Procurement Of Equipments, Instruments, Machineries, Tools, Etc. Related Toelectronics & Communication Engin ... in India
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Tender Brief
Procurement Of Equipments, Instruments, Machineries, Tools, Etc. Related Toelectronics & Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Computer Science & Technology Laboratories And Workshops Of Alipurduar (Damanpur) Government Polytechnic, Alipurdua
Procurement Of Equipments, Instruments, Machineries, Tools, Etc. Related Toelectronics & Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Computer Science & Technology laboratories And Workshops Of Alipurduar (Damanpur) Government Polytechnic, Alipurduar, West Bengal - 1 Amplitude Modulation Trainer kit 2 Amplitude Demodulation Trainer kit 3 Frequency Modulation Trainer kit 4 Frequency Demodulation Trainer kit 5 PAM, PWM and PPM modulation and demodulation Trainer Kit 6 Analog signal Sampling & Reconstruction Trainer Kit 7 30MHz Dual Trace Analog Oscilloscope with Component Tester 8 Function Generator 9 3 GHz spectrum Analyser 10 Digital Storage Oscilloscope ( 70 MHz) 11 Variable DCPower Supply 12 To study the rectifier with and without capacitor filter for : —(a) Half-wave rectifier,(b) Full-wave rectifier,(c) Bridge rectifier 13 Diode Characteristics Trainer Kit 14 To study the input and output characteristics and to find the h-parameters of a BJT for : —(a) C-E configuration,(b) C-C configuration,(c) C-B configuration 15 To determine frequency response characteristics of RC coupled amplifier circuit and calculation ofbandwidth, midband gain, input impedance and output impedance for :(a) Single-stage amplifier(b) Double-stage amplifier 16 FET Characteristic Trainer kit 17 MOSFET characteristics Trainer kit 18 To study the output waveform of push-pull amplifier forClass-Boperation 19 Feedback Amplifier Trainer 20 Digital Multimeter 21 Trainer kit to implement Logic gate using TTL IC 22 Trainer kit to implement multiplexer andde-multiplexer 23 Complete setup to design / construct binary synchronous and asynchronous counter. 24 Complete setup to design / construct programmable UP/Down counter. 25 Complete setup to design controlled shift register and study their function 26 Trainer kit to implement Encoder and Decoder. 27 Analog & Digital I.C Tester 28 Digital Flip flop trainer kit 29 Digital Trainer Kit 30 Multi o/p programmable linear dc power supply32 V/3 A,-32V /-3 A,3.3V/5A fixed, 31 Trainer Kit to realize Half Adder / Full Adder/ Full Subtractor. 32 Trainer kit to realize parity generator and checker & comparator by using logic gates. 33 8051 Trainer KIT 34 8086 based Microprocessor Trainer kit 35 OP Amp Trainer kit (IC 741 based) 36 To study the characteristics of IC555 timer connected as: a) astable multivibrator, b) monostable multivibrator. 37 ICL8038 Signal Generator kit with provision to generate Sine-wave, Triangular wave and Saw-tooth wave 38 TDMPulse Code Modulation trainer kit 39 TDM pulse Code Demodulation Trainer kit 40 FDM Transmitter / Receiver Kit 41 ASK / PSK / FSK Modulation And Demodulation Kit 42 Microwave Test Bench (KLYSTRONBased) 43 Microwave Test Bench (GUNN Based) 44 Digital Communication System 45 CT-ET-PIC Trainer : Microchip PIC18F4550 Kit 46 IOT DEVELOPMENT SETUP MODEL: CT-IOT-AIO-01 47 Trainer kit to study the function of fiber optic analog link. To study the frequency response of optical receiver at various load conditions.3. To study the losses in optical fiber: —(a) propagation loss, (b) bending loss.4. To study the numerical aperture of optical fiber. 48 Antenna Trainer Kit 49 SATELLITE COMMUNICATION TRAINER 50 GSM mobile telephone trainer 51 Trainer Kit to study Reverse Recovery Characteristics of Power Diodes 52 Speed Control Of Induction Motor by voltage and frequency variation 53 To study drive circuit of SCR 54 To study SMPS with PWM regulator chip 55 Jones chopper Trainer 56 To study the speed control of DC motor 57 Single Phase Bridge Inverter 58 1 KVA ONLINE UPS Trainer kit 59 To study a single-phase rectifier—output waveform with phase control circuit 60 To plot V/I characteristics of Triac 61 To study a polyphase rectifier 62 To plot V/I characteristics of Diac 63 To study a phase control AC regulator 64 To study the V-I characteristics of UJT Trainer kit. 65 Temperature controller with on-off controller, Temperature controller with PI controller, Temperature controller with PID controller 66 PLC Trainer 67 DTH TRAINER KIT 68 Colour TV Trainer with provision of fault finding 69 Black & White TV Trainer kit with provision of fault finding 70 Microwave Oven Trainer for demonstration its working principle. 71 LED TV Receiver trainer kit 72 Compression Testing Machine 73 Electronic Balance 74 Variable Inductor 75 Variable Capacitor 76 1 Phase Electronic Energy Meter 77 PMMC 78 Use voltmeter and ammeter method / Wheatstone bridge for measurement of medium resistance. 79 Measure unknown inductance using Maxwell Bridge 80 Measurement of displacement with the help of LVDT 81 Measurement of strain/force with the help of strain gauge load cell 82 Draw the characteristics of the following temperature transducers (a) RTD (Pt-100) (b) Thermistor 83 Calibrate a voltmeter using Crompton potentiometer 84 Study the working of Q-meter and measure Q of coils 85 To study the spectrum analyzer 86 Three phase balanced resistive load 87 Earth tester setup for measurement of earth resistance. 88 Luxmeter 89 BDV Test Kit 90 Different types of fire extinguisher 91 Function Generator 92 Test the proper functioning of power electronic switches – SCR, IGBT, SCS, MOSFET, TRIAC, DIAC 93 Test the effect of variation of R, C in UJT triggering technique 94 Perform speed control of DC series / DC separately excited motor using SCR 95 Test the performance of given UPS 96 Study on SMPS 97 Measure the output voltage of chopper for resistive load by varying the frequency and /or duty cycle of chopper 98 Effect on speed of given D.C. series motor by varying armature voltage using step down chopper 99 Observe the effect on speed of the given D.C. separately excited motor by varying voltage using step down chopper 100 Control the speed of the given separately exited motor by changing the firing angle of SCR using single phase full converter and measure the speed 101 Control the speed of DC motor drives using microcontroller 102 Study samples of Overhead Conductors, Underground Cables, Line supports and Line Insulators 103 Demonstrate the improvement of p.f. using static condenser 104 Logic gate trainer kit 105 Insulation transformer 106 3 phase static converter 107 ELCB 108 Thyrite type lighting arrester 109 Parallel operation of two alternator setup 110 NETWORK CABLE (LAN) TESTER 111 CAT V / VI Cable Spool 112 Crimping tools & Multipupose Screwdrivers 113 Switch(10/100Mbps) 114 Router(2.4/5GHz) 115 Patch panel +Patch cord 116 IO box with back box + Casing 117 LAN Trainer Kit( For network Lab)
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Alipurduar (Damanpur) Govt. Polytechnic, Ward No. 4, Prankrishna Sarani, New Alipurduar Station Road, Alipurduar
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