Tenders Are Invited For Demolition Works Of The Old Laundry And Annexes, And The Construction And Developmen ... in Congo The Democratic Republic Of The
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Demolition Works Of The Old Laundry And Annexes, And The Construction And Development At The Maternity & Childcare Pole Of Hpnk, Including A Retaining Wall And A Covered Walkway
Tenders are invited for Demolition Works of the Old Laundry and Annexes, and the Construction and Development at the Maternity & Childcare Pole of HPNK, including a Retaining Wall and a Covered Walkway, as Well as Infrastructure for the Services on the Ground Floor. Performance Guarantee The Successful Bidder will be Required to Provide a Performance Guarantee of 10% of the Amount of the Contract upon Signing the Contract. This Guarantee must be Provided with the Countersigned Contract within a Maximum Period of 30 Days from Receipt by the Bidder of the Contract Signed by the Contracting Authority. If the Successful Bidder Fails to Provide the Required Guarantee within the Time Limit, the Contract will be Declared Null and Void and a New Contract may be Drawn up and Sent to the Bidder Who Submitted the Second Lowest Compliant Bid Eligibility and Rules of Origin Participation in the Contract is Open on Equal Terms to All Natural and Legal Persons [Whether Participating Individually or as Part of a Grouping Consortium of Tenderers] Established in a Member State of the European Union, in an Acp State, or in a Country or Territory Authorised by the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement under Which the Contract is Financed (See Also Legal Basis below). Participation is Also Open to International Organisations. All supplies purchased under this contract must originate in one or more of these countries. However, they may originate in any country if the amount of the supplies to be purchased is less than EUR 100 000 per purchase. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.tala-com.com/appels-offres/marché-de-travaux
Contact Information
Avenue de l’Hôpital / Quartier Les Volcans -Commune de Goma Ville de GOMA – Province Nord Kivu
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