Fresh Tomato, Prepackaged, Black, Granulated, Indian Tea. No Mold, Extraneous Odors, Flavors And Impurities Are Allowed 250 G, Cooked Food, Iodized In 1 Kg Packages, Free-Flowing Crystalline Product, The Presence Of Extraneous Mechanical Impurities Is Not Allowed, White Color,, Ground Black Pepper, Fresh, Pickled, Salted Cucumbers In Glass Jars With A Capacity Of 2 Liters, Tomato Paste 1 Liter, Balgyn, Dry, Natural Juice In Two-Liter Cans, Fresh, Unfrozen, Remains Of Internal Organs, Blood Clots, Fringes, Contaminated, Not Allowed Must Have Bruises And Bruises, Kissel, Fresh Waffles, Wheat Flour, The Highest Grade, From Hard Varieties Of Wheat, Crushed, Polished Kernels, Color White With Various Shades, Without Extraneous Odors, Polypropylene Bags 25-50 Kg, Clean And Dry, Chopped Coreless Clean And Dry Polypropylene Bags 25 Kg, Opaque, Floury, Cream-Colored, Without Extraneous Odor, Not Musty, Not Moldy, Dense Packaging, Polypropylene Bags, 25 Kg, Dry And Clean, Color Yellow Of Various Shades, Smell Characteristic Of Millet, Without Extraneous Odors, Aftertastes, Packing Dense, Dry, Pearl Groats Of Peeled And Polished Whole Barley Grains, Shelled, Polished Peas, Yellow Or Green In Color, Poltava No. 1 Is Large, Elongated, With Rounded Ends