Registration Of Prices For The Purchase Of Household Appliances, Small Appliances, Computers, Furniture And The Like To Be Used By The Municipal Department Of Social Assistance.. Decoration Sideboard,Bathroom Cabinet,Cupboard,Steel Cabinet,Cupboard/Kitchen,Office Cabinet,Office Cabinet,Cupboard/Kitchen,Crib,Car Seat,Grab And Safety Bar - Pne,Bathtub For Childrens Use,Office Chair,Office Chair ,Mattress,Gymnastics Mat,Cupboard,School Set,School Set,Table Pantry/Kitchen,Chair,Car Seat,Chair,Chair,Ladder,Bookcase,Fixed Drawer,Mobile Drawer,Chair On Stringer,Office Table,Refectory Table,Microcomputer Printer Table,Plastic Table,Rectangular Meeting Table,Recliner Chair,Stool, Armchair,Support,Footrest,Bench Professional, Clothesline Clothes Dryer, Blinds, Humidifier And Ambient Purifier, Domestic Mixer, Water Drinking Fountain, Water Drinking Fountain, Fruit Juicer, Gas Stove, Sandwich Maker, Domestic Refrigerator, High Pressure Washer, Blender, Washing Machine, Washing Machine, Microwave Oven ,Pan,Machine Dryer Clothes, Television, Fan, Microcomputer Keyboard, Computer Mouse, Video Camera, Notebook, Computer Cabinet, Headset, Line Filter, Power Supply, Connection Cable, Signal Converter, Computer Monitor, Tray, Casserole, Box, Cauldron, Ladle, Mug,Pot,Spoon,Fork Table, Plate, Drainer, Foamer, Table Knife, Baking Dish, Shape, Thermos Bottle, Thermal Bottle, Jar, Cup, Sanitizing Dispenser, Pan, Milk Bowl, Sanitizing Dispenser, Plate, Trash Bin, Pressure Cooker, Household Utensil, Food Plate, Pan, Vacuum Cleaner And Water