Endocapsular Ring, Cornea Assessment For Contact Lens Adaptation, Lacrimal Tract Assessment With Probing, Ultrasonic Mocular Biometry, Lower Blepharoplasty, 06/17/2024, Sup/Inf Blepharoplasty, Sup/Inf Blepharoplasty + Supercilium, Upper Blepharoplasty, Calazio - Monocular Surgical Treatment, Computerized Campimetry Binocular, Monocular Yag Laser Capsulotomy, Superficial Keratectomy, Corrective Strabismus Surgery, Cataract Surgery By Phacoemulsification With Illumination Implant + Specular Microscopy + Ultrasonic Biometry + Cataract Assessment, Refractive Surgery With Excimer Laser, Specialized Medical Consultation, Surgical Correction Of Monocular Trichiasis , Monocular Corneal Crosslinking, Daily Pressure Curve Ocular, Monocular Ectropion (Surgical Treatment), Endolaser, Monocular Entropion (Surgical Treatment), Enucleation Or Evisceration With Eye Bulb Implant, Monocular Argon Laser Epilation, Monocular Electrocautery Epilation, Pterygium Excision With Monocular Conjunctival Transplantation , Pterygium Excision Without Monocular Conjunctival Transplantation, Eyelid Tumor Excision With Monocular Plastic, Intraocular Lens Explant, Monocular Laser Retinal Photocoagulation, Binocular Gonioscopy, Monocular Intrastromal Ring Implant, Secondary Intraocular Lens Implant, Silicone Oil Infusion/Perfluo/C3f8 , Intravitreal Injection (Avastin) Monocular, Monocular Yag Laser Iridotomy, Anterior Chamber Washing, Monocular Retinal Mapping, Monocular Corneal Specular Microscopy, Oct Disco, Oct Macula, Binocular Ultrasonic Pachymetry, Pentacam, Monocular Ptosis (Surgical Treatment), Monocular Punctoplasty, Eyelial Repositioning, Eyelash Repositioning , Binocular Simple Color Retinography, Fluorescent Retinography, Retinopexy With Scleral Introflexion, Silicone Oil Removal, Monocular Lacrimal Tract Probing, Conjunctiva Suturing, Corneal Suturing, Scleral Suturing, Eyelid Suturing, High Complexity Sedation Rate, Medium Sedation Rate, Simple Sedation Rate, Orthoptic Test, Cornea Topography / Binocular Keratoscopy, Botulinum Toxin, Intra-Vitreous Triamcinolone (Monocular), Eyeball Ultrasound / B Echo - Monocular, Posterior Vitrectomy