The Object Of This Tender Is The Choice Of The Most Advantageous Proposal For The Registration Of Prices For The Eventual Acquisition Of Rs Cleaning, Hygiene And Disposable Material, For The Benefit Of The Navy Quartermaster Center In Rio Grande (Ceimrg) And Its Supported Military Organizations ( Omap) Based In The City Of Rio Grande/Rs, Porto Alegre/Rs, Tramandaí/Rs, Uruguaiana/Rs.. Bleach, Bleach, Ethyl Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, Bucket, Bucket, Floor Polishing Wax, Floor Polishing Wax, Cup, Cup, Degreaser, Deseize Remover, Toilet Unblocker, Descaling Agent, Disinfectant, Disinfectant, Deodorant / Air Freshener, Deodorizer Sanitary, Detergent, Detergent, Detergent, Vehicle Cleaning Detergent, General Cleaning Brush, General Cleaning Brush, General Cleaning Brush, Cleaning Sponge, Cleaning Sponge, Cleaning Sponge, Cleaning Sponge, Tow, Disposable Knife, Packaging Film, Flannel, Match, Napkin Paper, Hydroxide Sodium,Insecticide,Seal Pouch,Glass Cleaner,Electrical/Electronic Contact Cleaner,Trash Bin,Recycle Bin,Furniture Polish,Rubber Glove,Glove For Non-Surgical Health Procedures With Anvisa,Protection Glove,Safety Glove,Multipurpose Mask,Polishing Paste ,Polishing Paste,Mop Damp, Naphthalene, Trash Scoop, Steel Straw, Steel Straw, Toothpick, Dish Cloth, Cleaning Cloth, Cleaning Cloth, Aluminum Paper, Toilet Paper, Toilet Paper, Cleaning Paste, Plate, Concentrated Product - Automotive Vehicle Cleaning, Rust Remover, Squeegee ,Squeegee,Squeegee,Squeegee,Soap Bar, Powder Soap, Liquid Soap, Liquid Soap, Soap, Bag, Bag, Bag, Plastic Trash Bag, Plastic Trash Bag, Plastic Trash Bag, Plastic Trash Bag, Plastic Trash Bag, Soap, Multipurpose Cleaning Solution, Cleaning Solution, Disposable Cutlery ,Disposable Cutlery,Screen Odorizer,Hat,Broom,Broom,Gardening Broom