Tenders are invited for Supply and Transport of Hdpe Pipes. payment of the sum of Ten Thousand Algerian Dinars (10,000.00 DA) to one of the bank accounts below, opened with the External Bank of Algeria (BEA) and upon presentation a copy of the commercial register, to the following address: COSIDER Channeling Central Directorate of Supplies and Subcontracting Air Base Road, Chéraga Algiers Account No. 00200004040046013979 (agency 004 Chéraga) Account No. 00200100100220016409 (agency 100 zéralda) [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : http://www.cosider-groupe.dz/fr/appels-d-offres
Contact Information
Route de la base aérienne - Chéraga Alger Tel : ( 0770 ) 24 10 44 Fax : ( 023 ) 36 04 57
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