Acquisition Of Storable Foodstuffs, Delivery In Installments For The Months Of January To April 2025. Sugar, Chocolate Milk, Processed Rice, Biscuit, Biscuit, Processed Potato, Coffee, Seasoning, Table Sauce, Grated Coconut, Condiment, Sour Cream, Condiment, Confectionery Jam, Unconfectionery Jam, Tomato Paste, Processed Vegetable, Cassava Flour ,Food Mix,Flour Wheat,Legumes,Legumes,Yeast,Yeast,Corn Flour,Cheese,Condensed Milk,Coconut Milk,Condiment,Vegetable Fat,Noodles,Noodles,Preserved Vegetable,Table Sauce,Edible Vegetable Oil,Condiment,Sweet Non-Confectionery, Non-Confectionery Candy, Food Gelatin, Powder Refreshment,Salt,Vinegar,Juice