Auction Sale Of Cond. Electric Loco No. 23357, Type- Wag-5, Shed- Bwnx, Qty- 01 No. List Of Excluded Items- Wheel Sets With Msu Tube- 06 Sets, (Ii) Axle Box- 06 Pair, (Iii) Both Side Cbc- 02 Nos, (Iv) Dv-01 & Bull Gear- 06 Nos.Total Ferrous Wt. 86.5369 Mt,Total Copper Wt. 10.8417 Mt, Total Brass Wt. 0.10288 Mt, Total Aluminium Wt. 0.18534 Mt, Total Misc. Wt. 0.53453 Mt.Total Lot Wt. 98.20135 Mt. Deficiency Items List Of Loco No. 23357/Wag5/Bwn/Er- (I) Pantograph- 02 Nos, (Ii) Mechanism Rod- 02 Nos,(Iii) Throttle Valve- 02 Nos, (Iv) Roof Bar- 02 Nos, (V) Roof Insulator- 02 Nos, (Vi) Horn- 02 Nos, (Vii) M/Valve- 04 Nos, (Viii) Wiper Motor- 02 Nos, (Ix) C2n Valve- 01 No, (X) Corridor Light- 08 Nos, (Xi) Fuse 6, 16, 35 Amp- 15 Nos, (Xii) F/Light Unit- 02 Nos, (Xiii) Cab Meter- 06 Nos, (Xiv) Didu Relay-08 Nos, (Xv) Abb Relay- 17 Nos, (Xvi) Womma Relay- 04 Nos, (Xvii) J1+J2+Ctf 1, 2 & 3- 42 Nos, (Xviii) Pilot Lamp- 02 Nos, (Xix) Lsgro- 02 Nos, (Xx) Vcd Cab Unit- 02 Nos, (Xxi) Vcd Main Unit- 01 No, (Xxii) Cab Heater- 02 Nos.