Tenders For Katihar Engineering College, Katihar, Katihar - 854109 (Bihar) For The Supply Of Chemicals, Glas ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders For Katihar Engineering College, Katihar, Katihar - 854109 (Bihar) For The Supply Of Chemicals, Glasswares And Lab Accessories (Chemistry Department).
Tenders for Katihar Engineering College, Katihar, Katihar - 854109 (Bihar) For The Supply Of Chemicals, Glasswares And Lab Accessories (Chemistry Department).--1 1-Butanol 2 Glycerol (Glycerine) 3 Ethylene glycol 4 Methanol 5 Ethanol 6 Hydrochloric Acid (Conc.) 7 Ammonia Water (30% NH3) 8 Benzene 9 Chloroform 10 n-Hexane 11 Ethyl Acetate 12 Glacial Acetic Acid 13 Sulphuric Acid (Conc.) 14 Acetone 15 Acetyl Chloride 16 Aniline 17 Formalin (37% - 41%) 18 Phenolphthalein 19 Eriochrome-Black T Powder 20 Methyl Orange 21 Iodine 22 Oxalic Acid 23 1- naphthol 24 2-Naphthol 25 p-nitrophenol 26 p-Nitroaniline 27 Naphthalene 28 Picric Acid 29 Resorcinol 30 Catechol 31 Sodium Nitrite 32 D-Glucose Anhydrous (Dextrose) 33 Phthalic Anhydride 34 Benzoic Acid 35 Salicylic Acid 36 Ammonium Chloride 37 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets 38 Disodium EDTA 39 Urea 40 Sodium Bicarbonate 41 Calcium Carbonate 42 Charcoal 43 Potassium Permanganate 44 Potassium Dichromate 45 Sodium Chloride (Lab Grade) 46 SILICA GEL G For Thin Layer Chromatography 47 Silicone Grease 48 Paraffin liquid (d=0.88) for oil bath 49 Round Bottom Flask (short neck) B-24/29, 100 mL 50 Round Bottom Flask (short neck) B-24/29, 250 mL 51 Round Bottom Flask (short neck) B-24/29, 500 mL 52 Flask Flat Bottom, B-24/29, 250 mL 53 Flask Flat Bottom, B-24/29, 500 mL 54 Flask Stand for Round Bottom Flask 55 Liebig Reflux Condenser, 300 mm, B-24/29 56 Recovery head, Sloping 57 Cone fitting flask: B-24/29; 58 cone fitting condenser: B-24/29 59 Receiver Adapters, Plain Bend 60 Socket B-24/29; Cone: B-24/29 61 Stalganometer Straight graduated 62 Ostwald Viscometer 63 Screw pinch cock for Stalganometer 64 Stand base and rod (Retort Stand) 65 Burette Clamps 66 Burette (50 mL) 67 Pippete (10 mL) 68 Capillary (0.30-1.0 mm OD) 69 Melting point tube (1 end closed) 70 Measuring Flask with glass stopper (100 mL) 71 Erlenmeyer Flask (250 mL) with joint B-24-29 72 Glass Stopper B-24 (Hollow, Hexagonal) 73 "Chromatography Column, plain with PTFE stopcock Length 600 mm, OD 30 mm" 74 3 Finger Clamps (8 mm Dia, 175 mm long), cork-lined 75 Boss Head with C.P. screws 76 Test-Tubes (15 mL) 77 Test-Tube Stand (plastic) 78 Test-Tube Holder 79 Wash Bottle, 500 mL, LDPE 80 Funnel (100 mm) 81 Funnel (50 mm) 82 Plastic Funnel (65 mm) 83 Plastic Funnel (125 mm) 84 Plastic Beakers (500 mL) 85 Plastic Beakers (1000 mL) 86 Beakers (100 mL) 87 Beakers (1000 mL) 88 Conical flask (100 mL) 89 Spatula (12 inches) 90 Spatula (6 inches) 91 TLC Plate (Plain glass slide) 92 Forceps 93 Filter Paper Circle 94 Filter paper RIM 95 magnetic bid (stirring bar) 35×8 mm 96 magnetic bid (stirring bar) 25×8 mm 97 magnetic bid (stirring bar) 15×8 mm 98 thermometer 99 Aspiratory Bottle (Solution container, glass) (5 L) 100 Dropper (glass) 15 cm with rubber teat 101 Rubber tubing coil (6 mm) 102 Rubber tubing coil (8 mm) 103 Nitrile Gloves 104 Melting Point Apparatus 105 Test Tube Brush (6 inches) 106 Test Tube Brush (12 inches) 107 Tong for holding Beaker 12 inches
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Ms Ranjana Kumari (Principal)
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