Tender For Supply And Construction Of Ctb 8 By 1 Sup And Construction.; The work consists of manufacture, supply and construction of prefabricated Porta cabin BC & FFL of size 7.30 mtr x 4.30 mtr alongwith wind breaker as per drg att. The side height shall be 3.15 mtr and gable height shall be 3.80 mtr with the fwg :- (a) 03 Nos x Field Flush Toilets IWC and 01 No EWC of with stainless steel of size 1.35 x 1.30 Mtr. (b) 04 Nos x Bathroom cubicles of size 1.35 x 1.30 Mtr. (c) 01 x number of raised platform (150mm) of size .75 x0.50 m to place heat king. (d) 01 No x wash hand basin area containing 02 x stainless steel wash basin with necessary utilities items. (e) 01 x Field Water Heating Device (Hamam) of capacity 500 Ltr capacity with MS stage of ISI Marked. (f) 01 x Field Heating Device capacity shall be provided. (g) An underground hard standing of 2.00 mx1.50m shall be constructed at outer side of shelter for placing of Hamam /01 x PUF Tank of 1000 ltrs alongwith 0.5 HP motor. Note :- All materials makes list attached as Appx ‘A’ for ref Nos 01 2 Design criteria. (a) Seismic Co-efficient - As per Seismic Zone V confirming to IS 4326(1993) (Reaffirmed 2003). (b) Snow load – 1.5 feet standing on roof. IS-875 (Part 4) (1987) (Reaffirmed 2003) (c) Wind load -Equivalent to wind speed of 55 mtrs/sec as per IS-875 (Part 3) 1987 (Reaffirmed 2003). (d) Roof slope - 1:3 (e) External temperature – (-) 400C to (+) 350C. (f) Water absorption/Penetration – Nil. (g) Fire retardant & should not emit toxic fumes on burning. (h) Ease of construction – Shelter should be modular in design. (j) Design load – As per IS 875. (1987) (Reaffirmed 2003) 3. Design Data. (a) Length - 7.30 Mtr (b) Width - 4.30 Mtr (c) Height - 3.15 Mtr (d) Gable Height – 3.80 Mtr (e) The external floor area will be 7.30 Mtr x 4.30 Mtr 4 Material. All material required for the manufacturing of shelters will be new and will comply with relevant IS as applicable and those given succeeding para. The toilet block shall be considered and manufactured as per IS: 875 (1987) (Reaffirmed 2003) for structural design. Steel used shall be conforming to IS: 2062 (Reaffirmed - 2011) for steel for general structural purposes. The material should provide insulation against extreme cold weather condition. The vendor shall provide PVs and testing certificate of all materials before final payment. 5 Supply and Fix for Structural Steel Members. Structural Members shall be as per the schedule of structure and fabrication :- (a) Corner Columns – 4 Nos. Corner columns shall be made using SHS of 100 x100x 5mm. The corner columns will have a base plate of 300 x300 x 10mm and top plate of 200 x 100 x 8mm with predrilled holes of appropriate sizes for fixing with the truss. The corner column is fitted with the base frame pedestal through nuts and bolt of size 12mm dia 50mm long. (b) Center Side Wall Columns - 2 Nos. Centre side wall columns shall be made using SHS of 100 x100x 5 mm. The columns will have a base plate of 300 x 300 x 10mm and top plate of 200 x100x8mm with predrilled holes of appropriate sizes for fixing with the truss. The column is fitted with the base frame pedestal through nuts and bolt of size 12mm dia 50mm long. (c) Center Gabel Wall Columns – 2 Nos. Centre Gabel wall columns shall be made using SHS of 100 x100x 5 mm. The columns will have a base plate of 300 x300 x 10mm and top plate of 200 x 100x 8mm with predrilled holes of appropriate sizes for fixing with the truss. The column is fitted with the base frame pedestal through nuts and bolt of size12mm dia 50mm long. (d) Truss– 3 Nos. The truss shall be made using RHS sections. The top & bottom cord shall be of 96 x 48 x 3.6mm. The Truss inside lacing members will be of RHS 66 x 33 x 3.2 mm. The truss will be welded and will be fixed on to all structural columns using 4 Nos 16 mm dia nut bolt on all column jointing. The truss base plate will made of 6 mm this of suitable size. Extra bracing between trusses shall be provided with using angle iron of 80mmx80mmx8mm for placing of loft tank of 300 ltr capacity and tank shall be parallel connected to each other. The truss is fitted with the base frame pedestal through nuts and bolt of size12mm dia 50mm long. (e) Purlin –06 Nos. The purlins shall be made using RHS of 80 x 40 x 3.6 mm. The purlins will be fixed in between truss using suitable size plate of 6mm through 12 mm dia, 50mm long nut & bolts with double washers. (f) Foundation Bolts. Foundation bolt of size dia 16mm x 450mm long, four numbers for each foundation will be provided. The bolts must be made from high tensile steel and minimum length of threads shall be 100mm. Each foundation bolt will be provided with MS anchor plate of size 50mm x 50mm x 6 mm thick welded at bottom of foundation bolts. Each bolt will be provided with two Nos of suitable washers and nuts made of high tensile steel. (g) Foundation of Column. Foundation of column will be prepared by using PCC 1:2:4, type B-1 (20mm graded stone aggregate) of size 350 x 350 x 900mm over sub base of PCC 1:4:8 type D-2 (using 40mm stone aggregate) of size 500 x 500mm, 100mm thick. Four Nos of foundation bolts 450mm long, 16mm dia and 50mm threaded at top with nuts and washers for each column will be provided. (h) Workman Ship. (i) Connection. Welded connection will be provided unless otherwise specified in the drawings. The welded connections will be conformed to IS 806-1968 (Reaffirmed 2008). (ii) Fabrication. The general provisions in section 11 of IS 800 of 2007 will apply to all types of steel being used for fabrication. (iii) All steel members will be provided with 2 coats of red oxide zinc chromate primer & two coats of golden brown colour enamel paint before supply. (iv) Various Fasteners and Fittings. Fasteners and fittings of mild steel shall be supplied unless otherwise specified in and shall be fixed where required. Fastening means will be provided for the items to be fitted at the time of erection. 20% spare nuts, bolts and washers will be provided per shelter. The fasteners supplied shall conform to relevant BIS specification. 6 Supply and Fix for Wall PUF Panels. The main wall including internal partition wall will be made up of 60mm thick PUF Panels. The Panels will be made of 0.50mm thick PPGI on outer side & food grade Stainless Steel 304 Matt 4 hairline finish with 60mm thick layer of rigid CFC free polyurethane foam of density 42 kg / cum and above as Insulation. The wall PUF panels will be provided with tongue and groove joint and will be interlocked using with cam lock systems. Gable ends will also be covered with same panels as of wall. All material required for the manufacture of shelter will be new and shall comply with relevant Bureau of Indian standard specification. The PUF insulation Material in the panel will have fire retarding and self-extinguishing properties as per any international standard B2 DIN 410 2 part/BS-4735 Self Ext. The wall Panels at the corner will be joined by PPGI corner angle 0.50 mm. The wall panels will also have PPGI U shaped top & Bottom track of size 63 x 35 x 0.5mm. Since all the flashings are of PPGI hence no welding is allowed. The PPGI angle and Flashings are to be bended or/& riveted to form the desired shape and Size. 2mm thick MS sheet ‘C’ channel of size 91.2mm x 40mm at the bottom (Floor Level) and top shall be provided to slide and fit the wall panels. Suitable arrangements will be made to fix the ‘C’ channel to floor at bottom and on top to structural members. 7 Supply and Fix for Roof PUF Panels. (a) The slope of roof shall be 1:3 and will be made of 60mm thick PUF panels with 0.50mm thick pre coated PPGI Sheet with sand, yellow colour (RAL-1001) on upper side with zinc coating and 120 GSM conforming to IS277 (Reaffirmed - 2018) for zinc coating IS 14246-1995 for steel component and GI metal skin of 0.50mm TCT (total coated thickness) below. The panel will be finished with 50mm thick layer of rigid CFC free polyurethane foam of density 42 Kg/Cum and above as Insulation. The ridge and end LAP overlapping shall be kept at minimum of 150mm and suitable arrangements for joining will be provided such that the integrity of the structure in maintained with no air gaps. (b) The roof will have minimum projection of 300mm and flashing of 0.50mm thick GI sheet of sand yellow colour (RAL-1001) pre-painted plain fixed using self-tapping screw at side and gable end will be provided. Adequate self-tapping screw (of various sze) with 20% extra will be provided as per reqmt of the structure. (c) The colour of PUF panel on inner side will be white. (d) Roof Projections. The roof will have minimum projection of 300mm. The gable end walls will be flashed with PUF panels with the help of plain pre-painted GI sheet 0.50mm thick of colour Sand yellow colour (RAL1001) using self-tapping screws. (e) The PUF insulated core of these panels shall meet the same specifications, properties and manufacturing process as given in Para 6 (Wall Panel). (f) Design. Detailed design of Roof PUF Panel with skylight and methodology of fixing the same will be provided by the vendor alongwith the user hand book for prior approval from this office. (g) Sky Light. The roof shall be provided with 2 Nos (of size 1060mm x 2400mm), 3mm thick pre-profiled polycarbonate sheet with their profile matching with adjacent pre-painted GI roof sheets without leaving any gap at joints. These sheets will have 90% transparency for natural light and provide full UV protection. The polycarbonate sheet shall be of with ISI mark. 8 Supply and Fix for PUF Panel Manufacture Process & PUF Insulation Properties. These Panels will be manufactured using high pressure dispensing machine of required capacity to inject specified amount of PUF chemical info the cavity of full panel in one shot in case of wall and roof panel and in three shots in case of floor panel not exceeding 25 sec duration. This is to ensure that liquid PUF mixture is injected into the cavity before the foaming reaction starts so that the insulation core of the panel is formed in one piece and provides desired structural and physical properties. The bulk density of insulation should be 42 kg/cum and above and impending machinery should be equipped with a PLC controlled panel for monitoring and controlling the injection rate to assure specified uniform density requirements. (a) The Iso-Cyanide and polyol liquid components used for in situ process of polyurethane foam for panels should be accompanied with correlating manufacture test certificate indicating batch Nos, date of manufacture and expiry dates. (b) All panels will be moulded in place using the above in-situ process after placing them in a hydraulic press with heated aluminum platen so as to attain the desire finish, bonding and structural properties. All panels will be manufactured in single piece as per approved panel layout drawings using the above materials and manufacturing process. (c) The consignee can carry out inspection of any panel from the lot at manufacturer premises to ensure the above chemical physical properties.
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