Expression of Interest for Hiring Chauffeur-Driven Car Services. Description: Framework of the Representations mission, and in order to ensure that these objectives are met, different visits by commissioners and high ranked officers to the Member States are organised which require an appropriate logistical organisation, including transportation, more specifically rental of cars with drivers.The Representation intends to select a contractor and to conclude a single framework contract for a period of 12 months to be renewed automatically 3 times in line with article I.3.5 of the Framework Contract. The previous procedure failed due to no tenders received. Hence, the tender specifications have been adjusted. The previous procedure failed due to no tenders received. Hence, the tender specifications have been adjusted. Start date for expression of interest: 2024-12-09 Europe/Brussels Deadline for expression of interest: 2025-01-06 Europe/Copenhagen Indicative date of launch of the negotiated procedure: 2025-01-24 Europe/Copenhagen Tender Link :
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