Bids Are Invited For Microscope Compound Microscope Compound , Ammeter , Galvanometer , Vernier Calliper , Sonometer , Spring Balance , Resistance Box 1 To 10 Ohms , Resistance Box 500 Ohms , Tuning Forks , Model Of Dynamo , Newton Color Disk , Test Tube Pkt , Measuring Cylinder 250Ml , Magnifying Glass , Thermometer , Weighting Machine Indian , Crucible Tong , Brushes For Test Tube , Bunsen Burner , Skelton Model , Forceps Model , Dissection Box , Ear Model , Eye Model , Heart Model , Kidney Model , Brain Model , Eye Protection Glass , Gloves , Apron Microscope Compound , Ammeter , Galvanometer , Vernier Calliper , Sonometer, Spring Balance, Resistance Box 1 To 10 Ohms , Resistance Box 500 Ohms, Tuning Forks , Model Of Dynamo , Newton Color Disk , Test Tube Pkt , Measuring Total Quantity : 132