Tender For Supply Of Chemical And Instrument For Lab Gwalior; 1 Conical Flask 250 ml Class A 30 450.00 13500.00 2 Conical Flask 500 ml 2 450.00 900.00 3 Beaker 100 ml With Spout Class A 5 50.00 250.00 4 Beaker 250 ml With Spout Class A 5 80.00 400.00 5 Beaker 500 ml With Spout Class A 2 200.00 400.00 6 Pipette measuring graduted mohr type Cap. 1ml Class A 4 250.00 1000.00 7 Pipette measuring graduted mohr type Cap. 2ml Class A 4 250.00 1000.00 8 Pipette measuring graduted mohr type Cap. 10ml Class A 4 300.00 1200.00 9 Burret Automatic cap 50 ml reservoir cap 2 ltr with Burret pump Class A 3 16500.00 49500.00 10 bacto sampling Bottle 250 ml FSNM 20 850.00 17000.00 11 Reagent Bottle 500 ml FSNM 5 950.00 4750.00 12 Amber Bottle 500 ml 2 400.00 800.00 13 Test tube 15x100mm with rim 10 ml GR grade A 10 100.00 1000.00 14 Measuring cylinder 50 ml core 1 length A 4 350.00 1400.00 15 Measuring cylinder 100 ml core 1 length A 2 450.00 900.00 16 Volumetric Measuring Flask 100 ml Class A 2 750.00 1500.00 17 Funnel 4" Dia 2 150.00 18 Nessler cylinder 100 ml 30 450.00 13500.00 Cotton Roll 250 gm 6 100.00 600.00 19 Tissue Paper Roll 6 250.00 1500.00 19 Burret Automatic cap 50 ml (Amber) Reservoir cap2 ltr (Amber) with Burret Pump Class A 2 16500.00 33000.00 .... more in document
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