Tenders Are Invited For Construction Of Multistoried Residential Flat For Govt. Officers-Staffs At Paikpara, ... in Bangladesh
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Construction Of Multistoried Residential Flat For Govt. Officers-Staffs At Paikpara, Mirpur, Dhaka. (Sub-Head: Remaining Works Of Utility Building & Ancillary Works
Tenders are invited for Construction of Multistoried Residential Flat for Govt. Officers-Staffs at Paikpara, Mirpur, Dhaka. (Sub-Head: Remaining Works of Utility Building & Ancillary Works Including Gas Connection) at Paikpara, Mirpur, Dhaka. Eligibility of Tenderer: (a) The minimum number of years of General Experience of the tenderer in the construction works as Prime Contractor or Sub-contractor or Management Contractor Shall be 10 (Ten) years. Years count backward from the date of publication of IFT in the newspaper. (b) Having minimum experience as a prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor in the successful completion of at least 1 (one) number of minimum 6 (six) storied R.C.C. building construction work including civil, internal sanitary, and internal electrification, gas connection works of BDT 6.50 crore in a single contract where Gas connection work value minimum 8 lakh BDT in Government/Semi-Government/Autonomous Organization of Bangladesh during last 5 (Five) years. Years count backward from the date of publication of IFT in the newspaper. (c) The tenderers shall have a minimum average annual construction turnover during the last 5 (five) financial years of Tk. 15.00 (Fifteen) crore. (d) The minimum amount of liquid assets i.e working capital or credit line(s) of the Tenderers shall be Tk. 3.00 (Three) crore. (e)The minimum tender capacity shall be Tk. 7.00 (Seven) crore. (f) The Tenderer shall submit with its Tender the following additional documents: i) Up-to-date income tax clearance certificate. ii) VAT registration certificate. iii) Up-to-date ABC category contractor and supervisory license from Electricity Licensing Board, Government of Bangladesh. iv) Up-to-date trade license. Brief Description of Goods or Works: Construction of Multistoried Residential Flat for Govt. Officers-Staffs at Paikpara, Mirpur, Dhaka. (Sub-Head: Remaining Works of Utility Building & Ancillary Works Including Gas Connection) at Paikpara, Mirpur, Dhaka. Brief Description of Related Services: Construction work; Site preparation work; Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work; Building installation work; Building completion work; Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator;Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work;Test drilling and boring work;Building construction work;Engineering works and construction works;Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork;Construction work for water projects;Construction works for plants, mining and manufacturing and for buildings relating to the oil and gas industry;Roof works and other special trade construction works;Electrical installation work;Insulation work;Plumbing and sanitary works;Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work;Mechanical installations;Plastering work;Joinery and carpentry installation work;Floor and wall covering work;Painting and glazing work;Other building completion work;Hire of cranes with operator;Hire of earthmoving equipment with operator Tender Document Price: 4000 Tender Closing Date and Time: 01/01/2025 03:00 PM Tender Opening Date and Time: 01/01/2025 03:00 PM Office Address Information: Selling Tender Document (Principal): Through e-GP System Receiving Tender Document: Through e-GP System Opening Tender Document: Through e-GP System Selling Tender Document (Others): Through e-GP System Tender Link : http://cptu.gov.bd/advertisement-works/details-90550.html
Contact Information
Mirpur Pubblic Works Division Darussalam Road, Mirpur -1 Dhaka. Attn: Executive Engineer, Mirpur Public Works Division Executive Engineer Tel: 029033490
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