Tenders are invited for Generic Monitoring Camera System The objective of this activity is to develop and qualify a camera system, cost effective, easily interfaceable, safe and compatible with space missions and busses for monitoring purposes.Description: A large number of cameras are currently available, and the level of "smartness" (storage, processing) varies between each camera and their interfacing is not always straightforward (both power and data). It is therefore proposed to develop an interface box compatible with high reliability missions and with a simplified use and integration, while guaranteeing that there will beno failure propagation or interference with the main mission.The use of COTS automotive shall be recommended to ensure affordability, while still providing the required protections on the power supply board to avoid failure propagation to the spacecraft bus. This interface box shall be designed to accommodate up to 2 cameras, providing image and videostorage capability to enable download at a convenient time and to not interfere with the mission. This interface box shall be connected to the main bus of the satellite (typically 28V) and shall provide regulated power lines to the cameras.Interface to the satellite will be possible either with Spacewire links (for large volumes e.g. video), CAN (single images) or other typical interfaces.This activity aims to cover long duration missions (10 years in LEO), in harsh environments (High LEO, MEO andGEO orbits) and with increased availability at end of life.During the development of the activity, the topics to be determined are preferred field of view, aperture, colour or black and white requirement, storage/compression, mechanical environments, and lifetime (depending on the type of orbits). The full system (the interface box and the 2 cameras) shallbe subjected to a generic qualification.The tasks foreseen in the frame of this activity are the following:Freeze of interface specification to maximise compatibility with satellite missions.Design, manufacture and test an engineering model of the interface box.Conclude critical design and manufacture a qualification model.Qualify the camera system (interface box and cameras). Tender Link : https://esastar-publication-ext.sso.esa.int/ESATenderActions/filter/open
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