe 23.00 (h) Fuel Pressure Pipe 24.00 Material only for the following item of DG set 160 KVA to 250 KVA to be incorporated in repairs for item No 3 25.00 (a) Fuel Filter 26.00 (b)Oil Filter element with O ring 27.00 (c) Fan belt 28.00 (d) Alternator belt 29.00 (e) Radiator hose pipe inlet/outlet 30.00 (f) Solenoid switch 12/24 volts,DC 31.00 (g) Oil Pressure Pipe 32.00 (h) Fuel Pressure Pipe 33.00 Material only for the following item of DG set 320 KVA to 400 KVA to be incorporated in repairs for item No 4 34.00 (a) Fuel Filter 35.00 (b) Oil Filter element with O ring 36.00 (c) Fan belt 37.00 (d) Alternator belt 38.00 (e) Radiator hose pipe inlet/outlet 39.00 (f) Solenoid switch 24 volts,DC 40.00 (g) Oil Pressure Pipe 41.00 (h) Fuel Pressure Pipe 42.00 Material only for the following item of DG set 500 KVA to 750 KVA to be incorporated in repairs for item No 5 43.00 (a) Fuel Filter 44.00 (b)Oil Filter element with O ring 45.00 M &L for Removing the fuel injection pump (FIP) & injectors from DG set cap 62.5 KVA to 160 KVA and carry out servicing and calibration including replacement of injectors nozzles, etc. and refitting the same for smooth and efficient functioning all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. Note :-Repairs will be carried out from authorised workshop of MICO or manufacturer of DG set. 46.00 M &L for Removing the fuel injection pump (FIP) & injectors from DG set cap 160 KVA to 250 KVA and carry out servicing and calibration including replacement of injectors nozzles, etc. and refitting the same for smooth and efficient functioning all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. Note :-Repairs will be carried out from authorised workshop of MICO or manufacturer of DG set. 47.00 Taking down defective self starter 12 Volt of DG set of cap from 20KVA to 160 KVA DG set installed at various installations and servicing/overhauling including replacing of worn out parts like solenoid, bearing, carbon brush, rewinding the starter motor winding, etc. and refitting the same after making serviceable for smooth functioning in all respect all as directed by Eng-in-Charge.Note:-Spares required and rewinding will be measured and paid separately under relevant item of this Schedule here after. 48.00 (a) Rewinding the burnt field coil. 49.00 (b) Rewinding the burnt armature coil with commutator. 50.00 (c) Replacement of bush/ bearing. 51.00 (d) Replace the worm out carbon brush with brush holder. 52.00 (e) Replacement of clutch. 53.00 (f) Replacement of solenoid switch. 54.00 (g) Replacement of Bentex drive. 55.00 Taking down defective self starter 24 Volt of DG set of cap from 200 KVA to 500 KVA DG set installed at various installations and servicing/overhauling including replacing of worn out parts like solenoid, bearing, carbon brush, rewinding the starter motor winding, etc. and refitting the same after making serviceable for smooth functioning in all respect all as directed by Eng-in-Charge.Note:-Spares required and rewinding will be measured and paid separately under relevant item of this Schedule here after. 56.00 (a) Rewinding the burnt field coil. 57.00 (b) Rewinding the burnt armature coil with commutator. 58.00 (c) Replacement of bush/ bearing. 59.00 (d) Replace the worm out carbon brush with brush holder. 60.00 (e) Replacement of clutch. 61.00 (f) Replacement of solenoid switch. 62.00 (g) Replacement of Bentex drive. 63.00 M&L for disconnecting the U/S alternator capacity of 30 KVA to 160 KVA, 3 phase any make & type from engine, transporting to workshop dismantling it for repairing and rewinding by taking out burnt armature winding aleaning the alternator coil with existing gauge/size of super enamelled copper winding wire, providing new insulation, sleeves, varnishing cotton taping etc reassembling the alternator complete including aligning with engine and testing in all aspects for smooth functioning all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 64.00 M&L for disconnecting the U/S alternator capacity of 200 KVA to 250 KVA, 3 phase any make & type from engine, transporting to workshop dismantling it for repairing and rewinding by taking out burnt armature winding aleaning the alternator coil with existing gauge/size of super enamelled copper winding wire, providing new insulation, sleeves, varnishing cotton taping etc reassembling the alternator complete including aligning with engine and testing in all aspects for smooth functioning all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 65.00 Taking down old US contactor and S&F new contactor for the following range : 66.00 (i) Contactor 40A, 415 volt, 4 pole 67.00 (ii) Contactor 63A, 415 volt, 4 pole 68.00 (iii) Contactor 80A, 415 volt, 4 pole 69.00 (iv) Contactor 130A, 415 volt, 4 pole 70.00 (v) Contactor 160A, 415 volt, 4 pole 2NO+2NC 71.00 (vi) Contactor 255 A, 415 volt, 4 pole 2NO+2NC 72.00 (vii) Contactor 400 A, 415 volt, 4 pole 2NO+2NC 73.00 Taking down old US CONTACTOR COIL and S&F new contactor coil for the following range : 74.00 (i) Contactor coil of 130A, 415 volt, 4 pole 75.00 (ii) Contactor coil of 160A, 415 volt, 4 pole 76.00 (iii) Contactor coil of 255A, 415 volt, 4 pole 77.00 (iv) Contactor coil of 325A, 415 volt, 4 pole 78.00 (v) Contactor coil of 600A, 415 volt, 4 pole 79.00 Material and labour for replacement of battery charger 12 Volt,10 Amp and making all electrical connection testing complete all as directed 80.00 Material and labour for replacement of battery charger 24 Volt, 10 Amp and making all electrical connection testing complete all as directed 81.00 M & L for replacement of brass battery terminal suitable for lead Acid Battery 12 V 40 AH to 12 V , 180 AH. 82.00 M & L for maintenance servicing and complete checking of automatic main failure (AMF) panel of any capacity including replacement of worn out parts, copper cables, relay of suitable range, toggle switches, indicator & repair of Ammeter, Voltmeter complete and testing all as specified & directed at site by Engr-in-charge.Note :- Spare parts required will be measured and paid separately under relevant item of this Schedule here after. 83.00 (a) CTs of range 62.5 to 400 KVA 84.00 (b) Relay of range 62.5 KVA to 400 KVA. 85.00 (c) Copper wire single core for internal connection. 86.00 (d) Voltage monitoring relay (digital type) 87.00 (e) DG set AMF Contactor as per existing 88.00 M&L for taking out diesel from the fuel tank of DG set of capacity 20 KVA to 160 KVA and cleaning the fuel tank complete of any size. 89.00 M&L for taking out diesel from the fuel tank of DG set of capacity 200 KVA to 500 KVA and cleaning the fuel tank complete of any size. 90.00 M&L for De-scaling & cleaning , painting (except fins area) & welding / soldering / brazing of radiator of any capacity & any type complete all as directed. 91.00 Supply only coolant for radiators of DG sets of capacity 30 KVA to 750 KVA complete all as directed at site. 92.00 Supply only battery distilled water for batteries of DG sets 93.00 M&L for draining out old engine oil and filling new engine oil of grade as recommended by manufacturer for DG set any make and capacity complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 94.00 S & F in replacement of fuel indication transparent plastic tube of any size as per existing complete all as directed 95.00 Supply and fix in replacement of broken acoustic enclosure door hinges with stainless steel hinges complete with nut bolts etc as per site requirement of any type, cap and make of DG set all as directed at site. 96.00 Materials and labour for scraping removing and cleaning old rusty paint from enclosure of DG set 62.5 KVA to 160 KVA capacity any make by cleaning agents & painting the above DG set complete with Polyurethane (PU) paint as specified and directed at site by Engr-in Charge. 97.00 Materials and labour for scraping removing and cleaning old rusty paint from enclosure of DG set 160 KVA to 500 KVA capacity any make by cleaning agents & painting the above DG set complete with Polyurethane (PU) paint as specified and directed at site by Engr-in Charge. 98.00 Taking down old rusted unserviceable silencer single/double with exhaust pipe and M&L for new silencer with Exhaust pipe complete bends, coupling etc suitable for 100 to 400 KVA DG set including fixing arrangements and painting with silver colour over a coat of red oxide all as specified and directed 99.00 Supply & Fix in replacement of automatic voltage regulator 62.5 to 400 KVA DG set complete all as directed. 100.00 Material and labour for taking shutdown and disconnecting cables from AMF panel and DG set of 62.5 KVA and dismantle the spare parts of any make and type and disconnect the engine from the alternator and transport it to the workshop if requiired and conduct engine overhauling of DG set and replace all the unserviceable spare parts with the new one and reassembling of complete DG set and testing commisioning complete all as specified and directed by OEM and Engr-In-charge.Note:- Cost of spare parts will be measured and paid seperately under relevant item of this Schedule here after. 101.00 Supply only nozzle including testing complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 102.00 Suply only Piston Ring set complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 103.00 Supply only Piston asy complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 104.00 Supply only Liner with O-Ring 105.00 Supply only Head gasket complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 106.00 Supply only Fuel gasket complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 107.00 Supply only CR Bearing set complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 108.00 Supply only Inlet valve complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 109.00 Supply only exhaust valve complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 110.00 Supply only Head repairing complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 111.00 Supply only engine head assy complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 112.00 Supply only engine oil seal complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 113.00 Supply only valve seal complete all as specified and directed by OEM and Engr-In-charge. 114.00 Supply only valve spring complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 115.00 M&L for replacement of valvel guide complete all as specified and directed by Engr-In-charge. 116.00 Supply and fixing of 180 AH sealed lead acid battery 12 volt into DG set with all necessary connections complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 117.00 Supply and fixing of 150 AH sealed lead acid battery 12 volt into DG set with all necessary connections complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 118.00 Labour only for comprehensive maintenance of and attending day to day break down of DG Set including servicing including first hand repairs, consisting of normal repairs such as tightening of nut bolts, greasing, checking/replacing of battery terminals, levelling of distilled water, cleaning of main ,battery charging alternator where ever exists with vacuum cleaner complete all as specified & directed by Engineer-in-charge. Note:-(i) The maintenance cost of DG Set shall deemed to comprises of cost of labour employed for the purpose, T&P used and other petty items such as cotton waste, Kerosene oil, Grease, nuts, bolts and labour cost for fixing spares. (ii) All spares and oil replaced will be measured and paid under relevant items of schedule ‘A’.(iii) Non attending the complaint with in 8 Hrs @ Rs. 2000.00/day shall be recovered by the contractor.(iv) Keep the complaint pending after one day @ Rs.4000.00/day shall be recovered by the contractor.(v) The complaint shall be generated by Telephonically/Verbally by concern JE E/M or Engr-Incharge.(vi) Spares shall be measured and paid separately. 119.00 (a) 6.25 KVA to 40 KVA 120.00 (b) 62.5 KVA to 125 KVA 121.00 (c) 160 KVA to 250 KVA 122.00 (d) 320 to 400 KVA 123.00 (d) 500 KVA to 750 KVA 124.00 Material and labour for Checking/ Testing of resistance value of any type of earth pits by disconnecting earth continuity conductor from test terminal block/panel/equipment at various location of AF Station Pune and reconnecting the earth continuity conductor after testing.Temporary earthing connection to be provided while testing.Earth tester will be provided by contractor. Earth tester must be calibrated.Earth test to be signed by Rep of contractor, Rep of MES and Rep of AF. Test reports to be submitted in triplicate complete all as specified and directed. 125.00 M&L for maintenance of GI Plate/copper plate earthing to improve the earth resistance as following:-(a) Remove the earth chamber carefully for reuse.(b) Excavation in any type of soil and rock 0.5 cum (approx 0.75m x 0.75m x 0.9m depth )(c) On First day recharge the earth pit with common salt, Magnesium sulphate,back fill compound mixed with water.(Approx salt- 10 kg, Mg sulphate- 10 kg, charcoal - 10 kg )(d) On the next day recharge the earth pit with water 500 ltrs.(e) Excavated material to be removed from the site and deposit at the distance not exceeding 50m distance and levelled.(f) Refill the pit with black cotton soil (M&L for black cotton soil must be included in the quoted rate)(g) Refit the earth chamber in place.(h) Material and labour for Testing of earth must be included in the quoted rate.Note:-(i) Common salt, Mg sulphate, charcoal will be measured and paid separately.(ii) If existing chamber is already damaged then new chamber will be provided, measured & paid separately.. 126.00 M&L for fixing earth indicators made out of 3 mm thick MS sheet of size 200 mm x 300 mm duly fixed in MS angle iron 25 mm x 25mm x 3mm of 600 mm long fixed to ground by means and including necessary cement concrete foundation and painting with one coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete for writing earth reading and connected plant/ panel etc. and excavation and earth work complete all as specified and directed. 127.00 S&F in repair of test point made out of gun metal or phosphorous bronze of size 75x50x5mm duly mounted on epoxy insulator 02 Nos.Drilling of upper & lower portion of test point for incoming & outgoing connections with brass nut bolt to be fitted in and including terminal blockmade out of M.S sheet 2mm thick as per the sample duly painted with two coat of enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed. 128.00 M&L for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of pure copper pipe electrode earthing maintenance free earthing based on 6 mtr long copper pipe 76 mm dia(ID) with wall thickness of 3 mm, copper strip 32x 6 mm ( strip in pipe type electrode )and copper pipe electrode shall be filled with MFC for improvement of conductivity of electrode, 120 KGS approx of BFC shall be filled around the copper pipe elecrode . Rate included for testing,commisioning including checking of earth continuity and earth result complete all as specified and directed. Rate is included for boring of earthing in any type of soil/rock upto 200 mm bore.Continuity of good earth resistance shall maintained upto 1 year and testing will be carried out monthly by MES authority.Copper strip must be connected with copper pipe electrode and at other joints through brass nut bolt all as specified and directed. 129.00 M&L for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of copper bonded(254 micron) pipe electrode earthing maintenance free earthing based on 6 mtr long copper bonded pipe 76mm dia(ID) , copper strip 32x 6 mm ( strip in pipe type electrode )and copper coated pipe electrode shall be filled with MFC for improvement of conductivity of electrode, 120 KGS approx of BFC shall be filled around the copper pipe elecrode . Rate included for testing,commisioning including checking of earth continuity and earth result complete all as specified and directed. Rate is included for boring of earthing in any type of soil/rock upto 200 mm bore.Continuity of good earth resistance shall maintained upto 1 year and testing will be carried out monthly by MES authority.Copper strip must be connected with copper pipe electrode and at other joints through brass nut bolt complete all as specified and directed. 130.00 M&L for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of pure copper pipe electrode earthing maintenance free earthing based on 3 mtr long copper pipe 76 mm dia(ID) with wall thickness of 3 mm, copper strip 32x 6 mm ( strip in pipe type electrode )and pure copper pipe electrode shall be filled with MFC for improvement of conductivity of electrode, 60 KGS approx of BFC shall be filled around the copper pipe elecrode . Rate included for testing,commisioning including checking of earth continuity and earth result complete all as specified and directed. Rate is included for boring of earthing in any type of soil/rock upto 200 mm bore.Continuity of good earth resistance shall maintained upto 1 year and testing will be carried out monthly by MES authority.Copper strip must be connected with copper pipe electrode and at other joints through brass nut bolt complete all as specified and directed. 131.00 Material and labour for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of GI pipe electrode earthing maintenance free earthing based on 6 mtr long GI pipe 76 mm dia(ID) medium grade, GI strip 32x6 mm (Strip in pipe type electrode) and GI pipe electrode shall be filled with MFC for improvement of conductivity of electrode, 120 KGS approx of BFC shall be filled around the GI pipe electrode. Rate included for testing,commisioning including checking of earth continuity and earth result complete all as specified and directed.Rate is included for boring of earthing in any type of soil/rock upto 200 mm bore. Continuity of good earth resistance shall maintained upto 1 year and testing will be carried out monthly by MES authority.GI strip must be connected with GI pipe electrode and other joints through GI nut bolt complete all as specified and directed. 132.00 M/L for providing earthing complete with Copper earth plate electrode 600 mm x 600 mm x 3.15 mm thick buried directly in ground earth pit not less than 2.25 Mtr deep below ground level with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 Mtr below normal ground level connected to copper earth strip 20 x 3 mm by means of bolts, nuts, checknuts & washers of copper and connecting to test point , providing charcoal and common salt ,all as shown in electrical plate No. 3 of SSR Part I of 2009 & as specified or indicated and testing on completion including excavation/earth work in any type of strata PCC ( 1:3:6 ) type C1 earthing chamber, pre cast slab 50 mm thick in cement concrete ( 1: 2 : 4 ) type B1 (reinforced with welded steel wire fabric (XPM) weight not less than 4 Kg / Sqm), funnel with wire mesh, watering pipe of 20 mm bore medium grade and lugs, including copper earth strip 20 x 3 mm , 7.5 meter long, etc complete all as specified and directed. Note- (i) Vendors are bound to get earthing result less than or upto1 Ohm with or without the grid of earthing.(Maximum number of new earthings in grid are restricted to 3 nos) Any additional work and material required to achieve the required result is included in the cost. (ii) Excavated material to be removed from the site and deposit at the distance not exceeding 50m distance and levelled.(iii) Refill the pit with black cotton soil. (M&L for black cotton soil must be included in the quoted rate) 133.00 M&L for providing earthing complete with galvanised iron earth plate electrode 600 mm x 600 mm x 6mm as earthing lead buried directly in ground vertically to a depth not less than 2.25 Mtr deep below ground level with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 Mtr below normal ground level connected to and including galvanised iron strip 32x6 mm as earthing lead by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts & washers etc made of GI and connected to earthing test point, providing charcoal and common salt all as shown in electrical plate No. 3 of SSR Part I of 2009 & as specified or indicated and testing on completion including exaction/earth work in any type of strata PCC (1:3:6) type C1 earthing chamber, pre cast slab 50 mm thick in cement concrete (1:2:4) type B1 (reinforced with welded steel wire fabric (XPM) weight not less than 4 Kg/sqm), funnel with wire mesh, watering pipe of 20 mm bore medium grade and lugs, including galvanised iron strip 32x6 mm ,7.5 meter long, etc complete all as specified and directed. Note:(i) Excavated material to be removed from the site and deposit at the distance not exceeding 50m distance and levelled.(ii) Refill the pit with black cotton soil. (M&L for black cotton soil must be included in the quoted rate) 134.00 S & F GI earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead of size 25X4 mm fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in ground or drawn in conduit / pipe or fixed to poles or any other indicated situation for earthing etc. as required complete all as specified and directed. 135.00 S & F copper earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead of size 20x3 mm fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in ground or drawn in conduit / pipe or fixed to poles or any other indicated situation for earthing etc. as required complete all as specified and directed. 136.00 S & F GI wire 4mm dia fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in ground or drawn in conduit / pipe or fixed to poles or any other indicated situation for earthing etc. as required complete all as specified and directed. 137.00 Taking down carefully from roof / wall of the building loose / hanging / deshaped / GI strip/ aluminium strip / copper strips of any size & type including unserviceable insulators etc complete all as specified and directed. 138.00 S&F GI Sheet funnel with wire mesh complete all as specified and directed. 139.00 Taking down termination rod complete all as specified and directed. 140.00 Refixing serviceable aluminium /Copper/Galvanised Iron strips of any size and fixing on porecelin insulators T type placed not more than 50 cm apart & fixed with srews & nut bolts complete all as specified and directed.Note : M&L Porcelain insulators with nuts bolts and screws will measured and paid separately 141.00 Supply & fix aluminium strips 25x3 mm on porceline insulator T type not more than 50 cm apart complete all as specified and directed.Note: M&L Porcelain insulators with nuts bolts and screws will measured and paid separately 142.00 Supply and fix air termination single pointed aluminium 12 mm dia & 300 mm long including nuts & bolts for fixing air termination rod to pole/ pipe duly insulated by providing appropriate insulator all as required at site. complete all as specified and directed. 143.00 M&L for PCC 1:4:8 type D2 using 40 mm graded stone aggregate as mass concrete for foundation of GI tubing /Air termination rod complete all as specified and directed. 144.00 S&F GI socket reducer 40x25 mm and aluminium gutka externally threaded suitable for 25 mm GI socket and internally threaded suitable for fixing epoxy insulator for fixing terminal rod complete all as specified and directed.(As per sample). Note: Material and labour for epoxy insulator is included in the rate quoted by the tenderer. 145.00 S&F GI pipe medium grade 40 mm dia embeded in concrete complete all as specified and directed.(mounting arrangment for air termination) Note: M&L for PCC work will be measured and paid separately. 146.00 S&F in repair of GI tubing 15 mm bore medium grade including all necessaory fittings i.e. socket, elbow etc.laid on floor or fixed to wall complete all as specified and directed. 147.00 Material and labour for welding in joints of GI Strip any size and after welding testing and commessioning will be carried out and result will be recorreced complete all as specified and directed 148.00 Material and labour for brezing in joints of Copper Strip any size and after brezing testing and commessioning will be carried out and result will be recorreced complete all as specified and directed 149.00 S&F in repair of GI tubing 15 mm bore medium grade including all necessaory fittings i.e. socket, elbow etc.laid in trenches complete all as specified and directed. 150.00 S&F Stop valve of 15mm dia complete all as specified and directed. 151.00 Supply and fix Bib tap 15 mm bore size of cast copper alloy with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule and fixed 152.00 M&L for Cutting the existing GI pipe upto 80mm for tapping of 15 mm branch including required fittings complete all as specified and as directed. 153.00 S&F epoxy insulators suitable of aluminium strip of 25x3mm size with nut bolts/ screws for fixing of copper/ aluminium / GI strips on stone / PCC block walls etc complete all as specified and directed. 154.00 M&L for earthing chamber of size 450x450x300 mm depth outside & 250x250x300 mm depth of PCC (1:3:6) type C1 complete all as specified and directed. 155.00 S&F in repair of earthing pit cover 50 mm thick precast slab of RCC 1:2:4 type B1, reinforced with welded steel wire fabric (XPM) weight not less than 4 Kg/sqm incl 6 mm dia bar handle complete all as specified and directed. 156.00 Supplying and fixing of common salt for earthing maintenance complete all as specified and directed. 157.00 Supply and fixing of of magnesium sulphate for earthing complete all as specified and directed. 158.00 Supply and fixing of Charcoal for earthing complete all as specified and directed.