Quotation are invited for Supply and Installation of Public Garden Supplies the supply and installation of supplies for a public park , within the activities of the Environmental and Climate Justice Program - Palestine, funded by the Swedish Consulate General in Jerusalem through the WE EFFECT Foundation and implemented and supervised by the Development Center/Maan - Ramallah, according to the following conditions : Prices are provided according to the table attached to the tender documents, price in shekels. The center is not obligated to choose the lowest price offer, and has the right to reject any or all price offers without giving reasons. The center has the right to divide the offer price. Advertising fees on Jobsite are paid by the person who receives the bid. All bid documents must be returned in a sealed envelope addressed to the Development Action Center, together with the project name written on it, no later than 12:00 PM on Monday, 12/23/2024 . No bid will be accepted after this date and time. Any bid that is incomplete, does not include the necessary information and documents, or is sent to a location other than the Center or after the bid submission deadline will be disqualified. Note: The centers official holiday is Friday and Sunday . For more inquiries and to coordinate the delivery of the price offer envelope to the center, you can call the centers phone number: 109 /02-2954451 Those wishing to participate in the price offer should enter the electronic link shown below, print the terms of reference, and participate in the price offer according to the conditions specified in TOR. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.jobs.ps/en/tenders
Contact Information
Emil Habibi Street Almasyoon - Ramallah Mailing Address: PO Box 51352 or 51793, Jerusalem Tel: +970 - 22954451
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