Anesthetist Consultation At Provider, Cardiology Consultation At Provider, Outpatient Surgery Consultation At Provider, General Surgery Consultation At Provider, Pediatric Surgery Consultation At Provider, 07/31/2023, 10/19/2023, Plastic Surgery Consultation At Provider, Thoracic Surgery Consultation At Provider, Vascular Surgery Consultation At Provider, Coloprotology Consultation At The Provider, Dermatology Consultation At The Provider, Endocrinology Consultation At The Provider, Gastroenterology Consultation At The Provider, Geriatrics Consultation At The Provider, Gynecology/Obstetrics Consultation At The Provider, Hebiatrics Consultation At The Provider, Homeopathy Consultation At Provider, Mastologist Consultation At The Provider, Nephrology Consultation At The Provider, Neurology Consultation At Provider, Orthopedics Consultation At The Provider, Ent Consultation At The Provider, Pulmonology Consultation At The Provider, Psychiatry Consultation At The Provider, Rheumatology Consultation At The Provider, Urology Consultation At The Provider, Occupational Medicine Consultation, Videonasofibrolaryngoscopy At The Provider, Videostroboscopy At Provider, Audiometry, Immitantiometry, Transthoracic Echocardiogram, Echocardiogram Fetal With Color Doppler, Infant Echocardiogram With Color Doppler, Exercise Test, Pacemaker Assessment And Measurement Of The Implanted Device, 24H Holter System - 3 Channels, Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring – Map, General Ultrasonography At The Provider, Obstetric Ultrasonography With Color Doppler And Pulse Pulse At Provider, Obstetric Morphological Ultrasonography At Provider, Ultrasound Obstetric Morphological Twin At The Provider, Obstetric Ultrasound With Nuchal Translucency At The Provider, Obstetric Ultrasound With Twin Nuchal Translucency At The Provider, Obstetric Ultrasound With Biophysical Profile At The Provider, Ultrasound With Carotid And Vertebral Doppler At The Provider, Ultrasound With Thyroid Doppler At The Provider, Ultrasonography Abdominal With Doppler Of The Iliac Aorta At The Provider, Ultrasound With Doppler Of The Cava And Iliac Veins At The Provider, Unilateral Duplex Arterial Duplex Scan Of Mmi (Lower Limbs) At The Provider, Bilateral Duplex Arterial Duplex Scan Of Mmii (Lower Limbs) At The Provider, Duplex Arterial Scan Of Mms (Upper Limb) Unilateral At Provider, Duplex Arterial Scan Of Mmss (Upper Limbs) Bilateral At Provider, Duplex Venous Scan Of Mmi (Lower Limb) Unilateral At Provider, Duplex Venous Scan Of Mmii (Lower Limbs) Bilateral At Provider, Duplex Venous Scan Of Mms (Upper Limb) Unilateral At Provider, Duplex Venous Scan Of Mmss (Upper Limbs) Bilateral At Provider, Liver Elastography, Core Biopsy With Biopsy And Anatomy, Breast Fnac With Biopsy And Anatomopathology, Thyroid Fnab With Biopsy And Anatomy, Prostate Ultrasound With 12-Segment Biopsy And Anatomopathology, Prostate Ultrasound With 18-Segment Biopsy And Anatomopathology, Prostate Ultrasound With 20-Segment Biopsy And Anatomopathology , Cystoscopy Or Ureteroscopy Or Urethroscopy With Sedation, Outpatient Vasectomy (Hospital Service, Bed, Professional Service, Anesthesia, Pre And Post Operative Consultations, Spermogram, Necessary Medications), Outpatient Postectomy (Hospital Service, Local Anesthesia, Pre And Post Operative Consultations, Necessary Medications), Postectomy Hospital (Hospital Service, Complete Urodynamic Assessment, Penis