Tenders Are Invited For Maintenance, Repairs, And Supply Parts On Overhead Cranes And Lifting Machinery Equi ... in South Africa
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Maintenance, Repairs, And Supply Parts On Overhead Cranes And Lifting Machinery Equipment Includes Inspections, Hoist Examine And Load Testing For 60 Months Period
Tenders are invited for Maintenance, Repairs, And Supply Parts on Overhead Cranes and Lifting Machinery Equipment Includes Inspections, Hoist Examine and Load Testing for 60 Months Period at Arnot Power Station. Advertised: 2024-12-12 Closing: 2025-03-05 Province: Mpumalanga Category: Repair and Installation of Machinery and Equipment Tender Link : https://www.etenders.gov.za/home/Download/?blobName=048f1ad3-3ce1-4dd6-8373-2ab1757743f0.zip&downloadedFileName=Supplier Development Localization and Industrialization.zip.zip
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