Tender For Supply Of Kits ,Consumables, Office Equipment, Furniture, Supply Of Kits, Chemicals, Consumables, Stationary, Glass Ware, Office Equipment & Furniture , Kits/Chemicals/Office Equipment , Cover Slip 22X22mm , Slide Box (50Nos In Each Pkt.) , Hb Tube Round&Square Tube , Hemoglobinometre Set (Sahlis) , Esrtube (Western Green) , Esr Tube (Wintrobe) , Esbach Tube Set , Glass Beaker(100Ml) , Glassbeaker(200Ml/250Ml) , Glassbeaker(250Ml) , Glassbeaker(500Ml) , Glassbeaker(1000Ml) , Testtube 3 Inch , (Test Tube)6 Inches , Copline Jar , Measuring Cylender 500Ml,1000Ml , Conical Flask500 Ml,1000Ml , Urinometer (Specific Gravity ) , Hemocytometer Set , Urine Test Glass Graduated , Microscope Glass Slide Frosted One End (Size 76 X26 Mm.) Thickness 1.35 Mm-1.45 Mm (50 Slides) (Make– Sunbeam , Bluestar,Roche) , Cover Slip (Size 22Mmx30mm), (20 Small Boxes Per Pack ) (Make- Sunbean, Blue Star) , Cover Slip (Size 22Mmx40mm), (20 Small Boxes Per Pack ) (Make- Sunbean, Blue Star) , Cover Slip (Size 24Mmx60mm), (20 Small Boxes Per Pack ) (Make- Sunbean, Blue Star) , Cover Slip (Size 24Mmx50mm), (20 Small Boxes Per Pack ) (Make- Sunbean, Blue Star) , Cover Slip (Size 22Mmx50mm), (20 Small Boxes Per Pack ) (Make- Sunbean, Blue Star) , Erlich Reagent(250Ml) , Ammonium Sulphate(500Gm) , Magnesium Sulphate(500Gm) , Benedict Regent(5 Lit) , Sodium Nitroproside(500Gm) , Citric Acid 500Gm(500Gm) , Sulpher Powder(500Gm) , Liquor Amonia(500Ml) , Conc. Hcl 2.5Lit(500Ml) , Glacial Acitic Acid 2.5Litr(2.5Lit) , Barium Chloride 500Gm(500Gm) , Brilliant Cryshyl Blue() , Retic Solution (200Ml) , N/10 Hcl(500Ml) , Leishman Stain(200Ml) , Fauchet Reagent(200Ml) , Rectified Spirit () , Benzene (2.5 Ltr) (Make– Merck ,Rankem , Thermo Fisher , Qualigens ) , Xylene (2.5 Ltr) (Make– Merck ,Rankem , Thermo Fisher , Qualigens ) , Isopropyl Alcohol (2.5 Ltr) (Make– Merck ,Rankem , Thermo Fisher , Qualigens ) , Paraffin Wax ( Melting Point 60-62 Degree Celsius )(Company – Merck , Rankem, Thermo Fisher , Qualigens, Himedia , Formaline (37-41 %)(5 Lit.) (Make-Merck , Rankem, Thermo Fisher , Qualigens) , Sodium Hypochloride (5Ltr) , Hand Sanitizer (500Ml) , Nitric Acid 500 Ml , Hematoxyline Powder Orhematoxyline Stain Solution (5 Gms) ((Make- Thermo Fisher, Loba, Himedia, Sigma Etc.) , Liquor Ammonia (500Ml) , Eosin Yellow Or Eosin Stain Solution (25 Gms) (Make- Thermo Fisher, Loba, Himedia, Qualigens, Sigma Etc.) , Dpx 500 Ml (Make-Merck , Thermo Fisher , Qualigens) , Aluminium Potassium Alum (500Gms) , Mercuric Oxide Yellow (Make-Merck , Thermo Fisher , Qualigens) , Glycerine (400 Gms) , Rapid Pap Stain Kit , Afb Stain , Diff Quick Kit , Ammonium Potassium Sulphate (500 Gms) , Filter Paper Sheet (100Nos/Pkt.) , Watesman Round Filter Paper , Esr Tube Stand (Westerngreen) , Esr Tube Stand(Wintrobe) , Plastic Pippet (5Ml) , Rubber Bulb (Small) , Rubber Bulb(Big) , Plastic Beaker(100Ml) , Plastic Beaker(200Ml) , Plastic Beaker(500Ml) , Plastic Beaker(1000Ml) , Slide Tray Size 5.5 , Slide Stand , Test Tube Cleaning Brush , L.Mould (Brass) , Rubber Bulb (Small) , Micro Pippete (500Micro L.) , Micro Pippete (1000Micro L.) , Micro Pippete (01 To 500 Micro L.) , Litmus Paper ( Red & Blue)Each , Woodenstand (50 Testtube) , Enamel Tray Big , Enamel Tray Small , Bone Marrow Needle , Slide Stain Stand Metal(25 Slide) , Test Tube Holder 8 Testube , Wooden Slide Box , Micro Tips01-200 Micro Lit , Micro Tips01-1000 Micro Lit , Spirit Lamp , Syringe 5Ml , Syringe 10 Ml , High Profile Microtome Blade1 Pack = 50 Blades , Histology Filter Paper 500 Mmx5oomm Or 460Mmx570mm, , Tissue Capsule/Embedding Cassettes (Stainless Steel) 20X20x10mm In Dimension , Tissue Capsule/Embedding Cassettes (Stainless Steel) 20X20x10mm In Dimension , Tissue Embedding Cassettesplastic , Diamond Pencil , Face Shields , Needle Disposal 22 Gauge 1’’ , L.P. Needle22 Gauze X 89 Mm , Disposable Aprin , Grossing Instrument Set Including ( Long Scalpel Dissecting,Scissors,Toothed Forces,Long Blunt Forceps,Knife,Long Scalpel Dissecting,Bone Saw, Bone Cutter) , Surgical Gloves Pair 6.5 , Surgical Gloves Pair 7 , Spirit 500Ml , Sanitezer 500Ml , Sodium Hypo Chloride 500 Ml , Hiv Kit Elisa(96 Test)(Tulip/ Transasia/ Span/Sd/ J.Mitra / Meril) , Hiv Kit Rapid(Each)(Tulip/ Transasia/ Span/ Meril /Avantor/Oscar) , Hcvkit Elisa(96 Test)(Tulip/ Transasia/ Span/Sd/ J.Mitra / Meril) , Hcv Kit Rapid(Each)(Tulip/ Transasia/ Span/Sd/ J.Mitra / Meril/Oscar) , Hbsag Kit Elisa(96 Test)(Tulip/ Transasia/ Span/Sd/ J.Mitra / Meril) , Hbsag Kit Rapid(Each)(Tulip/ Transasia/ Span/Sd/ J.Mitra / Meril/Oscar) , Rpr (Vdrl) Kit(100Tesr)(Tulip/ Span / Reckon/ Beacon/Pathozyme) , Rpr (Vdrl) Kit(100Test)(Tulip/ Span / Reckon/ Beacon/Pathozyme) , Shyphilis Strip(100Tesr)(Tulip/ Span / Reckon/ Beacon) , Malaria Pf/Pv Test Kit(25Test)(Tulip/Span/Sd/ J.Mitra / Meril/Oscar) , Blood Grouping Anti Seraamonoclonal (Igm) (1X 10Ml)(Tulip/Span/Bio Lab/J.Mitra) , Blood Grouping Anti Serab Monoclonal (Igm)(1X 10Ml)(Tulip/Span/Bio Lab/J.Mitra) , Blood Grouping Anti Seradmonoclonal ( Igm )(1X 10Ml)(Tulip/J.Mitra) , Blood Grouping Anti Seradblend , Monoclonal( Igm + Igg) Anti Sera(1X 10Ml)(Tulip/J.Mitra) , Blood Grouping Anti Seraabd Set Monoclonal(10Ml) (Tulip/J.Mitra) , Anti – A1 Lectin (10Ml)(Tulip/Span) , Anti – Ab Monoclanal(5Ml)(Tulip/Span) , Anti -H(10 Ml)(Tulip/Span) , Anti – C (2 Ml)(Tulip/Span) , Anti - E (2 Ml)(Tulip/Span) , Anti - E (2 Ml)(Tulip/Span) , Coombs Anti Sera (5 Ml)(Tulip/Span) , Id Gel Cross Match Card (Ahg)(Coombs) Test Card(Each)(Tulip/Diamed) , Gel Diluent -2 Liss(1X 250 Ml)(Tuip/Diamed) , Blood Bag Double 350Ml (Mitra/Hll/ Terumo Penpol/Polymed) , Blood Bag Double450ml ( Mitra/Hll/ Terumo Penpol/Polymed) , Blood Bag Triple350ml ( Mitra/Hll/ Terumo Penpol/Polymed) , Blood Bag Triple 450Ml (Mitra/Hll/ Terumo Penpol ) , Micro Pipette Tips0-200 Ul(1X 1000 Nospack) , Micro Pipette Tips 1000 Ul(1X500 Nospack) , Multi Channal Micro Pipet0-100 Ul , Micro Pipet(10 Ul) , Micro Pipet(25 Ul) , Micro Pipet(50 Ul) , Micro Pipet (100 Ul) , Sodium Hypochloride(1X 5 Literpack) , Leishman Stain Solution(1 X 500 Ml) , Cuso4 Crystal (1 X 250G) , Glassslide ( Size 75Mm X 25Mm) , Jar Glass ( Size2 Litre) , Measuring Cylinder (Size100ml) , Measuring Cylinder (Size 500Ml) , Measuring Cylinder (Size1000 Ml) , Beaker ( Size100ml) , Beaker ( Size 200Ml ) , Beaker (Size 500Ml) , Measuring Cylinder (100 Ml) , Absolute Alcohal (500Ml) , Formaldehyde 37-41% (200 Liter Pack) , Glycerin (5 Liter) , Haemotoxilline Stain (For Histology Staining) (100Gm) , Eosin Stain (For Histology Staining) (100Gm) , Potasium Alum (500Mg) , Xylene (2.5 Lit) , Hydrochloric Acid (100 Ml) , Thymol Crystal 500 Gm , Picric Acid 5 Ltr , Murcuric Oxide 200 Gms , Wax Solid (Paraffin Wax) 1 Kg , Glacial Acetic Acid 100 Ml , H2o2 Solution 20% 5 Ltr , Bleaching Powder 5Kg , Running Water Chamber , Cuplin Jar With Cover(Plastic) , Nutrient Agar Powder Veg. (500Gm) , Mac Conkey’S Agar Powder Veg. (500Gm) , Cled Agar Medium (Cystein Lactose Electrolyte Deficient) (500Gm) , Muller Hinton Agar Medium Powder (500Gm) , Agar Agar Powder (500Gm) , Peptone Water (500Gm) , Glucose Phosphate Broth (500Gm) , Mr-Vp Broth (500Gm) , Citrate Agar (500Gm) , Simmon’S Citrate Agar Medium (500Gm) , Urea Agar With Urea Supplement (500Gm) , Urea Agar Base (Christensen) With Urea Supplement (500Gm) , Tsi Agar (500Gm) , Moellers Decarboxylase Broth With Arginine (100Gm) , Moellers Decarboxylase Broth With Lysine (100Gm) , Moellers Decarboxylase Broth With Ornithine (100Gm) , Moellers Decarboxylase Broth Base (100Gm) , Nitrate Broth (100Gm) , Of Basal Medium (100Gm) , Phenylalanine Agar (100Gm) , Selenite F Broth (Twin Pack) (100Gm) , Tetrathionate Broth Medium (100Gm) , Gram Negative Broth Medium (100Gm) , Nutrient Broth (500Gm) , Macconkey Broth W/ Neutral Red (500Gm) , Macconkey Broth Purple W/ Bcp (100Gm) , Bile Broth (500Gm) , Tryptic Soy Broth (500Gm) , Tryptic Soy Agar (500Gm) , Brain Heart Infusion Broth (Bhi) (500Gm) , Brain Heart Infusion Agar (500Gm) , Columbia Blood Agar Base (500Gm) , Robertson Cooked Meat Media (500Gm) , Bile Esculin Agar (100Gm) , T.C.B.S.Agar Powder Veg (100Gm) , Xld Agar (100Gm) , Salmonela-Shigella Agar (100Gm) , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar (100Gm) , Bile Salt Agar (500Gm) , Alkaine Bile Salt Agar(500Gm) , Wilson Blair Agar (100Gm) , Potasium Tellurite Agar(100Gm) , Potassium Telurite Blood Agar (100.Gm) , Triptycase Tellurite Agar (100Gm) , Thioglycolate Broth (500Gm) , Cetrimide Agar (100Gm) , Dnase Agar (100Gm) , Mannitol Salt Agar (100Gm) , Pyr Agar(Pyrrolidonyl Arylamidase) (100Gm) , Lofflers Medium Base (100Gm) , Caryblair Transport Medium(100Gm) , Gelatin Agar (100Gm) , Hektoen Enteric Agar (100Gm) , Bordet Gengoue Media (100Gm) , Monsur’S Gelatin Tourochalate Trypticase Agar(100Gm) , Lj Media Slants (100 Tubes) , Lj Media With First Line Anti-Tubercrular Drugs (50 Tests) , Hi.Viral Transport Medium(100 Tubes) , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar(500Gm) , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar With Chloramphenicol (500Gm) , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar With Cyclohexamide (500Gm) , Neutral Sda Agar Medium (500Gm) , Sda Broth (100Gm) , Hicrom Candida Differential Agar Medium (100Gm) , Muller Hinton Agar With Dextrose & Methylene Blue (500Gm) , Rpmi 1240 Agar (500Gm) , Dermatophytes Test Medium (500Gm) , Dermatophytes Identification Medium (500Gm) , Corn Meal Agar (500Gm) , Oat Meal Agar (100Gm) , Rice Starch Agar (100Gm) , Malt Extract Agar (100Gm) , Bird Seed Agar/ Niger Seed Agar (100Gm) , Sunflower Seed Agar (100Gm) , Cgb Agar (100Gm) , Tetrazolium Reduction Medium (100Gm) , Modified Dixon Agar (100Gm) , Leeming & Notman Agar (100Gm) , Alphacel Yeast Extract Agar (100Gm) , Yeast Nitrogen Base (100Gm) , Yeast Carbon Base (100Gm) , Cystein Heart & Hb Agar (100Gm) , Czapek Dox Agar (100Gm) , Pyg Agar Medium (100Gm) , Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol (Drbc) Agar (100Gm) , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar With Cyclohexamide And Chloramphenicol (100Gm) , Albert’S Stain Kit (1 Kit (125 Ml Each)) , Lpcb Stain Kit (100 Ml) , Gram’S Stain Kit (1 Kit (125 Ml Each)) , Afb/Z-N Stain Kit (1 Kit (125 Ml Each)) , Trichome Stain (1 Kit (500 Ml)) , Wright Stain (5 Gm) , Calcofluor White (5 Gm) , Leishman Stain (1 Kit (500 Ml)) , Giemsa Stain(1 Kit (500 Ml)) , Field’S Stain(1 Kit (500 Ml)) , Jsb Stain (1 Kit (500 Ml)) , H & E Stain (1 Kit (500 Ml)) , Pas Stain (Periodic Acid Schiff’S Stain) (1 Kit (500 Ml)) , Masson’S Fontana Stain (1 Kit (500 Ml)) , Gomori’S Methanamine Silver Stain (1 Kit (500 Ml)) , May Grunwald’S Dye (1 Kit (500 Ml)) , India Ink(5Ml ) , Nigrosin Stain (50 Ml ) , Acridine Orange (5 Gm) , Kovac’S Indole Reagent (100 Ml) , Methyl Red Reagent (125 Ml) , Barrit Reagent A (For Vp Test) (125 Ml) , Barrit Reagent B (For Vp Test) (125 Ml) , Sulphanilic Acid (500 Gm) , Alpha- Naphthylamine (500 Gm) , Zinc Dust Powder (500 Gm) , Nnnn- Tetramethyl-P-Phenylenediamine Dihydrochloride (Oxidase Reagent) (5 Gm ) , Pyrreagent (Pyrrolidonyl Arylamidase) (500 Gm) , Glucose/ Dextrose Powder (500 Gm ) , Lactose Powder (100 Gm ) , Mannitol Powder (100 Gm ) , Maltose Powder (100 Gm ) , Sucrose Powder (100 Gm) , Trehalose Powder (100 Gm ) , Sorbitol Powder (100 Gm) , Raffinose Powder (100 Gm) , Arabinose Powder (100 Gm) , Xylose Powder (100 Gm) , Cellobiose Powder (100 Gm) , Dulcitol (100 Gm) , Acetic Acid (1 Lt. ) , Glacial Acetic Acid (1 Lt. ) , Trichloro Acetic Acid (1 Lt. ) , Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid (Hcl) (1 Lt.) , Concentrated Sulphuric Acid (H2so4) (1 Lt.) , Lactic Acid (1 Lt.) , Oleic Acid (1 Lt.) , Phosphotungstic Acid (1 Lt.) , Liquorammonia Solution (1 Lt.) , Ammonium Oxalate (100Gm) , Etanol/ Absolute Ethyl Alcohol (1 Lt.) , Methanol/ Methyl Alcohol (1 Lt.) , Iso Propyl Alcohol/ Propanol (1 Lt.) , Amyl/ Isoamyl Alcohol (1 Lt.) , Polyvinyl Alcohol (1 Lt.) , Formalin (1 Lt.) , Xylene (500Ml) , Hydrogen Peroxide (1 Lt.) , Acetone Solution (1 Lt.) , Ether Solution (1 Lt.) , Tween80 Solution (300 Ml) , Tween20 Solution (300 Ml) , Glycerin (1 Lt.) , Glycerol Solution (1 Lt. ) , Liquid Paraffin Heavy (1 Lt.) , Paraffin Wax (500Gm) , Andrade’S Indicator (300 Ml) , Sodium Taurocholate (Bile Salt) (500Gm ) , Sodium Deoxycholate (500Gm ) , P-Dimethyl-Aminobenzaldehyde (500 Gm ) , ?-Naphthol (500 Gm ) , Phenolphthalein(100Gm ) , Potassium Hydroxide Powder/ Pellates (500 Gm ) , Iodide Crystals/ Powder (500 Gm ) , Potassium Iodide Crystals/ Powder (500 Gm ) , Mercuric Iodide (100 Gm) , Sodium Hippurate (300 Ml) , Ninhydrin Solution (300 Ml) , Peptone Powder (500 Gm) , Proteoses Petone (500 Gm) , Neopeptone Powder (500 Gm) , Biopeptone Powder (500 Gm) , Bactopeptone Powder (500 Gm) , Yeast Extract Powder (500 Gm) , Meat Extract Powder (500 Gm) , Beef Extract Powder (500 Gm) , Phenol Crystal (500 Gm) , Methylviolet (500 Gm) , Crystal Violet (500 Gm) , Methylene Blue (500 Gm) , Saffranine (500 Gm) , Basic Fuschin (500 Gm) , Giemsa Stain Powder (500 Gm) , Acridine Orange Dye (100 Gm) , Fontana Stain (100 Gm) , Eosin (100 Gm) , Hematoxylin Crystals (25Gm) , Malachite Green (25Gm) , Methyl Red (Ph Indicator) (25Gm) , Neutral Red Indicator (25Gm) , Phenol Red Indicator (25Gm) , Bromothymol Blue (5Gm) , Thymol Blue (5Gm) , Bromo-Cresol Purple (5Gm) , Cresol Red (5Gm) , Acriflavin Solution (5Gm) , Merthiolate (5Gm) , Chromotrope 2R (5Gm) , Light Green Sf (5Gm) , Dpx Mount Solution (300 Ml ) , Azure I (5Gm) , Azure B (5Gm) , Iron Alum Sulphate (25Gm) , Iron Ammonium Sulphate (25Gm) , Sodium Carbonate (1Kg ) , Sodium Bicarbonate (1Kg) , Calcium Carbonate ( Caco3 ) (100Gm) , Sodium Chloride (1Kg) , Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate (100Gm) , Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate (100Gm) , Sodium Hydroxide (5 Lt ) , Sodium Hydroxide (Naoh) Pellates (500 Gm) , Ammonium Di Hydrogen Phosphate (500 Gm) , Di Pot. Hydrogen Phosphate (100Gm) , Di Sodium Ortho Phosphate (500Gm) , Lysozyme (5Gm ) , Thallus Acetate /Thallium (I) Acetate (5Gm ) , Dibasic Sod. Phosphate (100Gm) , Bismuth Ammonium Citrate (100Gm) , N-Acetyl-L-Cystine (Nalc) Powder (25Gm ) , Urea Powder (100Gm ) , Ph Strips (Ph 1-10) (1 Pack (200 Strips)) , Dipotassium Hydrogen Phosphate ( K2hpo4 ) (100Gm) , Potassium Phosphate ( K2hpo4 ) (100Gm) , Magnesium Sulphate ( Mgso4 ) (100Gm) , Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate ( Nh4h2po4 ) (100Gm) , Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate ( Kh2po4 ) (100Gm) , Monopotassium Phoshate (100Gm) , Sodium Citrate ( Na3c6h5o7.2H2o ) (100Gm) , Ferric Citrate (100Gm) , Ferric Chloride (100Gm) , Ferric Ammonium Citrate (100Gm) , Sodium Thiosulfate (100Gm) , Potassium Nitrate, Kno3(Nitrite Free) (100Gm) , Pyridoxal (100Gm) , L. Asparagine (100Gm) , L-Lysine Hydrochloride (25 Gm ) , L-Ornithine Hydrochloride (25 Gm) , L-Arginine Hydrochloride (25 Gm) , L-Lysine (25 Gm) , L-Cystine (25 Gm) , Dl-Phenylalanine(Or L-Phenylalanine ) (25 Gm) , Tryptose(100Gm ) , Deoxyribonucleic Acid (100Gm) , Sodium Phenolphthalein Diphosphate (100Gm) , Phosphatase Substrate Tablet (300Mg) (10 Gm) , Phenolphthaleindiphosphate (100Gm) , Sodium Hippurate (100Gm) , Ninhydrin Solution(100Gm) , Ox Bile (Purified & Dehydrated) (100Gm) , Aesculin (100Gm) , Tryptone (100Gm) , Sodium Pyruvate (100Gm) , L-Pyrrolidonyl-?-Naphthalamide (100Gm) , Cinnamaldehyde Reagent (100 Ml ) , Potassium Tellurite ( K2teo3 ) (100 Ml ) , Vitamin Growth Supplement (10 Vials) , Corn Starch (100 Gm) , Egg Powder (100 Gm) , Saponinsolution (100 Ml) , Lysed Horse Blood (100 Ml) , Blood (Sheep Or Rabbit), Defibrinated (100 Ml) , Rabbit Plasma (100 Ml) , Haemoglobin(100 Gm) , Serum Of Ox, Sheep Or Horse (500 Ml) , Calf Serum (500 Ml) , Bovine Serum(750 Ml) , Thiosulphate Solution (500 Ml) , Sodium Thiosulphate ( Na2s2o3 ) (100 Gm) , Bismuth Ammonio-Citrate Scales (100 Gm) , Bismuth Sulphite (100 Gm) , Sodium Sulphite ( Na2so3 ) (100 Gm) , Sodium Hydrogen Selenite ( Nahseo3 ) (100 Gm) , Acetamide ( Ch3conh2 ) (100 Gm) , Phyton (25 Gm) , Hemin (25 Gm) , Vitamin K1 (3-Phytylmenadione) (25 Gm) , Immersion Oil (30 Ml) , Lens Cleanser Solution (150Ml ) , Spirit(500 Ml) , Phenol 5% -10 % (5 Lt.) , Bakout(5 Lt.) , Finit(10 Lt.) , Labolene Solution (5 Lt. ) , Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride 13.805%(500Ml) (500Ml) , Ethanol (500Ml) (500Ml) , Sulfanilic Acid (500Ml) (500Ml) , Bile Esculin(Be) Discs (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs) ) , Optochin (Op) Discs (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Bacitracin (Ba) Discs (0.04 Units) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Furazolidine (Fr) Discs (100 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Novobiocin (Nv) Discs (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Polymyxin B (Pb) Discs (50 U)(1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Polymyxin B (Pb) Discs (300 U)(1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Onpg Discs (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Lysine Hydrochloride Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Ornithine Hydrochloride Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Arginine Hydrochloride Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Glucose/ Dextrose Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Lactose Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Mannitol Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Maltose Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Sucrose Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Trehalose Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Sorbitol Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Raffinose Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Arabinose Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Xylose Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Cellobiose Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Dulcitol Discs (1 Vl X 50 Discs) , Ampicillin (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ampicillin-Sulbactum (10/10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Amoxycillin (20 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Amoxicillin-Clvulanic Acid (20/10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Azithromycin (15 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Amikacin (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ciprofloxacin (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Norfloxacin (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ofloxacin (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Levofloxacin (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Moxifloxacin (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Sparfloxacin (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Clarithromycin (15 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Clindamycin (2 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cloxacillin (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (1.25/23.75 ?G) Or Co-Trimoxazole (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefuroxime Sodium (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefaclor (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefezolin (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefepime (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefepime-Tazobactum (30/10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftolozone- Tazobactum (30/10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefoxitin (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefoperazone (75 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefoperazone-Sulbactam (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftazidime (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftazidime- Clvulanic Acid (30/10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftazidime-Avibactum (30/20 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftizoxime (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftriaxone (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefotaxime (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefotaxime- Clvulanic Acid (30/10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Chloramphenicol (30Ug) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefixime (5Ug) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefopodoxime (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefdinir (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftaroline (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefotetan (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefamandole(30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefmetazole (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefonicid (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefidecoral (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Moxalactum (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefaclor(30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefprozil (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefetamet (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftibuten (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Loracarbef (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Plazomicin (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Colistin (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Polymixin B (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Tetracyclin (30Ug) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Minocyclin (30Ug) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Tigecyclin (15 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Doxcycline (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Erythromycin (15 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Neomycin (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Netillin (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Nalidixic Acid (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Nitrofurantoin (300 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Teicoplanin (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Vancomycin (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Linezolid (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Penicillin (10 Units) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Carbenicillin (100 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ertapenem (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Imipenem (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Meropenem (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Doripenem (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Imipenem-Cilastatin (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Imipenem-Relebactum (10/25 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Meropenem-Vaborbactum (20/10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Piperacillin (100 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Piperacillin- Tazobactum (100/10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ticarcillin (75 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ticarcillin-Clavulanic Acid (75/10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Aztreonam (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Tobramicin (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Gentamicin (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , High-Level Gentamicin (120 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Fosfomycin (200 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cinoxacin (100 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Enoxacin (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Garenoxacin (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Gatifloxacin (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Gemifloxacin (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Lomefloxacin (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Grepafloxacin (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Fleroxacin(5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Perfloxacin (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftaroline (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Rifampin (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Quinpristin-Dalfopristin (15 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Lefamulin (20 Ug) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Spectinomycin (100 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Dirithromycin(15 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Fusidic Acid (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Mecillinam (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Moxalactum (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Eravacyclin (15 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Gepotidacin (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Iclaprim (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Faropenem (5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Razupenem (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Tebipenem (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Sulopenem (2 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Naficillin (1 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Nafithromycin (15 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Omdacicyclin (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Solithromycin (15 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Telithromycin (15 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Trospectomycin (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Trovafloxacin (10 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Aztreonam-Avibactum (30/20 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefepime –Enmetazobactum (30/20 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Cefepime –Zidebatum (30/30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftibuten-Ledaborbactum (5/2.5 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftibuten (30 ?G) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Vancomycin Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Colistin Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Levofloxacin Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ofloxacin Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Polymyxin B Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Tigecyclin Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Tedizolid Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Televancin Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Dalbavancin Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Oritavancin Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Daptomycin Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ceftolzone-Tazobactum Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Metronidazole Mic E-Strip (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Fluconazole (Flc) Disc (25 Mcg) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Voriconazole (Vrc) Disc (1 Mcg) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Itraconazole (It) Disc (10 Mcg) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Posaconazole (5 Mcg) Disc (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Miconazole (Mic) Disc (30 Mcg) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Clotrimazole (Cc) Disc (10 Mcg) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Ketoconazole(Kt) Disc (30 Mcg) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Nystatin (Ns) Disc (50 Mcg) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Amphotericin B (Ap) Disc (20 Mcg) (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Caspofungin (5 Mcg) Disc (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , Oxidase Disc (1Pk (5 Vl X 50 Discs)) , E.Coli Atcc25922 (2 Sticks X 1) , E.Coli Atcc35218 (2 Sticks X 1) , Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Atcc 27853 (2 Sticks X 1) , Klebsiella Pneuminiae Atcc 700603 (2 Sticks X 1) , Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc 25923 (2 Sticks X 1) , Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc 29213 (2 Sticks X 1) , Enterococcus Faecalis Atcc 29213(2 Sticks X 1) , Enterococcus Faecalis Atcc 51299 (2 Sticks X 1) , Salmonella Typhi Atcc 14028 (2 Sticks X 1) , Proteus Mirabilis Atcc 122453(2 Sticks X 1) , Haemophilus Influezae Atcc 49247 (2 Sticks X 1) , Haemophilus Influezae Atcc 49766 (2 Sticks X 1) , Streptococcus Pneumoniae Atcc 49619 (2 Sticks X 1) , Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Atcc 49226 (2 Sticks X 1) , Bacteroides Fragilis Atcc 25285 (2 Sticks X 1) , Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron Atcc 29741 (2 Sticks X 1) , Clostridiodes Difficile Atcc 700057 (2 Sticks X 1) , Eggerthela Lenta Atcc 43055 (2 Sticks X 1) , Candida Albicans Atcc 90028 (2 Sticks X 1) , Candida Parapsilosis Atcc 22019 (2 Sticks X 1) , Candida Tropicalis Atcc 750 (2 Sticks X 1) , Candida Krusei Atcc 6258 (2 Sticks X 1) , Antisera Shigella Polyvalent ‘O’ (10 Ml) , Antisera Shigella Dysneriae Poly A & A1 (10 Ml) , Antisera Shigella Fleneri Poly B (10 Ml) , Antisera Shigella Boydii Poly C (1-7) (10 Ml) , Antisera Shigella Boydii Poly C1 (8-11) (10 Ml) , Antisera Shigella Boydii Poly C2 (12-14) (10 Ml) , Antisera Shigella Sonnei Poly D (10 Ml) , Antiserasalmonella Poly “O” A-G (10 Ml) , Antisera Salmonella O-2 (10 Ml) , Antisera Salmonella O-9 (10 Ml) , Antisera Salmonella O-4 (10 Ml) , Antisera Salmonella H-A (10 Ml) , Antisera Salmonella H-B (10 Ml) , Antisera Salmonella H-D (10 Ml) , Antisera Salmonella H-I (10 Ml) , Antisera Salmonella V-I (10 Ml) , V. Choleraepoly (10 Ml) , V. Choleraeinaba (10 Ml) , V. Choleraeogawa (10 Ml) , Antisera E. Coli(5 Ml) , Antisera Klebsiella (5 Ml) , Antisera Proteus (5 Ml) , Antisera Staph. Aureus (5 Ml) , Antisera Pseudomonas (5 Ml) , Antisera Enterococcus Faecalis (5 Ml) , Antisera Salmonella Poly “O” A-G (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Salmonella O-2 (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Salmonella O-9 (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Salmonella O-4 (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Salmonella H-A (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Salmonella H-B (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Salmonella H-D (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Salmonella H-I (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Salmonella V-I (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Vibrio Choleraepoly (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Vibrio Choleraeinaba (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Vibrio Choleraeogawa (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Shigella Polyvalent O (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Shigella Dysenteriae Poly A & A1 (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Shigella Flexneri Poly B (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Shigella Boydii Poly C (1-7) (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Shigella Boydii Poly C1 (8-11) (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Shigella Boydii Poly C2 (12-14) (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Antisera Shigella Sonnei Poly D (1 Ampoule (1Ml)) , Salmonella Typhi Atcc 14028 (1 Pk ( 2 Sticks)) , Corynebacterium Diphtheria Atcc 13812 (1 Pk ( 2 Sticks)) , Shigella Dysenteriae Atcc 13313 (1 Pk ( 2 Sticks)) , Shigella Flexneri Atcc 12022 (1 Pk ( 2 Sticks)) , Shigella Sonnei Atcc 25931 (1 Pk ( 2 Sticks)) , Shigella Boydii Atcc 8700 (1 Pk ( 2 Sticks)) , Glass Petridishes With Lid (90 Mm) That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (5000 No.) , Glass Petridishes With Lid (120 Mm) That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (3000 No.) , Glass Test Tubes 12Mm X 100Mm (7Ml) That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (5000 No.) , Glass Test Tubes 15Mm X 125Mm (13Ml) That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (5000 No.) , Glass Test Tubes 18Mm X 150Mm (27Ml) That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (5000 No.) , Glass Test Tubes (5Ml) That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (5000 No.) , Glass Rods Borosil (50 No.) , Glass Slides 25Mmx 75 Mm Borosil (100 Packet) , Glass Cover Slips 20Mm X 20Mm Borosil (100 Packet) , Glass Cover Slips 20Mm X 50Mm Borosil (100 Packet) , Glasscavity Slides Borosil (50 Packet) , Small Size (20Mm) Durham’S Tubes Borosil (100 Packet) , Felix Glass Tubes (Round Bottom 5Ml Capacity) Borosil (200 No.) , Drayer’S Glass Tubes (Conical Bottom 5Ml Capacity) Borosil (200 No.) , Funnel Borosil(24 No.) , Reagent Bottle(2000Cc) Borosil (12 No.) , Reagent Bottle (1000Cc) Borosil (48 No.) , Reagent Bottle (500Cc) Borosil (24 No.) , Reagent Bottle(250Cc) Borosil (24 No.) , Reagent Bottle (100Cc) Borosil (60 No.) , Reagent Bottle (50Cc) Borosil (60 No.) , Mackartaney’Sbottle That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (500 No.) , Beaker [1000 Cc] That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (10No.) , Beaker [500 Cc] That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (10 No.) , Beaker [100 Cc] That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (20 No.) , Beaker [50 Cc] That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (20 No.) , Conical Flask Flat Bottom[1000 Cc] That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (20 No.) , Conical Flask Flat Bottom[500 Cc] That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (50 No.) , Conical Flask Flat Bottom[250 Cc] That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. Borosil (20 No.) , Conical Flask Flat Bottom[50 Cc] That Can Resist Dry Heat Temperature 180°C And Moist Heat Temperature 121 °C. / Borosil (20 No.) , Museum Jar [Rectangular With Lid] Borosil (10 No.) , Glass Trough Pneumatic Borosil (10 No.) , Rubber Teats Various Volume Borosil (100 No.) , Glass Pipetts Each Of Each Size (10 No.) , Test Tube Stand (Small/5Mm) (30) , Test Tube Stand (12 Mm) (30) , Test Tube Stand (15 Mm) (30) , Test Tube Stand (18 Mm) (30) , Rack For Petridish (10) , Staining Racks (10) , Test Tube Holders (60) , Antibiotic Zone Scale (5 Sets) , Sterile Wooden Stick Swabs (10000) , Filter Paper(No.1 & No.2) (2000) , Blunt Forceps 8 Inch & 10 Inch (Large & Medium Size) (10 Set) , Teasing Needles (100) , Metaloop Changeable Handle For Inoculation (24) , Nichrome Loop Wire (4Mm)(50) , Nichrome Straight Wire (50) , Autoclavable Vial With Screw Cap (10 Ml Capacity) (500 X 2) , Mcfarland’S Standard Tubes Set (0.5, 1, 2 & 3) (5 Sets) , Autoclavable, Unbreakable Plastic Petridishes With Lid (90 Mm) That Can Resist Moist Heat Temperature At 121 °C. (5000 No.) , Serum Storage Vials 2 Ml (Screw Cap) (10000) , Eppendorf Tubes1.5 Ml (Flip Top Conical Bottom) (10000) , Eppendorftubes 2.0 Ml (Flip Top Round Bottom) (10000) , Micro Tips Yellow Size Small (2-200?L) (20000 No.) , Micro Tips Blue Big Size (1000?L) (5000 No.) , Collection Vial 5Ml (5000 No.) , Collection Vial 2Ml (2000 No.) , Tuberculin Syringe Disposable(2000 No.) , Filter Tips For 0.5-10 Ul Pipette, Sterile, Low Retention Aerosol Barrier Tips, Racked Filter Tip In Box Format, 0.5 Ul - 10 Ul Universal Graduation, Dnaase/ Rnaase Free (10 Packs) , Filter Tips For 20 Ul To 200 Ul Pipette, Sterile, Low Retention Aerosol Barrier Tips, Racked Filter Tip In Box Format, 20 Ul - 200 Ul Universal Graduation, Dnaase/ Rnaase Free (10 Packs) , Filter Tips For 10-100 Ul Pipette, Sterile, Low Retention Aerosol Barrier Tips, Racked Filter Tip In Box Format, 10 Ul - 100 Ul Universal Graduation, Dnaase/ Rnaase Free (10 Packs) , Filter Tips For 100 Ul To 1000 Ul Pipette, Sterile, Low Retention Aerosol Barrier Tips, Racked Filter Tip In Box Format, 100 Ul - 1000 Ul Universal Graduation, Dnaase/ Rnaase Free (10 Packs) , Optical Clear 8-Pcr Tube Strip With Attached Optical Clear Caps, 0.2 Ml, Compatible With Quant Studio 5. (05 Packs) , Optical Clear 8-Pcr Tube Strip With Attached Optical Clear Caps, 0.1 Ml, Compatible With Qiagen Rotor Gen Q. (05 Packs) , Cryogenic Vials, 1.8 Ml, Sterile, Internal Thread (10 Packs) , Cryobox, 100 Places, Polypropylene, For Storage Of Samples At Minus 80 Degree C / Minus 20 Degree C (10 Packs) , Molecular Grade Alcohol (500 Ml) (10 Bottles) , Molecular Grade Water (100 Ml) (05 Bottles) , Powder Free Nitrile Gloves, Large Size,Iso 9001Certified & Fda Approved,Ce Marked- En455 & Aql 1.5, Should Provide High Degree Of Puncture And Chemical Resistance (10 Packs) , Autoclavable Biohazard Bag, Medium Size, Dimension 356 X 483, Autoclavable At 121 Degree C, Should Be In 2 Thickness Of Polypropylene, Printed With Biohazard Warning Symbol, Should Fulfill M.P Pollution Control Board Norms (500) , Autoclavable Biohazard Bag, Large Size, Dimension 483 X 584, Autoclavable At 121 Degree C, Should Be In 2 Thickness Of Polypropylene, Printed With Biohazard Warning Symbol, Should Fulfill M.P Pollution Control Board Norms (500) , Autoclave Tape, 18Mm Width, To Be Used In High Vacuum, High Temperature Steam Autoclaves And Other High Temperature Sterilisation Sysytem, Colour Change From White To Visible Brown/ Black Should Take Place On Complete Sterilisation Through Moist Heat (2 Packs) , Self Adhesive Lables (500) , Parafilm(1 Packs) , Rnase/ Dnase Away Solution, For Complete Removal Of Rnase/ Dnase Contamination From Work Surfaces, Pipettes And Equipments, Should Be Stable At Room Temperature (1 Bottles (500Ml)) , Pipette Stand For Holding Atleast 4 Pipettes (1) , Crp Kits (25 Test Kit Each Box) , Pregnancy Test Hcg Card Test(50 Test) , Vdrl Latex Test/Rpr (25 Test Kit Each Box) , Hbsag Card Test (10 Test Kit Each Box) , Rapid Test Kit For Anti Hcv Ab (25 Test Kit Each Box) , Ra Factor Test(100 Test Each Vial) , Widal Test (100 Test Kit) , Aso Titre Test(500 Test) , Mountx Test ( Itu/Ppd) (100 Test Each Vial (05Ml)) , Dengue Rapid Kit For Ns1 Antigen & Igg /Igm Antibody (25 Test Kit) , Chikungunyarapid Kitigm Antibody (25 Test Kit) , Drinking Water Testing Kit(12 Parameters) (200 Kits) , Leptospira Igm Elisa Kit (1 Kits (96 Test)) , Measles Igm Elisa Kit (1 Kits (96 Test)) , Bacterial Meningitis (Rapid Latex Agglutination Test Kit) (1 Kits (96 Test)) , Hbsag (Antigen)Elisa Kit (1 Kits (96 Test)) , Hbeag (Antigen)Elisa Kit (1 Kits (96 Test)) , Anti Hbeag Abelisa Kit (1 Kits (96 Test)) , Anti Hbc Igm Abelisa Kit (1 Kits (96 Test)) , Anti Hbs Abelisa Kit (1 Kits (96 Test)) , Anti Hbc Ab (Total) Elisa Kit (1 Kits (96 Test)) , Anti Hav (Hepatitis A Virus) Igm Elisa Kit (1 Kits (96 Test)) , Anti Hev (Hepatitis E Virus)Igm Elisa Kit (1 Kits (96 Test)) , Scrub Typhus Rapid Card Test Kit (100 Test Kit) , Hepatitis B Virus Quantitative Pcr Kit(100 Test Each Kit) , Hepatitis C Virus Quantitative Pcr Kit(100 Test Each Kit) , Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit From Blood/Plasma/Serum/Body Fluids(100 Test Each Kit) , Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit From Swabs In Viral Transport Medium(100 Test Each Kit) , Tuberculin Ppd Ip 1Tu/0.1Ml (05 Ml Each Vail) , Mvr Blade (20G) , Needle 30 G 1/2 Inch , Glucose Kit God Pod(125 Ml) , Urea Berthelots Method(R1 + R2 500 Ml) , Creatinine Kit, Jaffes Method(125 Ml) , Total Protein Kit Biuret Method(125 Ml) , Albumin Kit Bcg Method(125 Ml) , S- Total Cholesterol Kit(125 Ml) , S- Triglyceride Kit(125 Ml) , Ammonium Sulphate Crystal(500 Gms) , Liquor Ammonia(500 Gms) , Benzidine Powder(25 Gms) , Sodium Nitroprusside Cystal(100 Gms) , Acetic Acid (Glacial)(2.5 Ltr) , Sulphur Powder(250 Gms) , Hydrogen Per Oxide Soln-(500 Ml) , D- Glucose Powder(500 Gms) , Acetone Soln-(500 Ml) , Bile Salt Powder(500 Gms) , Cupric Sulphate Powder(500 Gms) , Tri-Sodium Citrate Powder(500 Gms) , Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate(500 Gms) , Litmus Paper(Blue & Red)(100 Leavs) , Filter Paper(100 X 01) , Naoh Solution (0.1 N)(500 Ml) , Bromine Water(500 Ml) , Barium Chloride (10%)(500 Ml) , Conc. Nitric Acid(500 Ml) , Ammonium Hydroxide Crystal(500 Gms) , Ammonium Hepta(500 Gms) , Molybdate Tetrahydrate(500 Gms) , Phenopthalein Soln. 0.1%(500 Ml) , Picric Acid Powder(500 Gms) , Sodium Carbonate 20%(500 Gms) , Bendicits Uric Acid(500 Ml) , Ammonium Oxalate Crystal(500 Gms) , Silver Nitrate (500 Gms) , Test Tube (10 X 100 Mm) , Test Tube (8 X 75 Mm) , Beaker (Small ) , Beaker (Big) , Urine Jar(Glass (250 Ml)) , Dropping Bottle(Glass (100 Ml) ) , Reagent Bottle(Glass (200 Ml)) , Glass Rod , Glass Pipette(1 Ml/2Ml/5Ml/10 Ml) , Rubber Bulb(1 Ml/5Ml/10 Ml) , Test Tube Holder , Test Tube Stand(8 X75 & 10 X 100 Mm) , Micro Pipette (Fixed- 10 Micro Litre ) , Micro Pipette (Variable 5-50 Micro Litre) , Micro Pipette (Variable 200-1000 Micro Litre) , Plastic Dropper(5 Ml) , Porcelain Cup , Measuring Cylinder(100 Ml) , Measuring Cylinder(500 Ml) , Measuring Cylinder(1000 Ml) , Conical Flask(200 Ml ) , Cuvette (1 Cm Diameter ) , Urinometer (Calib Temp. 20 ?C) , Pipette Stand(Plastic ) , Spatula (Big ) , Spatula (Small) , Stock Bottle(1 Litre Capacity) , Burner Stand(Metallic) , Tray(Metallic) , Test Tube Brush , Match Box Big Size , Candlebig Size(Big) , Cellulose Acetate Strips 100 Nos. , Tris Na2 200 Ml,Edta 200 Ml,Boric Acid 200 Ml (For Buffer Preparation) , Ponceau S Stain 200 Ml, Trichloroacetic Acid (Tca) 200 Ml, (For Staining) , Whatman Filter Paper No 1 (Sheets) , Amino Acid Mixture (Any 4 Available)/ Or Individual Amino Acid Pack 1 Each Of Any 4 , Butanol 200 Ml , Ninhydrin Dye Spray 200 Ml , Glacial Acetic Acid ( For Destaining ) 1000 Ml , Postmartam Gloves Size (Pair) 10 No , Postmartam Gloves Size (Pair) 9 No , Postmartam Gloves Size (Pair) 8.5 No , Postmartam Gloves Size (Pair) 8 No , Postmartam Gloves Size (Pair) 7.5 No , Postmartam Gloves Size (Pair) 7 No , Postmartam Gloves Size (Pair) 6.5 No , Postmartam Gloves Size (Pair) 6 No , Clonical Flask (100Ml) , Reagent Bottel (150Ml) , Hb Tube , Hb Pipette , Chalk Mitti Per Kg , Ncl Gel , Aerb Cerrtified Lead Apron , Aerb Cerrtified Lead Head Cap , Aerb Certified Thyroid Collar , General Items , Kaali Mitti (1 Haiva 600 Square Feet) , Pili Mitti (1 Haiva 600 Square Feet) , Gobar Khad (1 Haiva 600 Square Feet) , Stationary , Ruled Register 400 Pagesize21cm (Width) X 34Cm (Length) Fair Quality (A Grade Paper) (65-70 Gsm) , Ruledregister 200 Pagesize21cm (Width) X 34Cm (Length) Fair Quality (A Grade Paper) (65-70 Gsm) , Ruledregister 300 Pagesize21cm (Width) X 34Cm (Length) Fair Quality (A Grade Paper) (65-70 Gsm) , Ruledregister 500 Pagesize21cm (Width) X 34Cm (Length) Fair Quality (A Grade Paper) (65-70 Gsm) , Ruledregister 600 Pagesize21cm (Width) X 34Cm (Length) Fair Quality (A Grade Paper) (65-70 Gsm) , Ruledregister 100 Pagesize21cm (Width) X 34Cm (Length) Fair Quality (A Grade Paper) (65-70 Gsm) , Ruledregister 800 Page Size21cm (Width) X 34Cm (Length)Fair Quality (A Grade Paper) (65-70 Gsm) , Attendance Register 200 Page (Student) Fair Quality (A Grade Paper) Size20cm (Width) X 32Cm(Length) (65-70 Gsm) , Attendance Register 200 Page (Staff) Size20cm (Width) X 32Cm(Length) (65-70 Gsm) , Exam Copy Main (24 Page)70 Gsm Fair Quality Paper , Exam Copy Supplementary (12 Page) 70 Gsm Fair Quality Paper , File Cover (Office Tag File) Filemate, Veer, Cobra (400-500 Gsm) Size 14X10 Inch, (Llet On Left Top Corner) , File Cover With Clamp (Cobra File ) Filemate, Veer, Cobra (400-500 Gsm) Size 14X10 Inch, With Spring Patti Clip For Paper Holder , Index File (Liver Arch File) Veer, Ace, Cobra, Neel , File Pad Veer/Jumbu Deep , Button Type Transparent A4 Size File Folder , Dak Book , A4 Size Paper 75 Gsm 500 Pages Rim , A4 Size Mint Color Paper 85 Gsm 500 Pages Rim (Ledger Paper) , A4 Size Florid Pink Color Paper 80 Gsm 500 Pages Rim , A3 Size Paper 75 Gsm 500 Pages Rim , Paper Fs Size/ Legal Size 75 Gsm 500 Pages Rim , Chalk White (Dustless) , Calculator Orpat Ot-400Gt,Citizin-Ct512, , Scissor Big Size , Ink Blue Color Forstamp Pad (25Ml) , Stapler Hp-45(24/6) Big Size Kangaroo Hp-45, , Stepler Pin 24/6 Kores,Kangaro , Paper Pin , Pocker , Carbon Paper (100 Pcs/ Pkt) Kores/Camlin Or Equivalent Brand , Whitener 9Ml Size Infinity,Camlin, Reynolds , Permanent Marker (Black Color) Xl Sizecamlin/ Cello/ Luxar , Paper Weight For Office Desk , Sealing Wax , Lock 7 Lever (Godrej Nav-Tal, Link Hi-Tech) , Punching Machinebig Sizekangaroo Dp-600, , Fevicol (100 Gm Per Pack) , Gum Bottle Small (150 Ml) Camlin/Mohni, , Whiteboard Duster , Stamp Pad (Big Size ) , Basta Cloth 36 X 36 Inch Each , Basta Cloth 44 X 44 Inch, Each , Led Bulb (15 Watt) Surya, Eveready, Syska, Crompton, Orient, Anchor , Led Bulb (12 Watt) Surya, Eveready, Syska, Crompton, Orient,Anchor , Led Tube Light Complete Set Surya, Eveready, Syska, Crompton, Orient,Anchor , Phenyl (05 Ltr Per Pack, White Color) Lizol, Gainda White, Presto, Rinsl , Mug Big Size(1 Liter) , Date Broom( , Coconut Broom , Naphthalene Balls (10No Per Packet) , Soap (125 Gm) 1 Pic Dettol, Lifebuoy, Savlon , Washing Powder (01 Kg Pkt Each) Ghadi, Nirma, Tan-Man Or Equivalent , Dustbin Large (50 Ltr) Cello, Nilkamal, Aristo , Dustbin Small Size (10 Ltr) Cello, Nilkamal, Aristo , Plastic Bucket (20 Ltr) Ello, Nilkamal, Aristo , Toilet Brush , Wiper With Stick(Big Size 40 Cm Blade Width And 3.5 Feet Stick Size) (Big Size 40 Cm Blade Width And 3.5 Feet Stick Size) , Floor Cleaning Clip Mop With Stick(Clip Mop With Size 8-9 Inch Wide And Stick Size Upto 3.5 Feet) (Clip Mop -Size 8-9 Inch Wide) , Garbage Bag For 50/60 Ltr. Dustbin Pack Of 20 Pcs , Garbage Bag For 10 Ltr. Dustbin Pack Of 30 Pcs , Envelopesize 9 Inch X 4Inch (Window Envelope) White Color 100 Gsm Fairquality , Envelopesize 11Inch X 5Inch (Window Envelope) White Color 100 Gsm Fairquality , Envelopebig Size 14 Inch X 10 Inchlaminated Yellow Color 100 Gsm Fairquality , Envelope Big Size 16 Inch X 12 Inchlaminated Yellowcolor 100 Gsm Fair Quality , Pen (Blue Color) Easy Click , Pen (Black Color) Easy Click , Pen (Red Color) Easy Click , Permanent Marker (Black Color) Cello, Camlin , Pencil(10 Pic Per Packet) Natraj/Apsara/Doms , Scale (12 Inch Size) Plastic Trasnparent Natraj/Apsara/Doms , Hand Wash200 Ml Detol/Savlon/Lifeboy , Pin Cusion Plastic With Top Magnet , Rubber (10 Pic Pkt) Natraj/Doms/Apsara , Sharpner (10 Pic Pkt) Natraj/Doms/Apsara , Cover Roll Brown Color (Plastic) , Cello Tape (1 Inch) Transparent , Cello Tape Machine Dispenser(1 Inch) , Thread For Supplementary Sheet , Thumb Pin , Pin Removerkangaroo Sr - 100 , White Board Markerfor Writing Blue Camlin/Cello/Luxor , White Board Markerfor Writing Black Camlin/Cello/Luxor , Manila Envelop (Internal Lamineted) Buff Color, A3 Size , Manila Envelop (Internal Lamineted) Buff Color, A4 Size , Manila Envelop (Internal Lamineted) Buff Color, 11 X 5 Size , Manila Envelop (Internal Lamineted) Buff Color, 9 X 4 Size , Form 2/4, (A4 Size Yellow Color 100 Pages 75 Gsm With Hard Cover And Binding) , Button Type Transparent A4 Size File Folder (Plastic) , Water Sponge Damper , Indent Book (8 X 13, 100 X 3 Copy With Numbering Per Book With Binding) 75Gsm , Indent Voucher Book ( 9 X 11,100 X 3 Copy With Numbering Per Book With Binding) 75Gsm , A4 Size One Side Printing/White Paper 75Gsm , A4 Size Double Side Printing/White Paper 75Gsm , Fs Size One Side Printing/White Paper 75Gsm , Fs Size Double Side Printing/White Paper 75Gsm , Form A3 Printed One Side , Form A3 Printed Both Side , 8 X 13 White Paper Register 300 Pages With Custome Print & Binding 75Gsm , 8 X 13 Ledger Paper Register 300 Pages With Custome Print & Binding 75Gsm , Discharge Ticket -16.5 X 11, 300 Gsm Card Sheet -One Sided Printed , Discharge Ticket -A4 Size, 300 Gsm Card Sheet -Double Sided Printed , 8.5 X 13.5 (Ledger Paper With Printing & Numbering 8 Quire Register) 75Gsm , 8.5 X 13.5 (Ledger Paper With Printing & Numbering 10 Quire Register) 75Gsm , 8.5 X 13.5 (Ledger Paper With Printing & Numbering 300 Pages) 75Gsm , Cancer Registration File (A3 Size 75Gsm 4 Pages Printed Both Side With Center Stapler Binding) , Registration Card 4.75 X 3.5 White Color Card Sheet 300 Gsm , Radio Therapay Ticket 4.75 X 7 Yellow Card Sheet 300 Gsm Both Side Printed , A4 Form Printing In Pink/Yellow Paper75gsm , Sticker Colored Printed 35 X 3.75 75Gsm , Book 9 X 11 (2 Color White + Pink Numbering On Each Page 75Gsm) , 16 X 13 White Rulled Register 200 Pages 75Gsm , 17 X 13.5 Ledger Paper 300 Paper With Printing 75Gsm , 8.5 X 13.5 White Paper 200 Pages 75Gsm , 8 X 13 White Paper 400 Pages Printed 75Gsm , 8.5 X 13.5 White Paper 400 Pages Printed 75Gsm , 16 X 13 White Rulled Register 400 Pages 75Gsm , Cobra File Custome Printed , 10 X 15 Ledger Paper Register 75 Gsm 200 Pages , 10 X 15 Ledger Paper Register 75 Gsm 400 Pages , 10 X 15 White Paper Register 75 Gsm 400 Pages , 10 X 15 White Paper Register 75 Gsm 200 Pages , 8.5 X 13.5 Rulled Regster 75 Gsm 2 Q , 11 X14card Sheet Both Side Printed , A3 Size Printed Both Side Card Sheet White Paper 150-200 Gsm , 9 X 11 Yellow Paper Printed One Side 75 Gsm , A3 Size Printed Both Side4 Color Paper 75 Gsm , A4 Size Printed Both Side4 Color Paper 75 Gsm , Furniture , Classroom Chair (Backrest - Pu Foam With Fabric,Armrest Design - U Shape,Arms-Pvc ,Seat- Pu Foam With Fabric,Frame Material -Cantilever With Stainless Steel 304 Grade Material,Section Size (Diameter/Sides) Of Understructure -25 Mm,Under Structure Wall Thickness (Mm) -2 Mm,Minimum Thickness (In Mm) Of Ms Plate Joining The Understructure With Seat-2 Mm,Seat Size - 510X510,Density Of Pu Used In Seat (Kg Per Cubic Meter ->40<=50,Understructure Finish-Na Due To Stainless Steel 304,Weight-Bearing Capacity- Up To 150 Kg,Writing Pad Material- Hdhmr ,Writing Pad Size- 300X600,Writing Pad Size Mechnism - Open From One Size And Slide Adjacently To Other Side,Warranty -Minimum 1 Year ) , Visitor Chair Mid Back Cantilever (Backrest - Polypropylene Back With Black Mesh Fabric,Armrest Design -Armrest Type Moulded Down Uarmrest Fitted With Seat Bottom,Arms- Polypropylene Arm With Decorative Silver Profile,Seat-High Density Moulded Plywood Of 12 Mm Thickness Upholstered With 50 Mm Thick Foam And Black Crape Fabric, Frame Material -Cantilever With Stainless Steel 304 Grade Material, Section Size (Diameter/Sides) Of Understructure - 25 Mm,Under Structure Wall Thickness (Mm) -2 Mm,Minimum Thickness (In Mm) Of Ms Plate Joining The Understructure With Seat- 2 Mm,Chair Dimensions-62(D)X60(W)X91(H) Cm ,Density Of Pu Used In Seat (Kg Per Cubic Meter - >40<=50,Understructure Finish- Na Due To Stainless Steel 304,Seat Material -Pu Foam, Warranty -Minimum 1 Year) , Visitor Chair 4 Legs (Pvc Upholstered Seat And Back -Pu Foam, Frame Material - Ss 304,Chrome Plated Mild Steel Frame With A Substantial Thickness- 1.1 Mm,Weight-Bearing Capacity Up To 150 Kg, Armest Type- Fixed Polypropylene Armrests For Convenient Arm Support, Dimensions , Width (Cm) 52,Depth (Cm)60,Height (Cm) 87, Warranty -Minimum 1 Year) , Revolving Chair High Back (Tilt Mechanism -Revolving Without Tilting Mechanism, Revolving Mechanism - Designed With 360 Degree-Revolving, Seat Depth Adjustment -Fixed Type ,Seat And Back Stitching –Doble Niddle,Seat Material - Pu Foam ,Seat Upholstery Material - Leather,Backrest Base Frame Material - Hot Pressed Plywood Of 15 Mm,Width Of Backrest (Mm)- 500, Backrest Height From The Seat Level - 550,Backrest Upholstery Material- Leather,Handle-Ms Cusioned Fix/ Adjustable,Pedestal Base Erw With Crome Plated - 26 Inch ,Minimum Thickness (In Mm) Of Ms Plate Joining The Backrest With Seat Of The Chair- 8 Millimeter,Density Of Pu Used In Seat (Kg Per Cubic Meter) - 40,Thickness Of Pu Used In Seat (Mm) - 40,Minimum Seat Height From Floor Surface (Mm) - >550,Width Of Seat (Mm) - 550,Depth Of Seat (Mm)- 550, Backrest Height -720, Warranty -Minimum 1 Year) , Revolving Chair Mid Back (Tilt Mechanism -Revolving Without Tilting Mechanism,Revolving Mechanism - Designed With 360 Degree-Revolving,Seat Depth Adjustment - Fixed Type,Seat And Back Stitching –Doble Niddle,Seat Material - Pu Foam ,Seat Upholstery Material - Leather,Backrest Base Frame Material - Hot Pressed Plywood Of 15 Mm,Width Of Backrest (Mm) - 500,Backrest Height From The Seat Level - 550,Backrest Upholstery Material - Leather ,Handle- Ms Cusioned Fix/ Adjustable ,Pedestal Base Erw With Crome Plated - 26 Inch,Minimum Thickness (In Mm) Of Ms Plate Joining The Backrest With Seat Of The Chair - 8 Millimeter ,Density Of Pu Used In Seat (Kg Per Cubic Meter)-40,Thickness Of Pu Used In Seat (Mm) - 40,Minimum Seat Height From Floor Surface (Mm) - >550,Width Of Seat (Mm) - 550,Depth Of Seat (Mm)- 550, Backrest Height (Mm)- 575, Warranty -Minimum 1 Year) , Revolving Chair Low Back (Tilt Mechanism - Revolving With Tilting Mechanism,Revolving Mechanism- Designed With 360 Degree-Revolving,Seat Depth Adjustment - Fixed Type,Seat And Back Stitching –Double Niddle,Seat Material - Pu Foam With Fabric,Seat Upholstery Material - Fabric,Backrest Base Frame Material - Pvc Supporting With Mesh Fabric,Width Of Backrest (Mm)- 470,Backrest Height From The Seat Level - 470,Backrest Upholstery Material - Mesh Fabric,Handle- ?Polyurethane,Pedestal Base Erw With Crome Plated - Injection Molded Plastic,Minimum Thickness (In Mm) Of Ms Plate Joining The Backrest With Seat Of The Chair - 8 Millimeter ,Density Of Pu Used In Seat (Kg Per Cubic Meter) - 40,Thickness Of Pu Used In Seat (Mm) - 40,Minimum Seat Height From Floor Surface (Mm) - >470,Maximum Height From Floor Surface (Mm) - >880,Width Of Seat (Mm) - 470,Depth Of Seat (Mm)- 470,Backrest Height (Mm)- 470, Warranty -Minimum 1 Year) , Executive Revolving Chair (Chair Type - Seat Upholstery Material,Leatherette With Spacer Fabric , Tilt Mechanism-Any Position Synchronic Tilt Mechanism ,Back Locking Mechanism - 3 Position Locking ,Seat Depth Adjustment - Adjustable ,Revolving Mechanism- Designed With 360 Degree-Revolving Type,Gas Lift- Class 3 ( Chrome Plated),Wheel Size- 60 Mm,Pedestal Base - Stainless Steel,Size Of Base - 650Mm,Minimum Thickness (In Mm) Of Ms Plate Joining The Backrest With Seat Of The Chair - 1 Millimeter ,Seat Material - Mesh ,Density Of Pu Used In Seat (Kg Per Cubic Meter) - >40<=50 ,Thickness Of Pu Used In Seat (Mm) - >40<=50 ,Minimum Seat Height From Floor Surface (Mm) ->400<=500 ,Width Of Seat (Mm) - >450<=500 ,Depth Of Seat (Mm)- >450<=500 ,Backrest Type - Flexi Back ,Backrest- Made Of Mesh In 3 Parts For Flexibility ,Backrest Support Type -Fixed Lumber Support ,Backrest Base Frame Material - Injection Moulded Plastic ,Thickness Of Pu Used In Backrest (Mm)- Na ,Width Of Backrest (Mm) - 500Backrest Height From The Seat Level - 550 Backrest Upholstery Material -Leatherette - , Warranty Period In Number Of Years - 1 Year) , Almirah Steel (Technical Specification Of Almirah Steel Generally Conforming To Bis Specification Is: 3312:2021 (With Latest Amendment) - Yes,Type Of Almirah Steel- Almirah Steel Shelving Cabinets,Number Of Door -2,Number Of Shelves4,Steel Sheet Material Crca Sheets Conforming To Grade Cri Of Is 513(Part-1):2016 (With Latest Amendment) - Yes,Almirah Height(Excluding The Height Of Pedestal) ± 5 Mm - 1980 Mm ,Almirah Width ± 5 Mm - 920 Mm ,Almirah Depth ± 5 Mm - 480 Mm ,Side Sheet Thickness- 0.8 Mm ,Back Sheet Thickness - 0.8 Mm ,Top Sheet Thickness - 0.8 Mm, Bottom Sheet Thickness - 0.8 Mm ,Shelves Sheet Thickness - 0.8 Mm ,Thickness Of Door- 1 Mm ,Shelves Supporting Bracket Thickness - 1.6 Mm ,Hinges Sheet Thickness- 1.6 Mm,Width Of Stiffener - 115 Mm ,Stiffener Sheet Thickness - 0.6 Mm ,Handle Size- 12 Cm,Steel Almirah Lock/Locker Lock - Six Lever Lock ,Material Of Lock Finish Having Brass Levers And Mazak/Zamak Bolt Having Zinc Plated Finish Along With Mazak/Zamak - Yes,Powder Coating Conforming To Is: 13871 -60 Micron Powder Coating With 7 Tank Anti Corrosion Process ,7 Tank Pre-Treatment Process - The 4 Stage Pre-Treatment Process For Proper Zinc Depositon To Prevent Rusting,Powder Caoted - Yes, With 50 Micron Minimum Coating ,Locking Mechanish - 3 Way 6 Lever Lock ,Handle - 12 Cm Nickle-Chrome Plated Cast Iron ,Steel Sheet Material - Crca Sheets Conforming To Grade Cri Of Is 513 ,Width Of Stiffner - 115 Mm ,Cutting - The Cutting Is Done Using Cnc Laser Machine. No Burrs Visible In Cut Sheet ,Bending - Bending Is Done Properly Using A Cnc Bending Machine Or Panel Bender ,Construction - Multibend Construction With Proper Welding ,Finishing - The Almirah Is Given Proper Finishing Before Powder Coating Using Thermal Putty. There Are No Visible Dent On The Surface ,Color - The Powder Coating Is Perfect Without Pinholes. The Paint Finish Is Gloss, Warranty -Minimum 1 Year) , 3 Seater Stainless Steel Bench (Governing Specification- 3 Seater Stainless Steel Benches,Seating Capacity- 3 Seater,Weight Of The Bench In Kg- 36-38 Kg (Approx),Punching / Perforation In Seating Plate And Backrest- Square Shape 1Cm X 1Cm Having Perforation 49-49 [Seat And Back],Material For Bench- Stainless Steel 304 Grade,Thickness Of Stainless Steel Sheet / Plate- 1.5 Mm (16 Gauge),Round Pipe Size- 2 (50Mm With 2 Mm Thick),Square Pipe Size- 50Mm X 50Mm X 2 Mm Thick,Base Plate Thickness- 1.5Mm (16 Gauge),Length Of Bench- 60 (1765Mm),Length Of Backrest- 60 (1765Mm),Height Of Seat From The Floor- 16 (406 Mm),Seat And Backrest Connection- With Profile 1.5Mm Thick (16 Guage),Seat Width- 16 (400Mm),Depth Of Bench- 28 (710),Clear Height Of Bench- 30 (775Mm),Base Pipe Size (To Be Fixed Ground)- 2 X 2 X 19.5 With Suitable Fixing Arrangement,Separation Of Seating Space- With Capsule Pipe Of 33Mm X 15Mm Outer Circumference Of Hand Rest 24,Warranty Period- 5 Year,Confirmatory Test In Respect Of Stainless Steel- Grade 304,Finishing/Polishing Of Product- Uniform Smooth Satin Finish, Warranty -Minimum 1 Year) , Computer Table Type Of Computer Table (Computer Cum Printer Table With Key Board Pullout Tray And Table Top,Construction Of Computer/Printer Table- Gable End And Modesty Panel,Colour Of Top- Teak,Material Of Table Top,Keyboard And Drawer- Mdf Board Of Grade Sbg Ii Of Is 12406/Latest,Gable End And Modesty Panel Material- Flat Single Layer Prelaminated Mdf Board Conforming To Having Designation Plmdf-23 Of Is 14587/Latest,Leg Material- No Legs,Table Top Thickness ±2Mm- 25 Millimeter,Thickness Of Gable End And Modesty Panel ±2Mm- 19,Dimension Of Leg(Mmxmm) ±5Mm- No Legs,Length Of Table In Mm (±15 Mm)- 1220 Millimeter,Depth Of Table In Mm (±10Mm)- 610 Millimeter,Height Of Table In Mm (±10Mm)- 760 Millimeter,Type Of Keyboard Tray- Mdf Board Keyboard Tray,Material Of Footrest- Flat Single Layer Prelaminated Mdf Board Conforming To Having Designation Plmdf-22 Of Is 14587/Latest,Material Thickness Of Footrest ±2Mm- 19Mm, Warranty -Minimum 1 Year) , 5X3 Table With Both Side Storage (,No. Of Storage- 2,No. Of Storage With 3 Drawers- 1,No. Of Storage With Cabinet- 1,Top- 18 Mm Thick Prelaminated Particleboard,Pipe Structure- 25Mmx25mm 1.2 Mm Thick Crca Pipes,Modesty Panel- .8 Mm Thick Cr Sheet,Storage Unit Sheet- .8 Mm Thick,Telescopic Channels- Provided For Smooth Movement Of Drawer,Powder Caoted- 60 Micron Powder Coating With 7 Tank Anti Corrosion Process,Locking Mechanish- 10 Lever Centralized Lock,Steel Sheet Material- Crca Sheets Conforming To Grade Cri Ofis 513,Cutting- The Cutting Is Done Using Cnc Lasermachine. No Burrs Visible In Cut Sheet,Bending- Bending Is Done Properly Using A Cncbending Machine Or Panel Bender,Construction- Multiband Construction With Properwelding,Finishing- The Amirah Is Given Proper Finishing Before Powder Coating Using Thermal Putty. There Are No Visible Dent On The Surface,Color- The Powder Coating Is Perfect Withoutpinholes. The Paint Finish Is Gloss, Warranty -Minimum 1 Year) , 4 X2.5 Table With Single Side Storage (No. Of Storage- ,No. Of Storage With 3 Drawers- 1,No. Of Storage With Cabinet- 1,Top- 18 Mm Thick Prelaminated Particleboard,Pipe Structure- 25Mmx25mm 1.2 Mm Thick Crca Pipes,Modesty Panel- .8 Mm Thick Cr Sheet,Storage Unit Sheet- .8 Mm Thick,Telescopic Channels- Provided For Smooth Movement Of Drawer,Powder Caoted- 60 Micron Powder Coating With 7 Tank Anti Corrosion Process,Locking Mechanish- 10 Lever Centralized Lock,Steel Sheet Material- Crca Sheets Conforming To Grade Cri Ofis 513,Cutting- The Cutting Is Done Using Cnc Lasermachine. No Burrs Visible In Cut Sheet,Bending- Bending Is Done Properly Using A Cncbending Machine Or Panel Bender,Construction- Multiband Construction With Properwelding,Finishing- The Amirah Is Given Proper Finishing Before Powder Coating Using Thermal Putty. There Are No Visible Dent On The Surface,Color- The Powder Coating Is Perfect Withoutpinholes. The Paint Finish Is Gloss, Warranty -Minimum 1 Year) , Single Hostel Bed (Overall Dimensions- 1830Mmlx900mmwx450mmh,Thickness Of Pipes- 1.2 Mm,Storage Space In Bed- Without,Head Panel Material- Metal Steel Square Pipe Of 50X50 Mm,Frame Structure Of Bed- Metal Steel Rectangular Pipe Of 50X25 Mm,Powder Coated- 60 Micron Powder Coating,Color- The Powder Coating Is Perfect Without Pinholes. The Paint Finish Isgloss, Warranty -Minimum 1 Year) , Stool With Backrest (Adjustable Height- Yes,Normal Height (Mm)- 400,Min. Height (Mm)- 350,Max. Height (Mm)- 800,Stool Top Base Thickness (Mm)- 2.2,Cushioning In The Stool Top- With Cushion,No Of Legs In The Under Structure- 4,Foot Rest- Without,Material Of Top- Stainless Steel,Painting- Powder Coating,Type Of Stool- Revolving,Back Rest- With,Material Of Back Rest- Mild Steel,Material Of Cushion- Pu Foam,Cushioning In The Stool Top- With Cushion,Finish- 50 Micron Power Coated ,Design Of Back Rest- Rectangular,Back Rest Support Frame Material- Mild Steel,No Of Legs In The Under Structure- 4,Shape Of Stool Top- Round,Material Of Top- Stainless Steel,Covering Material Of Cushion- Heavy Leatherite,Leg Shoe Material- Pvc/Rubber,Density Of Cushion (Kg/Cub Metre)- 41,Type Of Stool- Revolving,Material Of Under Structure- Mild Steelwarranty -Minimum 1 Year) , Office Equipment , Desktop Computer, Processor Make-Intel Processor Generation 11Thgen Or Higher,Number Of Cores Per Processor 4 Or Higher, Processor Description Intel Core I5 Or Higher,Motherboard ,Chipset Series Intel H/E/B/Q Series/Integrated Chip,Operating System(Factory Pre-Loaded) Windows 11 Professional Or Better,Recovery Image Media Online/Cloud/Cd,Os Certification Windows,Form Factor Tower,Type Of Ram -Ddr4,Ram Size(Gb) 8 Or More,Total Numbers Of Dimm Slots Available 2,Ram Expandability Upto (Using Spare Dimm Slots In Gb) Upto 32 Gb Or More (Using Spare Dimm Slots In Gb),Ssd 512 Gb ,Total Hdd Capacity(Gb) 1000 Gb Or More,Type Of Ethernet Ports 10/100/1000 On Board Integrated Gigabit Port,Wifi Connectivity Inbuilt Wifi Connectivity Should Be Available.,Usb At Least 3 Usb Port With At Least 1 Usb 3.0 Connectivity Should Be Present Along With One Usb C Type Connectivity (Optional).,Hdmi At Least 1 Hdmi Port Should Be Present.,Monitor Led Monitor Should Be Minimum 21.5 Inch Or Above.,Keyboard & Mouse Wired Keyboard & Mouse Should Be Supplied,On Site Oem Warranty- 3 Years ,Certifications Ce/Bis,In Tender Documents (Hp/Acer/Dell/Lenovo/Asus/Ibm/Hcl) , Laptop (I3, 8Gb,512 Ssd With License Windows 10/11)(Hp/Acer/Dell/Lenovo/Asus/Ibm/Hcl) , All In One Printer Printer Functions Print- Scan And Copy, Print Speed 28-32 Ppm ,Duplex Printing- Yes,Product Type Laser- Monochrome,Wireless Capacity- Yes,Paper Size A4, Letter, A5, A5 (Long Edge), A6, Executive, Legal,Memory Capacity-128 Mb,Paper Capacity Up To 250 Sheets Of 80 G/M2 Plain Paper,On Site Oem Warranty(Year) 1 Year Or Higher(Hp/Canon/Brother) , All In One Printer Printer Functions Print- Scan And Copy, Print Speed 33-40 Ppm ,Duplex Printing- Yes,Product Type Laser- Monochrome,Wireless Capacity- Yes,Paper Size A4, Letter, A5, A5 (Long Edge), A6, Executive, Legal,Memory Capacity-128 Mb,Paper Capacity Up To 250 Sheets Of 80 G/M2 Plain Paper,On Site Oem Warranty(Year) 1 Year Or Higher(Hp/Canon/Brother) , Single Function Laser Printer With 18 Ppm Or Higher (Hp/Canon/Brother) , Cat-6 Ethernet Cable Bundle Of 305 Meter Bundel (Digisol/D-Link/Havels/Finolex) (Stranded Bare Copper (7 X 23 Awg). 2. Insulation: Hdpe (Cmi-75E)Nominal Wall Thickness: 0.178Mm. Min. Thickness: 0.153Mm) , Long Range Ip Ptz Camera (Endless 360 Degrees Rotation And Variable Speed,750Mm Or 1000Mm With Auto Focus) , Single Finger Aadhaar Based Biometric Device With Registered Rd Services , Webcam With Mic 1080P , Usb Wifi Dongle , 55 Smartled Tv With Comercial Pannel (Branded) , 32 Smartled Tv With Comercial Pannel (Branded) , 1 Kva Ups Pure Sinewave With In-Built Batteries (Single Phase) , 3 Kva Ups Pure Sinewave With In-Built Batteries (Single Phase) , Inverter 5 Star Air Conditioner 1.5 Ton, Copper Coil, With Standard Installation Warrenty On Complete 1 Year & 5 Years On Compressor (Make- Lg/Samsung/ Voltas/ Llyod/ Daikin/ Mitsubishi/ Og Genral/ Vestar/Whirlpool/ Godrej/ Hitachi/ Carrier/ Blue Star Or Equivalent) , Inverter 5 Star Air Conditioner 2 Ton, Copper Coil, With Standard Installation Warrenty On Complete 1 Year & 5 Years On Compressor (Make- Lg/Samsung/ Voltas/ Llyod/ Daikin/ Mitsubishi/ Og Genral/ Vestar/Whirlpool/ Godrej/ Hitachi/ Carrier/ Blue Star Or Equivalent) , Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance Machine , Speaker System 10 W,100 V With Aplifier (Per Speaker) , Wireless Handheld Mic With Aplifier Per Mic , Water Cooler With Purifier (As Per Tender Documents) , Long Through Projector 4500 Lumens With Minimum 1 Year Warrranty Including 15 Meter Hdmi Cable , Power Cabel And Ceeling Instalation Kit , Brother Dcp L2605 Dw Toner (Tn 2570 Xl) , Brother Dcp L2605 Dw Drum Unit , Xerox Original Toner Versalink B7125 , Hdmi Extendor Tx Cat 6 Full Hd 1080P 3D , 12 V 2 A Dc Power Supply Adapter , 5 V 1 A Dc Power Supply Adapter , Canon Lbp 2900B Paper Picup Roller , Canon Lbp 2900B Power Supply Board , Canon Lbp 2900B Logic Board , Canon Lbp 2900B Pickup Assembly , Brother B7535dw Toner , Brother B7535dw Drum Unit , Hp Mp 203 An Toner (30A) , Hp 154 A Toner (153A) , Hp M104a Toner (104A) , Hdmi Cable 25 Mtr , Power Cable 25 Mtr , 8 Port Gigabyte Switch , 16 Port Gigabyte Switch , 24 Port Gigabyte Switch , 48 Port Gigabyte Switch , Double Antena Router 300 Mtr Range , Reffling & Repairing Of Toner Cartridge Including Podwer And All Parts Required, As And When Required On Site For 12A/925A/88A/110A , Reffling & Repairing Of Toner Cartridge Including Podwer And All Parts Required, As And When Required On Site For Brother Toner Or Equivalent , Office Equipment , Oxygen Sensor Oom202 (Compatible With Cv-200 & Dhaman Iii Ventilators) , Dsposable Flow Sensor (Compatible With Cv-200 & Dhaman Iii Ventilators) , Diagphram (Compatible With Cv-200 & Dhaman Iii Ventilators) , Battery (Compatible With Cv-200 & Dhaman Iii Ventilators)