Work Detail
Rate Contract For Purchase Of Small Surgical Instrument For The Year 2024-25 And 2025-26.-1 Howarth septum elevator 2 Cottle Gubisch chisel 3 Freer periosteal elevator 4 Cottle- Niewert retractor 5 Cope retractor double ended (for vessle retraction) 6 Straight Gillies osteotome 7 Desmarres eyelid retractor 8 Green wound retractor 9 Adson micro tissue forceps 10 Spoon vocal cord biopsy forceps 11 Punch Biopsy Forceps 12 Blakesly punch biopsy forceps with suction 13 RHINO FORCE STRUEMPEL VOSS Nasal forceps 14 Aligator punch biopsy forceps 15 STAMBERGER punch 16 LOTTLE Elevator duble ended 17 Cricoid Hook 18 Jolls Retractor 19 Nerve Hook 20 Tracheal dilator 21 Mouth gag 22 Mouth gag 23 Lack’s Tongue Depressor 24 Metal Cheek Retractor 25 Antrum Curettle 26 KUHN-BOLGER Frontal Sinus 27 Probe 28 FRAZIER SUCTION TUBE 29 Needle Holders 30 Skin Hook 31 Bulldog Clamp 32 Metzenbaum dissecting 33 Metzenbaum suture cutting 34 Metzenbaum suture cutting 35 metzenbaum dissecting Scissors 36 Mayo Dissecting Scissors 37 YANKAUER SUCTION TUBE 38 YANKAUER SUCTION TUBE 39 Yankauer suction with central 40 Yankauer suction with central 41 DeBakey suction with central 42 Tip Suction ( poole) 43 Suction Cannula 44 Kidney tray 45 triple bend sponge forceps 46 Shallcross forcep 47 LILLEHEI-POTTS SCISSORS 48 Baby Vascular Clamps 49 Laproscopic bulldog clamp 50 Laproscopic bulldog endovascular 51 laproscopic satinsky clamp 52 laproscopic satinsky clamp 53 laproscopic unipolar coagulating 54 laproscopic unipolar coagulating 55 laproscopic MARYLAND 56 laproscopic RIGHT ANGLE 57 Laproscopic Overholt dissecting 58 Laproscopic crile dissecting 59 Laproscopic Mouret dissecting 60 laproscopic METZENBAUM 61 laproscopic Croce grasping 62 laproscopic BABCOCK GRASPER 63 laprscopic DEBAKEY GRASPER 64 laproscopic FENESTRATED 65 laproscopic BIOPSY SPOON 66 LAPROSCOPIC HANDLE TYPES 67 Laproscopic JOHAN FENESTRATED 68 Laproscopic Bipolar maryland 69 Verres Pneumoperitonium needle 70 Laproscopic TROCARS 71 Laproscopic trocars 72 Laproscopic trocars 73 Laproscopic threaded trocars 74 Larpscopic threaded trocars 75 Laproscopic trochar 76 reducer for lap trochars 77 doble reducer for lap trochars 78 Reduction sleeve for lap trochars 79 laproscopic BOWEL CLAMP 80 laproscopic BIPOLAR KLEPPINGER 81 Lap micro needle holder 82 LAP DUROGRIP TC NEEDLE 83 LAP DUROGRIP TC NEEDLE 84 LAP CURVED GRASPER 85 LAP FAN RETRACTOR WITH 86 LAP GOLD FINGER 87 LAP Articulating LIVER 88 Laproscopic T lift retractor 89 LAP MEYERS GRASPING FORCEPS 90 lap KNOT PUSHER 91 LAP SUTURE HOOK 92 Lap suction irrigation instrument 93 flat brush for laproscopic 94 Cleaning brush for laproscopic 95 Sterilization tray for laprosopic 96 Swab Holding Forceps 97 Curved Artery Forceps (BLUNT 98 Curved Artery Forceps (Fine tip) 99 Straight artery Forceps 100 Towel Clip 101 Towel Clip 102 Langenbeck Green retactor 103 Babcocks Forceps 104 Vascular Forceps 105 Toothed Forceps 106 Non Tooth Forceps 107 Adsons Forceps Tooth 108 Adsons Forceps non tooth 109 Vessel wall Retractor 110 Needle Holder 111 Needle Holders 112 Gigli Saw Handle 113 Tissue Holding Forceps(Lans) 114 Dever Retractor 115 Pediatri Dever Retractor 116 Doyens Retractor 117 Intestinal Clamps 118 Balfour Self Retaining Retractors 119 Bookwalter Ring Retractor 120 Sein Miller type self retaining 121 Lone star retractor system for 122 Denis brown Ring retractor 123 Self retaining retractors 124 Self retaining retractors 125 St Marks Heald Retractor with 126 St Marks Heald Retractor with 127 Heald Retractor with Detachable 128 Heald Retractor with Detachable 129 Ribbon wound retractor Malleable 130 Vascular Needle Holder 131 Sargent Retractor 132 Kellys Retractor 133 Rib Cutter 134 Rib Approximator 135 Rib Raspatory 136 Lung Holding Forceps Duval 137 Allisons Lung Retractor 138 Morse sternal spreader with 139 Finochietto Rib Retractor 140 Harken Rib spreader with scapula 141 Harken rib spreader with scapula 142 Scapula Retractor 143 Richardsons MRM Retractor 144 Morris retractor 145 Gland Holding Lane Forceps 146 Wire cutter With (Tungston tip) 147 Wire Twister 148 Long Artery Forceps With Sharp 149 Monopolar Loops (Matching With 150 Monopolar Loops (Matching With 151 Monoploar Handles With Hand 152 Bipolar Silicon Coated Bayonet 153 Biopolar Wires Compitible 154 Bioploar Forceps 155 Bipolar Silicon Coated Bayonet 156 Bipolar Silicon Coated bayonet 157 Bipolar Silicon Coated Bayonet 158 Bipolar Forceps 159 De-Bakey atraumatic vascular 160 Micro needle holder 161 Microforceps 162 Microscissor - Curved 163 Microscissor - straight 164 Clamp set - ABB3V 165 Clamp set - ABB2V 166 Clamp set - HD clamp 167 Clamp applicator 168 Adsons forceps 169 Dissecting scissors-Jameson 170 Dissecting scissor-Jameson-Weber 171 Watsons skin graft harvest handle 172 VESSEL DILATORS 173 4.0 × Loupe 174 Dissecting Scissors 175 Baby Metzenbaum dissecting 176 Baby Metzenbaum wavecut 177 Metzenbaum Wavecut dissecting 178 Needle Holder 179 Needle Holder 180 Needle Holder 181 Roberts Forceps 182 Peanut 183 Curved Non Tooth 184 Sims Speculum 185 Aneurysm Needle 186 Metzebaum Fino Scissor 187 Heanys Clamp 188 Posterior Clamp 189 Wertheims Clamp 190 Uterus Holding Clamp 191 Cuscos Speculum 192 Vulsellum 193 Tenaculum 194 Endometrial Curette 195 Endocervical Curette 196 Anterior Vaginal Wall 197 Cervical Punch Biopsy Forcep 198 Hegars Cervical Dilators 199 Smoke evacuation pencil 200 bipolar scissors 201 cusco speculum with smoke flume 202 Parker-Kerr anastomotic forcep( 203 Lloyd Davis anastomosis forcep 204 Chisel-light handle (5.5”length) 205 heaneys hystrectomy clamp 206 Spencer well hemostatic forceps 207 Allis Forceps 208 CURATOR 209 UTERINE SOUND 210 Frazier Suction Canula 211 Non-Stick Bipolar Forceps Bayonet 212 Non-Stick Bipolar Forceps Bayonet 213 Foerster clamp 214 Lung grasping Duval Clamp 215 Lung Grasping Duval Clamp 216 Harken Clamp 217 Debakey Clamp 218 Debakey Cooley forceps(Right 219 Needle holder 220 Scissor 221 Node grasper 222 Suction 223 Knot Pusher 224 Snake forceps 225 Mixter Dissecting Forceps 226 Gonsalez Rives dissector 227 Fine Metzenbaum tissue 228 Uterine manipulator 229 Laparoscopic uterine manipulator 230 Satinsky Occlusion Clamp 231 Satinsky Clamp 232 Satinsky Clamp 233 Hunter-Satinsky Aortic Clamp 234 Russian forceps 235 Snake retractor 236 Laparoscopic claw forcep 237 Tooth extraction forceps 238 Straight blade laryngoscope 239 Langhenback retractor 240 Mixter Dissecting Forceps 241 Baby bulldog clamp 242 Gastric clamp 243 Gil Verten Vein retractor 244 Cushing vein retractor 245 Halsted Mosquito force 246 Kocher forcep 247 Gerald dressing forcep 248 Gerald De’Bakey forced 249 Bone holding forces 250 Bone nibbler
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Civil Hospital Campus,Ahmedabad-16
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