Tender For Material Supply Tender For The Yr 2024-25; 1 Ghadla/Kankar/Jhajhra Mud Masala 2 3 lime from bud kiln for lime masonry work 4. cement 4.1 PPC 4.2 white cement 5. Thpadam Aggregate 5.1 sand/gravel 5.2 Gravel-Local / Local 5.3 Rakhi (Fly Ast) 5.4 surkhi 5.5 Stone dust (in masonry work) 6 Ballast stone/brick (For Other than Road work) 6.1 40 mm measuring stone (hand broken grit) (voids cut 1/11) 6.2 40 mm stone grit (broken by crusher) (voids cut 1/11) 6.3 20 mm stone grit (broken by crusher) 6.4 1251086 uu stone grit (broken by crusher) 6.5 brick mortar 7 Material for road work (including 5 Km lead) 7.1 63-40mm Crusher Broken Stone Road (Voitus Cut 1/11) 7.2 63-40mm hand broken stone rod (voids cut 1/11) 7.3 90-45mm hand broken stone rod (voids cut 1/11) 7.4 Query Rubbish (Voids Cut 1/6) 7.5 Gravel (voids cut 1/6) 7.6 Kankar (Cut Voids 1/6) 7.7 Binding material (PI 4-6) (voids cut 1/6) 8 Brick (22.5 X 11 X 7.50 cm) 8.1 First Class (Ist cl)
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