Expression of Interest For Recruitment Of A Firm Responsible For Carrying Out The Financial Audit And Accoun ... in Burundi
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Expression of Interest For Recruitment Of A Firm Responsible For Carrying Out The Financial Audit And Accountant Of The Multinational Project (Rwanda/Burundi) For Improvement Cross-Border Roads - Phase 1: Feasibility Studies Of The Sections
Expression of Interest for Recruitment of a Firm Responsible for Carrying out the Financial Audit and Accountant of the Multinational Project (Rwanda/Burundi) for Improvement Cross-Border Roads - Phase 1: Feasibility Studies of the Sections Improvement of Cross-Border Roads - Phase 1 The Government of the Republic of Burundi has received from the African Development Fund (ADF) a grant of two million five hundred thousand units of account (UA 2,500,000) to finance the multinational project (Rwanda/Burundi) for the improvement of cross-border roads-phase 1: feasibility studies of the sections of RN22-Rwegura to the Buyumpu border post, RN15-Ngozi to the Akanyaru Bas border post and RN1-Kayanza to the Akanyaru Haut border post and related infrastructure. It is expected that part of the funds obtained under this grant will be used to make the payments planned for the services of Consultants responsible for carrying out the financial and accounting audit of the project. Interested, Eligible and Qualified Audit Firms for the Requested Services must Provide Information on Their Capabilities and Experience Demonstrating that They are Qualified for the Services (Documentation, Reference of Similar Services, Experience in Accounting Missions, Availability of Qualified Personnel, etc.). 5. Firms may Form Partnerships to Increase the Chances of Qualification. The Eligibility Criteria, the Establishment of the Shortlist and the Selection Procedure will be in Accordance with the Methods and Procedures for the Use of Consultants as Defined in the Procurement Policy for Operations Financed by the African Development Bank Group (October 2015 Edition), Which are Available on the Banks Website at: Http:// [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link :
Contact Information
MINISTERE DES INFRASTRUCTURES, DE L’EQUIPEMENT ET DES LOGEMENTS SOCIAUX Cellule de Suivi de l’Exécution du Projet (CSEP) Avenue HEHA, Quartier Kabondo, B.P: 6675 Bujumbura Tel: + 257 22 22 29 40 Fax: + 257 22 22 09 59
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