Tenders are invited for Procurement of 50 Nos. Of Currency Counting Machines for the Year 2024 Tender No. P-0118/2024 Required Bid Bond Value 3% of the total Bid Value Last Date & Time of Issuing Documents 15th January 2025 at 2.00 p.m. 1. Tender documents are in English Language and could be obtained upon producing a request letter under the bidding companys letterhead and paying Rs. 5,000/- as a non-refundable Tender fee for each tender form, to Peoples Bank - Supplies Department between 9.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. from 18th December 2024 until the last date of issuing Tender Documents as indicated above on Bank working days. 2. Perfected tender document should be accompanied by a refundable deposit as Bank Guarantee / Bid Bond issued in Favour of Chief Manager - Peoples Bank, Supplies Department, from a commercial bank recognized by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, equivalent to 3% of the total value of the bid (ex. tax) as security deposit valid for a minimum period of 180 calendar days from the day of opening the tender. Bank Pay Orders / Bank Drafts valid for a minimum period of 180 calendar days from the day of opening the tender & Savings/Current account balances with Peoples Bank along with a Letter of Set-off will be accepted in lieu of Bid Bonds/Bank Guarantees. Personal Cheques and conditional guarantees will not be accepted. Sealed tenders may be sent by registered post, courier or deposited in the tender box kept at this Department at No. 30/ 101, Kew Road, Colombo 02. Tenders will be opened at 2.00 p.m. on the above-mentioned date. Tenders received after 2.00 p.m. on the due date will be rejected and returned unopened. Tender Link : https://tenders.lk/site/tenders/view_tender?tender_id=519090&slug=peoples-bank-procurement-oi-50-nos-of-currency-counting-machines-for-the-year-2024-tender-no-p-01182024
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