Tender For Water Supply Scheme For Augmentation Of Uwss Sanchore District Sanchore Including 05 Years O And M After 01 Year Defect Liability Period Under Amrut 2 - Water Supply Scheme for Augmentation of UWSS Sanchore, District Sanchore including 05 years O&M after 01 Year Defect Liability period under AMRUT 2.0 Sl. No. Item Description 1 (1.1) Providing,lowering,layingintrenches,aligning,fixinginposition and jointingDuctileIron(DI)ISI markedK-7gradeS&Spipesas perIS:8329-2000(amended upto date), with internal cement mortarliningsuitableforpotable waterwithrubberring(EPDM) jointsasperIS:5382-1985includingalltaxes(Centralandlocal), transportationandfreightcharges,inspection charges,loading/ unloadingcharges, includingcostoflabourandmaterial,specials (Tee,bendetc.)satisfactoryhydraulictesting,disinfection, commissioningetc.completeaspertechnicalspecificationsand direction of Engineer-in-charge. (excluding earth work)Note :Providing andfixing ofall requisitespecials asper drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately. 2 (1.1.2) 100 mm 3 (1.1.3) 150 mm 4 (1.1.4) 200 mm 5 (1.1.5) 250 mm 6 (1.1.6) 300 mm 7 (1.1.8) 400 mm 8 (1.4) Providing, lowering, laying and jointing in trenches,standard lengths HDPE ISImarkedPipesasperIS-4984:1995(amended up todate) withnecessaryjointingmateriallikemechanical connectors,i.e.thread/insertjoint/quickreleasecouplerjoint/ compression fitting joint or flanged jointand specialsjointing pipe by electrofusionweldingmethod,includingalltaxes, transportationandfreightcharges,inspection charges,loading/ unloadingcharges,stackingofpipes,includingcostoflabourand material,specials(Tee,bendetc.),satisfactoryhydraulictesting, disinfection,commissioningetc.completeaspertechnical specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge of following class and diameter. (excluding earth work) .Note :Providing andfixing ofall requisitespecials asper drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately.Supply may be in coil or straight length in 6 M/12 M. 9 (1.4.1) HDPE PE-80PN-6 10 ( 90 mm dia 11 ( 110 mm dia 12 (1.4.2) HDPE PE-100PN-6 13 ( 75 mm dia 14 (1.5) Providing, lowering, laying and jointing in trenches,standard lengths HDPE ISImarkedPipesasperIS-4984:1995(amended up todate) withnecessaryjointingmateriallikemechanical connectors,i.e.thread/insertjoint/quickreleasecouplerjoint/ compression fitting joint or flanged jointand specialsjointing pipe by butt fusion/ electro fusion welding method, including all taxes , transportationandfreightcharges,inspection charges,loading/ unloadingcharges,stackingofpipes,includingcostoflabourand material,specials(Tee,bendetc.),satisfactoryhydraulictesting, disinfection,commissioningetc.completeaspertechnical specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge of following class and diameter. (excluding earth work).Note :Providing andfixing ofall requisitespecials asper drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately.Supply of pipe shall be in straight length in 6/12 M. 15 (1.5.1) HDPE PE-80PN-6 16 ( 125 mm dia 17 ( 140 mm dia 18 ( 160 mm dia 19 ( 180 mm dia 20 ( 200 mm dia 21 ( 225 mm dia 22 (1.6) Manufacturing,supplying,lowering,layingandjointinginposition tocorrectlinespirallyweldedSAW/FabricatedMSPipehaving bevelled end plates / coils, confirming to IS 3589-2001 or its latest revision/ amendments, for following thickness and inside diameter, includingalltaxes(Centralandlocal),transportationandfreight charges,inspectioncharges,loading/unloadingcharges, including costoflabourandmaterial,specials(Tee,bendetc.),fieldjoints, satisfactory hydraulic testing, disinfection, commissioning etc. completeas per technical specifications anddirection of Engineer- in-charge; (excluding earthwork, internal lining and outer coating).Note :Providing andfixing ofall requisitespecials asper drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately. 23 (1.6.2) Outer dia of pipe 273 mm and thickness 24 ( 5 mm 25 ( 6.3 mm 26 (1.6.3) Outer dia of pipe 323.9 mm and thickness 27 ( 7.1 mm (For canal crossing and NH Crossing) 28 ( 5.6 mm 29 (1.6.5) Outer dia of pipe 406.4 mm and thickness 30 ( 6.3. mm 31 (1.6.9) Outer dia of pipe 711 mm and thickness 32 ( 6.3 mm 33 (1.9) ProvidingandapplyingSprayapplied,100%Solids(Solventfree) TwoComponentPU(Polyurethane)coatingasperAWWAC222 Standard on external surface ofM.S.Pipe includingpreparation of pipe outer surface by solvent cleaning, abrasive blasting to a finish ofGrade 2.5 to DIN EN ISO8501-1 and surface profile of50 to 75 micronsasperDINENISO8503-2includingfieldjointscoatingat site complete as per technical specification and direction of Engineer in In charge.Minimum dry film thickness of coating shall be 1000 micron 34 (1.13) Providing and applying 100% Solids, Rigid, DTM Polyurethane lining to internal surfaceof M.S. PipeasperAWWAC222standard includingpreparationofinternalsurfaceofpipebycleaningand abrasiveblastingincludingfieldjointscoatingatsitecompleteas pertechnicalspecificationanddirectionofEngineerinIncharge. Polyurethane Coating shall be NSF/WARS/SS-375 approved for drinking water and minimum thickness of lining shall be 500microns. 35 (1.15) Providing and fixing of flanged/ plain ended MS Specials made from MS sheet strips of relevant IS specification of approved thickness by welding,lowering,laying,aligning,fixinginpositionatalllevel/ depths in trenches complete includingall taxes, material,labour, insidelining,outsidecoating,testing and commissioningalong with pipe line as per technical specificationsand directionof Engineer-in-charge. 36 (1.15.1) MS pipespecialsup to600mmdia (withminimum5mmthickness sheet) 37 (1.27) Providing Household Tap Connectionas per technical specification and approved drawing as per relevant IS code (amended up to date) from HDPE/uPVC/DI/AC/MS/GIpipelineuptoconsumermeter/premises byusingPPmechanicalIntegratedsaddlewithinbuiltflowcontrol valvemadeoutofSS316designedfor5LPMdischargeat0.5bar pressure , not exceeding the flow of 7 LPM at 2 bar and a compressionelbow,mouldedinsinglepiece/fusionwelded (Complete job) including digging out suitable size of pits and trench for layingservicelineinallkindsofsoil;depositingandrefillingofpit& jhiriwithwatering&ramming/compactinginlayersanddisposalof surplusexcavatedsoilasdirectedwithinalead of100meter; providing&fixingofallfittingdulyapprovedinaccordancewith specificationforpotablewaterincludingGMFull-wayValve(IS:778 Mark) or wheel valve and specials with 20 mm nominal dia MDPE pipe PE 80PN16asperISO4427/20mmnominal diaPPR-C(Three layered)pipe PN16SDR7.4(IS:15801:2008)(ISImark)and above groundlevelusingPPR-CpipewithstandardPPRfittings/GIpipesin the premises for fixing a tap / meter box (excluding) ,including accessories with flushing, cleaning, disinfecting and testing of pipe line completerequiredformakingofserviceconnectioncompleteinall respectincludinglabourcharges.Theservicelineshouldbelaidat least 45 cm below ground level. 38 Note:Roadcutandrestorationisnotpartofthisitemandpaid separately. 39 (1.27.1) Forconnectionwith20mmdiaMDPE/PPR-C pipelength upto 05mtr. 40 (1.3) Road cutting for house hold service connection in minimum trench widthwhereverroadcrossingisrequired.Roadcuttingofcement concrete,WBM, Black top etc. of all thickness shall be doneby using aconcretecuttermachinekeepingminimumtrenchwidthand restoration of the road with Cement concrete with PCC M-10 and CC M-30 grade as per specification and direction of Engineer in charge.. 41 (1.31) Add extra over itemno 1.21, 1.22 & 1.23 for providing20 mm PE80 PN 16 as per ISO 4427 MDPE pipe including excavation, providing, laying & jointing of service line above 5.00 mtr. 42 (1.35) Providing, lowering, laying and jointing of ISI marked Double chambered restrained joint DI K9 Pipes confirming to IS:8329-2000 (amendeduptodate); restrained joints are designed and tested as per ISO 10804: 2018 (to be used for minimum required length as per design along with double chambered restrained DI fittings to avoid concrete thrust block at bends) including rubber gaskets confirming toIS5382-1985/8329-2000withlatestamendmentsandlocking bars & rubber spacers , conveying to work site, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line, level and perfect linking at joints, testing and commissioning, including loading and unloading, cutting of pipes wherever necessary, jointing with DI special (excluding the costof restrainedjointspecials)andrubbergaskets,cleaningthe socket and spigot end with soap solution, applying soft soap to the socketandspigotendsbeforeinsertionofrubbergaskets,jacking and fixing in perfect conditions etc. The cost includes all accessories andhydraulic test to the required pressure and cost of all jointing materialsetccompleteincludingalltaxes,satisfactoryhydraulic testing,disinfectionetc.completeaspertechnicalspecifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge. (excluding earth work) 43 (1.35.1) 100 mm 44 (1.35.2) 150 mm 45 (1.35.3) 200 mm 46 (1.35.4) 250 mm 47 (1.35.5) 300 mm 48 (1.36) Providing,lowering,laying,aligning,fixinginposition andjointing atlevel/ depthsDuctile Iron Double Chambered Restrained Joint specialsconfirmingtoIS9523:2000ofClassK-12withinternal Cement mortar lining and external Zinc rich paint coating followed by a finishing layer of bitumen coating duly ISI marked. Joints will be of Double Chamber Restrained Type as per ISO 10804:2018 includingrubbergasketconfirmingtoIS5382:1985andlocking bars&rubbergasketsetc completeincluding alltaxesasper technicalspecificationsand directionofEngineer-in-charge,(excluding earth work). 49 (1.36.1) Upto 300 mm Diameter 50 (2.11) Supply of ERWM.S. black casing pipe ISI marked (IS: 4270/2001) or amendedup to dateoffollowing sizes 51 (2.11.2) 200 mm dia NB (Thickness of pipe 5.4mm & mass of tube 28.46 Kg/m) 52 (2.24) Providing & Lowering in tube well ISI marked GI Pipe medium duty (“B" class), SteeltubeasperIS:1239oramendeduptodateandzinccoatingasperIS 4736,threadedanddoubleflanged(welded)onbothendsandtwonumber 25x3mm MS flat welded on both ends between pipe & flange, rubber washer &nut bolts etc. complete in all respect. 53 (2.24.2) 50 mm dia 54 (2.47) Supply of ERW M.S. black casing pipe ISI marked {IS:1239(Part-1:2004)}medium of following sizes at site of work. 55 (2.47.2) 125 mm dia NB( Thickness of pipe 4.8 mm & mass of tube 16.40 Kg/m) 56 (3.2) ConstructionandcommissioningofRCCINTZEtypeOverHeadServiceReservoirof followingcapacityandstagingaspertheScopeofworkandTechnicalspecifications, consisting of the following main activities: - 57 a)Topographicsurvey,preparationofsitecontourplan,conductingSBCtest andits approvalfromdepartment beforeconstruction.Submissionandapprovalofconcretemix design and water quality test report for water to be used in construction.b) Excavation in all types of soil, PCC below foundation, all RCC Work, Plinth protection all around the structure including all material, labour, shuttering, scaffolding etc.c)OHSRshallbeprovidedwithadequateplinthprotectionallaroundthestructureina width starting from edge of structure at GLand extending at least up to1.0m beyond the edge of outer most projection of OHSR.The plinth protection shall consist of 150mm thick PCC in M-15 grade concrete laid over 150mm thick layer of compacted soil.d) Providing and applying two coats of food grade epoxy paint on the inside surface on the top dome, edge beam and 600 mm height of the vertical wall.e)Conducting successfully hydro test and water tightness test as per I.S. code.f) Providing and applying three coats of anti-carbonation paint on the top surface of the Top Dome.g) Providing and applying three coats of cement-based paint on the external surface of the container, balcony, cone wall, columns & beams etc..h) Providing and fixing SS-304 ventilator, SS 304 manhole frame and cover and SS-304 ladder from top dome/Slab to bottom dome/Slab inside container.i) Providing and fixing of MS section ladder from the last landing to balcony having railing all around it and MS ladder with safety cage from balcony to top dome/slab.j) Providing and fixing water level indicator (float type). 58 k)Providingandfixingofhandrailingallaroundthebalcony,topdomeandstaircase consisting of 25mm diameter Class-B GI pipe in two rows and 1000 mm high, 50X50X6mm angle iron vertical post at a maximum spacing of 1500mm centres.l) All MS parts to be painted with two coats of the enamel paint over the primer coat of red oxide.m)Providingandfixingof150mmwidePVCwaterbarfortheconstructionjointsinthe container (vertical wall & cone wall).n) Providing one Aluminium portable ladder of appropriate length to access first landing (3.5 to 4.5m above GL) from ground.o)Lightingarrestorconsistingofprovidingandfixingof2Nos. ofchemicalearthingand connecting it to the conical cover of SS ventilator with two separate GI strips of 50mmX3mm.p) CI/DI puddle collar shallbe fixed inthe bottomdome/ slabfor connectinginlet, outlet, overflow and washout pipe of the reservoir.q) Painting the name of the scheme and other details on the reservoir, and any other work related to structure as per the directions of Engineer-in- Charge, Technical Specification and Scope of Work.r)Inlet,outlet,overflow,washoutpipesandvalvesarenotincludedinthiswork, provision for the same shall be taken separately. 59 (3.2.15) Rates for RCC OHSR,SBC 10 T/sqm, SEISMIC ZONE-IV & STAGING 20 M 60 ( 150KL capacity 61 ( 250KL capacity 62 ( 300KL capacity 63 ( 400KL capacity 64 ( 600 KL capacity 65 ( 800 KL capacity 66 (3.7) ProvidingandfixingdoubleflangedISImarkedDI ClassK-9pipesasperIS:8329-2000 (amended up to date), asvertical pipes for RCC Reservoirs including specials required such asduckfootbend,bend,teeetc.providingandfixingclampsatevery3mtr, jointing materials such as nuts, bolt, rubber packing, hydraulic testingetc. complete in all respect up toandfromvalvechamberasperdirectionofEIC,TechnicalSpecificationandScopeof work. 67 (3.7.1) 100 mm 68 (3.7.2) 150 mm 69 (3.7.3) 200 mm 70 (3.7.4) 250 mm 71 (3.7.5) 300 mm 72 (3.7.6) 350 mm 73 (3.7.7) 400 mm 74 (3.7.8) 450 mm 75 (3.7.11) 700 mm 76 (PWD 2022 Based Estimate) Construction of RCC (Flat slab type) Rectangular partially underground Clear Water Reservoir of following capacity as per the Scope of work and Technical specification, consisting of the following main activities: -a) Topographic survey, preparation of site contour plan, conducting SBC testand its approval from departmentbefore construction. Submission and approval of concrete mix design and water quality test report for water to be used in construction.b) Excavation in all types of soil, PCC below foundation & all RCC Work including all labour and material charges including providing and fixing of accessories such as SS ladder, SS manhole frame and covers, water level indicator (float type), SS ventilator with SS screen, float valve, puddle collars, G.I. pipe railing around walk way, Top Dome/Slab, Staircase in side and out side. c) CWR shall be provided with adequate plinth protection all around the structure in a width starting from edge of structure at GL and extending at least up to 1.0m beyond the vertical wall of CWR. The plinth protection shall consist of 150mm thick PCC in M-15 concrete over 150mm thick compacted soil fill. 77 d) Providing and applying two coats of food grade epoxy paint on the inside surface of the roof slab, and 600 mm height of the vertical wall. e) Successful hydro test and water tightness test as per I.S. code. f) Providing and applying three coats of anti-carbonation paint on the roof Slab. g) Providing and applying three coats of cement-based paint on the remaining external surface area of the structure.h) Providing and fixing SS-304 ventilator, SS 304 manhole frame and cover and SS 304 ladder from roof slab to bottom Slab, inside container. Providing and fixing water level indicator (Float type). i) Providing and fixing MS ladder from ground to top slab.j) All MS parts to be painted with two coats of the enamelled paint over the primer coat of red oxide. k) Providing and fixing of 150mm wide water bar for the construction joints in the container. l) Providing and fixing CI/DI puddle collars the vertical wall for connecting inlet, outlet, overflow and washout pipes of the reservoir. m)Construction of inlet chamber, and valve chambers n) Inlet, outlet, overflow, washout pipes and valves are not included in this work, provision for the same shall be taken separately. 78 2250 KL 79 (4.1) Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in trenches of required width and gradient for laying and jointing of pipe line including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5 Mtr. including taking out the excavated soil, and then returning the soilas requiredin layers not exceeding 20cm indepth including consolidatingeachdepositedlayerbyramming,wateringetc.anddisposalof surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 50 Mtr. including required all safety provisions etc.:All kinds of soil 80 (4.2) Add extra for trenches for every additional lift over item no 4.1 81 (4.2.1) Above 1.5 mtr and up to 3.0 mtr. 82 (4.5) Dismantlingofcementconcretepavementforpipeline andchambersby mechanicalmeansusingpneumatictools,cuttingtheperipheraledgebyCC cutter, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 meters.Measurementfordismantledtrenchtobemade asperstandard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shall be made be made for trench width more than specified, re-handling of material/earth to complete the tasks as per technical specification and scope of work. 83 (4.6) Dismantlingofflexiblepavementforpipeline andchambersbymechanical meansusingpneumatictools,breakingtopiecesnotexceeding0.02cumin volumeandstockpilingatdesignatedlocationsanddisposalofdismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 meters. Measurement for dismantled trench to bemade asperstandardtrenchwidthspecifiedintenderdocumentandno extra payment shall be made be made for trench width more than specified, re- handling of material/earth to complete the tasks per technical specification and scope of work. 84 (4.6.1) Bituminous courses 85 (4.6.2) Granular courses 86 (4.7) Providing and laying in position cement concrete M10 grade nominal mix 1:3:6 (1Cement:3coarsesand:6gradedstoneaggregate40mmnominalsize)in base course complete including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line and chamber work. Measurement for CC work to be madeas per standard trench width specified intenderdocument andno extrapayment shallbe made be madefortrench widthmorethanspecified, completeworkaspertechnicalspecificationand scope of work. 87 (4.8) Providingand laying in position cementconcrete in specified gradeover prepared base course complete including finishing, curing, all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line andchamberwork.MeasurementforCCworktobemade asperstandard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shall be made be made for trench width more than specified,complete work as per technical specification and scope of work. 88 (4.8.2) Plain cement concrete pavementof M-30 Grade 89 (4.9) Removing& Re-fixing of Precast concrete interlocking blocks for laying of pipe linebymanualmethod,stackingofserviceable&nonserviceablematerial separately, disposal of dismantled material lead up to 50 mtr. The C.C. interlocking paving blocks be laid onaverage 25 mm thickbed of coarse sand and the joints to be filled with fine sand. Laying procedure oncompacted sub baseasdefined.Completejobistobeexecutedasperthedirectionsof Engineerincharge.Theratestobeinclusiveoffixingof 70percentreusable precast concrete interlockingblock and cost of required new precast concrete interlocking block against damaged, including alllead and lift as per Technical specifications.(Interlocking blockmanufactured by fully computerized automaticstationeryhydraulicvibropressedmachine&fullcomputerized automaticbatchingplantofclassA-1asperBS:6717-2001.Tensilesplitting strength and breaking load as per BS: 6717-2001Colour: Grey cement natural colour. VariationinDimension: Less than1.6 mmVariationinthickness: Less than 3.2 mm)Note:Ifexistingprecastblockusedmorethan70%,thanforevery1%use above 70%, deduction of 1% in cost shall be done for every 1% use above 70%. 90 (4.9.1) 60 mm thick. 91 (4.9.2) 80 mm thick. 92 (4.9.3) 100 mm thick 93 (4.1) Horizontaldirectionaldrilling(bytrenchlesstechnology)ofsuitablediahole minimum1.0mtrbelownaturalgroundlevelinalltypeofsoilunderCC/BT roads and pulling HDPE pipes of dia up to 110 mm, which are available in the formofacoil includingexcavation,shoring/strutting,preparation,maintain the thrust and including, road dismantling, excavation and refilling of drive pit and exit pit, restoration of road cut as per technical specification and scope of work, but excluding the cost of pipe line. 94 (4.11) Supply laying and pushing of MS casing pipe of specified thickness approved by concerneddepartmentauthoritybytrenchlessmethodadoptinganysuitable technology below ground at required depth under running traffic condition as perHighway/Railwaystandardincludingcarryingoutsurveyworkatthejob site for determining underground cable trenches like telephone, cable, water & sanitarylinesandresistivitytestforfindingthesoilstratausingnecessary equipments for completion of works, mobilizing of machineries and specialized crewat the jobsite complete inallrespect, includingexcavationofdrivenpit andexitpit(upto3meterdepth)withproperprotectionatthesesiteswith shoringsheetsandISMB.ProvidingMScuttingedgesforfrontshieldand constructing thrust bed at designated level. Necessary dewatering and providing concrete foundation at the base of the driven pit, PVC/Rubber saddle as per the requirement of Highway/Railway authority, crane for handing of pipe and any other machinery, tools, and tackles required, construction of temporaryworksasperdesign,drawingandmethodasperapprovedby authority specification and the direction of the Engineer.Applycorrosion,resistant,protectiononinsideandoutsideofcasingpipe as per technical specification. 95 (4.11.3) 500 mm Dia 8 mm thick casing pipe . 96 (4.11.4) 600 mm Dia 10 mm thick casing pipe . 97 (5.6) Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of submersible dewatering pump setconforming torelevant IScodesandasperscope of work and Technical Specifications, with water proof winding. Pump shall be suitableforvariousdeliveryheadanddischargewithstainlesssteelshaft, impeller, pump and motor body. Motor suitable for working on 415 V ± 10%, 3 Ph, 50 Hz A.C. Supply, with cable guard. The pump set shall be suitable for direct coupling, with suitable suction strainer etc. completein all respect as per specification,scopeofworkanddirectionofEngineerinChargeof followingpowerrating,suitableforprescribeddutyconditions mentioned in TD. 98 (5.6.2) 1.5 KW (2.0 HP) 99 (5.7) Providingandfixing atsitewithnecessarypacking, HorizontalCentrifugal Split Casting pumps with 4 poleinduction motor operating at synchronised speed of speed 1500 RPM as per IS 12615: 2011 or amended up to date , CI casingandcasingring,SS316impeller,SS410Shaftandshaftsleeve, couplingguard,commonbaseplate,foundationbolts,Cementconcrete foundation etc. complete with all respect as per the specification and scope ofworkanddirectionofEngineerinChargeoffollowingrangeofduty conditions.Note: Duty condition of required pump shall also be mentioned in BoQ. 100 (5.7.17) Discharge 41 t0 50 LPS and head 41 to 50 M 101 (5.7.24) Discharge 51 to 60 LPS and head 41 to 50 M 102 (5.7.31) Discharge 61 to 70 LPS and head 41 to 50 M 103 (6.1) Providing, lowering,aligning, fixing inposition inpipe line, CI D/F Sluice valves straightandpocketlessbodypassageofapprovedmakeof following Pressure rating & dia complete, confirming to IS:14846 (amended up to date) and of following specifications: Body, Bonnet, Wedge, Gland, Thrust Plate, Cap & Hand wheel of Grey cast iron of IS:210/ FG200Stem - AISI- 410 ,Body Seat ring, Wedge facingring&Bushes-LTB2/SS ,FacetofacedimensionsasperIS14846/2000 (amendeduptodate),Epoxy(Non-Toxic-suitablefordrinkingwater)applied inside and outside,Flanges Drilled as per IS 1538. Nut-Bolt confirming to IS:1363 andIS:1367/CS/galvanisedsteel InsertionrubberofblackEPDM6mmthick. Sluice valves including all jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioningalongwithpipelineasperTechnicalSpecificationsandasper direction of Engineer-in-charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 104 (6.1.1) Manually Operated CI Sluice valve of Class PN-1.0 105 ( 80 mm HW 106 ( 100 mm HW 107 ( 125 mm HW 108 ( 150 mm HW 109 ( 200 mm HW 110 ( 250 mm HW 111 ( 300 mm HW 112 (6.3) Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line, CI double flanged swing type NonReturnValves(NRV) ofapprovedmakeoffollowingPressurerating& dia complete, confirming to IS: 5312 (part -1)/ 2004 (amendedup to date) and of followingspecifications:Body,Cover&discofGreycastironofIS:210/FG200. FacetofacedimensionsasperIS5312(part-1):2004,FlangesDrilledasper IS:1538.Epoxy (Non-Toxic&suitablefordrinkingwater)appliedonbody,cover anddiscinsideandoutside.BodyseatringofSS/CSDoorfacering-EPDM/ Neoprene (food grade quality) ,Shaft ofSS- AISI- 410 ,Hinge Malleable cast iron / SS AISI 316 ,Bonnet Gasket EPDM, Bush- Leaded tin Bronze/ PTET, Gasket EPDM/NBR ,Nut-BoltasperIS:1363andIS:1367(galvanisedsteel),Insertion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick. Suitable support structureas perdirections of EIC including jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along withpipelineasperTechnicalSpecification&asperdirectionofEngineer-in- charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 113 (6.3.1) Class PN 1.0 114 ( 100 mm dia 115 ( 150 mm dia 116 ( 200 mm dia 117 (6.4) Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line, CIdouble flangedDual plate check valve of approved make of following Pressure rating & dia complete, asperAPI:594/API:598andoffollowingspecifications: Body&CoverofGrey cast iron ofIS:210/ FG200 , Disc / plates - Cast steel ,Disc seal ring of EPDM/ NBR (foodgradequality),BodyseatofSS,FacetofacedimensionsasperAPI:594,FlangesDrilledasperIS:1538. Epoxy(Non-Toxic&suitablefordrinkingwater) applied on body & coverinside and outside . Shaft/Stop Pin of SS- AISI- 304/410 , Hinge SS AISI 316/304 / CS ,Spring SS AISI 316/304 , Bonnet Gasket EPDM ,Bush- BrasswithEPDM/NBR"O"ringseal.Nut-BoltconfirmingtoIS:1363andIS:1367 (galvanisedsteel),InsertionrubberofblackEPDM6mmthick.Suitable support structureasperdirectionsofEIC includingjointing&jointingmaterial,labour, testing and commissioning along with pipeline as per Technical Specification & as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 118 (6.4.1) Class PN 1.0 119 ( 250 mm dia 120 (6.8) Providing,lowering,aligning,fixinginpositioninpipelineatworksite,DID/F Resilientseated(softseated)SluiceValves(GateValves),Vacuumtight(bubble tight), straight and pocket less body passage of approved make of following class & diacompleteconfirmingtoBS-EN-1171/AWWAC-509andoffollowing specifications:Body & bonnet ofDuctile castiron ofgrade GGG40/GGG50as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12 as per IS 1865 or equivalent grade as per IS :3896-part2 1985 and subsequent revisions, Wedge of same material as body & shall vulcanisedrubber lined with EPDM (food grade quality) and seals of NBR Face to facedimensionsasperBS5163-89/IS14846/2000(amendeduptodate)/Din 3202F4,Stem/spindleofSSAISI316/410Electrostaticepoxypowder(EP-P)/ Fusion bond epoxy ( Non-Toxic- suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thicknessof250micronsinsideandoutside,DrilledasperIS1538.Nut-Bolt confirmingtoIS:1363andIS:1367 (Galvanisedsteel)Insertionrubberofblack EPDM 6mm thick. Suitablesupport structure as per directions of EIC, Sluice valves includingall jointing& jointingmaterial, labour,testingandcommissioningalong withpipelineasperTechnicalSpecificationsandasperdirectionofEngineer-in- charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 121 (6.8.1) Manually Operated Resilient Seated Sluice Valves of Class PN 1.6 122 ( 100 mm dia 123 ( 150 mm dia 124 ( 200 mm dia 125 ( 250 mm dia 126 ( 300 mm dia 127 ( 350 mm dia 128 ( 400 mm dia 129 ( 700 mm dia. With Gear 130 (6.9) Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line, DI D/F resilient seated (soft seated) short body pattern type double eccentric Butterfly valves of approvedmakeoffollowingclass&diacompleteconfirmingtoBSEN593/BS 5155/IS13095/1991amended up todateandoffollowingspecifications:Body, disc and end cover of Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12asperIS 1865or equivalentgrade asper IS :3896-part2-1985 and subsequentrevisions,FacetofacedimensionsasperDIN3202F4/IS13095 DrilledasperIS:1538.ElectrostaticEpoxyPowder(EP-P)/FusionBondedEpoxy (Non-Toxic&suitablefordrinkingwater)coatedwithminimumthicknessof250 micron applied on both body and disc inside and outside. Disc seal ring of EPDM/ Neoprene(foodgradequality)anddiscsealretainingringofSS/CS.ShaftofSS- AISI- 410/316 & shaft bearings- bronze/ PTET or Teflon with EPDM/NBR "O "ring seal,Nut-BoltconfirmingtoIS:1363andIS:1367(Galvanisedsteel)Insertion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick. Suitable support structureas perdirections of EIC including jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along withpipelineasperTechnicalSpecification&asperdirectionofEngineer-in- charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 131 (6.9.1) Class PN 1.6, Manually Operated with Gear 132 ( 250 mm dia 133 (6.13) Providing,lowering,aligning,fixinginpositionandJointinginpipeline,DIBody FlangedEndTamperproof KineticAirValveofapprovedmakesoffollowing pressureratinganddiaandasperfollowingspecifications:Governingstandard- AWWA C512/ IS:14845:2000(amended up to date) Body, High pressure cover , Low pressure cover, Cowl andJoint support ring - Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 orGR SG-400/12as perIS 1865, Float- LP ball & HP ball : AISI 304 stainless Steel, Seat ring & Gasket - EPDM/NBR ,HP Orifice & HP orifice plug : Bronze/ SS ,Bush: Bronze ,Flanges as per IS/ BS, Drilled as per IS:1538. Electrostatic Epoxy Powder(EP-P) / Fusion Bonded Epoxy (Non-Toxic & suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thickness of 250 micron applied on body & coverinside and outside fasteners - CS/ Galvanised steel, Outlet of big orifice will haveascreentopreventTamperoffloat, withDImetalseatedD/FNonrising stemSluiceValvesasper(IS:14846amended uptodate)PN1.6ratingsValves including all material, labour, testing and commissioning as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer in charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of connecting tee, pipe piece and earth work. 134 (6.13.1) Class PN 1.6 135 ( 40 mm dia 136 ( 50 mm dia 137 (6.17) Providing,lowering,laying,aligning,fixinginpositionandjointingCIdismantling joint(SuitableforSluicevalvesetc.)asperISspecifications complete of the following sizes including alljointingmaterial, cost of all labour, testing and commissioning Technical Specifications and as per directionof Engineer.Class PN 1.0 138 (6.17.1) 80 mm dia 139 (6.17.2) 100 mm dia. 140 (6.17.3) 125 mm dia. 141 (6.17.4) 150 mm dia. 142 (6.17.5) 200 mm dia. 143 (6.17.6) 250 mm dia. 144 (6.17.7) 300 mm dia. 145 (6.17.8) 350 mm dia. 146 (6.17.9) 400 mm dia. 147 (6.18) Providing, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position and jointing MS dismantling joint(FabricatedSteel) asperISspecifications complete of the following sizes including alljointingmaterial, cost of all labour, testing and commissioning Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer. 148 (6.18.13) 700 mm dia. 149 (7.1.1) DOL STARTER2.2 KW(3 HP)- :For 2 motors (1 W+ 1S)I/C -MCB 25A ,FP, 10 KA, C Curve (1) , Analog Voltmeter 96*96mm ( 0- 500V ) (1), Volt Selector Switch (1) , Analog Ammeter 96*96mm ( 0-60A ) (1), Amp. Selector Switch (1), C. T. 30/5A CL 1.0 5VA (3) , Indicating Lights ( Red-1, Yellow -1) (2), Indicating Lights ( Blue - 1 ) (1), Control MCB 6A SP 10 KA C Curve (3)andO/G-MCB 16A ,TP, 10 KA, C Curve (2), Power Cont 9A TP AC3 Duty(2), 2NO+2 NC Aux. Block(2), Thermal Overload Relay (4-6A )(2), Control MCB 6ASP10KACCurve(2),SinglePhasePreventer(2),IndicatingLights (Red-1,Green-1,Amber-1)(6),PushButton22.5(Red-1,Green-1)(4),SelectorSwitch1Pole,2Way(2),Capacitor440VACHeavyDutyMPP Type 2 Kvar (2) 150 (8.2) Construction of boundary wall of Brick/ stone masonry as per enclosed GA drawing,scopeofworkandtechnicalspecificationscompleteworkinall respect. Brief details of boundary wall parameter is as below:1. Depth of foundation- 900 mm.2. PCC in M-10, width -900 mm and thickness 100 mm,3. Stone masonry in CM: 1:6 section of foundation above PCC,600mm (W )x 450 mm (D) and 450 mm (W) x 450 mm (D)4.Superstructurework:StonemasonryinCM:1:6,W-300,height-1650 mm,/ Brick work in CM: 1:6 W-230 mm, height- 1650 mm.5.CementmortarpointingonStone masonryandcementmortarplaster 20 mm thick on brick masonry in CM 1:6.6. Expansion joint shall be on every 30 mtr.7.OntopofwallthereshallbeCCCoping75mmthick(1:2:4)shallbe provided.8. Pillar for main gate 350x350 mm in size is part of boundary wall.9. Cement paint of approved colour in 3 coat shall be done. 151 (8.3) Providingandfixingsteel,gate,gratingandgrillsmadeofangles,tees, square bars,flatsorblackpipe with holdfast andfitting complete as per design and drawing including cutting welding and fabrication with priming coat of red oxide and two coat of enamel paints. 152 (8.4) ConstructionofPumphouseofRCCframedstructureasperapproved standardGA,structure,electricaldrawing,scopeofworkandtechnical specificationcompleteworkinallrespectincludingelectricalworksfor indoorand outdoor lighting and fans, rain water drainage, sanitary, plumbing, monorail/ EOT crane etc for Earth quake zone II and SBC equal to or more than 7 T/sqm.Note: Standard drawings can be viewed on website https://pheddms.rajasthan.gov.in/private/public/dms_document.aspx. 153 (8.4.4) Type IV ( 212.9 Sqm) 154 (9.1) ConstructionofRCCSluicevalvechamberfordifferenttypeofvalves includingearthworkexcavation,100mmPCCM15 aslevellingcourse, RCC M25 grade for base slab, side wall & cover slab , including cost of steelreinforcement,formwork,Pre-castslabs,plasticencapsulated CI/MS Foot Rest, MS flats for the support of pre-cast, proper curing of concrete work complete in all respect as perspecifications andstandard drawings and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 155 (9.1.1.) For Class-AA loading 156 ( Sluice valve chamber of size 1.13 m x0.85 m x1.325 m-for pipe size-up to 100 mm 157 ( Sluice valve chamber of size 1.17m x 0.95m x1.47mfor pipe size-from 125-to-150mm 158 ( Sluice valve chamber of size 1.26m x1.185m x1.88mfor pipe size-from 200-to-300mm 159 ( Sluice valve chamber of size 1.39m x1.43m x2.245mfor pipe size-from 350-to-450mm 160 (9.1.2) For Class-A loading 161 ( Sluice valve chamber of size1.13m x0.85m x1.27mfor pipe size-upto100mm 162 ( Sluice valve chamber of size1.17m x0.95m x1.415mfor pipe size-from 125-to-150mm 163 ( Sluice valve chamber of size1.26m x1.185m x1.82mfor pipe size-from 200-to-300mm 164 (9.1.3) For in-campus Valve Chambers 165 ( Sluice valve chamber of size1.13m x0.85m x1.225mfor pipe size-upto100mm 166 ( Sluice valve chamber of size1.17m x0.95m x1.37mfor pipe size-from 125-to-150mm 167 ( Sluice valve chamber of size1.26m x1.185m x1.76mfor pipe size-from 200-to-300mm 168 ( Sluice valve chamber of size1.39m x1.43m x2.125mfor pipe size-from 350-to-450mm 169 ( Sluice valve chamber of size1.61m x1.75m x2.72mfor pipe size-from 500-to-700mm 170 (9.2) ConstructionofRCCAirvalvechamberfordifferenttypeofvalves includingearthworkexcavation,100mmPCCM15 aslevellingcourse, RCC M25 grade for base slab, side wall & cover slab , including cost of steelreinforcement,formwork,Pre-castslabs,Plasticencapsulated CI/MS Foot Rest, MS flats for the support of pre-cast, proper curing of concrete work complete in all respect as perspecifications andstandard drawings and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 171 (9.2.1) For Class-AA loading 172 ( Air valve chamber of size0.9m x1m x1.695mfor air valve size-from 50 mm-to-80mm 173 (10.1) Supply, installation, testing and commissioning ofMNRE approved Grid tied Solar Panels with inverter, meter, cable etc. suitable for Rooftop installation as well as Utility Scale Solar Power Projects with 25 years of Linear Generationwarranty.WorkincludesdesigningofsolarpanelareaandMS frameandfoundationonground/roofofPumphouseorCWR,showing arrangementofpanelinavailablespace,installationof PVmoduleonMS frameasperapproveddesignanddrawings.Mounting structureshallbe suitably designedto withstand wind velocity up to 150km/hr.GridTieTransformerlessinverters,MultipleindependentMPPTs,Peak efficiencyof>98%.ConnectuptomultiplestringsPVarrays,Easy&fast connection,Built-instring-levelmonitoring,IP65protectionlevel,Wi-Fi/ internet based remote monitoring with 5 years warranty.Allcablinguptopanelandmetre,earthingetc.requiredaccessoriesand taxesareinclusive.Theworkshallbeexecutedasper detailed technical specifications, approved drawing and direction of Engineer in Charge.Note: There shall be 5 year service warranty for panel, inverter, meter, cable etc. andsuitable provision shall be included in tender document.? 174 (10.1.1) Solar panels up to 10 KW at a single location. 175 (11.1) SITC of D/F Full bore type Electromagnetic Flow Meter of approved make of followingdiaandspecificationscomplete:Media:Water(Raw/ Chlorinated) ,Pressure : up to 1.5MPa, Process temp: - 50 deg C, Flow/MeterTube:SS304, Electrode:SSAISI316L/ HastelloyC276/ Tantalum,Lining Material : HardRubber/ Neoprene / Poly-urethane (PU) , Flange : SS / CS, Flange Standard & Rating : ANSI 150, Coil housing : SS AISI 304/ Carbon Steel/ Die Cast Aluminium, with anticorrosive paint & provide completelysealed(leakproof)constructionasperrequirementofIEC 60529, Accuracy : ± 0.5 % M.V.- velocity 0.3 to 10 m/s, Transmitter/ signal convertorEnclosure:DieCastAluminium,PowerSupply:80-240VAC- 50Hz, Output 1 : 4-20 mA, Output 2: Pulse, Communication Output : RS 485/ Heart,Display Type : LCD/ LED Display, Cable Entry : M20 X 1.5, Provision of RAM/PROM to store calibration and configuration parametersand totalizer value during power failure, Protection category- IP 68 for sensor (flow tube) andIP67fortransmitter/convertor,includingSurgeArrester,ifrequired, and all materials required for making connection etc. complete in all respect as per technical specification and direction of Engineer In-Charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece / dismantling joints and earth work. 176 (11.1.3) EFM100 mm 177 (11.1.5) EFM 150 mm 178 (11.1.6) EFM 200 mm 179 (11.1.7) EFM 250 mm 180 (11.1.9) EFM 400 mm 181 (11.3) SITC of Bulk Flow Meter with removable mechanism class "B" confirming to ISO:4064:2005/ IS: 2373of approved make of following dia sized pipelines andspecificationscomplete: Media:Water(Clear),Temp.50deg.,Pr. rating:PN16,Protectiontype:IP-68, BodyMaterial:IS-210Gr.FG-200, AccuracyClass:ClassB(±2%@Nominalflowrate),MagneticDrive, Dry Dial, Epoxy powder coated, Pulse out put option, Anti-magnetic protection including all materials and making connection with existing pipeline required for Bulk Flow Meter including cutting the existing pipeline etc. complete in all respect as per technical specification and as per direction of Engineer In- Charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece / dismantling joints and earth work. 182 (11.3.2.) BFM100 mm 183 (11.3.4) BFM 150 mm 184 (11.3.5) BFM200 mm 185 (11.3.6) BFM 250 mm 186 (Rate Analysis) Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of GSM /GPRS/ Cloudbased data transmitter for Bulk Flowmeter (woltman Magnetic Pulse Output only ), Battery Powered -3VDC to12VDC ,Model no- CT-DL-V1.0-100784, battery life 3-5 Years, Inbuild Memory fuction upto 2gb micro SD card supportedto stroe the data in the absense of availabe mobile network,(1 no Data transmit in aday on cloud system), Encloser- ABS Protection-IP67/68,Operating tempreature -50-55 Deg. C. TheDMA Inlet Flow Data shall be transmitt to the Respective MCC ROOM. 187 (11.5) SITCof UltrasonicLevelTransmittersuitable formeasuring waterlevel in reservoir,poweredbysolarpanelwithminimum48powerbackupor internal installed battery ( 5 years battery life with replacement warranty), with out put as GSM/GPRS + data logger , Sensor Material: PP, accuracy +/_0.2 %,as per detailed Technical specification, scope of work and direction ofEngineer in charge. 188 (11.5.1) Measuring range 0.0 to 6.0 mtr 189 (RUIDP 20237.1) GSB Providing, laying, spreading and compacting of granular sub-base by providing close graded material (Table 400-1), spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per MoRT&H specification clause - 401 including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion. 190 (RUIDP 7.1.1) Grading - I Material 191 (RUIDP 7.5.3) WBM Grading 1 Providing laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes as per Table 400-7 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness; handpacking, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening (Table 400-8) binding materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and compacting to required density, making necessary earthen bund to protect edges as per clause 404 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion complete. 192 Crusher broken - Grade-II (63-45mm) 193 (RUIDP 8.1) Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface of granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS : 8887 and approved quality @ 0.6 kg/sqm with the help of spray set fitted on bitumen Container (boiler) after cleaning the surface including removing of binding material and other foreign matter with wire brushes and small picks, sweeping with brooms or soft brushes and finally dusting with old gunny bags and compressed air to receive bituminous treatment complete as per clause 502 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion. 194 (8.2) Extra for additional bitumen emulsion used in above item for every 1 kg per 10 sqm 195 (RUIDP 8.12.1) Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20mm thick (compacted), on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course, composed of specified graded crushed stone aggregate as Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20mm thick (compacted), on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course, composed of specified graded crushed stone aggregate as per Table 500-23, premixed with bituminous binder @ 14.60 kg/ 10sqm (including Cost of anti stripping compound Minimum 1% in Lime/Cement as per design wherever required), including loading of material with F.E. loader, hot mixing of stone aggregate and bitumen in computerised hot mix plant, transporting the mixed material by tippers to paver and laying with paver finisher fitted with electronic sensor control to the required level and grade, compacting smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity and finishing to required level to achieve the desired density as per clause 511 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion but excluding cost of tack coat/ seal coat. 196 With Bitumen VG-grade 30 197 (RUIDP 8.14.1)SEAL COAT;-Providing and applying liquid seal coat type "A" comprising of a layer of bituminous binder @ 9.8 kg/ 10 Sqm (including Cost of anti stripping compound Minimum 1% in Lime/Cement as per design wherever required) followed by a cover of stone chipping @ 0.09 cum/10 sqm of specified grading and rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne complete as per clause 513 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion. 198 With Bitumen VG-grade 30 199 (RUIDP 8.9) Providing laying and consolidation Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete, as per Design Mix (approved by Engineer), on prepared surface with specified graded crushed aggregates as per table 500-15 for wearing coarse including loading of material with F.E. loader, hot mixing of stone aggregate, filler and bitumen (including Cost of anti-stripping compound Minimum 1% in Lime/Cement as per design wherever required) heating and mixing in in computerised hot mix plant, transporting the mixed material by tippers to paver and laying with paver finisher fitted with electronic sensor control to the required level and grade, compacting by power rollers and vibratory rollers or 150 to 250 KN pneumatic tyred roller with TP = 0.7 Mpa, to achieve the desired density (approximately 2.3 tonne/cum) complete as per clause 508 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion but excluding primer/tack coat. 200 (8.9.3) 25-30 mm compacted thickness (Grade-2) using Bitumen VG-grade 30 @ 5% (percent by weight of total mix) 201 (RUIDP 8.8) Providing and laying 50-75 mm compacted thick design mix (approved by Engineer) Dense Bituminous Macadam on prepared surface with specified graded crushed aggregates as per Table 500-9, 500-10 with bitumen binder set (including Cost of anti-stripping compound Minimum 1% in Lime/Cement as per design wherever required) for base/ binder course including loading of material with F.E. loader, heating and mixing of stone aggregate, filler and bitumen in computerised hot mix plant, transporting the mixed material by tippers to paver and laying with paver finisher fitted with electronic sensor control as per clause 504.3.5 to the required level and grade, compacting by power rollers and vibratory rollers or 150 to 250 KN pneumatic tyred roller with TP = 0.7 Mpa to achieve the desired density (approximately 2.3 tonne/cum) complete as per clause 507 of MoRT&H specification but excluding primer/tack coat, including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion. 202 (8.8.1) Grade-II with Bitumen VG-grade 30 @ 4.25 %, lime filler @ 2% (percent by weight of total mix) 203 (PWD 2022 1.25) Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth side of foundation etc. in layers not exceeding 20 cm. in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering including lead up to 50 meter and with all lift. 204 (PWD 2022-) CARRIAGE OF MATERIALS-Earth, Sand, Lime, Morrum manure or sludge 205 Lead up to 2 Km 206 (RUIDP 2023- 4.2) Earth work in excavation for roadway, including trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirement of line, grades and cross sections, including disposal of surplus material with all lift and lead upto 1000 metre as per MoRT&H specification clause 301. 207 (4.2.1) In all type of soil 208 (RUIDP 2023- 9.1) Providing and laying lean cement concrete 1:4:8 in Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing complete as per clause 601, 112 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion. 209 (RUIDP 2023- 9.1.2) Providing and laying un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete mix With Concrete Mixer & vibrator pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed as per approved mix design, laid, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, admixtures (if required) as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades complete as per drawing and as per clause 602, 112 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion. 210 (9.1.2) PCC M-25 211 (39.4) Supply at site of work well decayed farm yard manure, from any available source, approved by the engineer in charge including screening and stacking. 212 (39.32) Edging with 2nd class bricks, laid dry lengthwise, including excavation, refilling, consolidation, with a hand packing and spreading nearly surplus earth within a lead of 50 metres. 213 (39.9) Uprooting weeds from the trenched area after 10 to 15 days of its flooding with water including disposal of uprooted vegetation. 214 (39.1) Fine dressing the ground. 215 (39.11) Spreading of sludge farm yard manure or/ and good earth in required thickness (cost of sludge, farm- yard manure or/and good earth to be paid for separately). 216 (39.12) Grassing with "Doobs" grass including watering and maintenance of the lawn for 30 days or more till the grass forms a thick lawn free from weeds and fit for moving including supplying good earth if needed. 217 (39.12.1)In rows 15 cm apart in either direction 218 (39.45) Supply and planting following species best quality container grown healthy trees of 3 mt. min. height, well established & free from disease at site in 1.20 m dia holes, 1.20 m deep dug in the ground, mixing the soil with decayed farm yard/sludge manure, backfilling the hole watering etc as required. 219 (39.45.2) Gulmhar, Neem, Neelli Gulmohar, Bottle Brush, Mango etc 220 (34.17) Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) : 221 (34.17.1) Gun-metal 25mm nominal bore. 222 (34.17.4) Gun-metal 50 mm nominal bore. 223 (34.13) Making connection of G.I. distribution branch with G.I. main including all fitting. 224 (34.13.1)25mm to 40 mm dia 225 (42.37) PlateEarthlingasperIS:3043withcopperEarthplateofsize 600mmx600mmx3.0mmbyembodying3to4mtr.Belowthe ground level with 25 mm dia. G.I. ‘B’ class watering Pipe including all accessories like nut, bolts, reducer, nipple, wire meshed funnel, and C.C.finishedchambercoveredwithhingedtypewithlocking arrangementC.I.Cover,C.IFrameofsize300mmx300mm completewithalternatelayersofsaltandcoke/charcoal,testingof earth resistance as required. 226 (42.36) Pipe Ear thing as per IS: 3043 with perforated 3.0 Mtr. Long, 40 mm dia.‘B’classG.I.Pipeincludingallaccessorieslikenut,bolts, reducer,nipple,wiremeshedfunnel,andC.C.finishedchamber coveredwithhingedtypewithlockingarrangementC.I.Cover,C.I. Frame of size 300mm x 300 mm and embodying the pipe complete withalternatelayerssaltandcoke/charcoal,testingofearth resistance as required. 227 (42.38) S & Laying following size ‘B’ Class G.I.Pipe confirming to IS: 1239 P-1 (1990) with accessories for laying earth conductor/ strip/ cable in ground/ surface/ recess as required. 228 (42.38.1 ) 50 mm dia. 229 (63.5) Supply&Layingfollowingsizeearthstripinhorizontalorvertical runinsurfacebymeansofEarthstripDMCInsulatorincluding riveting/soldering/welding,Jointingshallbedonebyoverlapping andwith2setofBrass(forCustrip)/GI(forGIStrip)nutbolt& springwasherspacedat50cmmakingconnectionetc.as required.AllasperpreapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 230 (63.5.15 ) 25mm x 6mm G.I. ( Hot Dipped) Strip 231 (63.5.16 ) 32mm x6mm G.I. ( Hot Dipped) Strip 232 (62.1) Providing & Laying XLPE insulated three core ArmouredAluminiumcable for working voltage 11 K.V.(E) confirming IS :7098 P - 2withH4-GradeelectrolyticaluminiumconductorconfirmingtoIS:8130 class-2ofpurity>99.6%,InsulationScreening:Extruded SemiconductingCompoundfollowedbyhelicallywrappedCopper Tape,round/flatstriparmouringofcables,Inner/outersheath PVCtypeST-2confirmingtoIS:5831inexistingRCC/Hume/ Stoneware / PVC pipe/ open duct/cable trench / Cable tray includingtesting etc. as required of following size. OEM must have it"s own in houseNABLaccrediatedLaboratoryfortestingprocedureasper IS:10810AllasperpreapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 233 (62.1.1) 3 core 95.0 Sq.mm 234 (62.7) Providing&makingheatshrinkabletypeindoor/outdoor/straight through terminations/ joint kitsuitable for11 KV / 33 KV (Earthed) cable with required components, prepration of cable ends. Type test reportshouldbeasperIS13573:2011whichcoveredallsequence fortable2forterminationkitandtable3forstreightthroughjoint inclusive thermal & dynamic short circuittest, humiditytest, soil fog test.CrosslinkingshallbedoneoutsidefactorywithE-beam/ peroxidetechnology.ExtrusionprocessshallbeinhouseOEM withinsamevicinity.includingtestingetc.asrequiredoffollowing sizes. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technicalparametersofproducts/work,referAnnexure"A" attached with this BSR . 235 (62.7.1) 11 KV End Termination Kit Indoor type 236 ( ) 3 core 50/70/95 Sq.mm 237 (62.7.2 ) 11 KV End Termination Kit Outdoor type 238 ( 3 core 50/70/95 Sq.mm 239 (60.2) Providing&LayingP.V.C./XLPEinsulated&P.V.C.sheathed ArrmouredAluminiumcable confirming to IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P - Iof1.1KVwithH4-Gradeelectrolyticaluminiumconductor confirming to IS 8130 of purity >99.6 %, round / flat strip armouring of cables, Inner / outer sheath confirming to IS:5831in existing RCC /Hume/Stoneware/PVCpipe/openduct/cabletrench/Cable tray(withcabletie)includingtestingetc.asrequiredoffollowing size.OEMmusthaveit"sowninhouseNABLaccrediated LaboratoryfortestingprocedureasperIS:10810.Foradditional technicalparametersofproduct/workreferAnnexure"A"attached with this BSR 240 ( 185 SQMM,3.5 CORE 241 ( 35 SQMM, 3 CORE 242 ( ) 70 SQMM, 3 CORE 243 ( ) 4.0 SQMM, 3 CORE 244 (42.49) SupplyinganddrawingPVCinsulated&sheathedsolid/stranded copperconductormulticorecontrolcableISImarked(IS:1554)of 1.1kVgradeofapprovedmakeasperchapterE11,inexisting surfaceorrecessedconduit/casingcappingincludingmaking connections etc. as required. 245 ( ) 4 core, 1.5 sq. mm. armoured 246 ( 8 core, 1.5 sq. mm. armoured 247 ( 8 core, 2.5 sq. mm. armoured 248 ( 12 CORE, 1.5 sq. mm. armoured 249 (61.5) Supply,Fabricating&installingfollowingsizesofperforatedHot dippedGalvanizedironcabletray(Galvanizedthicknessnotless then 50 microns) with perforation not more then 17.5% in convenient sectionincludinghorizontalandverticalbends,reducerstees,cross membersandotheraccessoriesasrequiredanddulysuspended fromtheceilingwithGIsuspendersincludingGIbolts&nuts, fastners,supportsetc.asrequired.Allasperpreapprovedby Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 250 (61.5.1) 100mm x 50mm x 1.6mm 251 (61.5.2) 150mm x 50mm x 1.6mm 252 (57.1) SITC of IP-42 and general construction confirming to IS:8623 : 1993, wall/freestandingfloormounteddustandverminproof compartmentalisedcubicalpanelasspecificationsandOther parameters requiredas per point (a) ,(b), (c),(d, (e), (f), (g), (h) as below:-(a)ThicknessofCRCAsheetshallbe2.0mm,cablealley compartmentshavingconcealedhingedtypedoorswithkeytype lock with / withoutdetachable extension type structure. Removable 3mm.thicksheetsteelglandplateswithappropriatesizeof knockouts for cables shall be provided(b)completepanelshallundergoaprocessofdegreasing,Water rinsing, Activation, derusting,pickling in acid bath, phosphatising & shall be subjected to nine tank process and then Powder coated with approved shade of minimum 70 microns on both side of panel.The panelhavingPEfoam/Neoprenerubbergasketofnotlessthan 3mm thickness ,required hardware , concealed hinged door with key type locking arrangement for equipment/switchgear earthed with 2.5 sq.mm braided copper wire.[c) nterconnectionbetweenbusbarandswitchgears/cableshall be rigidly supported and made out by flexible copper wires (up to 63 amp ) and by solid bus bar(>63 amp ) . control wiring will be carried outwith1.5Sq.mm,Earthwirewith2.5Sq.mmandCTwith2.5 sq.mmflexiblecopperwireonly.Alljoints/interconnectionsof copper bus bar shall be dully tinned . Clearance between main bus barandrisers/metalpartsshallbeatleast10mmadditionalto widthofbusbarBusbarisinsulatedbyHeatShrinkablesleeves. Earth and Neutral bus bar shall be half of the size of phase bus bar. (CostofBusbar/FlexiblewireforInterconnectionbetweenMain connections) with wires neatly trucked along the back of the panels, adequately supported to prevent sagging.(f)FloormountedpanelshallbemountedonBaseframeofISMCchannel size 100 x 50 x 5 mm( to be paid Extra )(g) Tests: The insulation resistance (with 1000 V Megger) and High voltage Power frequency test (by applying a voltage of 2.5KV for one minute)shallbemeasuredbetweenphases,betweenphaseand neutralandbetweenphaseandearth.bothbeforeandafterhigh voltage power frequency test. The insulation resistance shall not be less than three megaohm. CT Secondary current injection test shall also be carried out. (h) only outer surface area on all sides shall be measured & panel to befabricatedonlyfromCPRIapprovedfabricatoronly(CPRITest certificates to be submitted)All as per preapproved byEngineerin-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR .busbar and Switchgearis to be Paid Extra ) (d)WiringbetweencomponentswithinswitchgearandIncoming/ outgoing cableshall be done through the terminal block only. Direct connection shall not be permitted.Each terminal block shall be one piece moulded, barrier type, 650 volt grade, complete with washers, heads,studswithtwonutsandidentificationstripsandshallhave adequate continuous current rating. For tap-offs, adjacent terminals withshortingstripsshallbeused.10%Spareterminalblocksshall be provided. Wire identification on marking strip shall correspond to thedesignationofthewiringdiagrams.Allwireterminalsonthe equipmentshallalsobemarkedwithdesignationcorrespondingto those of the wiring diagram. (e)Allwiringshallbeenclosedinplasticchannelsandneatly bunched and closed in metering chamber, Wiring between terminals of various devices shall be ‘point to point’ (no wire splitting or tee 253 (57.2) SupplyingandfixingofAluminium(IEC60105ISO209-1,2)/ Copper (IEC 60028) bus bar by means of SMC / DMC type insulatorwithstandardshortcircuitwithstandcapacity,hightensilenuts and bolts spring washers in existing panel including bending , cutting inrequiredshapeandsizeandcolourcodingwithheatshrinkable PVCsleeves.AllasperpreapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 254 (57.2.1) Electrolytic grade Aluminium bus bar 6010 grade 255 (57.3) Providing & Fixing of IS: 13875 & IEC :61326 confirming LED Digital type(up to 500) V range Volt meter / Direct- Ammeter /CT oertated ammeter/Frequencymeter/KWHmeter/MultiFunctionMeter/ Power analyzer of class 1 accuracyas per IS : 1248 of size 96mm x 96mmincludingmakingconnectionbyPVCinsulatedcopper conductorwithPVCsleeves/channeletc.asrequired.Allasper preapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.Foradditionaltechnical parametersofproducts/work,referAnnexure"A"attachedwith this BSR . 256 (57.3.3) Three phase Ammeterwith Inbuilt Selector Switch 257 (57.3.4) Three phase Voltmeter with Inbuilt Selector Switch 258 (57.3.10) Three phase with universal Auxiliary supply + AMP + HZ + PF + KW +KVA+KVAR+KVARH+KWH+DUALENERGY+ ENERGY+THD-I, THD-V & RUN HRS + MD with RS485 259 (57.4) Providing&FixingofBISapprovedCurrentTransformerasper PWD specification for electrical Works ,ISI marked as perIS 2705-1992/conformingtoIEC60044-1,withsecondaryterminalofCT shallbebroughtoutsuitabletoaterminalblockwhichshallbe easieraccessiblefortestingandterminalconnection,withall necessarysupportinexistingpanelincludingconnectionetc.as requiredCurrenttransformerRingTypeTapeWound/ResinCast Wound as per IS 16227 with, Accuracy Cl, CT ratio and burden as specified.ISF<=5,Cucrosssectionofsecondarywire1.5sqmm (minimum),includingallnecessarysupportinexistingpanel includingconnectionetc.asrequired.Allasperpreapprovedby Engineerin-charge.AllasperpreapprovedbyEngineerin-charge. Foradditionaltechnicalparametersofproducts/work,refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 260 (57.4.2) Resin cast wound type CT 261 ( ) C T Class 1, Ratio 400/5 to 1200/5, Burden 15 VA 262 (57.7) Providing & Fixing ofCam operated rotary (Auto/manual) switches onexistingpanelwith2wayandoffpositionusinghighgrade engineeringmaterialtointernationalstandardswithcamassemblyinsulationofglassfilledpolyamidewithhightrackingindex.For reliable and stable electrical and mechanical endurance double butt contactswithsilverbi-metaloncoppershouldprovidedcontact assemblyis of operating temp range-25 degree C to55 degree C, frequency upto 10 KHz. switch life under std. op. conditions shall be mechanicallyminimum50000operations@300cycles/hourand electrically10,000operationsat100%rateddutyfor100cycles/ hourincludingmakingconnectionetc.asrequired.Allasperpre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 263 (57.7.1 ) 10 AMP 264 (57.8) Providing & Fixing of110/220 V, unibody LED Indicatinglamp IEC 60947withintegralcircuit,IP65abovepanel&IP20terminal block,Approx.bodydiaforpanelnot lessthen20mm,lengthmin. 50mm, front LED cover dia min.29 mm, contact material phospher bronze for Led, PCB contacts shall be ofbrass (tin plated), impulsedielectric tested for 2.5 KV, Rated insulation resistance shall be 100 M ohm at 500VDCincluding connection etc. as required.All as per preapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.Foradditionaltechnical parametersofproducts/work,referAnnexure"A"attachedwith this BSR . 265 (57.8.1) Red/yellow/Green colour 266 (57.8.1) Blue / white Colour 267 (57.9) Providing&FixingofflushheadpushbuttonactuatorsIEC60947withintegralcircuit,IP65abovepanel&IP20terminalblock, Approx. body dia for panel not less then 20 mm, length min. 50mm, front LED cover dia min.29 mm, contact material phospher bronze forLed,PCBcontactsshallbeofbrass(tinplated),impulsedielectrictestedfor2.5KV,includingconnectionetc.asrequired.AllasperpreapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.Foradditional technicalparametersofproducts/work,referAnnexure"A" attached with this BSR 268 (57.9.1 ) Non luminous type 269 (57.1) Providing & Fixing of Electricalinsulating rubber matts as per PWD specification for electrical Works, ISI marked confirming to IS: 15652 /2006 withonesideantiskidabberationmarksandpastingthe matwithsyntheticrubberadhesiveasrequired.Allasperpre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 270 (57.10.2) 11 KV,Class B 2.5 mm thick with proof voltage 22 KV AC (rms) and Break Down Voltage45 KV AC (rms) 271 (58.3) SITCof3/4polecurrentlimitingMouldedcasecircuitbreaker (MCCB)madeofflameretardent&heatresistantmaterialhaving followingcurrentrating,shortcircuitbreakingcapacityat440/415 V,50Hz;O/L&S/Csettings,conformingtoIS/IEC60947P-2 :2003withfrontfaceandcentralisedadjustable,tripfree mechanisum,truecontactpositionindicator,lineload interchangeability, designed for both horizontal&vertical mounting withoutanyadverseeffectonelectricalperformance,suitablefor operationupto55degreeandwithoutderatingupto40degree,pollution degree 3, having positive isolation capability, push(test) totrip,triptimelessthen10msunders/ccondition,Breaking capacity Ics = 100% ICU. U imp =8 KV, rated insulation voltage690 V.provision for UVR , shunt trip , earth fault trip, door interlock, pad lock&rotaryhandle,includingmakingconnectionsetc.as required.OEM shall have submitNABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab type test certificate before execution All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR 272 ( 400 Amp , 35 kA, adjustable O/L & adjustable S/C setting, 273 (58.4.3) Extended Rotary Handle 274 (58.4.5) Mechanical Interlocking kit 275 (58.4.11) Auxiliary + Trip alarm contact 276 (58.4.18) Spreaders for 400A, 4 Pole MCCB 277 (57.11) Providing&FixingofselfhealingIP20MPPtypeshuntcapacitor (banks) conforming to IS:13340-41 /IEC :831-1&2 OR IEC : 60831-1&2inexistingpanelorparallelwithloadterminals,thecapacitor shallbefittedwithdischargeresistors,pressuresensitive disconnector(PSD)andshallhavedissipationfactorlessthan 0.0025 at 50 Hz, Operating loss less than 0.30 Watt per KVAR. Min overcurrentcapacity1.8timesratedcurrent&peakinrushcurrent min.300timesofratedcurrent,llifeexpectancygreaterthan 100000hrs(tempclass-25D)in440V/480VCapacitorandfor 525 V should life expectancy minimum 1,65,000 hrs (temp class - 25 D)including making connections, testing etc. as required.All as per preapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.Foradditionaltechnical parametersofproducts/work,referAnnexure"A"attachedwith this BSR . 278 (57.11.1) HeavydutyThreephase440V,50Hzcylindricaltypecapacitor (Bank) 279 (57.13) Providing& Fixing of IP54 microprocessor based 3CT’s for all 3 phasesensingcompensationpowerfactorcorrectionrelaySize 139mm x 139 mm, Operating Voltage 415/440 V, IEC / EN 61000-6-(2&4)having3CTsensing,sensitivityupto50milliamp secondarycurrent,selfanalysingautoc/ksettingaccordingto targeted power factor setting, the relay shall have digit displayunit fordisplayofrealpowerfactor,targetedpowerfactor,lag/lead capacitorswitchingstatus,alarmoutputforundercurrent,over current, insufficient compensation, communication interface with RS 485,indication of switching onunits, auto/manual status, and shall haveoverloadprotection,novoltrelease,havingmultiparameter like KW, KVA, KVAR, RMS Value, step switching time 2 sec to 1800 sec. Lead & Lag parameters, metering facility and3 no. Class- 0.5 Cast ResinCT ( refer CT specs in this chapter )for sensing the relay includingmakingcoonectionwith1.5Sq.mmcopperwireetc.as required.AllasperpreapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 280 (57.13.1) 6 to 8 stage 281 (57.15) Providing&Fixingof440Volt3polecapacitor(AC6B)duty contactor with 3 no. early make and post break auxiliary contacts in serieswithquickdischargedampingresistors/reactorstolimitthe inrush current as per PWD specification for electrical Works,IS/IEC 60947-4-1:2000,insulationvoltage1000V,impulsewithstand voltage8KV,Dinrailmountingtypeincludingmakingconnections, testingetc.asrequired.suitableforfollowingcapacitycapacitor bank.All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technicalparametersofproducts/work,referAnnexure"A" attached with this BSR . 282 (57.15.1) up to 6 KVAR 283 (57.15.2) 8.5KVAR 284 (57.15.3) 10 KVAR 285 (55.1) Providing & Fixing of 240/415 V AC MCB with positive isolation of 10 kAbreakingcapacity(B/C/Dtrippingcharacteristicaspertypeof loadandsiterequirement)4KVimpulsewithstandvoltage,ISI markedIS8828(1996)/conformingtoIEC60898-12002,IEC 60947-2,lowwattlosses,tripfreemechanisum,energylimitingofclass3asperIEC,minimumphaseterminationcapacityof 35sq.mm. , conductor line load reversibility , IP 20 contact protection andfittedinexistingdistributionboard/sheets,minimumelectrical operation 20,000 upto 20 A rating and 10,000 upto 63 A, 5000 for 80 A&aboveratingincludingmakingconnections,testingetc.as required. OEM shall have submitNABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated labtypetestreports&AllasperpreapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.Foradditionaltechnicalparametersofproduct/workrefer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR 286 ( Triple pole MCB(With B/C curve trippingCharacteristics), 6 A to 32 A rating 287 ( ) Four pole MCB (With B/C curve tripping Characteristics), 6 A to 32 A rating 288 ( ) Double pole MCB(With B/C curve tripping Characteristics) , 6 A to 32 A rating 289 (44.6) SITCofSoftStarterswithpanelsuppliedbymanufacturer conforming to applicable standards with logic inputs & outputs, relay outputsandanalogueoutputs,pluginI/Oconnections,displayof electricalparameters,stateofload&operatingtime,RS485serial link for connections to Modbus. 290 (44.6.3) 37KW 291 (44.6.4) 45KW 292 (44.6.5 ) 55KW 293 (67.1) SupplyanderectionofGalvanizedIronpolewith galvanizingdone insingledipping(AveragecoatingthicknessMinimum65Microns) continuouslytaperedpoleshavingOctagonal/Circularcross-sectionsdesignedtowithstandthemaximumwindspeedasperIS 875,Thepoleshaftshallbemadefromsheetsteel(HTSteel ConformingtogradeS355JO)andconfirmingtoBSEN10025and shall be continuously tapered with single longitudinal welding. There shallnotbeanycircumferentialwelding.Theweldingofpoleshaft shallbedonebySubmergedArcWelding(SAW)process.pole shaftsshallbeprovidedwiththerigidflangeplateofsuitable thickness (Fe 410 conforming to IS 226 / IS 2062) with provision for fixing 4 no. foundation bolts, This base plate shall be fillet welded to thepoleshaftattwolocationsi.e.frominsideandoutside.The octagonalPolesshallhavelockabledoorofapproximate500mm length at the elevation of 500 mmfrom the Base plate with bakelite sheet having 6A SP MCB and 16 sqmm stud type connector ( 4 nos) insidethepoleatdooropeningforcableconnectionoffollowing lengthanddimensionaspertableP-01withbaseplateand foundationboltontheExistingcementconcretefoundation.Allas perpreapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.Foradditionaltechnical parametersofproducts/work,referAnnexure"A"attachedwith this BSR . 294 ( 7 Mtr., Poles with Octagonal Cross Section 295 (67.2) SupplyandFixingofPoleOEMfabricatedhotdippedgalvanised M.S. Overhang (48.3 X 3.25 mm) with cap (400 x 88.9 / 114.3 x 3.25 mm) over the existing poles. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge.Foradditionaltechnicalparametersofproducts/work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 296 (67.2.1) Single arm overhang 297 (67.8) ProvidingandLayingRCCFoundationforOctagonal/Conical StreetLight poles, High mast Poles as per Drawingattach at TableP-4withFollowingProcedure&Allasperpreapprovedby Engineer in-charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . A)ExcavationofPitforFoundationSizeuptorequireddepthfrom Ground levelB)DressingofPitandDrystonepitching200mmthickincluding supply of stones and preparing surface complete. C) Providing and laying in position cement concrete of M-10 grade of 75 mm thickness D)ReinforcementforR.C.C.workwithTMTbarsincluding straightening,cutting,bending,placinginpositionandbindingall complete. E)Centringandshutteringincludingstrutting,proppingetc.and removal of form work for Footing and Pedestal F)Providing&Fixingof2no.RequiredSizePLBHDPEPipe& Foundation Bolt with template as per OEM Recommendations. G) Providing and LayingReinforce cement Concrete of M-25 grade in Footing and Pedestal including Curing the foundation for 7 days. H) Providing and Fixing Nosing Angle 40 mm x 40 mm x 6mm with 2 no. 100 mm long, 10 mm dia. Lugs on each face. 298 (67.8.2) Pole Foundation for Octagonal pole from 7 Mtr. To 9 Mtr. 299 (67.12) Providing&FixingofIK08,IP66protectedLEDStreetLight Luminaireonexistingbracket/pole.Fixturemadeofpowdercoated singlepiecepressurediecastaluminummaterialwithheat dissipationfinsonhousingwithUVstabilizedPC(UVstablization reportsubmittedforUVcover)/ToughenedGlasscoverand secondarylensoneachLED&shouldbeSMDtypeof3to5watt each . The System efficacy >=125 lm/ wt and potted driver& has a unique BIS R number withInput Voltage AC 120 to 270 V AC with HighvoltageCutoff@>=300VACandAutoresettingSafety, Power Factor >0.95 driverEfficiency >85%,THD(I) <10%Humidity 10% to 90% RH Working Temp -5C to 45C .driver current <750mA. TheluminaireshallbeBIScertifiedandTrademarkcertified.Life ExpectancyEqualormorethan50000burninghrswithMinimum 70%lumenmaintened,CRI>70andCCT5700K+355K.Surge protection shall be min ≥ 4 KV internal and min 10 KV external inside drivercompartment.drivershouldbePhasetophaseprotectionof 440Vfor4Hrs.ManufacturesWordMark/Name Engraved/Embossingondiecasthousingtoallow traceability/authenticity.FixtureshallbeASPERIS10322 Complianced.OEMMusthaveitsowninhouseNABLlabsetupfor alltestingfacilitiesforLEDfixtures.(LM79/LM80)Certificate/ report with liable warranty of product/accessories from OEM shall be submitted.AllasperpreapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 300 (67.12.5 ) LED Street Light fixture with Minimum lumen output 8700 lm 301 (67.19) Providing&FixingofIP-65protectedimpactresistant polycarbonate/Polystereneenclosureswithknockoutforcable entry/outincludingfixingwithnut,bolt,fatneretcasrequired complete in all respect of following sizes.All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 302 (67.19.1 ) 180 x 180 x 91 mm 303 (67.18) Providing&FixingofStreetlightbracketmadeoutfromfollowing size of " B " class , Medium class G.I. Pipe confirming to IS : 1239 P - 1 ( 2004 ) with heavy duty pole clamp, Saddles suitable fastners etc. asrequired.AllasperpreapprovedbyEngineerin-charge.For additional technical parameters of products/ work, refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 304 (67.18.3) 32 mm Dia. 305 (67.11) Providing&FixingofIK08IP-66protectedhighpowerLEDflood lightsystemwithsinglepiecePressurediecastaluminiumhousing, toughenedglassdiffuserwithsuitablelensesonLEDtoachieve variousbeamangles,ofhighpowerLEDof3to5watteach. Integrated potted driver as a unique BIS R numberhaving efficiency more than 85 % and in compliance to BIS certified and Trade markcertificate.TheSystemlevelLuminaireefficacy>=125lm/wt.LED driverInputVoltageAC120to270VACwithHighvoltageCutoff @>=300VACandAutoresettingSafety.PowerFactor>0.95, THD(I)<10%,drivercurrent<=750mA.drivershouldbePhaseto phaseprotectionof440Vfor4Hrs.ElectricalConnector,Surge ProtectionMin>=4KVinternaland10KVexternalbutinsidedriver compartment, System life of 50000 Burning hours with 70% of Initial Lumensmaintained,CRI>70andCCT5700K±355K.ManufacturesWordMark/NameEngraved/Embossing/Screen printing on die cast housing to allow traceability/authenticity. Fixture shallbeIS10322Complianced.OEMMusthaveitsowninhouse NABLlabsetupforalltestingfacilitiesforLEDfixtures.(LM79/LM80)Certificate/reportwithliablewarrantyof product/accessoriesfromOEMshallbesubmitted.Allasperpre approvedbyEngineerin-charge.Foradditionaltechnical parametersofproducts/work,referAnnexure"A"attachedwith this BSR . 306 (67.11.4 ) High Power LED Flood Light Minimum lumen output 10000 lm 307 (19.97) Providing and fixing in position lightening arrester set complete with 600mmx600mmx6mmthickG.I. earthingplate embeddedbelow groundinearthlingpitat3.5metrdepth,G.I.stripofsize 25mmx5mm thick from earthing plate to top of Over head tank, G.I. FinialmadeofGIbar25mmdiaand2mlongfixedontopofOH tankandconnectedtoGIstrip.Theearthlingsetshallcomplyof IS:3043 complete in all respect as per specification and the direction of the Engineer. 308 (44.2) From3.3KWto7.5KWDOLStarterFeederwithMCB,Mainand AuxContactor,O/LRelay,L/RSelectorSwitch,3Indicating lamps,Start-StopPushButton,ControlMCB(Size:600(W) x400 (H) x 600 (D) 309 (47.1) Design,Manufacture,Supply,Installation, TestingandCommissioningofIndoortypePLC Panelofsizeapprox.800mmX500mmX 2000mm(LBH),Fabricatedoutofmin.2mm thickCRCAsheetcompletewithlatest configuration,necessaryprogrammingsoftware forPLC&SCADAandcomprisingofall accessories not limited to the following: DI 30No. DO 26No. AI 6No. AO 2No. MCB 16A DP 2No. MCB 6A DP6No. SMPS 100-240VAC/ 4.5A / 24 VDC 1No. Selector Switch (Auto/Manual) & Local / Remote2No.Control Relays1Lot Annunciatorwith24WindowsNOtoNCType MicroprocessorBased,WindowSize75*42mm, 110VAC, with1No.Electronic Hooter1No. Control Transformer 200VA1No. Emergency STOP Push Button1No. Panel Cooling Fan & Filter2No. Panel Light with Door Switch, 7W1No. Control Indication Lamp for 24VDC, 220VAC3No.Push Button3No. Power Wiring+Control Wiring + Control TB/ Fuse 2A,TB etc1Lot PanelHardware,lugs,terminations,ferruls, name plate Ect.1Lot UTILITY SOCKET 16A, 3 PIN2No. HMI Display 10 Inch, Colour1No. Isolators Dual Output, 24VDC1Lot 310 (48.3.13) SITCofIntelligentManageableEthernetSwitchesproviding24x 10/100/1000FastEthernetports-and2dualpurposeuplink (provisionforCopper/FibreGigaconnectivity)withLANbased Software.TheLANbasedS/Wsupportsenhancedintegrated security,includingNetworkAdmissionControl(NAC),advanced qualityofservice(QoS),availabilityandscalablemanagementto enable new converged applications 311 (43.23) Providing,installation,testingandcommissioningofONLINEUPS SYSTEM,SinglePhase230V,50Hzwith2hourbackupSMF battery bank as per specification 312 (43.23.1) 1 KVA 313 (43.12) Providing,Installation,TestingandCommissioningofUltrasonic LevelTransmitter:Principle:TimeofFlight/SensorMOCPP/ PowerSupply:24VDC/Output:4-20mA/Display:Integral displayforprogrammingandDisplayReading/IP66/Accuracy ±1% 314 (43.12.1) 0 - 5 Mtr. 315 (43.7) Providing,Installation,TestingandCommissioningofPressure Transmitter : Range:0-10Bar / Power Supply:24 V DC / Output: 4-20mAwithHART/Diaphragm:SS316L/ProcessConnection: 1/2 "NPT (M) / Accuracy: 0.15% Protection: IP67 316 (43.9) Providing,installation,testingandcommissioningofDiaphragm Type Pressure Gauges Dial size 150 mm glycerin filled shatterproof glass,Overrangeprotection:125%ofmaximumpressure,Material ofsensorandotherwettedparts:SStype316,Housingmaterial: Die cast aluminum 317 (43.1) Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of Diaphragm type Pressure Switches Sensing Element: Bellows / Diaphragm, Material ofsensorandotherwettedparts:SStype316,Housing:Diecast aluminum,Switchtype:Microswitch,Repeatability:±1%ofspan, Switch Contacts: 2 NO + 2 NC 318 (43.13) Providing,installation,testingandcommissioningofLevelSwitch( Conductivity)ConductivityProbes,Probeinsulation:Teflon,Probe head protection class: IP 65 of IS 13947 Part I, Probe head housing material: Aluminum 319 (43.13.1) Rigid for lengths ofup to 3 Mtr. 320 (43.1.3) Chlorine Analyser : Transmitter : Range: 0.05 to 20 ppm, Power Supply 230 VAC, Input: 2 Digital Sensors - one for chlorine and second for pH, Output: 4-20mA HART, IP66/67 Protection / Tx protection cover required / Sensor Range 0-14 pH , able to transmit digital signal to transmitter, calibration data can be transferred to Transmitter , process temp: 65 deg cen/ Sensor range:0.05 to 20 mg/l. 321 (S-4.24) Construction of Recharge Shaft in filter pit including Earth work Excavation , lifting excavted earth with all lift and 50 m lead and centering & shuttering evenever required. 322 (S-4.24.1) Diameter 900 mm 323 (S-4.25) Supply & fixing Pre-cast RCC Rinngs at the mouth of recharge shaft of M20 mix with40 mm thickness 324 (S-4.25.1) Diameter 900 mm 325 (S-3.27) Construction of septic Tank in all types of soil with 40 Cm .thick masonry in CM 1:6, 15 Cm thick C.C bed of 1:5:10, M-15 gradeC.C floor &RCC slab covering with M15 grade c.c. floor,50 mm thick stone slab partition walls, 20 mm thick plaster in CM 1:6 finished with neat floating cement, 4 Nos stone foot rests of approved design ,two No. 450 mm dia each Ferro cementcover with frame, earth work etc. complete as per approved drawing including disposal of surplus earth within a lead of 50 mtr:- 326 (S-3.27.1) Size 200x100x130 cm.(for 10 users) with 115 mm thick RCC (M-20) slab with Tor steel reinforcement 8mm ϕ @15 cm c/c bothways including shuttering complete in all respect. 327 (1.8) Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including taking out the excavated soil and depositing and refilling of jhiri with watering & ramming and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed with in a lead of 50 meter. All kinds of soils 328 (3.1) Providing and laying in position cement concrete including curing, compaction etc. complete in specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level. 329 (3.1.4) M10 grade Nominal Mix 1: 3: 6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stoneaggregate 20mm nominal size). 330 (5.1.2) Brick masonry with F.P.S. bricks of class designation 75 infoundation and plinth with bricksCement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 331 (12.2) Plaster on new surface on walls in cement sand mortar 1:4 including rackingofjointsetc. complete fine finish : 332 (12.2.3) 12mm thick . 333 (4.3) Providing and laying in position specified grade ofcement concrete for RCC structural elements upto floor five level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints and cost of plastizers( if required) excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcementfor Beams, suspended floors, roofs, griders having slopes up to 15º, landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain windows sills, staircases and spiral staircases etc.M20 grade Nominal Mix / Design Mix 334 (4.1) Centering & shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways with steel propsand removal of formwork for upto floor five level for : 335 (4.10.2) Suspended floors, roofs, landings, staircases, balconies, girders, cantilevers, bands, coping bed plates,anchorblocks,sills,chhajjas,lintel,beam, plinth beam etc. 336 (4.13) Providing and fabricating reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding (including cost of binding wire) all complete up to floor five level. ("Original producers" who manufacture billet directly from iron ores and roll the bilets to produce steel conforming to IS:1786) 337 (4.13.2) Hot rolled deformed bars (IS : 1139). 338 (S-4.28) Supply & lying River-gravels of following sizes in recharge shaft, filter pit after screening & washing from kachha shift without deduction of voids 339 (S-4.28.1) Size 9 to 12 mm 340 (S-4.28.2) Size 3 to 5 mm 341 (S-4.29) Supply & laying of clean, clear sharp river sand of size 1 to 2mm coarse, without deduction of voids. 342 UPVC SOIL WASTE & RAIN WATER (SWR ) PIPES 343 (S-3.44) Providing and Fixing Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride (UPVC) SWR Pipes Type B for sciland waste discharge system (IS:13592 : 1992 Marked) of approved quality /make 344 (3.44.1) 75 mm dia 345 (3.44.2) 110 mm dia 346 (S-3.45) Providing and Fixing Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride (UPVC) SWR Pipes fittings type B for sciland waste discharge system (IS:13592 : 1992 Marked) of approved quality /make 347 (S-3.45.1) Coupler 348 ((i)) 75mm dia 349 ((ii)) 110mm dia 350 (S-3.45.6) Door Bend 87.5 Dg. 351 ((i)) 75mm dia 352 ((ii)) 110mm dia 353 (S-3.45.16) Single Tee 354 ((i)) 75mm dia 355 ((ii)) 110mm dia 356 (S-3.45.12) Pipe Clip 357 ((i)) 75mm dia 358 ((ii)) 110mm dia 359 (S-3.16) P&F rigid PVC Pipe (IS:4985 mark) class II/ (4 Kg. /Cm2.) approved quality /makeincluding joining the pipe with solvent cement rubber ring and lubricant. 360 (3.16.4) 160 mm dia 361 (3.17) P&F rigid PVC pipe fittings (IS: 4985 mark) of approved quality /make including joining the pipe with solvent cement rubber ring and lubricant: 362 (S-3.17.9) Bend 87 .5 363 ((iii)) 160 mm dia 364 (S-4.26) Supply & lowering air line of 25mm dia, G.I. pipe "B" class having perforation 3 to 5mm size all arrow of G.I. pipe in Zig-Zag fashion & making air vent at top including the cost of Tee-Nipples, Elbow, Socket etc. 365 Cost for Basic Service Charges, Administration and Management, Running of Operation, Maintenance and Repairs including Preventive Maintenance, Cost of material required for maintenance & repairs, Cost of Lubricants, Consumables, Spare Parts (if the spare parts supplied to PHED are used in emergency)as per Scope of Work & terms & conditions of contract for 5 year after defect laibility period of one year DLP (except power feeder, IEC & miscllenous provision) for Water Supply Project 366 1st year 367 2nd year 368 3rd year 369 4th year 370 5th year