Tender For Pr No_33429691 Set Of Fabricated Items For Pp,Visakhapatnam 33429691 0001 0001 300220774 SET OF FABRICATED ITEMS Technical Details Name : Anuradha Dalabehera Contact : Email : ANURADHA.DALABEHERA@AMNS.IN 30 TO SET TYPE : FABRICATED ITEMS Item Details : Ducting scope of work. Set of Technological fabricated items Ducting- circular/ rectangle with IS 2062 E350/450- (as per drawings) with required steel, fabrication, surface preparation, Painting <(>&<)> transportation, includes rolling and bending. MOC of Fabricated Structures • Flat members should be ducting and code are IS 2062 E 350/450 • Make: Flat section steel (AMNS/SAIL/JSW/JSL/TATA) • All the steel should be tagged Mark no – Test certificate for individual should be issued with individual and Fabrication will be initiated only after clearance given by third party QA/QC. General scope • The Vendor should fabricate the technological structures at his own workshop. He should indicate in his Bid the proposed place of fabrication along with monthly capacity of fabrication of structures and how much of that can be earmarked for this work. Based on this credentials AMNS EIC will Valuation in Technical Recommendation stage. • The Vendor should submit a Time Bar Chart along with his (technical credentials) the starting <(>&<)> completion date of each activity (showing breakup of time) such as preparation and approval of balance design drawings as well as fabrication drawings, procurement of raw materials, order placement for bought out items <(>&<)> their delivery to shop, various shop activities, fabrication of structures, TPI inspection <(>&<)> painting, dispatch to the site, schedule of erection at site. Based on this credentials AMNS EIC will Valuation in Technical Recommendation stage. • Fabrication agency who has expertise in fabrication and should have a minimum 100 MT of fabrication yard is preferred and necessary documents to be furnished at time of technical evaluation and TPI will be deployed for verification. • Credentials of the earlier work experience with the performance certificate with the contact nos of the clients to be provide along with technical document. Fabrication, Surface preparation sand Blasting • Land, Infrastructure, power <(>&<)> water required for fabrication are under vendor scope. • Fabrication will be initiated after issuing the final GA <(>&<)> Detailed drawing by AMNS executive with approved sign. • Fabrication of steel structures shall conform to IS: 800 - 2007 and ducting IS 655 tolerances of fabrication of structures shall be as per IS: 7215-1974. • Fabrication of Technological fabrication for pellet plant process duct related like (Gas flow duct, elbow, Rolling pipes <(>&<)> bends ETC as per the drawings. • The scope is covered Rolling, bending, ducting, (from 6 to 10 mm thick plate Dia as per drawing) • If pre-bending of the plate is required to avoid welding distortion, it shall be done in cold condition. • Welding <(>&<)> cutting distortions in the fabricated items are not accepted and controlled procedures need to be implemented to avoid them. • Drawing Mark numbers need to be clearly mentioned on the fabricated items through welded numbers or Paint numbers marking, else material can be rejected by AMNS. • All Drawing mark numbers, and individual weight need to be mentioned on all tax invoices, else material can be rejected by AMNS. • The duct should be temporarily assembled as necessary so that correctness of fit may be checked before dispatch in Vendors fabrication yard. • In case the fabricated material that is to be transported to the site is larger, then it should be split with splicing / flange arrangement so that it is easily assembled after reaching the site. Also, the spit piece should be properly locked in such a way that it should not change its shape in transit. Allldikhllbidtithitblltd Page 2 of 2 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS PELLETS VIZAG Near Flyover, Scindia Road,Visakhapatnam,530004,Andhra Pradesh,India GSTIN 37AAACE1741P1ZG PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000125968 Date 19.12.2024 Submission Date 30.12.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ Ms. Bodeddula Hema Latha Contact Email BODEDDULA.LATHA@AMNS.IN MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Material / Service No. Quantity UOM Detail Description Other Details 2 33429691 0002 0002 900013448 STRUCTURE,FABRICATED,MS,IS 2062 Technical Details Name : Anuradha Dalabehera Contact : Email : ANURADHA.DALABEHERA@AMNS.IN 20 TO STRUCTURE, TYPE: FABRICATED, , MATERIAL: MILD STEEL,IS 2062 Item Details : Set of structural Built-up /Rolled section-supporting structure (as per drawings) fabricated items with required steel, fabrication, surface preparation, Painting <(>&<)> transportation MOC of Fabricated Structures • Flat members should be IS 2062 E350 for Built up section column. • Long rolled steel should be IS 2602 E250 BR • Make: Flat section steel (AMNS/SAIL/JSW/JSL/TATA) • Make: Long section steel: SAIL/RINL/TATA/JSW/JSPL • All the steel should be tagged Mark no – Test certificate for individual should be issued with individual and Fabrication will be initiated only after clearance given by third party QA/QC. General Scope: - • The Vendor should fabricate the technological structures at his own workshop. He should indicate in his Bid the proposed place of fabrication along with monthly capacity of fabrication of structures and how much of that can be earmarked for this work. Based on this credentials AMNS EIC will Valuation in Technical Recommendation stage. • The Vendor should submit a Time Bar Chart along with his (technical credentials) the starting <(>&<)> completion date of each activity (showing breakup of time) such as preparation and approval of balance design drawings as well as fabrication drawings, procurement of raw materials, order placement for bought out items <(>&<)> their delivery to shop, various shop activities, fabrication of structures, TPI inspection <(>&<)> painting, dispatch to the site, schedule of erection at site. Based on this credentials AMNS EIC will Valuation in Technical Recommendation stage. • Fabrication agency who has expertise in fabrication and should have a minimum 100 MT of fabrication yard is preferred and necessary documents to be furnished at time of technical evaluation and TPI will be deployed for verification. • Credentials of the earlier work experience with the performance certificate with the contact nos of the clients to be provide along with technical document. Fabrication, Surface preparation sand Blasting • Land, Infrastructure, power <(>&<)> water required for fabrication are under vendor scope. • Fabrication will be initiated after issuing the final GA <(>&<)> Detailed drawing by AMNS executive with approved sign. • Fabrication of steel structures shall conform to IS: 800 - 2007 and ducting IS 655 tolerances of fabrication of structures shall be as per IS: 7215-1974.. • Built up section, structural column fabrication as per the drawings. • Welding <(>&<)> cutting distortions in the fabricated items are not accepted and controlled procedures need to be implemented to avoid them. • Drawing Mark numbers need to be clearly mentioned on the fabricated items through welded numbers or Paint numbers marking, else material can be rejected by AMNS. • All Drawing mark numbers, and individual weight need to be mentioned on all tax invoices, else material can be rejected by AMNS. • Maintaining protocols, fabrication reports <(>&<)> check list and records pertaining to fabrication. • Dimensional tolerance to be within 0.1 % for structural <(>&<)> 0.05% for technological structures. • Holes on base plates to be drilled and dimensions should match exactly with drawings without any differences. • To maintain splicing standard wherever required (Splicing to be avoided to minimum extent.) • Splicing standards as per IS to be maintained in fabrication (minimum lengths for splicing and staggered splicing in case assemblies need to be taken care). • In case the fabricated material that is to be transported to the site is larger, then it should be split with splicing / flange arrangement so that it is easily assembled after reaching the site. Also, the spit piece should be properly locked in such a way that it should not change