The Object Of This Tender Is The Supply Of Non-Perishable Food To Be Used In School Meals, In Accordance With The Parameters And Descriptive Elements In This Terms Of Reference, To Meet The Needs Of Municipal School Units, Through The Municipal Department Of Education.. Sugar, Sweetener, Starch, Processed Rice, Preserved Fish, Processed Oats, Olive Oil, Milk Drink, Biscuit, Biscuit, Coffee, Condiment, Corn Flour, Chocolate, Grated Coconut, Condiment, Cassava Flour, Corn Flour, Corn Flour Wheat,Legumes,Legumes,Yeast,Yeast,Milk Powder,Corn Flour,Starch,Prepared Cereal,Legumes,Milk Powder,Instant Porridge,Coconut Milk,Milk Powder,Noodles,Noodles,Noodles,Vegetable Fat,Corn, Popcorn Corn,Oil Vegetable,Condiment,Cheese,Salt,Cookie,Flour Kibbeh,Fruit,Vinegar,Seasoning,Noodles,Noodles,Cookie,Processed Rice,Olive Oil,Cookie,Milk Powder,Instant Porridge,Biscuit