Tender For Smart Solid Waste Management Work For Zone No. 2 (Ward No. 08, 09, 10, 11, 12 ) Municipal Board Mandawa; 1 Door to door collection of segregated solid waste from source in segregated manner (wet and dry separately) and transportation of collected wet and dry solid waste separately to the relevant processing site up to 15km from municipal boundary & monitoring through IoT based hardware integration, to monitor the real-time progress of the waste collection in terms of percentage route covered, along with establishment of Centralized Control Room including of service for mobile application for citizens and web portal & mobile application for Authority during the tenure of contract period as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge, including fuel charges, remuneration of manpower (driver & Helper), maintenance cost for each vehicle etc. Vehicles provided by the concessionaire Population between 20,000 to 50,000 (Based on ruidpisor 2023) (Inclusive of all taxes) 2 Mazdoor/Helper Per Day:- 480x30(Based on RuidpIsor 2023)(Inclusive of all taxes) 3 Tractor Trolly240.00 Per Hours 240x7=1680.00 Per Day(Inclusive of all taxes)
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