Tenders Are Invited For Proj 1: Pt A Bldg Works At Proj Cj (Total: 643 Dus) Pt B Contingency Works Proj 2: P ... in Singapore
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Proj 1: Pt A Bldg Works At Proj Cj (Total: 643 Dus) Pt B Contingency Works Proj 2: Pt A Bldg Works At Kw C76 (Total: 312 Dus) Pt B: Contingency Works
Proj 1: Pt A Bldg Works At Proj Cj (Total: 643 Dus) Pt B Contingency Works Proj 2: Pt A Bldg Works At Kw C76 (Total: 312 Dus) Pt B: Contingency Works . Project 1: Option A: Part A: Building Works At Project Cj (Total: 643 Dwelling Units); Part B: Contingency Works, Project 2: Option A: Part A: Building Works At Kallang Whampoa Contract 76 (Total: 312 Dwelling Units). Part B: Contingency Works, Project 1: Option B: Part A: Building Works At Project Cj (Total: 643 Dwelling Units); Part B: Contingency Works, Project 2: Option B: Part A Building Works At Kallang Whampoa Contract 76 (Total: 312 Dwelling Units); Part B: Contingency Works
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