Renovation Of Integrated Public Health Lab In Civil Hospital Lab At Faridkot Under Pardhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission-- 1 Civil WorksPart 1.Renovation ofExisting Center 2 Dismantling brick work in cement mortar 3 Earthworkinexcavationinfoundationstrenches etc. in all kinds of soil where Pick-Jumper work is not involved and not exceeding2.0 metres depth includingdressingofbottomandsidesof trenches,stackingtheexcavatedsoilclearfrom the edge of excavation and subsequentfilling around masonry in 15 cm, layers with compaction includingdisposalofallsurplussoilasdirected within lead of 30 metres. 4 Cement concrete 1:8:16 with stone aggregates 40mm gauge mixingbymechanicalmeansusingconcrete mixer volumetric type 5 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth 6 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in first storey upto 4 metres above plinth level. 7 Damp proof course 4cm thick of cement concrete 1:2:4 with 2 coats of bitumen 20/30 penetration at1.65 Kg per sqm laid hot and sanded 8 115mm thick brick wall in cement sand mortar1:4 without reinforcement in superstructure 9 Dismantling of floor tiles at any floor of the building, laid in cement mortar including dismantling of cement concrete base and disposal of malba at a suitable place within a distance of 100 Mtrs of the complex complete in all respect. 10 Dismantling Cement concrete plain 1:2:4 mix 11 Dismantling cement conglomerate floors 25mm to 50mm thick without concrete base 12 Cement concrete1:2:4 with stone ballast or shingle mixing by mechanical means using concrete mixer volumetric type 13 Providing and fixing 10mm thick acid and/or alkali resistanttiles300mmx300mmofapproved make and colour using acid and/or alkali resisting mortarbeddingandjointsfilledwithacidand/or alkali resisting cement as per IS : 4457 complete asperthedirectionofEngineer-in-Charge,in flooringorindado/skirtingonabedof12mm thick mortar1 : 4 (1 acid proof cement:4 coarse sand). 14 Providing and laying vitrifiedfloor tiles Size 600x600 mmin differentsizes inlight colourshadesmadeusing FullBodyTechnology(thicknesstobespecified by the manufacturer)with water absorption’s less than0.08%andconforming toIS:15622of approved make in all colours and shades, laid on 20mmthickcementmortar1:4 (1 cement:4 fine sand), complete.(Fullbodyvitrifiedtileshave pigmentinentirebody/thicknessoftile which makeschipsandscratcheslessnoticeableand make na ideal choice for high traffic zones.) 15 Marble stone flooring with 18-20 mm thick marble stone, as per sample of marble approved by Engineer-in-charge,over20mm(average)thick base ofcementmortar1:4 (1cement:4 coarse sand)laidandjointedwithgreycementslurry, including rubbing and polishing complete with UdaipurGreenMarbleTilesof thickness 18mm to 20mmSlabs sizes above 0.50 sqm 16 Coloured Granite stone tiles 15mm to 20mm thick inskirting,risersofsteps,dadowallsandpillars laid in 12.5mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3coarse sand) andjointedwithneat cementslurrymixedwithpigmenttomatchthe shadeofstone,includingrubbingandpolishing including labour for fixing dowel pins and cramps. 17 Providing & fixing glass strips 4mm thick in floors 18 Conglomerate floor 40mmthickcement concrete topping1:2:4usingmechanicalmixerformixing of material including floating coat of1:5mmthickneat cementlaid in one operation to the topping. 19 Providingandfixingaluminum workfor doors,windows,ventilatorsandpartitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriatezsectionsandother sectionsconformingtoIs:733andIS: 1285 of Jindal, Hindalco, Mahavir or equivalent makeapproved by Engineer in Charge , fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold fastenersincludingnecessaryfillingupof gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides withrequiredPVCPlug/neoprenefeltetc. aluminumsectionsshallbesmooth,rust free, straight, mitered and jointed mechanicallywhereverrequiredincluding cleatangle,aluminumsnapbeadingfor glazing/paneling, C.P.brass/stainlesssteel screws,allcompleteasperarchitectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-In Charge.(Glazing andpanelingtobepaid for separately) : 20 Forshuttersofdoors,windows& ventilators including providing and fixinghinges/pivots and labour for fixing of fittings wherever required includingthecostofPVCPlug/ neoprene gasket required 21 Providingandfixing12mmthick prelaminatedparticleboardflatpressed threelayer orgradedwoodparticleboard conforming to IS: 12823 Grade l Type ll, in paneling fixed in aluminum doors, windows shutters and partition frames with C.P.brass/stainlesssteelscrewsetc. complete as per architectural drawings and directions of Engineer-In-Charge. Pre- laminatedparticleboardwithdecorative lamination on Both side. 22 Providingandfixingglazinginaluminum door,window,ventilatorshuttersand partitionsetc.withPVCPlug/neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architecturaldrawingsandthedirections of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminum snap beading shall be paid in basic item)Float glass panes of 5.5 mm thickness 23 Cutting chase in brick walls in cement or in floor for embedding G.I. or C.I pipes line and making good the same to its original condition. 24 Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically mixed using volumetric type concrete mixer asper IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator butexcluding steel reinforcement centring and shutteringin superstructure. 25 Centeringandshutteringforflatsurfacessuchas suspended floors, roofs, landings, chajjas, shelves etc. 26 Cold twisted detormed (Ribbed/Tor steel)Bars (Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-2008),for R.C.C works,where not including in the complete rate of RCCincludingbendingandbindingplacingin position complete 27 Providingandfixingcommercialplywood 25mm thick 28 Providing & Fixing decorative highpressure laminated sheet 1mm (2 Star)thick with high density protective surfacelayer and reverse side of adhesivebonding quality conforming to IS : 2046Type S, including cost of adhesive ofapproved quality. 29 Making the opening in brick masonry including dismantling, fixing, chowkhats in floor or walls, cutting masonry & fixing hold fasts in cement concrete 1:3:6, painting two coats of coal tar to sides of chowkhats and making good the damages to walls and floors complete to match the existing surface :-- 30 Scraping White wash and colour wash 31 Scrapping Cement plaster 32 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 33 20mm thick cement plaster 1:4 in two coat work 34 Preparationofplasteredorconcretesurface for painting (including sand papering the surface) using ready mixed cement based wall puttybyapplyingtwoormorecoatstoget required finish 35 Wall paintingwithplasticemulsionpaintof approvedbrandandmanufacturertogivean even shade (two or more coats) 36 Finishingwallswithacrylic smoothexterior paint of required shade with two or more coats applied@ 1.67litre/10Sqm over and including base coatofwater proofing Cement Paint applied @ 2.20 Kg/10 Sqm 37 FactorymanufacturedSolid flushdoorfixedin position iron hinges, etc (excluding the costofanyfittingsotherthanspecified abovebutincludinglabourforfixingthe same in position (Code : IS-2202-1 (1999)(a) Commercialwithelmorgurjan facing on both \ Sideswith laminated core and lipped edges:- (iv) 35 mm thick 38 Supplying Pressed steel sheet frames (chowkhat) consisting of 18gauge (1.25 mm thick steel sheet ofthespecifiedsection,includingironlugs(hold fast) iron hinges conforming to PWD specification includingboltsforfixingstopslocknotch provisionforreceivingtowerboltsandfinished with 1 primer coat approved quality, fixed in positionexcludingthecostofcementconcrete 1:3:6 for fillings in the frame and cement concrete 1:2:4 for lugs completev(b) Doorsandwindows frameofsize 113mm x60mmwith35mmwidesinglerebate weighing 3.38 kg per meter. 39 Wire gauge Hollock wood door shutter without springs housed in chowkhat. (a)35mm thick 40 Hollockwooddoorsshutterwindows shutterincludinghinges,screws,chocks, cheats,stopscordsetc. completefixed in position.(a) (ii) panelled, glazed or glazed and panelled.35mm thick 41 Providing&Fixingglasspaneswithnails andputtyorwoodenstripcompleteinall respect (b) Glazing area above 0.09 sqm 4.0mm thick Plate glass (INDIAN) 42 Wroughtiron&Mildsteelladders,framedgrills, gratings etc.with ends ofbarsriveted or molded forgedframedwindow guards,barredirondoors staircaseironrailingetc.includingcostofbolts andnuts,screws,weldingrodcompletefixingin position 43 Providing and fixing mineral fibre false ceiling tiles atheight upto 4 mtr.With16mmthickbeveledtegularmineralfibre Anti-microbialfalseceilingtileofsize595X595mmof approvedtexture,designandpattern.Thetilesshould have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 99%, Light Reflection>85%,ThermalConductivity k=0.052-0.057w/mK, FirePerformance asper(BS476pt - 6 &7)intrue horizontal level suspended oninterlockingT-Gridofhot dippedallroundgalvanizedironsectionof0.33mm thick (galvanized @120 gsm) comprising of main T runnersof15x32mmoflength3000mm,crossTof size 15x32mm of length 1200 mm and secondary intermediatecrossTofsize15x32mmoflength600 mmtoformgridmoduleofsize600x600mm suspended fromceiling using galvanized mild steel item (galvanised@80gsm)50mmlong8mmouterdiameter M-6 dash fasteners, 6 mm diameter fully threaded hangerrodupto1000mmlengthandL-shapelevel adjuster of size 85x25x2 mm, spaced at 1200 mm centre to centre along main‘T’. The systemshould rest on periphery walls /partitions with the help of GI perimeterwallangleofsize24x24X3000mmmade of 0.40 mmthicksheet, to be fixed to the wall with help of plasticrawlplugat450mmcentretocentre&40mm longdrywallS.S.screws.Theexposedbottomportion ofallT-sectionsusedinfalseceilingsupportsystem shallbepre-paintedwithpolyesterbakedpaint,forall heights.Theworkshallbecarriedoutasper specifications,drawingsandasperdirectionsofthe engineer-in-charge. 44 Cost of aluminum fittings complete for doors, windows such as tower bolts, handles,Stoppers and screw etc. for these fittings (Excluding sliding bolt)For shutter area above 0.50 sqm 45 Providing and fixing bright finished brass 100 mm mortise latch and lock with 6 levers and a pair of lever handles with necessary screws etc. complete (best make of approved quality). 46 Providingandfixinghydraulicdoorcloser ISImarkwithnecessaryscrewetc. complete I.S.IDesignationNo.III(sizeof door 851mm to 1000mm) 47 Credit of Old Bricks 48 Bricks 49 Brick Bats 50 Civil Works Part 2. Construction of New Bathroom 51 Earth workinexcavation infoundations,trenchesetc. in allkindsofsoilwherepickjumperworkisnotinvolved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from the edge ofexcavation andsubsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm. layers with compaction includingdisposalofallsurplussoilasdirectedwithina lead of 30 metres. 52 Providing and applying Anti Termite Treatment using pre constructional chemical treatment measures as per IS - 6313 - 2001 ( Part 2 ) & using Chemical containg chloropyrifos systemicinsecticide diluted to manufacturer"s specifications (i) In foundation pits, by treating the bottom & sides upto height of 300mm by uniformly spraying solution @ 5 Litre / Sqm (ii) Inthe refill earth on both sides of all built up walls @7.5 Litre / Running meter ( width - 300 mm, depth- 450 mm ) (iii) Before laying the floor, byuniformly sprinkling the top surface of theconsolidated earth within the outer perimeter @ 5Litre solution per Sqm. 53 Cement Concrete 1:8:16 with 40mm guagestoneaggregateusingconcrete mixing volumetric type 54 Reinforced cement concrete M-25 mechanicallymixed using voluemetric type concrete mixer asper IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator butexcluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth. 55 Shutteringforfacesofconcretefoundationsand foundation beam & plinth beam (vertical or battering) 56 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth. 57 Reinforced cement concrete M-25 mechanicallymixed using voluemetric type concrete mixer asper IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator butexcluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure. Lintels 58 Centringandshutteringforflat surfacessuch as suspended floors, roofs, landings, chajjas, shelves etc. 59 Centringandshutteringforsidesandsoffitsofbeam, beams launchings girders bressumers, lintels 60 Making the opening in brick masonry including dismantling, fixing, chowkhats in floor or walls, cutting masonry & fixing hold fasts in cement concrete 1:3:6, painting two coats of coal tar to sides of chowkhats and making good the damages to walls and floors complete to match the existing surface :-Door Chowkhats 61 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in first storey upto 4 metres above plinth level.. 62 115 mm thick brick wall with every fourth course reinforced with hoop iron laid in 1 :4 cement sand mortar in super structure. 63 20 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 in two coats work. 64 12.5mm thick cement plaster 1:5. 65 Providingand fixingon wallface unplasticisedRigid PVC rain water pipes (working pressure 4 kgf/ cm²) conforming to IS : 4985, including fixing with MS ClampU-PVC pipes (working pressure 4kgf. / sqcm) pipe 110 mm dia. 66 Providingandfixing110mmdia.U.P.V.CbendforRain water pipe as per IS:14735 including jointing complete as per specifications and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge.UPVC 110 mm bend 67 Providingandfixing110mmdiaSWRU.P.V.C Coupling/SocketeforRainwaterpipeasperIS:14735 includingjointingcompleteasperspecificationsandto the entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge. 68 Top khurra 0.6m x 0.6m for rain water pipe in 25mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 over 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16. 69 BottomKhurraonground1.2m.x0.6m.consistingof brickon-edgelaidincementmortar1:3over75mm cement concrete 1:8:16 including 12.5m.m. thick cement 70 Providing and fixing in position gratings 150mm x 150mm for gully trap. PVC grating 71 Terracing consiting of tiles 22.86x11.43x3.83cm laid over 25 mm mud plaster 7.5 cm mud filling on another layer of 25mm mud plaster including two coats of bitumenlaidhotat1.65Kg./SqmtopofR.C.C.slab includinggroutingwithcementsandmortar1:4andtop surface to be left clean after wire brushing 72 Cement concrete 1:2:4 gola 10cm x 10cm concave quadrant along junction of roofs with parapet wall finished smooth, where specially specified. 73 Earth filling under floors with surplus ordinary soil or soil containinggravelorkankarupto 40%excavatedfrom foundation and taken only from outside the building plinth in 15 cm layers including ramming, watering and consolidating lead upto 30 metres. 74 Providingandfixingaluminum workfor doors,windows,ventilatorsandpartitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriatezsectionsandother sectionsconformingtoIs:733andIS: 1285 of Jindal, Hindalco, Mahavir or equivalent makeapproved by Engineer in Charge , fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold fastenersincludingnecessaryfillingupof gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides withrequiredPVCPlug/neoprenefeltetc. aluminumsectionsshallbesmooth,rust free, straight, mitered and jointed mechanicallywhereverrequiredincluding cleatangle,aluminumsnapbeadingfor glazing/paneling, C.P.brass/stainlesssteel screws,allcompleteasperarchitectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-In Charge.(Glazing andpanelingtobepaid for separately) : 75 Providingandfixingaluminum workfor doors,windows,ventilatorsandpartitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriatezsectionsandother sectionsconformingtoIs:733andIS: 1285 of Jindal, Hindalco, Mahavir or equivalent makeapproved by Engineer in Charge , fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold fastenersincludingnecessaryfillingupof gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides withrequiredPVCPlug/neoprenefeltetc. aluminumsectionsshallbesmooth,rust free, straight, mitered and jointed mechanicallywhereverrequiredincluding cleatangle,aluminumsnapbeadingfor glazing/paneling, C.P.brass/stainlesssteel screws,allcompleteasperarchitectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-In Charge.(Glazing andpanelingtobepaid for separately) : 76 Providing & Fixing of 10 gauge welded mesh of 25mm x 25mm size fixed on steel glazing with MS flat 20mm x 6mm beeding complete in all respect including painting two coats with Synthetic Enamel Paint and Priming Coat 77 Providingandfixingglazinginaluminum door,window,ventilatorshuttersand partitionsetc.withPVCPlug/neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architecturaldrawingsandthedirections of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminum snap beading shall be paid in basic item)Float glass panes of 5.5 mm thickness 78 Cost of aluminum fittings complete for doors, windows such as tower bolts, handles,Stoppers and screw etc. for these fittings (Excluding sliding bolt)For shutter area up to 0.50 sqm 79 Wroughtiron&Mildsteelladders,framedgrills, gratings etc.with ends ofbarsriveted or molded forgedframedwindow guards,barredirondoors staircaseironrailingetc.includingcostofbolts andnuts,screws,weldingrodcompletefixingin position 80 Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts ISI marked anodized (anodic coating not less than grade AC10asperIS:1868)transparentordyedtorequired colour or shade with nuts and screws etc. complete : 250mm x 16mm 81 Coldtwisteddeformed(Ribbed/TorSteelBar/TMT)Bars Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-2008, for R.C.C works, where not including in the complete rate of RCC including bending and placing in position complete 82 Preparationofplasteredorconcretesurfaceforpainting (includingsandpaperingthesurface)usingreadymixed cement based wall putty by applying two or more coats to get required finish 83 Applyingprimingcoatwithcementprimerin all shade on newly plastered or concrete exterior surface 84 Wall paintingwithplasticemulsionpaintof approvedbrandandmanufacturertogivean even shade (two or more coats) 85 Finishingwallswithacrylic smoothexterior paint of required shade with two or more coats applied@ 1.67litre/10Sqm over and including base coatofwater proofing Cement Paint applied @ 2.20 Kg/10 Sqm 86 Civil Works Part 3. New DoctorsRoom 87 Earth workinexcavation infoundations,trenchesetc. in allkindsofsoilwherepickjumperworkisnotinvolved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from the edge ofexcavation andsubsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm. layers with compaction includingdisposalofallsurplussoilasdirectedwithina lead of 30 metres. 88 Providing and applying Anti Termite Treatment using pre constructionalchemicaltreatmentmeasuresasperIS- 6313 - 2001 ( Part 2 ) & using Chemical containg chloropyrifos systemic insecticide diluted to manufacturer"sspecifications (i) In foundation pits, by treating the bottom &sidesuptoheightof300mmbyuniformlyspraying solution @ 5 Litre / Sqm (ii) In the refill earth on both sides of all built up walls @ 7.5 Litre / Running meter ( width - 300 mm, depth-450mm)(iii)Beforelayingthefloor,byuniformly sprinkling the top surface of the consolidated earth within the outer perimeter @ 5 Litre solution per Sqm. 89 Cement Concrete 1:8:16 with 40mm guagestoneaggregateusingconcrete mixing volumetric type 90 Reinforced cement concrete M-25 mechanicallymixed using voluemetric type concrete mixer asper IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator butexcluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth. 91 Shutteringforfacesofconcretefoundationsand foundation beam & plinth beam (vertical or battering) 92 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth. 93 Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically mixed using voluemetric type concrete mixer asper IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth. 94 Reinforced cement concrete M-25 mechanicallymixed using voluemetric type concrete mixer asper IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator butexcluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure. 95 Centringandshutteringforflat surfacessuch as suspended floors, roofs, landings, chajjas, shelves etc. 96 Centringandshutteringforsidesandsoffitsofbeam, beams launchings girders bressumers, lintels 97 Centringandshutteringfor column 98 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in first storey upto 4 metres above plinth level.. 99 115 mm thick brick wall with every fourth course reinforced with hoop iron laid in 1 :4 cement sand mortar in super structure. 100 12.5mm thick cement plaster 1:5. 101 20 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 in two coats work. 102 Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles Matt/Semi Matt/Glosy/Highly Gloss finish/Highlighter/emboss conforming to IS :15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacture of approved make in all colours,shades except burgundy, bottle green, black ofsize 600 x 300 mm as approved by Engineer-in- Charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry@ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. 103 Providingand fixingon wallface unplasticisedRigid PVC rain water pipes (working pressure 4 kgf/ cm²) conforming to IS : 4985, including fixing with MS ClampU-PVC pipes (working pressure 4kgf. / sqcm) pipe 110 mm dia. 104 Providingandfixing110mmdia.U.P.V.CbendforRain water pipe as per IS:14735 including jointing complete as per specifications and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge.UPVC 110 mm bend 105 Providingandfixing110mmdiaSWRU.P.V.C Coupling/SocketeforRainwaterpipeasperIS:14735 includingjointingcompleteasperspecificationsandto the entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge. 106 Top khurra 0.6m x 0.6m for rain water pipe in 25mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 over 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16. 107 BottomKhurraonground1.2m.x0.6m.consistingof brickon-edgelaidincementmortar1:3over75mmcement concrete 1:8:16 including 12.5m.m. thick cement 108 Providing and fixing in position gratings 150mm x 150mm for gully trap. PVC grating 109 Terracing consiting of tiles 22.86x11.43x3.83cm laid over 25 mm mud plaster 7.5 cm mud filling onanother layer of 25mm mud plaster including two coats of bitumenlaidhotat1.65Kg./SqmtopofR.C.C.slab includinggroutingwithcementsandmortar1:4andtop surface to be left clean after wire brushing 110 Cement concrete 1:2:4 gola 10cm x 10cm concave quadrant along junction of roofs with parapet wall finishedsmooth, where specially specified. 111 Providing and fixing mineral fibre false ceiling tiles atheight upto 4 mtr.With16mmthickbeveledtegularmineralfibre Anti-microbialfalseceilingtileofsize595X595mmof approvedtexture,designandpattern.Thetilesshould have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 99%, Light Reflection>85%,ThermalConductivity k=0.052-0.057w/mK, FirePerformance asper(BS476pt - 6 &7)intrue horizontal level suspended oninterlockingT-Gridofhot dippedallroundgalvanizedironsectionof0.33mm thick (galvanized @120 gsm) comprising of main T runnersof15x32mmoflength3000mm,crossTof size 15x32mm of length 1200 mm and secondary intermediatecrossTofsize15x32mmoflength600 mmtoformgridmoduleofsize600x600mm suspended fromceiling using galvanized mild steel item (galvanised@80gsm)50mmlong8mmouterdiameter M-6 dash fasteners, 6 mm diameter fully threaded hangerrodupto1000mmlengthandL-shapelevel adjuster of size 85x25x2 mm, spaced at 1200 mm centre to centre along main‘T’. The systemshould rest on periphery walls /partitions with the help of GI perimeterwallangleofsize24x24X3000mmmade of 0.40 mmthicksheet, to be fixed to the wall with help of plasticrawlplugat450mmcentretocentre&40mm longdrywallS.S.screws.Theexposedbottomportion ofallT-sectionsusedinfalseceilingsupportsystem shallbepre-paintedwithpolyesterbakedpaint,forall heights.Theworkshallbecarriedoutasper specifications,drawingsandasperdirectionsofthe engineer-in-charge. 112 Earthfillingunderfloorswithsurplus ordinarysoil or soil containing gravel or kankarupto40%takingoutsidethe premisesin15cm layersincluding ramming,wateringandconsolidatedlead upto 1000 metres 113 Earth filling under floors with surplus ordinary soil or soil containinggravelorkankarupto 40%excavatedfrom foundation and taken only from outside the building plinth in 15 cm layers including ramming, watering and consolidating lead upto 30 metres. 114 Basecourseoffloorconsistingof100mmthickcement concrete1:8:16withstoneaggregate40mmguageand 100mm fine sand filling using mechanical mixer for mixing of material 115 Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes in light colour shades made using Full Body Technology (thickness to be specified by the mfg.) with water absorption’s less than 0.08% and conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand), complete. (Full body vitrified tiles have pigment in entire body / thickness of tile which makes chips and scratches less noticeable and make na ideal choice for high traffic zones) (a) Size 600 x 600 mm 116 ProvidingandLaying OutDoorprecastdesigner chequeredtilesofanysize&anyshape25mm thickness having top layer of white cement mixed with pigment, laid on 20mmthick bed of ordinary cementmortar 1:3(1ordinarycement:3fine sand), joints groutedwithwhitecement slurry containing pigment to matchthe shade complete inallrespectasperspecificationsandtothe entire satisfaction of engineer-in-charge. 117 Marble stone flooring with 18-20 mm thick marble stone, as per sample of marble approved by Engineer-in-charge,over20mm(average)thick base ofcementmortar1:4 (1cement:4 coarse sand)laidandjointedwithgreycementslurry, including rubbing and polishing complete with UdaipurGreenMarbleTilesof thickness 18mm to 20mmSlabs sizes above 0.50 sqm 118 Providingandfixingaluminum workfor doors,windows,ventilatorsandpartitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriatezsectionsandother sectionsconformingtoIs:733andIS: 1285 of Jindal, Hindalco, Mahavir or equivalent makeapproved by Engineer in Charge , fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold fastenersincludingnecessaryfillingupof gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides withrequiredPVCPlug/neoprenefeltetc. aluminumsectionsshallbesmooth,rust free, straight, mitered and jointed mechanicallywhereverrequiredincluding cleatangle,aluminumsnapbeadingfor glazing/paneling, C.P.brass/stainlesssteel screws,allcompleteasperarchitectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-In Charge.(Glazing andpanelingtobepaid for separately) : 119 Providingandfixingaluminum workfor doors,windows,ventilatorsandpartitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriatezsectionsandother sectionsconformingtoIs:733andIS: 1285 of Jindal, Hindalco, Mahavir or equivalent makeapproved by Engineer in Charge , fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold fastenersincludingnecessaryfillingupof gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides withrequiredPVCPlug/neoprenefeltetc. aluminumsectionsshallbesmooth,rust free, straight, mitered and jointed mechanicallywhereverrequiredincluding cleatangle,aluminumsnapbeadingfor glazing/paneling, C.P.brass/stainlesssteel screws,allcompleteasperarchitectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-In Charge.(Glazing andpanelingtobepaid for separately) : 120 Providing & Fixing of 10 gauge welded mesh of 25mm x 25mm size fixed on steel glazing with MS flat 20mm x 6mm beeding complete in all respect including painting two coats with Synthetic Enamel Paint and Priming Coat 121 Providingandfixingglazinginaluminum door,window,ventilatorshuttersand partitionsetc.withPVCPlug/neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architecturaldrawingsandthedirections of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminum snap beading shall be paid in basic item)Float glass panes of 5.5 mm thickness 122 Cost of aluminum fittings complete for doors, windows such as tower bolts, handles,Stoppers and screw etc. for these fittings (Excluding sliding bolt)For shutter area up to 0.50 sqm 123 Wroughtiron&Mildsteelladders,framedgrills, gratings etc.with ends ofbarsriveted or molded forgedframedwindow guards,barredirondoors staircaseironrailingetc.includingcostofbolts andnuts,screws,weldingrodcompletefixingin position 124 Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts ISI marked anodized (anodic coating not less than grade AC10asperIS:1868)transparentordyedtorequired colour or shade with nuts and screws etc. complete : 250mm x 16mm 125 Coldtwisteddeformed(Ribbed/TorSteelBar/TMT)Bars Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-2008, for R.C.C works, where not including in the complete rate of RCC including bending and placing in position complete 126 Preparationofplasteredorconcretesurfaceforpainting (includingsandpaperingthesurface)usingreadymixed cement based wall putty by applying two or more coats to get required finish 127 Applyingprimingcoatwithcementprimerin all shade on newly plastered or concrete exterior surface 128 Wall paintingwithplasticemulsionpaintof approvedbrandandmanufacturertogivean even shade (two or more coats) 129 Finishingwallswithacrylic smoothexterior paint of required shade with two or more coats applied@ 1.67litre/10Sqm over and including base coatofwater proofing Cement Paint applied @ 2.20 Kg/10 Sqm 130 Providing&fixing16gaugestainlesssteel pipe railingof grade304dulyfixedonstepswiththe helpofboltsgroutedonstepswithhandrailand newel post of 50mmdiaStainless steel pipe, Balustersof 40mmdiaStainlesssteel pipeand guard3Nosof 15mmdiaStainlessSteel pipe complete in all respec 131 Civil Works Part 4. New Shed for Visitors 132 Earthworkinexcavationinfoundationstrenches etc. in all kinds of soil where Pick-Jumper work is not involved and not exceeding2.0 metres depth includingdressingofbottomandsidesof trenches,stackingtheexcavatedsoilclearfrom the edge of excavation and subsequentfilling around masonry in 15 cm, layers with compaction includingdisposalofallsurplussoilasdirected within lead of 30 metres. 133 Cement concrete 1:8:16 with stone aggregates 40mm gauge mixingbymechanicalmeansusingconcrete mixer volumetric type 134 Shuttering forfacesofconcrete foundations and foundation beam & plinth beam (vertical or battering) 135 Centering and shuttering for columns (Square or rectangular or poly gonal in plain) 136 Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically mixed using volumetric type concrete mixer asper IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth. 137 Cold twisted detormed (Ribbed/Tor steel)Bars (Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-2008),for R.C.C works,where not including in the complete rate of RCCincludingbendingandbindingplacingin position complete 138 Steel work in built up tubular (round, square orrectangular hollow tubes etc. ISI Marked) trusses etc., including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, including welding and bolted with special shaped washers etc. complete having span:-(a) Up to 17.00 Mtr. Span 139 Providingandfixingpolycarbonatesheetsheet shouldhaveprotectiveguardfilmof25microns minimumto avoid scratchesduring transportation metreorasdesiredbyEngineer-in-charge.The sheet shall be fixed using self drilling /self tapping screwswithEPDMseal,andthejointsshallbe providedwithaluminiumstripsattopandbottom asasealcompleteuptoanypitchinhorizontal/ verticalorcurvedsurfaces,excludingthecostof purlins, rafters and trusses and including cutting to size and shape wherever required.Pollycarbonate sheet Multiwalled 12mm thick 140 Civil Work Part 5. Renovation of Jacha Bacha Kendar 141 Scrapping white wash and colour wash 142 Scrapping Cement plaster 143 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 144 Preparationofplasteredorconcretesurface for painting (including sand papering the surface) using ready mixed cement based wall puttybyapplyingtwoormorecoatstoget required finish 145 Wall paintingwithplasticemulsionpaintof approvedbrandandmanufacturertogivean even shade (two or more coats) 146 FactorymanufacturedSolid flushdoorfixedin position iron hinges, etc (excluding the costofanyfittingsotherthanspecified abovebutincludinglabourforfixingthe same in position (Code : IS-2202-1 (1999)(a) Commercialwithelmorgurjan facing on both \ Sideswith laminated core and lipped edges:- (iv) 35 mm thick 147 Supplying Pressed steel sheet frames (chowkhat) consisting of 18gauge (1.25 mm thick steel sheet ofthespecifiedsection,includingironlugs(hold fast) iron hinges conforming to PWD specification includingboltsforfixingstopslocknotch provisionforreceivingtowerboltsandfinished with 1 primer coat approved quality, fixed in positionexcludingthecostofcementconcrete 1:3:6 for fillings in the frame and cement concrete 1:2:4 for lugs completev(c) Doorsandwindows frameofsize 151mm x60mmwith35mmwidedoublerebate weighing 3.95 kg per meter. 148 Wire gauge Hollock wood door shutter without springs housed in chowkhat. (a)35mm thick 149 Providing&Fixingglasspaneswithnails andputtyorwoodenstripcompleteinall respect (b) Glazing area above 0.09 sqm 4.0mm thick Plate glass (INDIAN) 150 Cost of aluminum fittings complete for doors, windows such as tower bolts, handles,Stoppers and screw etc. for these fittings (Excluding sliding bolt)For shutter area above 0.50 sqm 151 Regradingterracingofmudplaster coveredwithtilesorbricksincementby dismantlingtilesorbricks,removingmud plaster, preparing the surface of mud plaster to proper, slope, relaying mud plasterGobrileapingandtilesorbricks groutedincementmortar1:3(1cement and 3 fine sand) including replacing unserviceable tiles, or bricks with new overanddisposalofunserviceable materialto thedumpinggroundwithin 50 mlead(Thecostofnewtilesorbricks excluded). 152 Cost of new tiles to be used.(only for estimation) 153 Civil Work Part 6. Repair of Terrace 154 Regradingterracingofmudplaster coveredwithtilesorbricksincementby dismantlingtilesorbricks,removingmud plaster, preparing the surface of mud plaster to proper, slope, relaying mud plasterGobrileapingandtilesorbricks groutedincementmortar1:3(1cement and 3 fine sand) including replacing unserviceable tiles, or bricks with new overanddisposalofunserviceable materialto thedumpinggroundwithin 50 mlead(Thecostofnewtilesorbricks excluded). 155 Costof new tiles to be used 156 Cement concrete 1:2:4 gola 10cm x 10cm concave quadrant along junction of roofs with parapet wall finishedsmooth, where specially specified. 157 Civil Work Part 7. Tactile Flooring 158 Providing and Laying Tactile Flooring full body vitrified , low water absorption below 5%, having excellent slip resistance , very dense, durable and abrasion resistant, solid through colour, fade proof, highly chemical and stain resistance unglazed finish porcelain tile of size 300mm x 300mm x 10mm + 5mm thick, approved profile design, Tec-button/Tec-liner laid in ordinary grey cement and on 20mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 filling neat cement slurry between joints with White Cement containing pigment to match the shade complete in all respect. (Tile design and pattern will be as per guidelines issued for persons with disability).csr-14.116(0.016x287.62=4.60+1810=1814.60) 159 Providing&fixing16gaugestainlesssteel pipe railingof grade304dulyfixedonstepswiththe helpofboltsgroutedonstepswithhandrailand newel post of 50mmdiaStainless steel pipe, Balustersof 40mmdiaStainlesssteel pipeand guard3Nosof 15mmdiaStainlessSteel pipe complete in all respec 18.93 CSR item 160 Providing and Installation of Safety signage as per guideline for person with disability made of retro reflective sheeting as per colour specified and writing matter will be of same material in white fixed / pasted over 4mm thick aluminum composite sheet, including cost of writing matter with braille also firmly fixed on wall with nylon fastener, brass screw and washer complete as per specification and as desired by engineer in charge. 161 Civil Work Part 8. 3 Seater Chair 162 3 Seater Stainless steelChair For Patient Waiting Room (including GST+ Contractor Profit) 163 Civil Work Part9. Misc. Work 164 Earth workinexcavation infoundations,trenchesetc. in allkindsofsoilwherepickjumperworkisnotinvolved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from the edge ofexcavation andsubsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm. layers with compaction includingdisposalofallsurplussoilasdirectedwithina lead of 30 metres. 165 Cement Concrete 1:8:16 with 40mm guagestoneaggregateusingconcrete mixing volumetric type 166 Cement concrete1:2:4 with stone ballast or shingle mixing by mechanical means using concrete mixer volumetric type 167 Shutteringforfacesofconcretefoundationsand foundation beam & plinth beam (vertical or battering) 168 Providing & fixing16 gauge stainless steel pipe railingof grade304duly fixed on steps with the helpofboltsgroutedonstepswithhandrailand newel post of 50mmdiaStainless steel pipe, Balustersof 40mmdiaStainlesssteel pipeand guard3Nosof 15mmdiaStainlessSteel pipe complete in all respect 169 Earth filling under floors with surplus ordinary soil or soil containinggravelorkankarupto 40%excavatedfrom foundation and taken only from outside the building plinth in 15 cm layers including ramming, watering and consolidating lead upto 30 metres. 170 Earthfillingunderfloorswithsurplus ordinarysoil or soil containing gravel or kankarupto40%takingoutsidethe premisesin15cm layersincluding ramming,wateringandconsolidatedlead upto 1000 metres 171 Cement concrete 1:8:16 with stone aggregates 40mm gauge mixingbymechanicalmeansusingconcrete mixer volumetric type 172 ProvidingandLaying OutDoorprecastdesigner chequeredtilesofanysize&anyshape25mm thickness having top layer of white cement mixed with pigment, laid on 20mmthick bed of ordinary cementmortar 1:3(1ordinarycement:3fine sand), joints groutedwithwhitecement slurry containing pigment to matchthe shade complete inallrespectasperspecificationsandtothe entire satisfaction of engineer-in-charge. 173 Providingandlaying60mmthickfactory made cement concrete interlocking Paving blocks of M-35 grade manufactured by block making machine equipped with steel mould clamped to a strongvibratory tablewith hydraulic pressure for compactionof concrete as per IRC SP 63 -2014 andof approved size and design / shapelaid inOrdinary Grey Colour and pattern over and including 40 mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc, all complete as perdirectionsof Engineer-in- Charge. 174 Steelworkinbuiltuptubular(round,squareor rectangular hollow tubes etc. ISI Marked) trusses etc.,includingcutting,hoisting,fixinginposition andapplyingaprimingcoatofapprovedsteel primer,includingwelding andboltedwithspecial shaped washers etc. complete having span:-upto 15 Mtr. Span 175 Providing & fixing ACP Sheets of various thickness High Class ISI markedcomplete in all respect as per thedirections of Engineer-in-charge. (ii) 4mm thickACP Sheet 176 Writing On ACP Sheet Usinghigh intensity Microprismatic grade retro reflectiveSheeting TypeIVasperASTMD4956 09 and as per IRC 67 2012 177 Electrical Work (E.I) 178 RECESSED AIR CONDITIONER SUPPLY TERMINAL POINT (USED FOR HGW, PVC CONDUIT & HDPE PIPE WIRING SYSTEM WITH MODULAR ACCESSORIES):Wiring air conditioner supply terminal point recessed in wall etc., complete with powder coated/anodized concealed metal boxes required for suitable number ofmodules (Modular accessories) for having 25Amp. combined/ universal Socket (shuttered) and modular motor starter 25Amp. (2Module), covered with Frame Plate and other petty material etc. including the cost of above material, cutting and filling up of chases (with finishing the surface):-Wiring AC supply terminal pointhaving 1No. 25Amp. universal Socket (shuttered) erected at AC height and 1No. Motor starter 25Amp. erected at switchboard height. 179 RECESSED COMPUTER SUPPLY TERMINAL POINTS (USED FOR HGW, PVC CONDUIT & HDPE PIPE WIRING SYSTEM WITH MODULAR ACCESSORIES):Wiring Computer supply terminal points recessed in wall etc., complete with powder coated/anodized concealed metal boxes required for suitable number of modules (Modular accessories) for having 6Amp. 2/3 universal socket (shuttered), 16/20Amp. combined/ universal Socket (shuttered), 6/10/16/20Amp. Switches and blanking plate etc., and covered with Frame Plate and other petty material etc. including the cost of above material, cutting andfilling up of chases (with finishing the surface):-Wiring Computer terminal point having 3 Nos. 6Amp. 2/3 universal socket (shuttered), 1No. 16 Amp. switch with indicator and 1No. blanking plate (Modular accessories). 180 RECESSED TV, TELEPHONE & NETWORKING SOCKETS OUTLET POINTS (USED FOR HGW,PVC CONDUIT & HDPE PIPE WIRING SYSTEM WITH MODULAR ACCESSORIES):Supply and erection of TV socket, Telephone socket and Networking socket points in powder coated/anodized concealed metal boxes recessed in wall required for suitable number of modules (Modular accessories) forhaving TV sockets, Telephone sockets RJ11 & Networking socket RJ45 (one module), covered with Frame Plate and other petty material etc., including the cost of above material, cutting and filling up of chases (with finishing the surface):-Wiring Networking socket point RJ45 (one module) 181 RECESSED PVC CONDUIT PIPE WIRING SYSTEM WITH MODULAR SWITCHES:Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1.5sq. mm, 1100volts grade to be laid in heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 20mm/ 25mm dia. (ISI Marked) recessed in wall etc., complete with powder coated/anodized concealed metal boxes (1.6mm thick with Brass lugs) required for suitable number of modules (Modular accessories) for having Step type electronic fan regulators (two module) 100watts, bell push, 6Amp. 2/3 universal socket (shuttered), 16/20Amp. combined/ universal Socket (shuttered), 6/10Amp. Switches, 16/20Amp. switches with indicator etc. and covered with Frame Plate etc., PVC connector (For Fan Box and Call Bell), Steel Hooks, Sheet metal fan box (1.6mm thick shape hexagonal), Circular junction Boxes (Four way PVC 1½" deep for walls and CI 3" deep for ceiling), bonding to earth with PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) 1sq. mm, 1100volts grade (For 6Amp. wall socket & plug control point) and other petty material etc., including the cost of above material, cutting and filling up ofchases(with finishing the surface):-Wiring fan point (Without fan box) 182 Wiring light point 183 Wiring call-bell point 184 Wiring 6Amp. wall socket point 185 Wiring 6Amp. Plug control comprising wall socket point 186 Wiring 16/20Amp. power plug control point 187 PVC INSULATED FR COPPER CONDUCTOR CABLES:Supply and erection of PVC insulated FR single core Unsheathed copper conductor cable (ISI marked) suitable upto 1100 volts grade confirm to IS:694/1990 left bare in pipe or casing of suitable size complete in all respect as desired by the Engineer-in-charge:-Overall size (Un-sheathed) 188 Overall size (Un-sheathed) 189 Overall size (Un-sheathed) 190 Overall size (Un-sheathed) 191 Overall size (Un-sheathed) 192 Overall size (Un-sheathed) 193 Overall size (Un-sheathed) 194 XLPE INSULATED ARMOURED CABLES (LOOSE):Supply, laying and erection of aluminium conductor XLPE insulated PVC sheathed armoured and served cable 1100 volts grade as per IS 7098 (Part-1)1988 to be laid loose in the existing trench or pipe as per PWD General Specifications:-Overall size (3½ Core) Armoured (Loose) 195 Overall size (3½ Core) Armoured (Loose) 196 PVC, HDPE PIPES & PVC FLEXIBLE PIPES:Supply & erection of PVC Conduit Pipes (ISImarked)asperIS9537:Part-III& HDPEpipes(ISImarked)asper IS:4984:1995 for wiring purposes includingbends,junctionboxes,Steel hooks,M.S.saddleclampsandother petty materials etc., as per PWD General Specifications:-Heavy Gauge PVC Conduit Pipe 25mm dia. (Flushed) 197 Heavy Gauge PVC Conduit Pipe 32mm dia. (Flushed) 198 Heavy Gauge PVC Conduit Pipe 40mm dia. (Flushed) 199 COPPER EARTHING:8 SWG COPPER EARTHING :Earthing with 8 SWG (4mm dia.) electrolytic copper wire thimbled (1No. copper thimble with suitable size steel bolt, washers & double nut) with 30cm x 60cm x 2mm thick copper plate (made cylindrical) burried below ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia. 125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (20 kg.) including fixing the copper wire run through 20mm dia. G.I. pipe (A-Class) recessed in wall and in floor etc., up to suitable Length in metre (including bore Length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A-class) of suitable Length should be laid in the hole of excavation 1 feet below ground level and having GI Reducer 50mm x 20mm with PVC Cap (For pouring water) fixed on the top level of the pipe. 300mm x 300mm x 300mm deep haudi of First class bricks finished with 1:4 cement plaster and haudi covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x 300mm (Heavy) around the hole of excavation:-Earthing with 8 SWG (4mm dia.)copper wire thimbled with 30cm x 60cm x2mm thick copper plate burried 4.50 metre (14.76 feet) below ground level (up to 8metre in Length) with G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A-class), 3metre long 200 COPPER EARTHING (Upto 8 metre in Length):Earthing with electrolytic Copper Tape rivetted (with 5Nos. copper rivets)/Steel Nut & bolts (with 4Nos. 32mm long, 8mm thick with washer and double nut) to 30cm x 120cm x 2mm thick copper plate (made cylindrical) burried 4.50 metre (14.76 feet) below ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia. 125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (20 kg.) including fixing the Copper Tape recessed in wall and in floor etc., up to 8metre in Length (including bore Length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A-class), 3metre long should be laid in the hole of excavation 1 feet below ground level and having GI Reducer 50mm x 20mm with PVC Cap (For pouring water) fixed on the top level of the pipe. 300mm x 300mm x 300mm deep haudi of First class bricks finished with 1:4 cement plaster and haudi covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x 300mm (Heavy) around the hole of excavation:-Earthing with 20mm x 3mm Copper Tape (upto 8Metre in Length 201 COPPEREARTHINGSTRIP(AsAdditional Length):Fixing additional Length of earthing with Copper Tape (On Surface/Flushed) with petty material as required etc.:-Additional Length 20mm x 3mm thick Copper Tape 202 Fixing additional Length of earthing with 8 S.W.G. (4mm dia.) copper wire in G.I. pipe with sockets, elbows, steel hooks and GI saddle clamps including painting etc.:-Additional Length copper wire 8 S.W.G. (4mm dia.) in 20mm dia. G.I. pipe (On Surface) 203 Additional Length copper wire 8 S.W.G. (4mm dia.) in 20mm dia. G.I. pipe (Flushed) 204 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS/ RCBO"s/ RCCB"s:MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS:Supply and erection of Miniature Circuit Breaker MCB"s for circuit protection against overload and shortcircuit current fault suitable for 240/ 415 volts 50cycles AC supplywith breaking capacity of 10kA, Curve-C and low watt losses as per IS/IEC 60898-1, energy limitation class-3, truecontact indication, label holder facility in the existing MCB distribution board as per PWDGeneralSpecificationsincludingconnections with suitable size of thimbles/lugs:-MCB Single Pole 6-32amp. (10kA, Curve-C) 205 MCB Triple Pole 6-32amp. (10kA, Curve-C) 206 MCB Triple Pole 50, 63amp. (10kA, Curve- C) 207 MCB Four Pole 6-32amp. (10kA, Curve-C) 208 MCB Four Pole 50, 63amp. (10kA, Curve-C) 209 SHEET METAL DOUBLE DOOR DISTRIBUTION BOARD FOR MCB"s/ RCBO"s/ RCCB"s:Supply and erection of sheet metal Double Door Distribution Boards IP 43- IK09 metal door (dust protected) as per IS 8623-1&3, IEC 61439-1&3 suitable for flush mounting with fully insulated copper busbars, shrouded neutral bars, earth bars, cement spill protector, color- coded interconnecting wire set, cable ties, blanking plates and circuit identifications label and of required no. of ways for mounting miniature circuit breakers/ RCBO"s/ RCCB"s in the distribution board (For SP&N distribution board with provision DP MCB"s/ RCCB"s/ RCBO"s as incomer and SP MCB"s as outgoings and for TP&N horizontal distribution board with provision TPN/ FP MCB"s/ RCCB"s/ RCBO"s as incomer and SP MCB"s as outgoings) as per PWD General specificationsincludingconnectionswith suitable size of thimbles and bonding to existing earth etc:-TP&N Horizontal Double Door Distribution Board 6 way each 210 TP&N Horizontal Double Door Distribution Board 8 way each 211 Supply and erection of sheet metal double door vertical distribution boards IP 43-IK09 metal door (dust protected) as per IS:8623-1&3, IEC 61439-1&3 suitable for flush mounting with fully insulated copper busbars for each phase, 2 Nos. shrouded neutral bars, 2Nos. earth bars, cement spill protector, color-coded interconnecting wire set, cable ties, blanking plates andcircuit identifications label and of required no. of ways for mounting MCCB"s as incomer and outgoings SP/TP miniature circuit breakers in the distribution board as per PWD General specifications including connections with suitable size of thimbles and bonding to existing earth etc.:-TP&N Double Door Vertical DB"s 4 way each (With provision of FP MCCB upto 125amp) 212 TP&N Double Door Vertical DB"s 4 way each (With provision of FP MCCB 160amp) 213 SMC GLASS FIBRE INSPECTION BOXES:SupplyanderectionofSMCJunction Box(GlassFibrereinforcedpolyester sheetmouldingcompound)confirming to IS:14772,(Recessed/ On surface), robustly constructed, safe & shock proof,rust&tamperproofofsuitable inner&outerdimensionswith±10% toleranceinsize&hingedwatertight coverwithlockingarrangement complete in all respect as approved and desired by the Engineer In-Charge at site:-SMC Junction Box (Glass Fibre reinforced polyester sheet moulding compound) confirm to IS:14772, inner dimensions 300mm x 200mm x 105mm with hinged water tight cover with locking arrangement 214 OVER HEAD DISTRIBUTION ALUMINIUM CABLES, ACSR CONDUCTORS, CLAMPS, JUMPERS & JOINT KITS:Wiring over-head line in PVC insulated & PVC sheathed two single core aluminium conductor cable overall 1100 volts grade binding with G.I. wire 2mm dia. (14 SWG) with brass/ aluminium link clips complete in all respect as approved and desired by the Engineer In-Charge at site.PVC insulated & PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cable Overall Size 6mm² (1/1.40mm) Twin Core 215 DOUBLE WALLED CORRUGATED (DWC) HDPE PIPES:Supply and erection of Double Walled Corrugated (DWC) HDPE pipe to be laid 1mtr. below ground level including excavation placing the pipe in position and back filling with excavated soil etc. of the required size:-Double Walled Corrugated HDPE Pipe 63/51mm (Outer/ Inner dia.) 216 Double Walled Corrugated HDPE Pipe 90/76mm (Outer/ Inner dia.) 217 Supply and erection of heavy duty aluminium thimbles/lugs for cable end termination duly crimped including making necessary connections completely:Aluminium thimble cable Core size 10 218 Aluminium thimble cable Core size 25 - 219 Aluminium thimble cable Core size 220 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Category 6 Should be unshielded twisted pair cabling system.TIA/EIA-568-C.2 Cabling system conductors should be 23 AWG solid bare copper network support should be ultrahigh speed data networks such as GigaBit Ethernet (1000 Bse T and 1000 Base TX) and beyound cable should be ETL/UL. Certificates are mandatory. Frequency tested up to should be 600 Mhz minimum should be 100 Ohms +/- 15 ohms Box Packing should be 305M should be 25 year systems warranty. Warranty to cover bandwidth of the specified and installed cabvling system and the installation costs. Site Certificate whould be issued by OEM should be Rohs Compliant complete in all respect as per satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge at site. 221 Supply and erection of LED batten 20 Watt LED (including constant LED driver) with High quality extruded aluminium with efficacy of LED fixture minimunm 100 lumens per watt and operating voltage between 140 to 270 volt, THD <10% ingress protection IP20 (as per latest BIS standards) surge protection - 2.5 KV and above (as per IS/IEC standards) wattage of each low power LED less than 1 watt input AC frequency 50 Hz ± 3 % with 5 year warranty including there drivers complete along with erection of the same with connections, testing etc. complete in all respects as approved and desired by the Engineer-in-charge at site. LED Fitting as per Specifications approved by Hon. Tech. Advisor to CM Punjab vide Letter ION No: AT/2021/GL/1410-1422, Dated: 06.05.2021. Besides this the lighting fixtures manufactures should have in house NABL accredited laboratory. 222 Supply and erection of Heavy duty Exhaust Fan 300mm, 900RPM with aluminium louver shutter, double ball bearing longer life including flexible wire & petty material etc. for connections and testing complete in all respect as approved and desired by the Engineer in-charges at site. 223 Supply and erection of 3-Star rating AC Ceiling Fan 1200mm (48") suitable for 230 V single phase with double ball bearing, copper wound, full aluminium body, 3Nos. of blades, white in colour. The mounting type is down rod mount.The product should possess a minimum air deliveryof 210 CMM. The rated speed of the the product must be minimum of 350 revolutions per minute and 5Nos. of speeds. The approximate weight of the product should be 4Kg and 180gms.(without packing) or higher. The product should have a manufcaturer"s guarantee /warranty of minimum 2 years. The product should be complete in all aspects with fan motor, bladeset, down rod, conopy set, shackle kit, twisted wire etc., including erection &testing of ceiling fan having connection with PVC insulated PVC sheathed two single core copper conductor (FR) cable 0.75 sq. mm complete in all respects as per satisfcation of the Engineer in-charge at site. Makes:- Crompton-High Speed, Havell"s ES-40 (3 Star Rating), Bajaj Sabse Tezz 003 ( 3 Star Rating) 224 Supply and erection of Receesed Mounted 36Watt LED Panel (including constant LED driver) with High quality extruded aluminium with efficacy of LED fixture minimunm 100 lumens per watt and operating voltage between 140 to 270 volt, THD <10% ingress protection IP20 (as per latest BIS standards) surge protection - 2.5 KV and above (as per IS/IEC standards) wattage of each low power LED less than 1 watt input AC frequency 50 Hz ± 3 % with 5 year warranty including there drivers complete along with erection of the same with connections, testing etc. complete in all respects as approved and desired by the Engineer-in-charge at site. LED Fitting as per Specifications approved by Hon. Tech. Advisor to CM Punjab vide Letter ION No: AT/2021/GL/1410-1422, Dated: 06.05.2021. Besides this the lighting fixtures manufactures should have in house NABL accredited laboratory. 225 Supply and erection of Slim Recessed mounted, Round downlighter 18 watt, Supply Voltage 140-270Volts AC supply, 50Hz ± 3% (including BIS Certified potted single diver with screen or laser printing logo LED driver) with CRCA sheet with control gear (IP 20 protection), THD<10%, CRI minimum 70,Low power LED with wattage Less 1 Watt, Surge Protection 2.5KV and above as per IS/ IEC Standards, efficacy of LED fixture minimum 100 lumens per watt, 5 year warranty including their drivers complete in all respects as approved and desired by the Engineer in-charge at site. LED Fittings as per specifications approved by Hon"ble Technical Advisor to Punjab Govt. vide LetterION No:- AT/2021/GL/1410-1422 Dated:- 06.05.2021. Besides this the lighting fixtures manufacturers should have in house NABL accredited lab. 226 Supply and erection ofwall Fans 400 Sweep 16" suitable for 230 V single phase with double ball bearing andcopper wound. The product should have amanufcaturer"s guarantee /warranty of minimum 2 years. The product should be complete in all aspects including erection & testing offan complete in all respects as per satisfcation of the Engineer in-charge at site. 227 Supply and erection of LED Flood Light 80 watt, AC supply voltage 140-270 volts, 50Hz ± 3% (including BIS Certified potted single diver with screen or laser printing logo LED driver) with pressure die cast or extruded aluminium housing with control gear (IP 66 protection), THD<10%, CRI minimum 70, High power LED (with wattage 1 to 5 watt) with mandatory secondary lenses, toughened glass fitting, 4 KV SPD within driver and 10KV external SPD, Min IK07, efficacy of LED fixture minimum 120 lumens per watt, 5 year warranty including their drivers complete in all respects as approved and desired by the Engineer in-charge at site. LED Fittings as per specifications approved by Hon"ble Technical Advisor to Punjab Govt. vide LetterNo: AT/2021/GL/1410-1422 Dated: 06.05.2021. Besides this the lighting fixtures manufacturers should have in house NABL accredited lab. 228 CCTV 229 Supply and erection of IP Dome Camera 4 MP output IP technology true day/night DNR,Smart IR DNR,Smart IR upto 20-30m IR distance IP66 weatherproof,POE support,SD Card Storage,2.8/3.6/6mm Fixed lens complet in all respect as desired by the Engineer in charge at site. 230 Supply and erection of IP Bullet Camera 4 MP output IP technology true day/night DNR,Smart IR DNR,Smart IR upto 20-30m IR distance IP66 weatherproof,POE support,SD Card Storage,2.8/3.6/6mm Fixed lens complet in all respect as desired by the Engineer in charge at site. 231 Supply & Erection OF 32 Channel IP input NVR withH.265&Four-streamvideo compression Support both HD-IPcameras with adaptive access Full channel@1080P resolution real-time recording HDMI and VGA output at up to 1920×1080P resolution ,ONVIF,1 Gigabitports playback at 1080P resolution Support up to 8-ch synchronous complete in all respect as desired by the engineer in charge at site. Make- 232 Supply & erection of 6000 GB Audio Video HDD for NVR recording and playback complete in all respect as desired by the Engg. In charge at site. 233 Supply & Erection of 8 Ports POE Switch 10/100/1000 Mbps speed having 120watts budget,15 Watt per port,Port Isolation,VLAN Isolation,Flow control for protection against dta loss,Surge protection (6KV),Support the IEEE 802.3 af/at Power over Ethernet protocol,three operating modes,protects against DHCP deception,broadcast storms,and virus attacks,extendmode supports an extra long transmission distance of 250 meters at 10Mbps,with 1 No. 10/100/1000 Mbps copper uplink port. 234 Supply & Erection of 16 Ports POE+ Switch 10/100/1000 Mbps speed having 150watts budget,Support 30watt POE+ Devices15 Watt per port,Port Isolation,VLAN Isolation,Flow control for protection against data loss,Surge protection (6KV),Support the IEEE 802.3 af/at Power over Ethernet protocol,three operating modes,protects against DHCP deception,broadcast storms,and virus attacks,extendmode supports an extra long transmission distance of 250 meters at 10Mbps,with 1 No. 10/100/1000 Mbps copper uplink port. 235 Supply & Erection of 43"" Commercial LED Pannel with 2 HDMI Port,VGA input,inbuilt speaker,Min.50000 hours panel life,computer input,TV Input,3Year onsite warranty,complete in all respects as desired by the Engineer in charge at site. 236 Supply & erection of 3 Meter Long Superior HDMI cable complete in all respect as desired by the Engg. in charge at site. 237 Supply & Erection of RJ-45 Male Connectorcomplete in all respect as Desired by the Engg in charge at site. 238 Supply & erection of 25mm ISI Marked PVC Channel on Wall surfacecomplete in all respect as desired by the Engg. in charge at site. 239 Supply & erection of 6U Wall mount 19"" Rack with glass door,lock & Key facility 400mm 500mm depth with 3 point CPD with AC Fuse,Cable Manager & Fan . 240 Supply & Erection of 1KVA LIT Sine Wave UPS/Power Plant with SMF batteries having 30 Minutes backup time. 241 Supply & Erection of 600KVA LIT Sine Wave UPS/Power Plant with SMF batteries having 30 Minutes backup time. 242 Networking 243 Supply Installation Testing and Commissioningof10 port 10/100 PoE switch, 8*10/100 PoE port + 2 10/100 uplink, power budget 120W, IEEE 802.3af/atextended range 250 mtr completealong with erection of the same with connections, testing etc. complete in all respects as approved and desired by the Engineer-in-charge at site. 244 Supply & Erection of 1KVA LIT Sine Wave UPS/Power Plant with SMF batteries having 30 Minutes backup time. 245 Supply and erection of Wall Mounted 6U Rack with power point and fan. complete in all respect as approved and desired by the Engineer in-charges at site 246 Public Health 247 Excavation manually in trenches for pipe lines with straight or open cuttingin streets and lanes in built up area where width of street / Lane from wall to wall is less than 3 meter including trimming and dressing sides levelling of beds of trenches to correct grade, cutting joint holes, refilling consolidation, watering , including the cost of dewatering of rain water, diversion for traffic, night signals. Providing & fixing caution boards, watching, fencing, etc. and removal of surplus soil from the site upto 15 meter distance complete in all respects . Earth work upto 1.5 m. Depth All classes of soil except rocky 248 Providing, laying in trenches to correct gradient and alignment and jointing of UPVC pipes having ISI specification IS:15328-2003 class-SN-8 marked make Supreme, Finolex, Kissan, Jain, Prince or equivalent good on them and laying the same in trenches to correct alignment and gradients, cutting and jointing, testing for water tightness and making good the leakages and defects including cost of specials (Specials and Solvent should be of same make as that of pipes) complete in all respects.Type A 160mm o/d SWR UPVC pipe line laid complete 249 Providing and filling sand grading as per specifications or fine grade around the various sizes of G.I. pipes in external work.For covering Sewer Line Type IIFor Sewer Line 160 mm i/d (Type-I) as per Detail attached 250 Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:5 ( 1 cement : 5 coarse sand ) R.C.C. top slab 20cm thick using M-20 mix by using mixer and vibrator, TMT Fe500 @ 63.464 kg/per cum, foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement: 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) inside plastering 12mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement and making 40mm thick benching in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, Orange coloured PVC steps including RCC cover with frame complete as per standard design complete in all respects. 251 Providing and fixing in position SWR UPVC soil waste vent or antisyphonage pipes as per IS -13592 of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge )including cutting, jointing, wastage, but excluding cost of lead jointing. Type - Bqty as per Table Atached 110mm o/d SWR UPVC pipe line laid complete 252 75mm o/d SWR UPVC pipe line laid complete 253 Providing and fixing in position SWR UPVC specials for soil waste vent or anti syphonage pipes as per as per IS - 14735 of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) including cutting and wastage etc. cutting holes in walls roofs or floors etc. and making good to its original condition but excluding cost of lead joining. For 110mm o/d pipes 254 For 110mm o/d pipes 255 Elbow 90 degree ( all side socketed) 256 Coupler 257 For 75mm i/d pipes 258 Elbow 90 degree ( all side socketed) 259 Coupler 260 Single Tee (Description Changed) 261 Floor trap 110mm x 75mm Deep 262 Providing PVC solvent cement joints to SWR Pipes and specials including cost of PVC solvent cement and toolsetcof approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) 263 110mm o/d 264 90mm o/d 265 Providing and fixing in position gully traps fixed in cement concrete 1:4:8 complete with Grating 150mm x 150mm, cover and frame clear opening 300mm x 300mm and out of side size 330mm x 330mm and chamber including cost of all bricks work in cement morter 1:5 cement concrete 1:2:4 in coping around cover and frame per standard design minimumdepth of water should be 150 mm with a minimum seal 50mm. 266 100mm internal Diametre S.W.gully trap with H.C.I. grating and cast iron cover weighing approximately 7.26 kg. and frame clear opening 300mm x 300mm and out of side size 330mm x 330mm 267 Construction of brick masonry inspection chambers size as given below upto 0.60 m average depth in 1:5 cement sand mortar, lime concrete with 40 per cent lime mortar 2:3 in foundation, cement concrete 1:2:4 benching 12.50mm thick cement plaster 1:2 with a floating coat of 1mm thick of neat cement, R.C.C. 1:2:4 slabs 100mm thick cement concrete topping 50mm thick with 455mm x 455mm, 455mm x 610mm inside light duty C.I. inspection chamber cover and frame (Weight as per I.S.I specifications) painted with 3 coats of black bitumastic paint conforming to I.S.I complete as per standard design. 268 450mm x 600mm inside with 455mm x 610mm cover and frame light duty double seal 269 Providing, Laying , fixing & jointing ofP.V.C. Pipes as per ISI-4985 (ISI marked with the prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge) along the Trenches and laying the same in Trenches to correct alignment and gradients, cutting, jointing and testing complete as per specifications. 270 110mm o/d pipe of 6Kgf. / sqcm For rain water 271 CONCEALED IN WALL: Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes as per IS 15778 (ISI marked with the prior approval of Engineer-in Charge), having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing including jointing of pipes & fittings, with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of pipes complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 272 SDR 11 CPVC pipes & fittings 20mm o/d 273 SDR 11 CPVC pipes & fittings 25mm o/d 274 Cutting holes upto 23cm square through B.B. in cement walls or stone masonary wall in cement for pipes, and making good the same & finishing according to existing finish where required. 275 Through wall 11.43 cm thick 276 Through wall 22.86 cm thick 277 Providing, fixing and jointing Brass Ball valves screwed with SS/BRASS ball & spindle & Teflon seats, on G.I. Pipe lines including all carriages complete. 278 25mm i/d Brass Ball valves 279 Providing and fixing in position Chinaware Indian Orisa water closetsize 580mm of approved make (to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge) consisting of10 ltr. PVC flushing cistern including cost of PVC long bend 32 mm dia complete in all respect and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 280 Providing and fixing in position Chinaware European type water closet P trap or S trap of approved make (to the approval of the Engineer in charge ) consisting of 10 ltr. PVC flushing cistern, PVC short bend 32mm dia including cost of seat cover complete in all respect and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer in charge. 281 Providing and fixing in position Chinaware Floor Mounted One Piece EWC type with matching chinaware cistern 10 ltr. Capacity. (without cistern fitting) with P trap or S trap of approved make (to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge) and seat cover complete in all respect and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 282 Chinaware Floor Mounted One Piece EWC rim less type with matching chinaware cistern 10 ltr. Capacity. (without cistern fitting) size 69x36x74 cm with P trap or S trap and seat cover complete in all respect. 283 Providing and fixing jet spray with 2"-6" long PVC pipe.With PTMT nut 284 Providing & Fixing in position C.P. Brass Hexa Nipple 15mm of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) complete in all respect. 285 Providing and fixing in position vitreous Chinaware white large flat back or angular lipped front urinal 610 mm highof approved make (to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge)(610 mm x 410 mm x 380mm) consisting of C.P. waste 32 mm dia and C.P. brass spreader, complete. 286 Providing and fixingin position vitreous chinaware white lavatory suites of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge)consisting of C.P. brass waste 32mm dia with one C.P. brass pillar tap complete in all respect. 287 Size 49 cm dia (above counter round) 288 Providing & fixing in position best Indian make PVC flexible tube connection.PVC tube connection of size 15 mm x 375 mm with PTMT nut 289 Providing and fixing PVC waste pipe 32mm complete in all respect. 290 Providing and fixingin positiontowel rails / ring of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) fixed in with rawl plugs embedded in walls with brass screws complete in all respect.C.P. brass towel Ring 291 Providing and fixingin position C.P. brass soap dishof approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) fixed into wall with rawl plugs and C.P brass screws complete in all respect. 292 Providing & Fixing in postion 15 mm i/d bib cock of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) complete in all respect. 293 C.P Brass bib cock long body 294 C.P Brass bib cock without flange 295 Providing & Fixing in postion stop cock / Angle valve (as approved by the Engineer-in-charge). 296 C.P.brass 15mm Angle valve 297 C.P.brass 15mm Concealed stop cock with flange 298 Providing & Fixing in position C.P. Brass flange of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) under various fixtures complete in all respect. 299 Providing & Fixing in position C.P. Brass extension piece 25mm long to 50mm long of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge )with various fixtures complete in all respect. 300 Providing & Fixing in position 5mm thick bevelled edge mirror of superior glass (of approved make) complete with 4mm thick hard board backingfixed in with rawl plugs 50mm, C.P. brass screws and washers and S/S Studs on topcomplete in all respect (as required by the Engineer-in- Charge) Size 600mm x 450mm 301 Providing & Fixing in position C.P./Aluminium Khunti of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) fixed into wall with C.P. brass screws and rawl plugs etc. complete in all respect. C.P. Brass khunti with 3 pegs 302 Providing and fixing Stainless steel health faucet complete in all respect. 303 Vitreous white Chinaware Partition 304 Large partitionssize 835mm x 355mm 305 Providing and fixing in position paper holders of approved make (to the approval ofEngineer-in-charge) fixed into wall with C.Pbrass screws complete in all respect. 306 C.P. brass toilet paper holder 307 Providing & placing in position on terrace (at all floor levels) HDPE water storage tanks of approved make (to the approval of Engineer -in-charge) with cover with suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and over flo pipes but without fittings and base support for tank. Triple Layer Tanks 308 2000 ltr Capacity - 1no. And 2no. X 1000 ltr. ( 3 Nos.) 309 Providing and fixing in position automatic brass Ball Cock in tanks. 310 Brass Ball Cock with rod andPlastic Ball 25mm i/d32mm i/d 311 Providing and fixing in position G.I. Tank Nipple of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) in PVC Water storage tanks complete in all respect. 312 G.I. tank nipple 25mmi/d 313 Providing and fixing of FIREEXTINGUISHER, ABCPowder type (storedpressure) asper IS:15683 completewithallaccessories as per ManufacturesSpecification. ISI Mark complete in all respect. 314 4 Kg. Capacity 315 Providing and fixingin position best quality stainless steel sinks withcomplete fitting. 316 Double bowl sinkoverall size 1100x475mm,bowl size 463mmx388mmx200mm 317 Providing and fixing in position vitreous Chinaware white laboratory sinks of approved make (to the approval of Engineer in-charge) consisting of a pair of brackets, C.P. brass waste 40mm complete in all respect.(a) Size 450 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm 318 Providing & fixing 15 mm C.P brass laboratory cock swan neck of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) complete in all respect. 319 Laboratory cock swan neck One Way 320 Providing & fixing in position 15 mm i/d C.P brass wall mixer of approved make (to theapproval of Engineer-in-charge ) complete in all respect. 321 C.P. brass wall mixer without telephonic shower 322 Providing and fixing in position CP Brass single lever surgical mixer with swingingspout approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) complete in all respect. 323 Providing and fixing in postion storage type automatic electric water heater pressure type thermostatically controlled, single phase wall mounted of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) with thermostats, inner container of stainless steel, Inner glass lining with B-Rating minimum 3 stars complete with 1 Mtr. three core flexible cord with plug, non return valve and pressure release valve complete including fixing and testing complete in all respect. Vertical type 324 25 litre capacity water heater 325 Base course of floor consisting of 100mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 and 100mm sand filling using mechanical mixer for mixing of material 326 Providing and laying Rectified Porcelin floor tiles 400x400mm or more (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) of premium quality conforming to IS:15622 of approved make in all colours laid on 20mm thick bed of Cement Mortar 1:4 ( 1 Cement : 4 Fine sand) for new flooring complete . 327 Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles Matt/Semi Matt/Glosy/Highly Glossfinish/Highlighter/emboss conforming to IS : 15622 (thickness to be specified by themanufacture of approved make in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black ofsize 600 x 300 mm as approved by Engineer-in Charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over12 mm thick bed of cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. 328 Coloured Granite stone tiles 20mm thick in skirting, risers of steps, dado walls and pillars laid in 12.5mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse sand) and jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of stone, including rubbing and polishing including labour for fixing dowel pins and cramps. 329 Extra labour for projected nosing of stair case of any shape and design. 330 Supply, installing and comissioning of BEE 5 star 1.0 ton split type air conditioner ISI marked reputed/equivalent make wall mounted Air Conditioner invertor technology including cordless remote variable speed with 100% copper coil material (evaporator and condensor) for installing ID and OD units on terrace. 331 Supply, installing and comissioning of BEE 5 star 1.5 ton split type air conditioner ISI marked reputed/equivalent make wall mounted Air Conditioner invertor technology including cordless remote variable speed with 100% copper coil material (evaporator and condensor) for installing ID and OD units on terrace. 332 Supply, installing and comissioning of BEE 5 star 2.0 ton split type air conditioner ISI marked reputed/equivalent make wall mounted Air Conditioner invertor technology including cordless remote variable speed with 100% copper coil material (evaporator and condensor) for installing ID and OD units on terrace. 333 AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE STABLIZER:Supply and erection of Single phasecopper wound Automatic voltagestablizer of suitable capacityelectronically controlled circuit withinputvoltage140-260voltssinglephaseAC supply and output voltage 220±5%volts single phase AC supply havingmain silicon core copper wound stepup transformer with suitablenos. of turnson primary side and secondary side the transformer should be fully insulatedinside the MS sheet box of suitable size. There should be power control relayandsingle pole MCB (C-curve, 10kA) ofsuitable capacity complete with internal copper wiring along with amp .meter andvoltmeter, high voltage cut off 280 volt input (240 volt output) and 90 voltmaximum boost and overloadingprotection to be provided: 334 Automatic Voltage Stablizer 3 KVA 335 Automatic Voltage Stablizer 4 KVA 336 Automatic Voltage Stablizer 5 KVA 337 Providing laying hard soft copper concealing of copper pipes ofdia 12.7mm od ( insulation = 13mm)/ 9.5mm od (insulation = 13mm ) and wall thickness 0.8mm, insulated, 4mm electric wire sheathed 3 core double insulated / taping laying in chase cutting of wall and repairing the same within the building and installing charges complete in all respects. 338 For 1.0 tonne split AC- 3 mtr/ each 339 For 1.5 tonne split AC- 3 mtr/ each 340 For 2.0 tonne split AC- 3 mtr/ each 341 Providing, laying, jointing, fixing and testing ISI Marked uPVC Pipe with G.I. specials as per ISI-4985, including cost of G.I. specials such as tees, bends, sockets, elbows etc. testing inside building complete. uPVC Pipe 6 Kgf/cm2 - 40mm i/d 342 For 1.0 tonne split AC- 3 mtr/ each 343 For 1.5 tonne split AC- 3 mtr/ each 344 For 2.0 tonne split AC- 3 mtr/ each