Registration Of Prices For Purchasing Consumable Materials (Cleaning, Hygiene And Disposables) On Demand, Aiming To Meet The Needs Of The Units Of The Macapá Municipal Education Network. Belonging To The Municipal Education Department Semed.. Bleach, Ethyl Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, Insecticide, Detergent, Detergent, Sanitary Deodorizer, Detergent, Detergent, Cleaning Sponge, Detergent, Detergent, Glass Cleaner, Soap Bar, Soap Powder, Detergent, Bucket, Bucket, Waste Basket, Brush, General Cleaning Brush,Duster,Trash Bin,Pot Food, Garden Hose, Squeegee, Squeegee, Cleaning Sponge, Cleaning Sponge, Flannel, Stack, Disposable Spoon, Disposable Cutlery, Plate, Paper Napkin, Disposable Cup, Trash Scoop, Cloth, Cleaning Cloth, Dish Cloth, Toilet Paper, Towel Paper,Plastic Garbage Bag,Plastic Garbage Bag,Plastic Bag Trash,Plastic Garbage Bag,General Purpose Disposable Mask,Protective Glove,Protective Glove,Protective Glove,Broom,Broom