Work Detail
Selection/Empanelment Of Manufacturer Towards Supply Of Farm Machinery And Farm Equipments Under Hpcdp (P-Ii)-Jica-Oda-Mini Tractor (2WD) 2 15 BHP-16 BHP 3 16 BHP-17 BHP 4 17 BHP-18 BHP 5 18 BHP-19 BHP 6 19 BHP-20 BHP 7 20 BHP-21 BHP 8 21 BHP-22 BHP 9 22 BHP-23 BHP 10 23 BHP-24 BHP 11 24 BHP-25 BHP 12 25 BHP-26 BHP 13 26 BHP-27 BHP 14 27 BHP-28 BHP 15 28 BHP-29 BHP 16 29 BHP-30 BHP 17 30 BHP-31 BHP 18 31 BHP-32 BHP 19 32 BHP-33 BHP 20 33 BHP-34 BHP 21 34 BHP-35 BHP 22 Mini Tractor (4WD) 23 15 BHP-16 BHP 24 16 BHP-17 BHP 25 17 BHP-18 BHP 26 18 BHP-19 BHP 27 19 BHP-20 BHP 28 20 BHP-21 BHP 29 21 BHP-22 BHP 30 22 BHP-23 BHP 31 23 BHP-24 BHP 32 24 BHP-25 BHP 33 25 BHP-26 BHP 34 26 BHP-27 BHP 35 27 BHP-28 BHP 36 28 BHP-29 BHP 37 29 BHP-30 BHP 38 30 BHP-31 BHP 39 31 BHP-32 BHP 40 32 BHP-33 BHP 41 33 BHP-34 BHP 42 34 BHP-35 BHP 43 Tractor (2 WD) 44 18 BHP-19 BHP 45 19 BHP-20 BHP 46 20 BHP-21 BHP 47 21 BHP-22 BHP 48 22 BHP-23 BHP 49 23 BHP-24 BHP 50 24 BHP-25 BHP 51 25 BHP-26 BHP 52 26 BHP-27 BHP 53 27 BHP-28 BHP 54 28 BHP-29 BHP 55 29 BHP-30 BHP 56 30 BHP-31 BHP 57 31 BHP-32 BHP 58 32 BHP-33 BHP 59 33 BHP-34 BHP 60 34 BHP-35 BHP 61 35 BHP-36 BHP 62 36 BHP-37 BHP 63 37 BHP-38 BHP 64 38 BHP-39 BHP 65 39 BHP-40 BHP 66 40 BHP-41 BHP 67 41 BHP-42 BHP 68 42 BHP-43 BHP 69 43 BHP-44 BHP 70 44 BHP-45 BHP 71 45 BHP-46 BHP 72 46 BHP-47 BHP 73 47 BHP-48 BHP 74 48 BHP-49 BHP 75 49 BHP-50 BHP 76 Tractor (4 WD) 77 18 BHP-19 BHP 78 19 BHP-20 BHP 79 20 BHP-21 BHP 80 21 BHP-22 BHP 81 22 BHP-23 BHP 82 23 BHP-24 BHP 83 24 BHP-25 BHP 84 25 BHP-26 BHP 85 26 BHP-27 BHP 86 27 BHP-28 BHP 87 28 BHP-29 BHP 88 29 BHP-30 BHP 89 30 BHP-31 BHP 90 31 BHP-32 BHP 91 32 BHP-33 BHP 92 33 BHP-34 BHP 93 34 BHP-35 BHP 94 35 BHP-36 BHP 95 36 BHP-37 BHP 96 37 BHP-38 BHP 97 38 BHP-39 BHP 98 39 BHP-40 BHP 99 40 BHP-41 BHP 100 41 BHP-42 BHP 101 42 BHP-43 BHP 102 43 BHP-44 BHP 103 44 BHP-45 BHP 104 45 BHP-46 BHP 105 46 BHP-47 BHP 106 47 BHP-48 BHP 107 48 BHP-49 BHP 108 49 BHP-50 BHP 109 Attachments of mini tractor/ tractor 110 Rotavator 111 3 feet 112 4 feet 113 5 feet 114 6 feet 115 Multi Crop Seed cum fertlilzer drill 116 7 rows with adjustable row spacing & Seed rate 117 9 rows with adjustable row spacing & Seed rate 118 Potato planter 119 1 row automatic 120 2 rows automatic 121 Vegetable transplanter 122 1 row semi-automatic 123 2 rows semi-automatic 124 Raised bed planter 125 1 row adjustable spacing and seed rate 126 2 rows adjustable spacing and seed rate 127 Potato Digger 128 1.2 m width of cut 129 1.5 m width of cut 130 Multi crop thresher 131 Output capacity of 0.5 to 1 ton per hour 132 Output capacity of 1 to 1.5 ton per hour 133 Ridger 134 Two bottom with adjustable spacing 135 Front mounted Reaper Binder 136 1.00 m to 2.00 m cutter bar width 137 2.00 m to 3.00 m cutter bar width 138 3.00 m to 4.00 m cutter bar width 139 Power tiller 140 1 BHP-2 BHP 141 2 BHP-3 BHP 142 3 BHP-4 BHP 143 4 BHP-5 BHP 144 5 BHP-6 BHP 145 6 BHP-7 BHP 146 7 BHP-8 BHP 147 8 BHP-9 BHP 148 9 BHP-10 BHP 149 10 BHP-11 BHP 150 11 BHP-12 BHP 151 12 BHP-13 BHP 152 13 BHP-14 BHP 153 14 BHP-15 BHP 154 Attachments of Power tiller 155 Reaper 156 Reaper cum binder 157 Cultivator attachment 158 3 tynes 159 5 tynes 160 Seed cum fertiliser drill 161 3 rows with adjustable row spacing & seed rate 162 5 rows with adjustable row spacing & seed rate 163 Potato planter 164 Spacing:-Single row 165 Vegetable transplanter 166 Spacing:-Single row 167 Weeder attachment/Rotary/Tyne/Blade type 168 2 rows with adjustable row spacing 169 3 rows with adjustable row spacing 170 Ridger attachment 171 1 row with adjustable size & spacing 172 2 rows with adjustable row size & spacing 173 Bund Former 174 Single Bund 175 Cage Wheel 176 Standard Size 177 Trailer Attachment 178 0.5 to 1 ton capacity 179 Water pump attachment 180 Matching to available power 181 MB plow 182 Two bottom 183 Sprayer Attachment 184 Matching to power source 185 Potato digger 186 0.5 m to 0.6 m cutting width 187 0.6 m to 0.7 m cutting width 188 Power Weeder 189 6 BHP-7 BHP 190 7 BHP-8 BHP 191 8 BHP-9 BHP 192 9 BHP-10 BHP 193 10 BHP-11 BHP 194 Attachments of Power Weeder 195 Cultivator attachment 196 Having specification of 3 tynes 197 Having specification of 5 tynes 198 Ridger attachment 199 Having 20 cm to 40 cm 200 Ridger 2 attachment 201 Matching to power 202 Weeder attachment/ Blade harrow 203 Matching size with adjustable spacing 204 Seed cum fertiliser drill 205 2 rows with adjustable row spacing 206 3 rows with adjustable row spacing 207 Sprayer Attachment 208 Matching to power source 209 Reaper attachment 210 Matching to power source 211 Potato digger 212 0.3 m to .4 m cutting width 213 Water Pump attachment 214 Matching to power source 215 Trailer Attachment 216 Upto .5 tons capacity 217 Cage Wheel 218 Standard Size 219 MB plow 220 Single bottom 221 Brush Cutter (Petrol Engine) 222 1 BHP - 2 BHP 223 2 BHP - 3 BHP 224 3 BHP - 4 BHP 225 4 BHP - 5 BHP 226 Manually/Animal Drawn Operated implements 227 Paddy planter 228 2 rows with adjustable spacing 229 Seed cum fertiliser drill 230 1 row with adjustable spacing and seed rate 231 3 row with adjustable spacing and seed rate 232 Vegetable transplanter 233 1 row with SS Pipe 100mm Dia body 234 Punch Planter and Rotary Dibbler 235 Capacity:-250 to 400 sq.m/hr 236 Wheel Hoe/Cono Weeder 237 Size:-15 to 20 cm:Capacity:-0.1 to 0.2 hec/day 238 Power operated paddy weeder 239 Power:-2-3.5 HP with adjustable spacing; Capacity:-0.5 hec/day 240 Knapsack Battery Sprayer 241 Tank Capacity:-12-16 ltrs. 242 Foot sprayer 243 Standard 244 Chaff cutter 245 Two blade flywheel type ;Output:-150 to 200 kg/hr 246 Self Propelled Mahcinery 247 Power operated sprayer (Knapsack type) (Petrol Engine) 248 1 BHP - 2 BHP, Capacity: 1 - 2 hec./hr 249 2 BHP - 3 BHP, Capacity: 1 - 2 hec./hr 250 3 BHP - 4 BHP, Capacity: 1 - 2 hec./hr 251 Self Propelled reaper (1.0 to 1.2 m cutter bar width ; 4 to 6 HP Diesel/Petrol Engine 252 Two Belt Reaper 253 Three Belt Reaper 254 Self propelled reaper binder (Size:-1.2m Capacity :0.2 to 0.3 hec/hr 255 Three Wheel Type 256 Four Wheel Type 257 Power Operated mini maize sheller 258 Having Capacity of 0.4 to 1.5 tons/hr 259 Power operated chaff cutter 260 3 to 5 HP Single Phase Electric motor output 500-1200 Kg/hr 261 Additional Attachments
Contact Information
Contact Person
O/o Project Director,HPCDP(P-II)-JICA-ODA,Hamirpur
O/o Project Director, HPCDP(P-II)-JICA-ODA, Hamirpur
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