Metal Clamp 3/4 Inch, Clamp 15Cmx2, 5Mm, Clamp 23Cmx7, Clamp 25Cmx2, Clamp 39Cm4, 8Mm, 12/20/2024, Metal Clamp 2 Inch, 3-Pin Socket Adapter With 3 Outlets, Acetic Silicone Adhesive 280G, Adhesive Of 50G Acetic Silicone, 50 Mm (1/2) Flange Adapter For Water Tank, 900Ml White Spirit, 8Pol Electricians Pliers 1.000V Insulating Cable, Universal Pliers 8, Sealing Ring With Guide For Toilet Basin, Sealing Ring For Vase Sanitary, Silicone Applicator 9, Smooth Galvanized Wire No. 14, Smooth Galvanized Wire No. 16, Smooth Galvanized Wire No. 18, Annealed Wire No. 18, Annealed Wire No. 14, Fine Sand, Coarse Sand, Medium Sand, 20Kg Mortar, 3/4 Washer, 7/8 Washer, Plain Washer 3/8, Flat Washer 5/16, Seat Plastic For Toilet Bowl, Pipe Bar 100 Mm Sewer, Pipe Bar 25 Mm Water, Pipe Bar 40 Mm Sewer, Pipe Bar 50 Mm Water, Pipe Bar 50 Mm Sewer, Pipe Bar 60 Mm Water, Threaded Bar 3/ 8, Threaded Bar 5/8, Threaded Bar 6/16, Block Foam Filter For Plaster 6X13x21, 5Cm, Float For Water Tank 3/4, Float For Drain Box 1/2, White Medium Pipe Pvc Boot, Pvc Shower Arm 37Cm, Brita 1, Brita 2, Wood Drill 6 Mm, Drill For Concrete 6Mm, Drill For Wood 10 Mm, Drill For Concrete 10Mm, Drill For Concrete 8Mm, Drill For Rectangular Painting 15Cm, Drill For Rectangular Painting 18X8cm, Bushing 10Mm, Bushing 6Mm, Bushing 8 Mm, Digger Handle 1, 65Mts, Hoe Handle 1, 20Mts, Pickaxe Handle 95Cm, Padlock 30 Mm, Padlock N 60, Coupled Box, Water Tank 250L, Water Box 1000 Lts, Water Tank 10,000 Lts, Water Tank 5,000 Lts, Hydrated Lime 15 Kg, Hydrated Lime 20Kg, Hydrated Lime 8 Kg, Lime For Painting 20 Kg, Lime For Painting 8 Kg, 20X10x2000mm Channel With Double Sided, Reinforced Angle 30 Cm, Reinforced Angle 50 Cm, Complete Wheelbarrow, Articulated Digger With Wooden Handle 1, 80Cm, Ceramica Mt 45X45 Cm, Ceramica Mt 50X50 Cm, Ceramica Mt 60X60 Cm, Combination Wrench 10Mm, Combination Wrench 13Mm, Screwdriver 3/16X4, Wrench 10, Reverse Key Cr850, Electric Shower 220Vts Power 4,800W, Lock Cylinder 100Mm, Lock Cylinder 70Mm, Common Cement 50Kg, White Glue 1Lt, White Glue 500 G, Instant Glue 3 Gr, Pvc Glue 175Gr, Bricklayer Nº10, Bricklayer Nº6, Column 3/8 7X20 Cm 6Mts, Column 5/16 27X7 Cm 6Mts, Column Louça Banheiro 37X45cm, Conduit Fio 3/4 50 Mts, 4Mm Connector 3 Pieces, 1/2 Smooth T Connection, 3/4 Smooth T Connection, Pvc Raincoat Set Various Sizes, Liquid Dye 150 Ml Yellow, Liquid Dye 150 Ml Blue, Liquid Dye 150 Ml Black , Liquid Dye 150 Ml Green, Liquid Dye 150 Ml Red, 10 Mm Braided Polypropylene Rope, 3 Mm Braided Polypropylene Rope, 12Mm Chain, N°5 Steel Chain, 3/4 Thread Curve, 3/4 Smooth Curve, Steel Trowel With Toothed Plastic Handle 38Cm, Stainless Steel Cutting Disc 115Mmx1 , 6Mmx22, 2Mm, Stainless Steel Cutting Disc 177, 8Mmx6, 4Mmx22, Stainless Steel Cutting Disc 178Mmx1, Diamond Disc For Asphalt And Concrete 350Mm, Diamond Disc For Concrete 115Mm, Wood Disc 20Mm 20 Teeth, Wood Disc 254Mm 60 Teeth, Circuit Breaker 30 Amps, Circuit Breaker Two-Phase 32 Amps, Single-Phase Circuit Breaker 100 Amps, Three-Phase Circuit Breaker 32 Amps, Card Hinge 3 1/2, Black Splice For 1 Inch Hose, Plastic Flexible Coupling 30Cm 1/2, Hoe 30Cm With Cable 180Cm, Hoe 7 Inch (16 X 17 , 8 Cm 3.8 Cm) With Handle (1.25 Mt), Hoe With Handle, Ladder Extensions