Tenders are invited for Break Room Equipment - Refrigerators, Microwaves, Coffee Machines ,Water Coolers etc Application forms for Registration can be obtained until December 31, 2024 between 09.00 a.m. to 03.00 p.m. on any working day from the office of Manager Procurement, Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation, No: 15, Rock House Lane, Colombo - 15, for a non - refundable fee of Rs.1,000/= (Rupees Thousand) in cash for each category for which the registration is sought. Please submit the written request with company letter head to obtain the application forms, and item number should be mentioned in the letter. A copy of the Company Registration Certificate should be submitted. The relevant application can also be obtained from corporation web site (www.dhc.qov.lk).The Deposit amount should be made to the BOC Account No 1446 functioned of CFHC account and the Bank slip must be attached to the application form when submitted. All applications should be sent before January 09,2025, after the advertisement published. Tender Link : https://tenders.lk/site/tenders/view_tender?tender_id=518361&slug=ministry-of-fisheries-ceylon-fishery-harbours-corporation-registration-of-suppliers-for-the-year-2025
Contact Information
Attn: Chairman Procurement Division on Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation No.l 5, Rock House, Colombo - 15 Tel: +94-011 - 2525063
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