E-Tendering For The Sale Of Useless Materials In Zilla Parishad Gadchiroli Ta.Dist.Gadchiroli -small wardrobe (lokhandon) Laser printer Kanig chair S size Canon Preter Imag Class Battery inverter charge machine Battery inverter charge machine lg monitor CPUW Rhythm Master CPU Taser CPU Polynyth computer CPU Jharax Mission Canaan Mothi wooden table Tata Vehicle Battery Cash Box Safe Lakhandi dull monitor wipro monitor Dull CPU Luminous Invaray Charger Cooler lacquered wardrobe wooden table Plywood iron table Matha Ranka Lakhanda Small Rank iron Large wardrobe closet Wooden planks table Bunch wooden chair Ghumnari Steel iron grater printing machine Cooler Plywood TV cabinet cable internet cooler motor Jholat Registration Form the rock CPU HPL CPU HPL CPU HPL CPU HPL CPU HPL Preter Samsung printer canon printer canon printer hp HCL Monitor - HCL Monitor - HCL Monitor - HCL Monitor HCL Monitor HCL Monitor monitor wipro monitor wipro monitor hp wardrobe water filter table (iron) keyboard CPU Xerox machine UPS All in one printer table iron cyclostyle machine Computer set PCI monitor COMPUTER SET RP TACH MONITOR COMPUTER SET RP TACH MONITOR Computer Union RP TACH Monitor Computer Union RP TACH Monitor Computer Union RP TACH Monitor Computer Union RP TACH Monitor Computer suite PCH monitor Computer suite PCH monitor Computer Union PCH Monitor Computer suite PCH monitor Samsung monitor HP monitor HCL Monitor CPU/HCI CPU/RP TACH CPU/RP TACH CPU/RP TACH CPU/RP TACH CPU/RP TACH -CPU/RP TACH CPU/PCS 3 CPU/PCS CPU/RP TACH 5 CPU/ZONE 5 Samsung printer Samsung Preter 3 Samsung Printers Samsung printer Canon Printer Canaan Printer 2 Samsung printers 3 Samsung printers xharax 5 EPSONFX 1170 5 WIPRO THEM Prater 3 xerox machines Above all Typing Machine Marathi • Preter Canon 2 keyboards 3 USB chargers Fax Machine Canaan 5 Duplicating machines 5 Cashbox Petromax (Gas Light) printer Biometric Motion Cooler table chair wheelchair chair wooden raw fiber keyboard stall cupboard small Cooler laser printer Still writing table small Steel Tubular Chair Steel Tubular Chair Wall fan revolving Chair Monitor CPU Doranx machine UPS All in one printer Table iron Cyclostyle Machine Office xerox machine Computer + Keyboard cpu Table iron iron almira iron Chair Cyclostyle Machine Cooler big Cooler small keyboard CPU monitor chair Water cooler seat body Water cooler AC AC AC AC AC AC fridge
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Dy.Chief Executive Officer GAD
General Adm.Department Zilla Parishad Gadchiroli
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