Diaper, Adult, Medium 10S/Pack With A Unit Of Pack, Diaper, Adult, Large 10S/Pack With A Unit Of Pack, Disposal Oxygen Face Mask, Neonate, 50S/Box, Framycetin (Sofratule), Surgical Tape Cloth 5Cmx5cm Roll, Tan-Coloured Zinx Oxide Tape, Pregnancy Test 100S/Box, Vicryl 0 Cutting, Surgical Silk Suture, Sterile, 2.0, 12S/Box, Surgical Needle Stainless Steel Size ½, 6X14, Curved Edge, Surgical Silk Size 3-0, Braided Silk, Sutures, Yards, Non-Absorbable, Surgical Suture Thread, Silk Braided S. 3.0, Non-Absorbable, Ultrasound Thermal Paper (High Glossy), 110Mm X 18M, 10S/Box, Urine Bag, Adult, Surgical Suture Silk, Sterile 2.0, 12S/Box, Spinal Needle 26, Surgical Tape Cloth 1.25Cmx5m (Brown), Evacuated Tube System (Needle) Gauge 23, Evacuated Tube System (Needle) Gauge 21, Blood Warmer, Patient Transfer Slide, Silk 2/0 Cutting, 36S/Box - Unit Cost Per Box P300.00, Silk 3/0 Cutting, 36S/Box - Unit Cost Per Box P300.00, Silk 4/0 Cutting, 36S/Box - Unit Cost Per Box P300.00, Prolene Mesh 3X6 (7.6Cm X 15Cm) 6S