Construction Of New Room(1 Nos) For Z P Primary School At Village (Only Material Supply) Providing And Fixing In Position Tmt - Fe - 500 Bar Reinforcement Of Various Diameters For R.C.C. Pile Caps, Footings, Foundations, Slabs, Beams Columns, Canopies, Staircase, Newels, Chajjas, Lintels Pardis, Copings, Fins, Arches Etc. As Per Detailed Designs, Drawings And Schedules. Including Cutting, Bending, Hooking The Bars, Binding With Wires Or Tack Welding And Supporting As Required Complete , Providing Second Class Burnt Brick Masonry With Conventional/ I.S. Type Bricks In Cement Mortar 1:6 In Superstructure Including Striking Joints, Raking Out Joints, Watering And Scaffolding Etc. Complete , Providing And Laying Cast In Situ / Ready Mix Cement Concrete M-20 Of Trap / Granite / Quartzite / Gneiss Metal For R.C.C. Beams And Lintels As Per Detailed Designs And Drawings Or As Directed Including Steel Centering, Formwork, Cover Blocks, Laying/Pumping, Compactionand Roughening The Surface If Special Finish Is To Be Provided And Curing Etc. Complete. (Excluding Reinforcement And Structural Steel). With Fully Automatic Micro Processor Based Plc With Scada Enabled Reversible Drum Type Mixer/ Concrete Batch Mix Plant (Pan Mixer) Etc. Complete. With Fine Aggregate (Crushed Sand Vsi Grade)
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Sarpanch And Gramsevak
Grampanchayat Office
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